tloulilc hasscs

Winter Wonderland l0 l)cc. .-\ scasonal tour oi sonic ot tlic licsl tuncs antlcarols \sith hpr ot thc lull orclicstra.


('ommonucaltli l’ool. l)alkcith Road. his"

'.'2l I . .\lon l~'ri 2.30pm Spin. Sat & Sun 10am 4pm. 5 ridc lickcts £l. ltiridc iiclscls £2. l1uropc‘slargcst l‘lunic complc\. all-action aquatic ads cnturc in \s hich lhc ridcr has to ncgotialc ri\ cr rapids. tlic 'l \s istcr. thc Black \orlcx and Stingray. It's not quitc lilcon thc high scas. but as ncar ;is}iiti'rc‘ likcls to gcl in Iitlllll‘lli'tlll,

I THlNS BOOKSHOP 535‘) South Bridgc. 55(iii"~l3

Saturday Club liscrs Saturday

lll..“ll ll .‘lllllli. l't‘L‘L'. ()pcll It) all} L'lllltl (agc iangc appros 2 13 scars)

Stors -tc|ling tor toungcr childicii asucll as actixitics aiitl conipclitions \\ ith pit/cs Spccial scasonal acto ilics troin liiiic to

I WATERSTONES BOOKSHOP l-l ( icoi gc Sticct. 315.14%

Children's Christmas Competition t "ntil .‘~ l)cc. A (In istmascompctition. not about angclsoi Santa. hut cliaiaclcis lioni lhc lit'unuantl Hunt/i l-or all chiltlicii IIlItlL'l l3 scars. l‘llll} lorms lioin local lll‘l’.ll_\ oi \Vaicistotlcs


I EILMHOUSE I .olhian Roail. 221S 2hSS ('hildicn's Saturday inalinccs; .\ll scals L l . lioolsalilc. l'ilms start at 2pm.

The Railway Children (U) (UK. 1972. Lionel Jeiiries) 95mins. Sat 26 Nov. 2pm. Popular. heroic tale oi Yorkshire children who clear theiriather's name ol 3 ialse accusation oi espionage. With Jenny Agutter and Bernard Cribbins.

The Twelve Tasks oi Asterix Sal .‘~ I)cc. .-\\IL‘l'l\ lakcs on llcrculcs' lahours. ( an

our hcro'.’

I BRUNTON THEATRE Mussclliurgh. (105 22m

FrankieMacStein—the Panto “tic-c1055 .lan l‘lS‘)."z45pm. £412.50. llcidi.apooi littlc orphan. might not knou it. but shcis ins ilcd to thc gorinlcss ( 'ount'stlinnci part}. Not as a gucst. but as part ot thc mcnul A I ‘liristmas \lltn'i tor all thc laniilx h} I)a\itlS\saii.

I KING'S THEATRE 2 In cn Strch . 22‘) l20l.

Gang Show I 'ntil 2o .\'o\ . 2 l5pin. Sat maiincc 2. l5pm. 'l \scntt ninc )carsantl still going strong litlinhurgh ( iuidcsantl Scouts in tlicir annual rc\ icxs.

MotherGooseotm- lSl'cli..-\tlttllsL»1.25. L5.25.L(\.25.£I1.25.(illcclt “till lunolltc‘c tor dctails ol conccssions. \Vilh Waltci ('arr. ( ircgor l‘ishcr. l’ctcr .\lori mm and .lulict ('ad/osv.

I ROYAL LYCEUM (irintllm Slrccl . 22‘) who? i

The Snow Queen (>31 I)cc. 7pm 0 cr) cvcning cxccpt Sat 24. .\'o pcriormanccs Sun 25. Also at 2.30pm Sat 17. and'l‘hurs 22~Sat 31. £2.50. £3.50. £4. £4.50. £5. £(i. £7. Concs£l.75. £2.00. £2.25. £25013. £3.50. l’amil) tickcts and group discounts also as'ailahlc. 'I‘hcrc arc (clicapcr) schools pcrtormanccs. \s hich arc also opcnlothc piihlic.(>»—Sl)cc& l2— l5l)cc. 10am ck 2pm; () 6’; to Dcc 10am oril}‘;arid 19-21 I)ccat 2pmonl}. £2.10. £2.-ill.'l'hc Snow ()uccn will hc arriving in Iidinhurgli. from licr lcc l’alacc on thc top oi'thc \sorld. on 'I‘hursdas 24 Nox . Iixpcct a chill wind down l’rinccs Strcct that cs'cning as shc \s ill hc making hcr first public appcarancc riding in hcr carriagc (dcparting \Vascrlcy Bridgc (1.30pm) accompanicd by hcr polar hcars. and publicly cscortcd h) Frascrs‘ l‘athcr (’hristmas. Thcrc will. as is only appropriate. hc a lull policc cscort. llcr Nastincss will arrive at l‘rascrs at 7pm.go walkabout around thc pcrt‘umc countcr and thcn tic \s hizzcd oil to thc lhcatrc. cht chancc to scc her will he (i Dcc. whcn thc curtain goes up. ..

