Square. Free at door. 1.10pm. Philip

Saw ver. llead olthe Dept of Musical Napier Polytechnic plays l.ii .\'uiivilvdu Sergneur by Messiaen.

I Nelson Hall Concert Nelson 1 lall. McDonald Road Public Library. oll l.eith Walk. Admission: at door. .S‘pm. Free. Edinburgh \Vind Iznsemble directed by Philip(ireene giye the third concert in this seriesorganised by 1idinburghCity l.ibrarics.

I ECAT ()ucen's l lall. Clerk Street . (ms 301‘). 8pm. £4 {3(L1 l. Music-theatre lrom I.uciano Berio in his l.iilmrinrus lland lirst performance oI [lust/unlit by James MacMillan. also written for singers. actors. narrator and instrumentalists.


I Stakis Masterclass Stevenson 1 tall. RSAMI). l00 Renfrew Street. 332 5115". Free at door. 2pm. Percussion masterclass directed by Fyelyn(ilennie.

I Die Fledermaus ‘l'lieaire Royal. I lope Street. 331 1234. 7. 15pm. lixtra date: 'l‘hursdayS. £34.23. New production by Simon Callow takes Strauss's popular operetta into 20111 Century ( ilasgow. A lot ol’ contrived latighs. but some good performances.


I Edinburgh Quartet St Bernard's Church. Saxe Coburg Street. "Tickets: (ith 201‘) (Queen‘sllalllor22S1155(l'sherllall). 7.45pm. £3.75 (£1.50at door). llaydn ()p 33 No 3. Kodaly No 2 and Mendelssohn A minor ()p 13. Mulled wine available in the interval.

THURSDAY 8 Glasgow

I Morley String Quartet Mereliunis‘ l Iall. West Cieorge Street (opp Queen Street Station). Tickets: 332 51157 ( RSAMD). 12.45pm. £2.50 (£1 1. Christmas concert with works by Mozart. Vivaldi and Corelli's ( 'lirismius Concerto. And there's also Frank Bridge's arrangements ol'Sir Roger de Coverlcy' and Christmas Dance just to put you fully in the mood.

I Organ Recital University Chapel. (ilasgow L'niversity. 1.15pm. Free at door. More celebrations for Messiaen's 80th birthday. Stuart Campbell plays some wonderful music for organ

I. 'Ascr’nsion and Verse! pour lufeIe (1e lu I)(’dl(‘(l(‘(’. Between is (ieoffrey King's Forbidden .llansions. ()p 30. nodoubt amazing stufftoo.

I Stakis Masterclass Stevenson I lall. RSAMD. 100 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. Free at door. 2pm. Singing masterclass directed by Heather llarpcr in this regular series at the RSAMI).

I Die Fledermaus Theatre Royal. l lope Street. 331 1234. 7.15pm. £3—£23. See Wednesday 7 for full description.

I RSAMD Student Concert (iuinness Room. RSAMI) 100 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. Admission free by ticket. 7.30pm. Chamber music played by students of the School of Music.


I Lunchtime Concert Reid Concert 1 tall. Bristo Square. 1.10pm. Free at door. Special extra concert put on by Edinburgh University featuring the music oltheir first African musician in residence. Albert Ssempeke from L'ganda. Ilis varied career goes from being a Royal court musician to playing for weddings and important feasts. Today there‘s dancing. drumming and singing. I SCO Queen‘s Ilall. Clerk Street. 668 2019. 7.45pm. {220—0160. All French programme with Jean-Bernard Pommier conductor and pianist in Ravel's C: major Piano Concerto. Also Mother (loose Suite. Debussy"s Petite Suite and Poulenc's Sin fonieua .




I Bert Jansch and Rod Clements ( ilasgtm Arts ( ~cntrc. Washington Street. 221 452i». ".3llpm. {31(1501. legendary guitarist lrom Pcntanglc in a duowitli instrumentalist l'rom l.indistarne. Songs too.

I Whistlebinkies Iron 'l‘heatre. Parnie Street. 111.30pm. £2.50. The Scottish Chieftains. Glasgow Tryst

I Ceilidh Volunteer Centre. Izliiibank Street. ‘lpm 1am. £3. Bar. \Vith Bob Blair and the ( ialliy ante rs ceilidh band. Glasgow Tryst

I Rowantree Folk Club RU“ antrcc Inn. By I'ddingston Cross. I'ddiiigston.

