Hotel. Ellerslev Road. (‘orstorphine.337 IAIex Shaw Trio Platform 1 Rutl'tnd j 6888‘8_.11pln'( I F -d '-k St N 7N Street. 225 2-133. lunchtime. l O . rect. --.. positipn in ma stream of he helped Peristalsis Brothers (-‘afe Biarritszl I IAlex Shaw Trio Coppers". (‘oekburn lo del'ne° Norm European m "3 hwcrwk 3m?“ x“ 5244' lzl‘m' f - . - - . . I Alex Shaw mu 0 s )crs ( n it». .

Street. 22> l44l. Evening. restraint, bursting wlth rellned energy, gum m ml I: l} _ r L U" IToto And The Jazz Bostons Preservation elegiac, subtle, ambivalentintone, a imm‘gga The Jéfi‘gé‘s't'fi‘sp W _ H t. llall. Victoria Street..22o 3816. 2-4pm. question posed as a statement, ("Vice “a”. Vlcmrm “mu 3 ‘h N 1'; 2:3“ "11”" I “WWW?” B“""5"°C'- . . versa. Jan Garbarekreturns to the IDoctorMacJazzliaisiitSti-eet W p ' l li"-"m‘”k°‘ Mmc‘337 “m” Etwn'”? Queens Hall onthe 2nd, one week alter llaslnarket'lerlacc.332 ltltloi [wetting i 1 “id h‘md- ' an early hero, Pharoah Sanders plays had hand. i 5 SUNDAY 27 the same venue, 25th, (see GuestList). lnthe 60's Albert Ayterand Sanders' i Glasgow extremes olpitch and tone set the Glasgow IStrathclyde Youth Jazz Orchestrawith musical landscape for Garbarek’s .Pais'ey Ans Jazz PM“ MM. "m. ; Bobby Wishart Riverside (‘lub. Fox Street. subsequent evolution into sound NC“ Sm,“ Dumplh [ lin'chtim: "' ""C'Y‘lc Sm“ 348344129“ ’9?" A“ texture and modality, in his creation at I George Forrest Blacikt’l‘lars BellStleev l “"X‘mh‘ln'“ ‘md mus'c‘” d'rccl‘" W "m" a sonic architecture or the endless Merchant em . 55: Suzi. l-x-enme‘. i 1:12:32!T2:;:L:.S.tllftggtngorchestra variety he spins our 0' a cluster of Resident i\ olh ttnkler runs through the . I Scoitish Trombon‘e Ensemble (ilasgow , "Dies, 3! limes With the tonal "Uile Sigi‘u‘i‘?“ . . g Sgcict)‘ 0‘ Musicians. Berkeley Street. I; and spimua' Charge 9' the "layer \Vc-xtzcz‘rnthEiiiy isiblliliitl:ri(iikim‘s to l e -< near Mitchell Library. 8pm. £1.With Fire andlceJan Gammkcmupflinbmgh shawm players ollndla. He is 9 “pm. i H s » Mu -~ . .- 2 Margaret Mercer. vocalist. ()pen to the 2nd. unquestionably one of the great . George Penman.s Jazz Band ( .m'w \ l- Puhliywinsthcbcll- _ musicians olourtime. Garbarek brings mm RM, 7.34 1384' .1 mmum‘ ' ; ', Pa'i'evmjm *’*"-*'°>' 5”,“ “‘"C- TWO mro SAX with him one of the world‘s most richly saith. losllpm. l The continuity and breadth ol what is innovative bassists, Eberhard Weber, I Bill Fanning Orchestra t it at- l lall western Rum. a, Kelvi'nmdgc. 339 1275 called jazz is personitied by two unique to compliment percussmnlstoNana .Biillrmmfi 1“ ( ’th Smel- h’ “Pm Ba: 3 9.11pm. voices on the saxophone visiting Vasconceles. Weber‘s techniques at (Ifl‘f’ \W‘u'ff" Suns it HM Hunt Bum- :uzv: I George Penman's Jazz Band (’urlers‘. Scotland over the next week. sustain and chording, expanded and l’ 32'; i.:)j’[’;‘f”‘?lg . . V ,g . Bvres Road. 334 128-1. Trad from The intensity at Coltrane heard over attenuated notes, fascinating cross gm.“ w lvii‘ Roi; i likiiii'i d; m“ i 83‘}- 10-5llpm- the radio ignited a passion for music. rhythms, are perfect toil to the 7,-,.(,n-\’\',_’C:.H“\ m'mkjrmh Ce‘n'mwis'gnu I Bill Fanning Orchestra (‘lvde Hall and the expressiveness of the compelling saxophone and the busy and Fesriva ,,,‘, kc, hm,“ ‘l,,.,.,_,,\\,,,., i B“”“""“‘ 3”“ “ch 5”“‘Cl- 3‘ 1 'pm- 8““ saxophone lamily. in a young Brazilian, Vasconceles, reacting and electric violin. tenor m and bass ' 1