I Art is listed by city iirst then byvenue. running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Alice Bain not later than 10 days beiorepubiication date.


I ANNAN GALLERY isn \\ test t Liinplicll Sliccl.22l 50%" \ .\lon l-ii‘lain 5pm. Sat ‘) 50am l2 30pm

(icncial cshihition ol icgiilai .iitisls


55 W2" .\lon Sat 10am 5pm. Sun

2 5pm. (alc [l)| \'oliiiil.iis giiitlcsaic a\ atlalilc licc ol char gc to conduct pai tics oi liltll\ idtials round tlic main _L‘.tllL l ics (‘ontact thc ciiqtiirs dcslt

84th Annual Art Competition t not :3 l )cc. \\ inning cntrics liom sclioolchiltlicii's compctition.

French Prints. Drawings and Watercolours I'ntilcarls .lan. Work In .\lalissc.Signac clc. liom thc pcrmancnt collcctioii. National Schools Embroidery Competition I hill 2" .\'o\ limit is inningcnti ics Arundel Society Prints t ‘nnl tilitl Jail

The Staiia Project I 'ntil .\ .lan. Paintings

and photographs to I lit \lcl\c't‘\~.‘l anti llltiillts lri\l‘."..i( oopci on tlic islantlol Slalli \siiitci \llti\\lilL!

Polish Realities Exhibition I “Hi 5 l )c. Installation lix l’ioti Ktlllsa lillctl l him its hicli mcaiis housc ill l’olisl! lli.‘ shim

.\ iian mix I \hi'ntioii ulcal lot

c\ploicsll‘.c‘altci lixcs'ololiicttsantl tillcslioilsoui iiiiiiictllalccin lliilllllc‘ill IBARCLAY LENNIEFINEARTXIISHall: Sticct..‘,‘.ii‘~ll5 \loii l'll ll'.ill‘. ‘|iiii.Sal 10am lpni

JohnGBoydl iilil5l)cc l’.iii:lii!:'s!i\.ii1 artist popular lll i ilasgou

IBOOK TRUST SCOTLAND l.‘.il unwind! Sliccl..“.il .701.“ \li‘l‘. l’ll" Wain 5pm Polish Books oithe Eightiesl nnl Hit-.- \n c\liiliilioiioll‘ookslotoii‘citlcusillitlic l’olisli Rcalilicssmsoii organiscti In lliiid lac-(criticaiitl\sliiclit'aiil‘ctotintliiia numlicrol gallciics lil ( Il.t\lIti\\ throughout \tisciiilici

I BLYTHSWOOD GALLERY lol \\ csl (icoichiicct.22ti552" ,\lon l‘ll

10am 5 i0pm.S‘tit 10am lpiii

General Exhibition lncltitlcs \torls li_\ .\lai \

.-\rmour. I‘ll/til‘L‘Ill lilackatltlci . .lohn j ltosd. .lohn ( ‘unninghain. Norman I'tlfJJl. Norman Kiikham. lictt I,ti\\L‘. l)a\ ltl .\lc('luic. l)a\id \larlin..lanics Rtilk‘llstill. ( icollr} Squirc and man} morc. (‘crainics lit .lanct Adam

I THE BURRELL COLLECTION l’ollols'shaus RoatlJiJ‘Vl5l .\loii Sat l0am 5pin;Sun 2 5pm Rcsi |l)|

The Glory oi the Page t not l5.lan llluininatctl manuscripts tioin lltc

I ‘nix crsit_\ ol ( ilasgim

I COLLINS GALLERY I 'iiis cisils oi Stiathclstlc. 22 Richmond Sticct. 552 “(Nut 2o.\'2 24lo .\loii l‘ii l0ain 5pm. Sat l2 Jpn]

