. . - Tutu: :._,-.-:..9~r. » g . w :e; .;r v .4 m»... I. _ Err:- :. \ 3 . w '3 y- '\ L. . ’\ , , ,. *‘1‘2' 3 \ "Av-3 * r . .

Turner Associates on 0698

I writer/amateurlilmmalter caught I q q ) l Native Rttssian \pcuku. i” mmm \unhcd m x I mulls”. 1 In \IthitlsLlrLlesLLks _ i .}:7l<lllll:dd.\ )or i aul ontlh).\ I MIND“ “uh mmcmumn and \lmdcrmnc (\x mum“ L: / NL ; Incolte-ment tttth ant metlta . . . (ext ). “mu.” I‘lngmgc. A” kW“ 4 \lmmmm and buck lnmmgg I held. tor work experience. I I Keyboard playerwanted l1} 1mm hwmm.“ m “h .mccd ‘l'el (I31 330 33”;

~ 9 . . .. on I o - . . , , ~“ ‘_ . . . F‘Latget:3?T<I:i(;‘l;i71:to?inert) Phone l.tte\.ll31 “Uh-1-4. i iiitiiiil tiith nlia‘lot .[etlt1ltflllll‘L [Ct H};l (m IN] 334 JUAN, I Exercise your choice. tr} Ann s unite .. ..l.t lLr\l.\ , : L La .. tist TL tit.iti\e.gootl .Jau piano and kmhmmk M.[.thclu\w\ Pmtcswnml lmg' H 7 .pl'incr’ good uninimlc' rm" , l lessons. laxperieneetl pe-I'lormet leaching. coupled with numbers I 00'“ l" CWC 11101111 \ HICL‘. , . In ormatton ant t emoste :tl_‘\_4 V . _4 __} . H I I

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there Is mth the llltCt‘Vitl'slt} sump," - ( “Cginmr‘y Tm. and

, _ ttorkinut'rom home. l-‘ortietails ; . . .. . ~ I IHouse.outbmldtngs sought wndg j\ I; mmmu. m 3 ( tub! in Isatluhiurtuung IRecords.lapes.compactdtscs Ihmwpm“MPMCMUM“! urgently "L‘llL‘l'll lithnhttreli -~ U i U i ; prolessional people. \\ e ( “‘l‘ l‘ill‘l~( “llfl'l'lm Wl‘lk‘k‘ “‘1' rm] muck mm Inchewe , 1‘“ ' ' » lstnmountAxenue.lstngsl’ark. , _. l, . _ l w 1.”.m..”nm1m\ thwuxlisq .' ‘_ .

area. Stiitahle ceramics studio - (mumm- (HJ 4RR v I‘lmnilk d M!“ “um ‘U “l ' l‘l;() I, ' "‘ L14.>lll.l..\'tlpa) as- you eome. Reasonable price. rent. Space In I Bo‘ok publisher needs I diverse exents sueh as l‘ d.‘ l- Smdcm nnd ununplu'wdmm. eit} also \selcome, 'l‘Ianent enthusiastic assistann 4 dmxu ! badminton. hillu'alking anti l-ttll details enrolment telth (,ttutit). . . ' ' etnema trtpstn the (alasuon and noth

D M R m. r. m ueek. Mttst hetlemhle ahleto ' Fdinhmuh 1m.“ [.hrhirthu RHYTHM RACK I on 00. m mm ' \sorkonotxn initiative. Send('\' ' I. . f ' n central llat. LZh per person per m Inhn mm“ “0ka M) I tletatlsting(xlasgtm(141m- I ~ . week, plus hills (’ouple ' "' 38-12 or liast (‘oast U383 3831-1. Records. lttpes.( l)s

_ - l.ih 'l'tUll Bra ‘. titlinhur 1h. or Preferred. l’hone ll_‘\l fihtttifthl I L L 3‘ “mull” “ml “’l‘l

