Beginners Courses this month are lull. Names are being taken now tor the January course.

Darkroom 'I'he darkroom is now open to members tor black and yy hite printing. print Iinrshrng and mounting Iaeilities. 'I'ue- Sat Illam lpm and 2 5pm. Prior booking is essential. (‘ontact the workshop to tind out how to become a member.

I PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 556 SO21. Mon Sat Illarn 5prn;Sun3 5pm (‘losed 3-1. 35. 36. Fl Dee and l . 2. 5 Ian. Portrait oi Mick McGachey ( an be \ text L‘LI throughout l)cc.

Photographs by James Cox t ’ntil .stan Iiorty photographs r anging between the IHTIIs and ISStis by a Dundee photographer I Its most acclaimed yyor k has been the social portraiture oI communities in the lrslnng y rllages ot West llay en and .-\uchtnitlue. l his is the tirst exhibition eyet dey oted to his work and is accompanied by the latest edition to the Scottish Masters series price L305.

I PRINTMAKERS WORKSHOP GALLERY 3‘ I'nion Street. 552 212‘). Mon Sat

Warn 5 .‘llpm, ( ’Iosed hour 35 Dec. Lithographs by Matisse 36 No\ In I he .'\Il opportunity to see the great l'tettcli master oI colour and line as illustrator ol the ‘.-\niouis‘ ot Pier re de Ronsard .’\s yyellas a large number or the original 136 lithographs made oi girls. onersand

Iloyy crs I made between I‘HI and l‘)-1\i.on \Iltiyy . IIIL'IL' .Ilc .tlsti .t titlttllk‘t III photographs by l'tench master llenri (‘artter Bresson. picturing Matisse in his studio

MiniprintslorChristmas:iiNoy Junct- Prints to make presents at reasonable prices.

Open Day 36 Noy I'yery year . the pi int \yorlssliopopens up its mysteries tothe public I-rorn between nooti and 5pm this Saturday . you can make your on n etching. sec silkscreens. lithography and ieliet printing tn action. sayour the hy e music and the mince pies and take part III the printraltle ('luldienandadultsall ysclconie to this tree eyent. (let detailsol beginncis' courses \yltllc you‘re there.

- R ( ieotgc Square. Mon l-ri‘lam 5pm

Painting lrom Inside Out t not H l)ec. Recent paintings by Nick ( ‘hater.

I QUEEN'S HALL ( AIL'I‘Is Street Ito\ ( )llice 66S 3lll‘). Mon Sat Illatn 5pm. (’ale. Watercolours I ‘nttl 35 Dec. \'ictor l-ar ris exhibits tor the tour th time in the I .othian Room. Ihis exhibition concentrateson local scenery as yy ell as the odd splashol I-rancc and Spain

I RIAS l5 Rutland Square. 33‘) "3H5. Mon I-‘ri‘lfillam 5pm.

Regeneration ot Scotland Design Awards I'ntil 2 Dec.

I RICHARD DEMARCO GALLERY Blacktrtars ( ~hurch. Blacklriars Street toll llighStreet).55THTH". Mon Sat Ill.3llam 6pm.

RolINesch I ‘ntrl .‘~ Dec, 5llyearsol printmaking by this yy ell-knoyy n

cl. 133+. s l (C; .


FAMILY DECEPTIONS Family - My History - My Self, Stills Gallery, Edinburgh.

One at the most striking things about this disappointing show is that you Iind yourself reading the (copious) labels as much as you look at the photographs. It is essential reading, tor It it weren’t there, you otten wouldn’t have a clue what was going on. In other words the pictures tell you nothing In themselves.

This show has been put together (by Shettield‘s Untitled Gallery) Irom the work at 20 contemporary British photographers and the theme Is ‘the tamily’, a volatile and provocative subject it ever there was one. Yet the work at nearly every photographer shown here sutters trom a very

Norwegian artist.

