IWait Until Dark 1 Scottixlil l l .tl5pm lam. A (‘lnlling tliiillei xtaiiing Audrex llepbuin ax a blind \\ l tlllall accidentlt in ptix‘xc‘\\lt‘ll ot a drug tilled doll \ladc in 'i"ti”\\ith .r\lan .-\l kin. directed b_\ lcr‘cnce \ oung.

I Hallway to Paradise i ( Iii

11.2“ llltlpm. l axt in the current xeiicx oi iioitli ot the border entci raininent And therein liex a piobleiii .'\ltci onl} eight \lltt\\\. II“ I l’ ix xtill linding itxloi ni.

\\ hat it realh needed \\.‘ix a long run. Still.

hadn‘t loxt him liix “ell paid oil iob. ('onteinporar} thriller \\ riterxlamex lilro_\ and (ieorge \' lligginx together \\ ith (handler 'x biographer l5rank \lcShane talk about liix achiexenientx. Robcrt .\litc|uim dixcuxxex the perlormcix' angle the plated l’hilip \lat‘lo“ e iti t\\o liltrixl and Robe it Stephenx pla\x ( handler in drainati/ed xcencx liom liix lite I Norma Jean Alias Marilyn Monroe

' (Scottixhl I2.3ll— l..‘~tlpm. Documenatrt

i on the lilc ol the Screen ( iotltlcxx baxctl on

an lltlL'H ic\\ giVe to l’i'cnch ioiir nalixt. i (ieorge Belmont ('uitain raixerto toinorrrm night’x made loi 'l‘\' mm ie.


: Naked/{iidio l’add_\ l)o_\le and loin : \\'aitx xhould mean it gocx out u ith a bang. I Prisoners 0' commence l m“ '3) l ; IThe Quatermass Experimentittti l ‘5 h7"»5Pm- NC“ WITCH" “W "Willis" ' 1.3.2” I 5tlam \Vondeilul W55 'l'\' xpin i WWIIMWUCS l‘éhcd on ( ‘ai‘oline

UH gap chum: 1;, M” [ )Hnlmc ! Moorhead'xcolumn in 'I/ieIiii/e/n'mleirr l | it here the plight oi prixoncrxolconxcience t g are highlighted. ltacli night a “ell knomi i , . W l i'igiircincludingpoliticianxandcelebritiex i !AN'ghtallhe Ch'nese opera‘m“ ‘l (Stingixthelirxtprexentei l\\illintroduce i g .\ 5ttprn l’ait oi the lextixal ot Britixlt a particular caxe. The programme markx

.\luxic” and a xiniulcaxt \\ llll Radio'lhree. tliix ix .luditli \Veii ‘x much acclaimed Opera and a per lormancc recorded at laxt _\eai 'x('lieltenham l-cxtixal.

I The Film Club: Next at Kin arid Fatherand SontBBCIi llt 15pm lltlain. :\\\t_\ lanqu coined} lioin ( anada directed by Atom Izgotan lollou ed b_\ .-\llen l‘ong'x antiibiographical lilin troni llong Kong about liix childhood memorieon liix lather

IThe Supergrassrtlti 1H 5ilpni tittiam. 'I he tilm \\ hich xaxx . in l‘).S5. tlie ( ‘omic Strip'x teatuie inn debut. With Adrian l‘dtnondxon. l)a\\ n l-rencli and Ronald .-\llL'll.


IThe Wind it'll: .‘~ .‘llpm l.ihan ( iixhin anotliei iextoi'ed "l lianiex Silent. Made in l‘tlx

IEuropean Film AwardSi(‘-1i

1.15 5 btpm llighliglitxtrornthc pie\ioux night‘xauaid cctcttiort} “hen

the anni\erxar} oi the xigning ol the l'ni\erxal l)ecl.'iration ol lluinan Riglitx tort} )eai‘x ago. See ( iuextlixt.