. Tint:th (to-13765. “‘"Cmp‘m‘ ' w D v I) l R I I' I‘ I I o a I‘\ oat. it in ‘lll'L'l JOBS WANTED I lHelp! lie-mule; 3tl_ l FOR ALL STAGE PERFORMERS non-smoker times. adaptable. : O l-‘ireprool Backdrops(painted work (1’) Please phone (Bl (ilitl GLASGOW AND EDINBURGH i I Streets e'ti' -~-v - 7 ~ | _ c 4' ‘l.‘);IIn -pm. .’\ll}tlllllg EVENIS GUIDE . .Are You 53” employed. mmmmupm [strung \\ ell eonsItleretl? EARN EXTRA CASH H, i _ .k-l Accounlanls leesmo mush? l’tllel‘s ' I Interesting responsible FORTH; WEEKEND! I , d“ “m 31 , llm e _\our ueetttmtsuntl tax , pan_"me work wamett hum Join .le is“ Strcu SCH” lathnhurgh-hasetl hand ; mmmx prcmrcd h”. u ( ontatt .la} in on 031 229 9032 - n‘. , _4 I ,. - .‘ tiruentlt‘ require a . . > .. -. .t \ . .. l‘eetihaek Productions .\o\ ...‘ltl. l~ema|e graduate. team on Ihursdav. t-rtday and ' “.m‘lkm'l.“ l“ 1" ' l‘nl‘ l s “mic [tn-RT .r,-- u espet‘teneetl .Intl qtialilietl Saturde evenings after PERSONAL MANAGER Mufnim' “I: “3' 1‘4 33": l iridi‘nin”. ,i] 1;”; ] iii-L llUl'llCtllttll'L‘. lUUlUg} . \ClClllll‘lC publication and earn up u) [{xpcriL-HCC prcticrrcd l I 2“ I ' and \ngidl .\\UL~\_ ..\nnic [inthusiusn] csscnuul \ IClUrlit” itntl ()ltl Plilllt).\ . [)amon. 14 Dean Path 1 ' *‘l " d ' I ‘t‘ *o te r .. . . . . . restoredantltunedtostantlartl Iurgenllyrequ'red‘ mLmhL” ' ,l\L )(ln LnLrEL 1" pL p [lLdSL LUntttLl. . t h”- ‘i d-ulnu -'2CI}C\ “Bk-g Bl"ld”‘!—"- required everv fortnight. “mull Wm" l"'““‘l‘l"‘”"”l l l. I. i a . 1 Pi) is I Counsellorupujcmcd. Ring “31 55g [191 for I Congratulations to Sarah and and estimate. Glasgow area. ' ‘_‘“l“ If“ d.‘ l‘”({;‘;‘(‘)}‘{- ”" trained tot‘eetl toretit'e further details. PM” Yrmm'" “n m“ hmlml thw “aw “41 334 '7‘)” 5m. (’Lngn“ ill, hl A. through illness. offers his time- to lloll) Marie oil lVI‘itla}. I Beauty by Ann at ('ostorphine I “Elisha” re, 8:0 ogY‘I _ '. (ilttsuou auenu ele. tor I Vocalist wanted for pop rock 1] Note-miter I‘lh‘h‘. anti 'I’olleross' open 7 days. east aroma "tally "1 l l" Pr? rt} 0 lures expenses. tntet'estetl‘.’ hand; Influences PUllCL‘. It Bites. l’*'_rl"”‘31-_l*‘~‘h l”"\~C\PI'C\\ liq“! "“”_,“.’”‘“ I I“ ... \ (ISM 44742. Rush. Band has management mill“ maul“ CICClml-Vm' hL-lnntgthltlom iiilxtiuittiligi. -- . . .u . .. -- Int: a\.aort‘r.‘. .H. IAmbtttous young and rehearsal studtos.( ontaet . Russiantuition available "1""er W‘l'wu- R-\ -\ ~’\- ' J

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14 The List 25 Nov 8 Dec 1988