The Michael Teague Lecture 3~1Noy. “pm. league is a yy titer and photographer liy'ing III New York. His book ‘In the Wake otthe Portuguese Nay igators' has inst been published by ('arcanet.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 552 .2 I "I. (iardetts Mon Sat ‘larn sunset;Sun

llarn sunset. Plant houses and exhibitions ( mounted in lnyerleith I louse) \Ion Sat lllarn 5pm; Sun I lam 5pm. Due to renoyationot ltt\et'lcillt I louse. there ys ill be no turther exhibitions at the Botanic ( iarden until next year.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OFSCOTLANO (‘hanibers Street. 225 "534. Mon Sat lilarn 5pm; Sun 2 5pm.

(‘ontaet the rnttseum tor detailsol their

KENS 0.2mm H151) HES 001.0 AWARDS




* ‘0’ m S()NY.



MONDAY TO SATURDAY 12-30pm TO 8°30pm.

Organised -n (On‘tl'N tron with the AssociatiOn ofFashion, Advertising and Ediwriol Photographers. the AHOUOIIOI' oilf'iistrutou. Amateur Photographer and Sony (UK) Limited

.~',//"'" literai, sell-conscious approach. It suggests the photographer is not trying to re-create something in another medium but to locate a ieellng and literally pin it down, Iixing It to the paper, llke chemicals tix a print or a collector pins down buttertlles. What they haven't done is to use the properties oi photography itseit.

There is tor example a picture oi two smiling women standing on a hillside, one or whom carries a baby. They might be sisters, cousins, or iriends. In tact, as a big title to the section tells you, they are lesbians and this and all the other pictures in the group, have long captions telling you who teels what and why. Surely that Is the job at the photograph? (Sally Kinnes)

popular lilrn and lecture series. ys hich has rust begun its 37th season.

A Spectacle ol Spectacles t'ntii 15 Jan See how others see.


225 5045. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun

3 75pm.

Society ot Scottish Women Artists From 25 Noy.

I SCOTTISH CRAFT CENTRE Ho (anongate. 5568136. Mon Sat

9.3Ilattt 5.30pm.

Colours at Christmas t ‘mil :4 Dec. ()ne of the first (‘hristmas exhibitions to be announced this year. the intortttatiort for this one came through on a large carrier bag. A hint there are goodies in store PL‘I’liitps',’

I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY ()4 ( ieorgc Street. 225 5955. Mon— Fri 9am -5.3tlpm; Sat‘).3llam lprn.

Jack Firth Watercolours t'ntil 31 i Noy; Six Women Artists t ‘mit .‘su Noy'. Nanny Mulder. Jacqueline Watt. Alison Watt.

.Ianet Patterson. Marie ()‘Mahony. Janice

(iray'. Perspex Jewelleryt'nii‘t 3n Noy'. By (‘ampbell Kulagowski.

Scottish Artists Abroad The gallery makes a

break from the usual (’hristmas policyof small paintings (they do abound at this time ot‘ year) with a selection of work by Scottish artists inspired by trips and experiences abroad. Some of the many well-known names include Baillie. Blackadder. Ilaig. Houston. Morroeeo, Peploe and Rae.

Creatures This mini zoo includes a Kate Byrne's bird teapots. Ian Ramsay's Minoan bull. 'I‘rey'or Lockie's miniature sea carvings and Guy Taplin‘s carved birds. Noah‘s Ark for Christmas!

I SCOTTISH MINING MUSEUM Lady Victoria ('olliery . Neyy tongrange. Midlothian. 663 751‘). Tue v I-‘ri

Illam- 4.30pm; Sat ck Sun noon—5pm. Dey'oted to the history oi mining in Midlothian. built on a miningsite.

I SCOTTISH RECORD OFFICE West Register I Iotise. (‘harlotte Square.