I Open Air Special: For What We Are About to Receive ( BB(‘I l 1 Hi5 1 1.35pm 'l'onight. .\la\ ix \rcliolxon prexentx another programme telling iix u hat might happen to our IV and. in tour more xpecialx over the ne\t loui‘ datx. the team look at the ellect deregulated tele\ ixion hax had on latiropean IV. .'\\ uxualon ()pen .-lir the emphaxix ix on the conxuinei and liix hei‘ qtiextionx 'l‘imingx lor the rext otthe \xeek: ‘l‘uexda'x. lll.5ll ll.2t|pm; \Vednexdin. l l I5 I l .J5pm; ’l huixda}

ll ll..‘\ttpm and l-i'ida}

1 1.10pm midnight

I Marilyn: The Untold Story l Scottixhl Midnight 3.25am. Well. per'liapx not the “litth xtort but an entertaining account ol Monroe‘x lile baxed on .\'oi man .\lailer ‘x biograpli} (‘atherinc llickxplatx Monroe Made in l‘).\'tl


I Scottish Assembly Special (Scolllxl‘il

S ltlpm i-irxt ot three xpccialx to be broadcaxt on conxecutn e nightx. Sheena .\lcl)onald pi‘exentx u. hat ainonntx toa xtlHe} ol the “at the nation ix run lhe lllllin the audience are made up ol top Scottixhdecixionmakerx induxtrialixtx. iinancial lit\\)et‘\. trade unionixtx. ..

I Bandung File ((11) ‘) - lllpm. Return ol the international cultural and current affairx xliow. kicking ot'i \\ ith an anah xix ol the recent electionx in l’akixtan.

I Film 88 t BB(‘ll lulu luStipm. Including Barr} Norman'x axxexxment ol Who I’nmrr’d Roger Ruhhirf’.

I Building Sights ( BB( '2) iii. 3n lll._‘xtlprtt. Bruce Mel .ean. painter. xculptor and architecture. explainx \\ h_\ ('harlex Rennie Mackintoxh'x(ilaxgou School ot Art building ix oi' xuch importance to him


I Scottish Writer ot the Year. 1988 t B B( ‘2 l 8. Ill—S 50pm. Will the xecret be out oi the bag by Wednexdav.‘ l’tixxihl)'. xince the award ceremort} \xax actuall} on Monday I.lltlt)\'lC Kenned} and MurielUray prexent the .\Ic\'itie award co\ er age

I Scottish Assembly Special (Scottiin l

S~ ltlpm. Second oi the State oi the Nation

the \erx liixt lturopean ‘( )xearx‘ \\ ere picxcnted Horunr l'oiem. SUN [.1‘. ex . the lcr'cncc l)a\ iex. ( ‘lianncl 4 linanced lilm. ixone ol the nomineex.

I Equinox t ( ‘4 l " Spin. l axt in the current \L't iex ttl xcience tilttl technologt programinex. "lhe .-\i't oi l)cception' contraxtx nattire'x ingenuity ol dixguixc

\\ ith man-made attemptx at camoul‘lage.

l he programme ineludex the lirxt detailed \le\\xttl the l'S‘x new ‘xtealth' bomber.

I David Dimbleby's TV Guide To The Galaxy (BB(‘ZlS‘ 8.55pm. l)a\id I)ll1‘tlTlCl3_\' prexentx another round up oi the changex we can expect in broadcaxting lttllo“ ing the White Paper. l-i\e ()pen .-iirSpecialx \\ ill alxo be tackling the xubiect thix week. I The Beiderbecke Connection l Scurrixhi SJH ‘).4l|pm. New xeiiexot Alan l’later'x gentl) tunn) thriller xtarringlarnexBolam and Barbara l~l_\ nn \\ hich lookx like the epitome ot xophixtieation compared to nioxt ol the current crop ol I \' dramax

I Dut otthe Doll‘s House i BB( ‘li

S55 ‘l.~15pm. "Breaking l'ree': 'lihL' l'ixetil temmixm.

I The South Bank Show t Scolllxhl

1H5“ midnight 'l o celebrate Ra}riiorid (handle: x lttttbirthda} .\lel\‘_\n Bragg introducex an account ol the gr'cat American thriller \\ riter. (handler might ne\ er ha\ e become a \\ riter il alcoholixm

enquiriex xee'l‘uexda}. IChristabel(litit‘li‘tlfi 10.25pm. l (‘ontinuingDennixl’otter‘xadaptationol (hrixtabel Bielenberg'x autobiograpln l’eter ix ari'exted alter a bomb attack on llitlertailx. ..


