Beryl Cook, City Art Centre, Edinburgh In the Seventies Beryl Cook was quite a card. An untrained artist (she was 3 Plymouth housewite who painted in her spare time until an exhibition in 1975 rocketed herto lame), she painted ladies holding their lur coats open to passing business men, ladies on park benches showing their knickers and trequently their suspenders and ladies with wide bottoms making their platform-soled way through the oranges in the truit market. Forbidden truit is tasty in Beryl Cook's book. Tits and bums and red, red lips become down-to-earth models in her paintings. A shy, publicity-shunning person, Cook's paintings reveal the extrovert and lantasist in everyone. But there is little sleaze in her paintings. Her key to success must be that she hits the lunny bone at tantasy making a pinch ol the bum as healthy as jogging in Central Park (she paints them both). Plumply undressed her motherly voyeur peers at an orgy ot clothed bodies and gay discos are nice and blue. While seeming to titillate, Beryl Cook is a lady (she does bear a striking resemblance to most at her ladies —with their beads and eye-shadow they are never simply women) who makes sex as comty as a bowl ot rice pudding. In the Eighties, the years at the yuppie, this view seems slightly old-lashioned. (Alice Bain)

'l‘wo ( ict‘lnan photography show s Ior 3'1” 4'1npn]. (-rcum {an M” ht. w“ Cd December.

_ . trom3 4.15pm. Bernhard PTIIIZ I 'nlil l5 .Ian. l'iirsl British Nemands Bequest A (“Hecmm 0' show for this young photographer Irom mint“qu drawn,» and “zucrmluun l‘urlh in Baycrne. large cibachl'oms‘ bequeathed to the gallery by the late pl'lllts with the gloss ol tilm and magazine (icnruc Ncilliilltis.1[‘t]c h'cqiwq includc\ photography pose his architectural models “Mk; m. Mumw” (“meg Rcdpmh. with human models. both personitications Mllkcl'migurt‘ phylum)". Wilson and of ideals rather than straight portraits. 1&1”de :(H particular mqu an. mg Some ol the architectural models w ill also Cigmcc'n paintings h). Mamw”. a Swm‘h be on display in the gallery.

, . _ _ painter who preceded current interests Barman" 1925—1 93;“ m" 15 Jill“ mid-century with figurative paintings lrained as a musician. Biermann started

. y . v y ' dancing with colourand lore. taking photographs ol family and triends. prims byJim Dine and 3.3. Kitaj I'm” 3“ an activity which led to professional

. . . l)ec. In corridor. commissions. It-1ttllcully she died (a) Main canary The \upcprwhsts. [mum m 'mung‘ Icmimg h” urchiw “ith hu‘lcm‘h the main gallery with Duane l lanson's husband. lle escaped (iermany in 193‘) '

~ image of American "I'ourists‘. .loltn “ml “Cm I” P‘Hc‘lmc- I‘m “"mmllmld.‘ l)ayies‘ four men ‘l-‘or the Last 'I‘ime' and his MIC.“ ph‘m’gmph‘ “u” “"IIIWMC‘I b." John de Andrea's stunningly lifelike the Nazis on route. This exhibition has '

. g . model in repose.

painstakineg gathered all remaining I GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY [5 gmmnd material by herlamtly. Street. Sfirmozu. 'l‘ue- l-‘ri lllam- 5pm. Sat Constructa Feeling Ill Dec. lll.3(l;tttt»~rtt)t)n “mm. 1pm. or 2-3.3(lpm. ('hildren aged l 2 years. Diane Brown Gal'efy' New York 1 'nm (4 I:ree. Plat-cs are limited so you um ads iwd [)CC. A\ (“acme Murrm. Upcm an to book. Make a wooden construction of uhjhmon of photographs by 'l'homas “I121”. IUVC- JSillllll-‘Ff‘lc- 11"”? Pm" 5 Joshua (‘oopcr in New York. his gallery in ‘Cl'lpu'rc I” "‘“l“r"l“”“ Iidinburgh prepares to show sculptural I. GALLERY LA BELLE ANGELE ll “"5"” work by New York artists in the stable ot ( Imc' .0“ gum {behind 3_N) ( “Her-l l Diane Brown. The fiye included are .loel M‘m‘l'“ l““”‘"-‘~3(IPI“1 51” I 11”“ "ll‘m- I-‘isber. Iirik Levine. Wade Saunders.

. . -. . . . . . ( '0'“ d *4. ' j“ 1)“ "ml '()J"”- Robert Sokolowski and Julie \‘l atchel. Flowers I Nil 14 Jan. \\ atercolours by . HANOVER FINEART 22A Ulmdm Slrcct. (‘aroline ’l'homson. colour etchings by

_ . u 5562181. Mon—liri lllziitt—5.3tlpiit; Sat Alison (reorge. liltered photography by mume,“ John Thomson and arrangement in silk Humwcr has just rcnpcncd in a m.“ and dried flowers by Barbara James.

basement gallery in Dundas Street among I GAL'EB'E M'RAGESBJLI‘E’I" I If“ - 3 I ~‘ the New Iown galleries. It seems like a 2603. I tie—Sat 9am—5pm. Sun 2-0pm.

yery sensible moye. making the gallery lel‘Cd M‘m‘li‘ys- more accessible to browsers than the ""3935 um” 34 DSC- Banana II‘IFS- Ik‘” upstairs rooms in Hanover Street which and md PUPPCI‘ " 1' halal” “I gm‘lmm housed it over the past three years. the east. See panel for more. '

Small Paintingstor Christmas Limit 31 Dec. I GALLERY‘Of MODERNART BCH‘Y‘I A mixed exhibition of over 30 artists. Rnfid‘ 5“" 5971‘ M‘m’b‘" mm" 5pm" 5”” ('eramics. jewellery. sculpture. tapestries 2—)pm. [D] ( afe. (‘Iosed 24.25.2631 '

also included. Dec and 1. 2.312111. I HART STREET GALLERY 19 l lart Street. The gallery's justly renowned cafe isopen

5567069. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm. Mon-Silt 10.30801-4-3llpmlSun General selection of paintings and prints.



Original gift ideas by over 30 Artists at affordable prices.

While sampling on r free coffee. choose front small floral oils. watercolour lantl/seascapes. ceramicjewellery. sculpture. wood-carved animals & boxes. tapestries. prints. etc.

22A DUNDAS STREET EDINBURGH EH3 6JN . , , TEL:0315562181 >.\Ion—l'ri “lam—6pm: Sat Ilium—4pm

()pen Sunday I8 Dec: l-Spm


134 Blythswood Street, Glasgow 041 332 4027


Paintings from Provence

2nd 30th December

Mon—Fri 9.30am—5.3()pm; Sat 10am—1pm



mt\’ll\ll‘Oi{ \l{\ l’llO'lOtilx‘U‘lH O.\"llll 'llll\ll OI llll l\\lll\

131/" \‘t H l .lI/i/fx’ 24:1“ l)/( I ll/i’l /\’ l‘M'X

in lllhll \lKlll ll)l\llt MM 3": 'ss‘ ll-t: ltlss.\'l l.‘ 4.3m; \li\tlssltt\lltll

Subsidised by the Scottish Arts C0uncn





A large selection of original prints by members and guests 10 - 24 December

also THE ORIGINAL PRINT SHOP 25 King Street. (ilasgow (il SOZ A comprehensive range oforiginal prints at affordable prices always on view.

The List I) -~ 22 December 1988 57