‘1- 11.45pm. £1. Singer's Night.

I Spinners Pavilion 'l’lieatrc. Renlield Street. 7.30pm. to L4. Music from the dark ages.

I Peelie Wallies ( )\erdraught Bar. 128 Brooiiiielaw.1:wning.\'oung sessionccrs.

I Peal Diggers Scott's ( ‘orncr. Derby Street. 334 4891. Iiyening.

I Ceilidh Riverside. l’os Street. oll Clyde Street. 2483144. 10pm. £3.


I Simpson Perrie/Brian Mulligan Shore Bar. The Shore. l.eith. liyeiuiig. Violin and guitar. lolk cabaret.

I Junction Bar \Vest Preston Stret. 9pm. l.ive mlisic.

I North Sea Gas Plattorm l.RutIand Street. livening. Resident pub lolk band. I Royal Oak lnl'irmary Street. 557 2970 liveningtill 1.30am. l.ate bar with inlormal songs and music.

I Muckle Ado Scotch And Rye. 511(ieorge IV Bridge. 225 1681. livening.

I Session Sandy Bells. l‘tll‘l'L‘St Road. livening.

The stereotypical image at a lolk group was set in the 60's by such as the Spinners. Folk in matching sweaters, cheerful, simple entertainment, a lormula that tills halls, in this case Glasgow's Pavilion on the 25th. But for a worthwhile musical experience, give that a bodyswerve and head torthe multitarlous instrumental and vocal talents in the Whistlebinkies, laterthat night at the Tron Theatre as part of the Glasgow Tryst testival oi Scottish traditional music. The Tryst continues overthe weekend, (see listings), and extends even into the next week with an always enjoyable mix of readings, poetry and song in the salon concert within Hutcheson's Hall, organised by Chapman magazine on the 30th. The last event oi the Tryst is the Prolessional Highland Piping Competition on the 3rd in the City Chambers.

No stranger to piping competitions is the Whistlebinkies’ Rab Wallace. After the Tryst the group plays Penicuik on the 8th, where you can hear Rab playing, as is usual in the band, on the smaller lowland pipes. Smalleryet are the Scottish small pipes, and Hamish Moore will give various examples an airing with singer, guitarist and



I TMSA Competitions: Instrumental Pairs and Solo Singing I Iutehesons llall. Ingram Street. 11am-3pm. 50p competitor. £1 spectator. Glasgow Tryst

I An Teallach Blacklriars. Bell Street. Merchant City. 552 5924. 2.30pm. Free. Band from 'l‘ayside. Glasgow Tryst

I Monrovians Babbity Bow slers. Blacklriars Street. 552 5055.2 —5pm. Free. Glasgow Tryst

I TMSA Singing Concert Riverside. i-‘ox Street. olf Clyde Street. 24S3l44.

7.30 10pm. £3. Followed by'ceilidh dance. Late licence. Concert includes Aileen Carr and Jimmy llutcheson. Glasgow Tryst

I McCalmans/Sheena Wellington/Meg DaviS/Black Eyed Biddy(‘ly-tle l lall. 31s Clyde Street. 7.30pm. £3. Songslrom everyone and instrumental thrain from the Biddy . Glasgow Tryst

I Kells Scott's Corner. Derby Street. 334 4891. liycning. Saturday residency.

Irish Scots singalong band. Popular.

I lain Bruce ()vcrdraught Bar. 128 Broomielaw. Iivening.

I Fiddlers Rally (iovan Town I lall. 7.30pm. £3 (1.2). In aid of Saye'l'he Children.


I Bert Jansch and Rod Clements ( )Itl St Pauls. .lelfrey Street. by \Vaverlcy

Station. Spm. £3 ( £2). l.ate Bar. Presented by Acoustic Routes. Tickets from Virgin. Princes Street; llot Wax. 1)alry Road. and Backbeal. Candlcmaker Row. \Vcll

organised venue w elcomes star guitars

from Pentangle and l.indistarne. self penned songs and acoustic blues.

