
I Public Appearance: Terence Davies (rt-“l . ROW gnaw (“neth 332 (3535. 7 .‘sllpm. L: 5m“ Warm)“ ltl), l-ollossmethe “um-“mg”! [Ms/rm! l all M. 311/] /.ll ('8. the director \\lll speak about making the lilm.

and arts“ er questions


I Institution of Electrical Engineers Faraday LeClUfeS l \llL‘l lltlll. l Ulltltlll Ritatl. l‘dinhtiigh 3pm and 7pm t.\l3no1

Ill .‘stlainl lhe Bl“ "sdemonstration ol sound and \ hi0” technique s \ l\ll\ l'dinhuieh Sec .ihm e. 'l tie 3‘) tot de lath I Lecture: Bhutan: Jewel ol the Himalaya lecture 'l heatie. Rosa] Botanic ( iarderr. INA lmeilerth Rim . i'drnhtiieh Into; 5‘: 7171 3 .‘llpin l't‘cc loin Miller ol ken (iardensgnes an llltl\ll ated talk .ihout the llota ol il1l\ remote and heautitul land. onl} ieeenlh penetrated h\ outsiders

I Cale Chat St Br ides ( ‘entie. ( )r\\ ell l'eriaee.l-dirihureh. lrttrr33755~l1 ‘l..‘~llam l .illprn l-ree Drop rneentretti wornenmtlerinehooks. leallets. \ideos. health rntoiinatron. care and .r listening ear exei) 'l’huisdas morning int-tein it lice creche; phone tor rrrlor matron I Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture .vxl-t .r Natural Health ( 'eritre. l" ()tieenstei l x Street. l'dinhtrieh. 23H IVS" .-\tlllll\\ltill h} donation Practitioner Roheit Ritchie introduces the hasie theort and lL ehnrtrties ol acupuncture. the ancient or rental method ot tL‘\li)l in; the hoot \eherriieal halanee through \lltlitlldlltilt ot particular points. trsiralls \\ rth needles I Scottish Agricultural Winter Fair lidrnhutgh l' \hrhition and lradet entie. liiglistoii Sam opm lastadmission—1pm Lhtfi eoneessron. LI tor adullsenter rue ttllc'l' .‘tplttl Secttlltl iii [no tl;t\\. See \\ L‘tl .‘tlllor details '

I World AIDS Day Exhibition Main 1 t..ll. Rentield St Stephen‘s ( 'huieh ( ‘er‘.tre..‘otl BtitltSlrccl. (ilasgtm Noon 5pm Ecumenical(hutch Seniee. l.‘ .‘llpin 'l‘he \an‘ltl Health Organisation has designated this da} . w hich is mar lted irt (iltisgim ht an exhibition organised h} Stri'll1C'}-(AC}{L.gl()[]”|(.()AAIIL.II.(DI(I\}:()\\ l)l\lTlL‘i ( ouncrl and the ( ii‘eater (ilasgox‘. Health Board compi ising \ ideos and computer games as \\ ell as \ isual displas s ()ther hodies par ticipatine include Scottish :\ll)S Monitor and ( 'rusard

1w hrch “Ill piohahl} he lurid-raising). the British Red ( ‘ross and Scottish Drugs l-‘orum

I A Norwegian Jazz/Tourist Evening "I he {\tlttlth Rtmltlx ( icotgc l ltrlcl. (reotgc Street. lrdinhurgh ’l Inns 1 Dee. Spin ()slo's Magnolia trad tau hand \\ Ill he pla_\ me at a picture shim presentation ot the West ol .\'or was as a holida) destination lillqllll res “I” he till\\\c‘lc d at trade stands.


I Reichian Therapy Salishur) (‘entie. I Salishur} Road. lzdrnhurgh. no“ 5435 7.30 9.30pm 135 (L21!) tor the \\ hole weekend. The work ol ps}cho-phrlosopher \Vilhelm Reich. is explored here in pan s and groups. and through breathing. \ one and totieh exercises designed to release blocked channels and allim the lion ot natural energs . 'l he sessions are led h\ Irene Richardson and Annerilxe [)iklrtiis. \\ he trained In I ccds and now practise In Scotland. ()xernight acctnumodation ean he arr illigL'Ll


I Action Against Racism March and Rally Assemble at Kehin \\ a} (western endot Sauchiehall Street). (ilzisgow lllain. lease Ill-15am Rzrll} dl ("its llalls.('.‘indleriggs. Info: 248 5H3}. Scottish .'\Si£tl1.'\k'il()n ('entre lime organised this ex ent tomark Action Against Racism l)a_\. Entertainment will he pros ided h}

('hinese piper 'l'on) Ho and the Chilean (‘ultural .-\ssoemtion. \\ ith a pussthlc appearance h} l)a\ rd Anderson ot Wildcat l he tall) \\ ill he chaired h} .\ll\ \eeltrin Bakshr. and the speakers are l‘\‘ presenter Valerie \'a/. .\ltl\lilttq Ahmad (Scotland’sonl) Asian councillor l.( in lie/m star ( iei'ai‘d lxell) and('iarg_* \Vallaee ol the SH ‘(‘ \ outh ( ~orninrttee Retreshinents and a creche are a\ arlahle. and there \\ ill he signers tor the deal,