I Not on Sundayiu l 4 J..‘~llpm. Sccondol ('hannel -l'x nc\\ religioux iiexxxmaga/ine programmcx piexented b_\ Brian Redhead

INothing'sImpossibleitxti5 (ipnt. I‘lic lidinburgh I‘lll‘tl \Vorkxliop l'i tixt ixthc locux oi thix documentary about animation tilinx. l’rox mg that you don't lime to be a l)ixne\ or a l laiiiia Baibeiato make cartoon lilmx. \oI/iiiie liii/umrlv/i' \lltt\\x \\ hat liax been achiexcd b_\ a bunch ol children \\ hoxe lilriix t including /./ loo. the xtoi\ oll l‘x \ ixit It‘l'tlllll‘lllt'lll loini pait ol the programme ITomorrow‘sWorldrtitit‘t ix x' ‘xirpm Reportx liom around the “Hi ld on the xpread ol .’\ll)S and the attemprx to tackle

IUnderMilkWoodirttix RH to l5pnr Richard Burton in the I‘VI adaptation oi 1)} Ian 'I hoinax‘x radio pla_\ \\ ith l'li/abeth l a_\ lor. l’etei 0' l oolc. ( ilt nix .lolinx_ Siaii l’hillipx. l);i\ id lawn and Suxan l’enhaligon

IScottish Assembly Special—The Leaders (Scottixlil lit 35 ll ‘5pin. Scottiin politicianx iexpond to the ixxuex raixed in

laxt night ‘x and l'ncxda} 'x xpccial pi'ogr'amniex.


I Arena t BB( Cl “.55 Spm ('oinciding

\\ ith the Bi itixh ieleaxe ol ( 'Iint

l'.ixt\\ ood-diiccted portrait ot ( ‘liai lie I’ltt'lxc‘l . HIM]. :\lc‘llit lritik\ ;tl lllc‘ \Htl'k HI the actor director \xlro accountx loi lSpei cent ol \Vainer Brother 'x annual iexeniie ; -l l'ixriii/ot Holliirx . xtai'r ing l'.t\l\\tnitl

\\ ill be xcieencd on Saturd.i_\.


I Monarchy: The Enchanted Glass l ( it l 0.5“ ll.l|5pin \\ lit are \\e obxexxeduith Rotaltt .’ Radical ioiiinalixt ( hrixtoplici llitchenx. no“ a l "S eiti/cn. de\ elopx tlrc themexoutlined in [out \aiin'x book l/li' /‘ Ire/Iimh’z/ ( ill/H IBarryManilowrtiut‘t i t: iix‘ 1: .'\nd he'x play ing Inc in l~dinbiiigh l eh? I The Film Club: Down by Law and Person's Unknown l BB( ‘.‘.l lll.tt5 l.-l5pni .liiii .laimuxcli'xcrilt lilin. Noun Iii Inn xtai ring [out \\ aitx. .lohnl uric and ltaliaii comedx aetoi . Roberto Benigni. ax cclltitatex til it \c'“ ()t'leanx ggitil, Itllltl\\ citl b_\ an Italian xpool ci tine thriller . l’ermiix ('ii/ciioii It xlai‘i'ing \‘ittoi io ( iaxxmaii and .\laicello .\iaxtioianni

IA Fistlul oi Dollarsrtitit‘li

ltl.35piii l.‘..ll5am Sergiol ebiie'ximage making \ehiclc loi (’lint Izaxtuood: l he Man With No \ame', .\lade in WM.


I Divided Kingdom tScottixhl l lain noon Sheena .\lcl )onald chairx a iollou up Scottiin .-\xxemb|_\ xt\ le dixcuxxion ol the (hannel .1 xeiiexot documentariex

I Music in Camera 1 BB( '3 i J. 15 5pm. l’ianixt (‘ecile ( )nxxet pla_\x lrom the liixt book ot piano preludex b_\ l)ebiixxt in a concert recorded in ( ilaxgou 'x Burrell ('ollection

IThe Rainbowuitrr't logo lit Ztlpm. Imogen Stiibbx ( recenth xeen in Summer Stun xtarx in the BB( ' nexx three prt drainatixationoi [HI I aurence'x great not el. 'l he director ix Stuart lilll'ge.‘ rexponxible lor the BB( "x pre\ ioux adaptation ot Sum U’It/ I.oi em and the adaptation ix b} .-\nne l)e\ lin.

ITrue Griltt ‘4) ltlpm IIStlziiii ()neol the bext ol .loiiri \\';i_\ ne'x later nextei'nx ln Ilean llatlizmao ‘x WW liliii \N'axne ix Rooxter ( ~obui‘n. an ageing l ‘S marxhal and drunk hired b} a 1-1 year-old girl to


L'\cctllctl .ix .l [tailor

a\ enge her tather'x death.