Polish Perceptions Ten Contemporary Photographers 1977—88 I um .10 .\'o\ ,\n c\hil\itionorganisctl tocoint'itlc \sithtlic l’olisli Rcalilicsscason cuiicnllx lllllll‘.’ lhc \oxcnihc! slot in inost ( ilasgou

gallci its this month (lullcts loi pi ii'lctl iniagcs aic icsti iclcti lil l’olaiitl lt‘.tillllll to an insciitncncss anti cspt lllll."ll.ll!i‘il lll photograle llcic. ciglm photographs. mans ol lhcin tlocuincnlait l‘.‘\'.itlsciil iii.- iicctl ol ai lists to ic-c\aiiiiii.' socictx. icllccl photograle in Poland lotla\ Heavenly Bodies and Fabulous Beasts l)cc lltc moon on lioiscliat‘k and an anal \\lIll siiilitlasscs .iic [tl\l t\\~i«il llli

\\tilltlL‘l Itll scciics cat \ctl li\ l).i\ itl Sis Ill Sculpluic, L‘L'l.lilllt'\. ic\\cllcl\ mil clothing has c lk‘t'll \soi isk'tl .Ilt‘lllltl Ill.‘\t' lll aiiiiiiusiial collalioiatii ill, Sn lll has l‘li‘IiLllll i 'Illc'l

lantastical llll.tL'L‘\

ciallspcoplc Io \soi k \\ ith lllll‘i lini ii::: Ill. k‘\llll‘llltill lhct ollins \\ ill also i»; sc lllllt'. alloitlal‘lccciamics. it'ucllt'iv scicciipiiiils. lxilll\\t'.il anti inaslts ('ontact llic I 'ollins loi tlctailsol ti ill \soiltshopsxtitliSuit!

I COMPASS GALLERY l"\ \\ csl Rnrcii: Slicci._‘.2loi20 \lon Sal Warn 5 10pm (‘liisctl 25. 2h. 2" l)t'c atttl l I lall.

Polish Realities Exhibition 1 mil ‘sosm Small \\til l\\till papci In most ol thcaitisls

Polish Realities. Glasgow Arts Centre and Glasgow Print Studio

Kolo Klipsa is captivating. Witches hats turn into bishops‘ on soil bodies, a giant tour-lingered hand and tlamingoes caught gently in the mouths olwhales— it‘s a strange iorest oi art at the Glasgow Arts Centre. This young Polish group works well as one.

With a resounding collective wit, Koio Klipsa seem to capture the spirit at many ages and dimensions. Fairy tales. legend and religion are bound together in a physical world oi their own creation with a web at tear and wonder ol its own. Somehow the schoolroom (which was the Glasgow Arts Centre building‘s original iunction) was exactly the right place ior it. It is art worn as smooth as a iavourite old child's toy to reveal stories and dreams in the seams.

Upstairs Hanna Luczak‘s Black Holes take on a more personal challenge, looking into the iniinite back oi one artist's mind. What she iinds there is dark but scratched with radiant symbols, many oi them drawn irom the prehistoric memory which artists today are so determined to reveal. In these turbulent landscapes birds and snails are given an equal mystery being set against a geometric motion, combining and separating in random combination. In the centre oi the iloor a black ladder is given similar inscription and in the centre oi all large


_ .5

black eyes contrast the busy images with nothingness.

Like a tast-iorward video. the M8 speeds behind the wall at windows which this Polish art has been given as a backdrop. it is a coincidence which both stimulates the tiny symbols in the room into lite while at the same time contrasting their allegiance to nature with the iumes and speed outside. This is an arresting room with a sombre meditation which can be surprised into liie. Unfortunate though that both these exhibitions are in one at the least visited venues.

At the Glasgow Print Studio Lukasz Korolkiewicz traps the realities oi urban Poland with near photographic accuracy. But like so much at the Polish art in this Glasgow season, all is not


‘I a . A ' a .p. ,l ug'

quite what at iirst it seems. Though there are children playing and pretty patio gardens and houses with the warm clutter oi home. there is no sky in these paintings. Claustrophobia

catches the breath oi the paint as it bleeds right to the edge oi its lrame and it is suddenly clearthat the intention has been to lreeze the image with the quiet oi tension not calm. Ordinary scenes hallucinate with association. Scaiiolding becomes a trap ior the blue madonna in Maria and a discarded wreath in the early morning light oi martial law becomes stretched across the road like a martyr. With a modest relish ior his medium. Korolkiewicz careiuily preserves monumental moments.

As tar as the art itselt is concerned. this season at Polish art has its high points and iascinations. But having completed the tour. its context remains coniusing. Though the Glasgow galleries and the councils can be congratulated ior working so harmoniously together and Third Eye ior pulling it oil. one wonders what can be done to give this kind oi aiiair a sense oi public occasion (as there undoubtedly was ior those involved directly in Glasgow arts organisations). Perhaps a larger. central venue is the simple answer. one which may or may not be supplied bythe MacLellan Galleries' revamp ior 1990. (Alice Bain)

The List 25 Nov 8 Dec 1988 49