I Reichian Therapy Sallsl‘ttu ( enri-e. _‘ Salishurs Road. l-drnhuteh ltlam 5pm (oritrntiatron ot the weekendworkshop See l’l'l 3 lUl LlL'lilll\


I Great John MacLean Night Mort llall. Mitchell '1 heatie. (itam rlle Street. (ilasgtm ti..‘~ll ll .illpin tlttll \titrtrst .l lL‘L'llltL‘ UH .lilltlt \lttel L'.tll and l l.tl t \ \lL‘SlidliL'. .\r' .lIt’tl/l l'lg’lllt'l \. l‘lll .llSil .l |r\el_\ eelehr‘atron ol music and eometh lroin l)a\ id .\lael eniian. l)a\ rd Anderson. l)a\rd Mullen. l-laine t' Smith and others 'l rekets are a\ arlahle in

ad\ anee tiorn the Secretary . l anai l\\llllC .r\ssocralron. 3‘ ( iordott Street. ( ilasuim rill III R2th

I Reichian Therapy Salisbury centre.) Salishurt Road. i—drnhuiuh. lllam 5pm

l .i\l Lia) Hi lllc‘ \keckc‘lltl \\Hll\\l1(‘[‘ Sec l'ttllor'detatls


I Edinburgh Women‘s Science Forum Christmas Social Evening loiia l lotel. Strathearn l’laee, l'dinhureh lnto. J4 233" " .illprn l'lL‘L‘ Shoittalkshx e'\l\llllg mentth on their \‘.irl k Ill trelds as \ aired as astronoms holography and earthworms. tollim ed h\ a \trL‘lal c"-L nine New inernheis\telcoinc


I Lecture: Desertilication in Alrica —A Natural Phenomenon or a Man-Made Disaster? Bm d ( )rr Budding. l "nix ersrt} :‘UL‘lltlL‘. (ilttsgtm llllii. 3391\555L‘H 424“. 1.15pm. l-iee I l]l\ week'spuhlie lecture has In .l.l$r‘rees tackling; the potentialh disastrous em iionmerrtal prohlein lacing large at eas ot the continent. and .t\l\lll}..' \\ hat can he done about It


I James Hogg. the Ettrick Shepherd t’t )L‘ll} .'\\\()L‘l£lll0l‘l ol Scotland. I" ( ieoi ge Square. izdinhuieh, lnto; 33452-1] ".Fllpin Ll (students and l, lHlltteeioi L5 annual membership .ludj. Steel and

tr iends limit the Borderseelehiate l loeg's poems and songs. alter \\ lith there rsa

( ltllstlnttsptttl).

I ‘Who Is Free lnAMarketEconomy?‘ Tollcross Community Centre. Edinburgh. 7.30pm. £1 (50p). Atorum organized by

[.11 me .‘ilurtiim in u hreh .lenm ( itahani argues that Mrs 'l hatchet and the r reht ha\c claimed a monopol) on indn idiral trecdom. w hile imposineoppi essrx e

restr retions on real lieedorn and dierut}


I Cale Chat St Brides ( L'llllc. ( )rw ell 'lerraee. l'drnhiri'gh ‘).3ll;irri l .illpin The tree \Ncckl} drop-in centre See ahme. lhui's 1 lot details

I Lecture: Portrait of the Soviet Union lecture 'l'heatie. Rosal Museum ot Seotland. ( 'hamhcrs Street. 335 7534

" .‘llpm. :\Lllll|\\l0ll Slip in ad\ anee. tree on the door. The author and historian Sn l'll/l'U} Mael can ol Duneonnel gneshis \ iew ol lite he_\ond the iron ( ‘nrtain.

I Lecture: The Scottish Maritime Museum. (‘ollins(ialler_\ . Strathclsde l nine-rut}. Richmond Street. ( iltisgow. lnlo: Ill 7472. 7.3“ tor Rpm. £2 (£1 members) (‘amphell .\lc.\ltrrra) ol the .\ltiseuni's

'I rust in Its inc. eixes an illustrated discussion itsorigins its tuttii'e and its ellot‘ts in the lace ot crisis.



ByJanct Fenton. Directed by Adrian Harris

"A magical tale of enchanted forests aml ancient spells.

Thurs 22 - Sat 31 December £2.00 - Children; £3.30 - Adults.

Group Discounts Available.

BOOKING NO\ ’: (031) 226 5425 34 Hamilton Place, Stoclthridge Edinburgh EH3 SAX.

Early booking advisable for this very popular family theatre!

. e e .. o .. ._ , ,. . Edinburgh University Theatre Cof. .‘ at "7 "" The Bedlam Theatre 4 f lst- 10th December 7.30pm ’,_' Charity Mat. 10th Dec 2.30pm £2.00/£2.50/£3.00 Box-Office - (031) 225 9873/93 "


Thursday [st December, 8pm

The Adam Rooms of the (icorge Hotel George Street, Edinburgh ()slo’s Magnoliatradjazz band will he play ing at a picture show presentation ofthe West of Norway "The Fjord (‘ountry as a summer and winter holiday destination. Scotworld Travel and Norwegian State Railw ays present their winter and summer programme. and answer enquiries at Trade Stands.

"ire-m 8 [Nat T s ms. was 27