Two vocalists swing with (‘ount Basic and

. . , ‘. Norwegianthathas, intwentylive replyingtothe sounds around him in - f;',;Exalylfl'gjfflglmn Thoma Pumic years, taken him to the preeminent l his forest of wood, skin and metal. Edmburgh modemjau. Street. fifth-to, I‘lxedtand. 8.3” 1pm I 680799 Forte“ BliiClelal'S- BC“ SUCCL The Shore. Leith. 0pm. 'l‘oltight Robert Blacktriars. Bell Street. Merchant (‘lt\. “might melamep Reilly and “anus Merchant (’it)’. 552 592-1. Evening. Penigrew and Kenny Ellis, elassx 552 5924. l:.\ ening Resident drummei's “wand-“wk “.nh gull“ Resident ivorv tinkler runs through the piano double bass. hand with singer and guests. Ronme 889 TM) mulle 1‘ Rull‘m‘l

Street.22> 24.“.l unchtllne

old standards. I Glasgow Rhythm Club I 'nltarian ( ‘hurch. 7'2 Berkele) Street. 7.45pm. .-\l|\\elcome. 5

'1 :1le With gralnophone records. Tonight

I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Broughton Jack Ruth“ mm (m 8mm. ( mm .

Street. 557 0546. Live band. 8.30 l lpnt. I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo ( ilitsgtl“ _-\1‘rungcr\. 5mm. ( mm 50],“. I "burg [1

Tonight MelanieO'Fteilly and Francis SOON)":)l)NlllSlCi2lllS. Berkeley Street. n h . Be” The Ca“ .Auudw‘ mwmcm M

Cowan. vocals With gottar. . 221 61 l... S.3(lpm. Sllp. Bar. Rummd HUM. WC“ [ind m Prim“

.That'stgThang cafe Blarmz‘bl .JanGarbaml‘ Group()Uk‘t‘ndli'llf'lflk Street. l‘vening. (iuital £tlltlls’L‘\l‘t\:tt'.l :

Frederick Street. .225 5244. 9712pm. Jump strut hos lulu 8.3(lpltt blush [cud 1-1,” M,“ ruck M” pm.“ ' '

jlv-c vocals and swmg. Sometimesachange .cname McNair's 33nd pmwnmmn rcwrwd “MC \mm .1 chh'mm .Eas'coasuan Band mu” “mm”.

Ofbimd' Phunc fordcunls. “a” “cum” SerCl' 23(‘ 38]” iiwnlntl- ()ueens Hall Box ( )t’tice or trom Virgin Angle Park Terrace. 33! 9922. l'.\c'llill‘.!

. Ronnie Rae Tm Platform 1‘ Ruu‘md I Shore M08“: The Shore Bar Restaurant. Records. Princes Street. l'nique voice on ‘)-- IEDm Resident ’l rad band. i l

Street. 225 2433. Lunchtime. rrrhc Shore. Leith. 9pm, Tonight Sixteen the saXtiplttlne‘ \\ ith a world Chm hand. I Shore Music .I he Shmc Bur Rummdm

Strings three piece guitar suing. ()ne of the musical events ot the _vear See ’i‘hc gimme [mm op,” '1 “mg,” Michael l‘i‘m‘l- Wright. piano bar music. : Glasgow 1 INF“ Jail Quartetli'ls‘l‘\k‘}'llmlw IGranary Quartetllilton. Beltold Road.

o (l‘zt‘t;t:l§llllllCl\lC.\ Road. ( orstorphlne. 3.8 w 332 25,4), 9- ll_3t)pm. t t .. pm.