I Occasionals Ceilidh Dance St Brides Centre. ()rwell lerraee. ol'l Dairy Road. llaymarket. Spm~ midnight. £2.50 (£2). Bar. Freeland Barbour. Brian Miller. Charlie Soane. Kevin Macleod and (ius Millar. ()ne of the most C1110} able bands to dance to. and as they say‘.only occasional performers in this talented line



Domestic piping. Hamish Moore and Ken Campbell, Edinburgh 30th.

Northumbrian piper Ken Campbell, in Edinburgh on the 30th.

For those who believe that the pipes are an ill wind that nobody blows good, there are some good old acoustic guitar licks lrom Bert Jansch in company with Rod Clements in Glasgow 25th and Edinburgh 26th. With his first album, Jansch presaged a decade at gloomy bedsltlingerpickers, now thanktully disappeared up their own soundholes, leaving this 60’s vet among the few top class players of that articulate, complex and swinging British blues.

I West End Hotel Palmerston Place. 9pm. Iidinburgh's I lighland haunt. Accordion etc.

I Denny Swanson Scotch And Rye. Su (ieorge 1V Bridge. 225 lots]. Iivening. I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2970 liyeningtill1.30am.I.alebar.lolk basement.

I Session Sandy Bells. Forrest Road. lzycniiig.

SUNDAY 27 Glasgow

I Joe Heaney Memorial Concert and Ceilidh Riverside. l‘os Street. oll Clyde Street. 2433144."'.3llpiii. £4(£3lorconcertonly). Archie I-‘isher. Sean .\lel)onagh. Pat McNulty. (iordon McCullocli. .lim Dey liii and Key in Mitchell. GlasgowTrysl

I Steve Turner Paisley Folk Club. Bt‘abloch l lotel. Renlreys Road. Paisley. S31 1pm. I-‘ine singer. mandolimst and exceptional linglish conccrtina player.

I Marilyn Middleton Pollock Black Bull Ilotel. Milngay ie. 8.30pm. Black Bull l-"olk ( ~liib presents a lady with a bigyoice and a penchant loi' more than l'olk.

I Zut! La Chute \thersgills. ( ircal Western Road. Izyening. ()ld timcy. American and ca iun.


I Glenelg Sessions Youngs l luiel. l.eamiiigton lerraee. ‘lpm midnight. l't'ec. Acoustic music nights 'I'onight Andy Munro and Friends. Rock drunmiei lsalst) guitarist and singer ot some charm. Mr Boom to the kids. ()ne ol the last nightsat the(ilenclg.

I Seannachie (ireen ’l‘ree.('owgate.

lay ening. Scottish songs and zippy instrumentals lrom resident band. Second album iusl released.

I Jim knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing Itllslgll I-.wart.\\lllllitl'IsL‘I. livening. ’I'hreesingcr guitarists.

I North Sea Gas Rutland l lotel. Rutland Street. 22‘) 3042. 9pm. Singalong.



I Victoria Bar Bridgegatc. 552 (ill-III. 9pm. Regular session


I Miro'l‘he (ireen 'l'rec.Cowgate. livcning. Bar till lam. Instrumental fun in the bar.

I Jim and Ann Marie Antiquary . St Stephen Street. 0. 15 midnight. Vocals with guitar. llute and harmonica.

I Fiddlers Arms ( irassmarkct. livening. Scottiin music session. Bar closes at 11pm. I Dougie MCO Scotch And Ry'c. 511(ieorgc IV Bridge. 225 Inst. livening.

TUESDAY 29 Glasgow

I Paisley Arts Folk Paisley .-\rt.sCentre. New Street. SST 1010, spin.


I Milnes Acoustic Music Night Milnes Bar. Hanover Street. 8.30pm. Free. New weekly folk performanc. PA set up. and regular local musicians (iill Bowman and Jock Brown. with a weekly guest performer.

I Crown Folk Club 48a The Pleasancc. Spm. Instrumental and song workshops. All welcome.

I Barrie Band Bannermans Bar. (‘owgate. 5563254. Evening. Fiddle. flute. mandocello and vocals. Mainly Irish.

I Chris Thompson St James Oyster Bar. Cation Road. opposite St James Centre. Evening. Rockabilly blues.

I Miro Ensign Ewart. Lawnmarket. topof the High Street. Evening. Aeousticceltic music.

I Colin Damage Scotch And Rye. 50 (ieorgc 1V Bridge. 225 1681. Iivening.

The List 25 Nov— 8 Dee 1988 33