IThe Education Programmettilicli

" 55pm} .-\[‘g[(ule-\\L‘IIUUICIIIIIII'CII lit" '1 he programme includex a report hour a Scottixh pi imai'_\ xchool \\ ltCl'C thii'tx rninutcxa da_\ ol c‘ttttti‘l'l‘t‘r.‘ Hi liax. appaieiitlx . iexulted in litter pupilx and a better general atinoxphere.

I Eleventh Hourttlti l lprn midnight. llomriein' I’luruiiiimi Dream. a trim lroin the l‘tlllll‘lll gli l‘lllll \\'oi l'xSIlttPIl tixt about the incicaxing mixtruxt xurrounding the plutonium tuelled laxt breeder reactor at lloiiniea\

I Gentlemen PTBIBTBIDDDBSlScolltxhl

13 15 ,‘.pin. \laii|\ n Monroe in tlic iiiuxical coinedx \\ hich leaturex iliexong

‘l )ianioiidx ’\rc a ( in l'x Bext l llL'lltlx.


I The Divided Kingdom 1(5 1 i \ .x._‘\npm. In the eighth part ol the ten pail xei iex .\laigo \lacdonald icpoi tx lioni l'ngland‘x innci citiex ill a ptogtaititite xubtitled. sliii‘l \o li/iii .1. ll! llrcl rzii NI .liu/c


ITimewatchilitit‘.‘ix to “put .\ccotint oi the trial oi \ikolai Bukhaiin. tlic Smiet economixt rexponxible loi tlie iextirietuiing ol the ( ‘ornniunixt State in

Stalinx Riixxia. \\ lio\\axc\ enttialh

\o\\ \likliail

(ioi bache\ l‘..ix declared liix ti ial toha\c been rigged and lirrieuatcli hax bcc n gi\ en xpt cial per inixxion to make tliix

document I! \ on the tiial \xliich inclndex

archi\ e lootage ne\ ei xcen beloic

IChristabel 1 BB( ‘3)” .‘5 lilltlprn l'lll.ll part ol the lleiiix l’ottei' adaptation

I The Visit: The Boy David 1 titit ’ti

‘l. ‘5 ill..‘5pni, ( ‘oinpilation ol the liixt three documentarch on the bot \xhoxe l;ic‘c‘.tlc‘xtiiitc"tl b\ dixeaxc. \xaxgiadualh rebuilt b_\ Scottiin plaxtic xui'geoii. Ian

.lac kxoii \e\t neck He xinond \Vilco\

iex ixitx l )a\ rd \\ ho ix mm H ICeltic RDOISlScolltxlll in Ar ll._‘|lpni.

(’eltic culture \\ itli iiiiixie to the

acctiinpaniinent oi .ii chi\ e photograplix


ISingleton's Pluckitilix. to III. 15pm. l'rlui on [our repeat tioin I‘Nl Brian

(iltHc'l ix l.ile til at] .it’atlc‘ttllc ltlt ltL'tl gritt\L‘

tainiei loiced ti= ualk hix biidx tol ondon

tort hiixtmax “hen liix pluckcixgoon xlrikc lan l lolnrcx xlarx in tlie liliii \xhich

\\.ix the ioiiit \\ inner ol the I‘M»! Venice

lilin l-exti\a|

I40Minutesrtitit‘.fi‘i..:o tn inpniu'iih conxiimei credit liiglrei than it haxc\cr l‘L‘L'tt. ‘.l.irll l’ritl.i\'_ lit\Ilrtlllex[L'llxxttrllc alarmingxtoiiexol laniiliex loiced tothe brink ol banciuptct ax their borrowing bcconiexunxnxtainable.

IDuestion Timettitit’t i lii.t.< ll.-15pm .\laiie Stannton. l)iicctoi ol the Britixh

Section ol Amnexu International. loinx Sir Robin and other panelixtx.l inda (‘halkei . l)onald l)c\\ct and Spa tutor editor . ( hat lex .\looic.


Radio Scotland ci intinuex itx birthda}

unketx on l't'ltl.l_\ 25 w ith a repeat ol ( ‘olin

lloioeniini’s ltl/t' Donglax' lirxt radio play . Detterto Break Your Neck t 3pm i.

\\ hich mm an a“ ard \\ hen it \\ ax netuorketl t\\o )e‘ut'x ago on R-l. The theme. perhapx predictabh . ix a .\'I IS ailingaxbadh ax itxorthopaedic-patient, -\lxo reeeix mg treatment toda} are iau

28 The I.i.xt 25 .\'o\‘ S’ Dec 1988