Mon l-ri 9am 7 4.3”an

800 Years oi Scottish Historythroughout December.

I SCOTTISH STONE AND BRASS RUBBING CENTRE ‘I'rinity .-\pse. (‘lialrner's(‘lose. Iliin Street. Iidinburgh. Mon Sat

Illam 6pm.

.lttst ys hat the title says.

I STEP GALLERY 5‘) l loyy e Street. 556 I615. Mon Fri Illam 6meSat

Illam 4pm. (‘losed 25. 2". M Dec. Dorothy Black and Claudia Petretti l 'mit

34 Noy Iyyo young Scottish artists ys ith

y et‘y dillerent approaches to tigui atiy e painting. ()tttte delinrtcly Step'sbest exhibition todate and one not tornrss. (‘atch it on its last day l

A Feast 0t Colour In Noy 3 .Ian. (‘hi-istmas exhibition ol small tloys er. still life and landscape paintings. t‘eliel paintings. batik and limited edition prints by well-know n artists. Many yyorks r'arigingliorn

£35 £1le. Purchases will be gitt-ys rapped and dcliy ercd tree to local addresses. I’ree ('onrad Sey ens print I retail price L‘).3l I) with purchases oy er thiti.

I STILLS GALLERY “5 I ligh Street. 557 llJtl. 'l'ue Sat Noon 6pm.

Family— My History— My Selt t 'ntil 34 Dec. ('ontemporat‘y photographers look at the theme ot Iamily. Work by .loSpence Rosy Martin. Martha Mc( ‘ulloch and ( iina (iloy'er amongothers. Organised by the

I 'ntitled (iallery. Shellield.

Talking Photography 1 Dec. 7..‘~upm. LI .5“ (75p). The Family Album. Audrey linkman ot the Documentary Photography Archiye. Manchester. talks about the history ot’the latriin album. Bringalong your own snapshots to add to the discussion.

Photography Art and Technology s l)cc. Spin. I; l .5llt75pi. (‘hris Wainyy right talks about the growth ol' technology and its ctl’ects w ith relerence to photography.

A Green and Pleasant Land I5 l)cc. “.fstipm. L'l .5(l(75p). .lohn [)ay ies ialksabottt his approach to photographing the indtrstrial landsca )e.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY ( )ld ( ~ollegc l'niy‘ersity' ol Iidinburgh. 667 Nil 1 ext 4308. Mon- Fri. 10am 5pm.

Dream Time I'ntil 17 Dec. A tray eller‘s image of Australia. Paintings by .lanet Patterson. an artist from Izdinburgh. The exhibition is linked to this year's bicentennial celebrations.

I THEATRE WORKSHOP 3-1 I Iamilton Place. 326 5-125.

Work by ethnic minority groups Irom Theatre Workshop activities.

I TORRANCE GALLERY 29b I)undas Street. 556 6366. Mon —I’ri l lam 6pm; Sat ltl.3t)am~-1pm. (’losed 24, 25 Dec. Christmas Exhibition Ls Noy 31 Dee. Paintings. watercolours. jewellery and ceramics.

I 359 GALLERY 20‘) ( 'owgate. 335 3lll3. Mon-Sat l(l.3tlam-5.30pm.

Hock-Aun Teh: A Retrospective 3r) Noy 34 Dec. A splain ot‘ebullient abstract colour for this winter exhibition by Glasgow-based artist ’I‘eh.

Small Pictures lor Christmas and Contemporary Portraits 26 Noy‘ 24 Dec. Pictures for presents by 36‘) ( iallery artists.

369 Artists Group Exhibition 2r» Nov 34 Dec. A ('hristmas get-together tor these Scottish artists.

I WARE ON EARTH I5 I [owe Street. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm.

Joe Keogh Until 10Dec. New work on a small scale befitting the gallery space. with a new look at wall pieces.

I WILKIE HOUSE (‘owgate.

Weekly Lite Drawing Class Every Tuesday at 7.3(lpm—‘).3Iipm.

54 The List 25 Nov 8 Dec 1988