.Jeanene Bums and AndyAls'on IAlex Shaw Trio (tippers.(‘ockburn 6 , I Giana” ouanel “ilmn- BCllOTd Rmid. Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant ('it\. ‘9ng; 335 1'” 1- l‘VS'B’W- 332 3545-9-11-30Pm- 552 592-1. livening. Songs and piano. ' I spmls 0' Rhythm B‘N” SUSS“ IBellThe CatL'Attache.basementot [Riverside Blues Riwmdc. l-‘nx sugar, “R'Fmi'rkd llit‘l'l'ils'tfi 33“ Wt)“ l'."L‘llillll- IBobby Wishartllalt Bar.\\‘ood|ands Rutland Hotel. West End ()fPrinccs Offflydc gym“. 9pm, midnighp Bo weevil 'I‘rad band. Road. 332 1210. livening. leading Street. Evening. Guitar and keyboard and the Ni htflawks. _ saso honist's lle and iusion band. lead soft jazz/rock four piece. - g R 3 I Jag: Academy Bonhaztis. Bx l es Road. IShore Music'rhe Shore Bar Restaurant. 3523-124. l-.vening . The Shore. Leith. 9pm. Tonight Michael

. IJazz Pool I.’Atta ‘h ‘. b; -n '1! l . . . . . Rutland Hotel. West Lnd. l rlnccsStrcct . . . , . l I East coast Jazz Band Blue Lagoon. Street. titt( lyde Street. Alternoon. Angle Park Terrace. 331 9922 Evening.

9pm. Free. A group from a large poolof , 9.13 R 3d T d ‘-' youngish musicians. usually 1.680”?Mcsl’wa"Q'Cheit'am'l'" ~Pm' 05' U“ rd bdnd- piano'keyboards.bass.drurns.guitar.and ('()‘h. m.“ “"'(_’“',‘Ir,~”f§‘rf"“ l brass and or reeds. Modern. bop. some )U“ n 51m“ Stmmn‘ 33“ “"5” mm"

mainstream. blues. lree lhe Big Band Sound. old amine“

Glasgow .Edinbmgh Jan Guam“.inch IAlex Dalgleish All Stars Rolls Royce Cockbum Struck 225 H41. Evening ( lub. l’alsley Road. Alternoon. I Jazz Academy Bonharns. Byres Road. I Graham Biamy'e Janers Basin Sui.“ I Ron Moore. Riltlti Fernandez l.a 'l‘averna. 357 3424' Evening llavmarket'l‘erraee N7 1006 [Evening Lansdrnvne crescent. 33‘) 7007. Iaobby Wishart Halt Bar.Woodlands ' H i i i 9.31% midnight. Free. Music in the bar.

I Templehall Stompers Temple Hotel.

RU'dd. Evening.'Lcading Esplanade. Joppu. Evenian . Quanel SUClCl'V NlllSlClitllS. saxophomst'siazz and fuston band. Trad and dixic rcsidcms' BerkelevStreet.221(lll2.8pm.5(lp. I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restaurant. Mlmc and dimcmg mm ltd “MIC-l" . ,

The Shore. Leith. 9pm. Tonight Pschyco gum“: “mm-V ANN“ mum; Uwrgc i .swing'aa Maughovcl‘cockbum B'ue‘ \lorrlson.bass gultar: Pat (iallagher. l Street. 225 6843. Evening. Two guitars. drums clarinet and sax. Hot Club sound. 2 h l I Louisiana Ragtime Band Navaar House g i Hotel. Mayticld Gardens. 667 2828. I Barony Jazz Baron) Bar . Broughton l Evening. _ I Gearge McGowan Quartet Berlin Lounge Strum 5-27 l ’54” Jac" Hammefaand I West Efllt J82! Band Basrn Street. Bar‘ 8_1() “rest George Stu.“ . ()uccn 9‘ l l .31lprrt l HaymarketTerracc. 337 1006. Evening. Street Station. 335 23343. Lunchtime jun I Alpha Jazz Quartet ltllerslc} House Trad. with Singer and guests. llotel. fillerslc)‘ Road. ('orstorphine. 337

I Shore Music The Shore Bar/Restaurant. . George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher (3333- h" l 1W"-

’l he 25 Nov S Dec 1"“. 35