Hunt“) 5.: go mu “.Mbu, \)T« n no KM “Hut; pm.

“~4013xncu? up

ti “Saunas!

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E 3 .. .x \_ I . l . " \m—V‘IW \imhfl

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"'83 N“ 'hmqauupu M34031; nin ‘W )0 wuqu

- Bow. Edinburgh. Times and l styleschange.butdothe ' sentiments? On the rest at l thepage.whatewe‘llbe putting in the postthis Christmas.

Greetings from 1907. One at

handmade. they have been . in short supply alteraNew Oirect trom The Big Apple: York heatwave rendered the one at tour post-modernist inks unusable tor weeks on screenprints by Sidney end. £1.85lrom One.

Miraz. Multi-coloured and

a range oi antique cards

priced 35p upwards lrom

Stamps and Coins. 36 Elm

Stockists c3 3 GLASGOW Q'S.‘ Q? I - ' ' Centrepeace 143 Stuck“ c” Q .

sum (553.65?» l 1mm 0‘ {3’ Large Christmas cracker '

imports and hotneunm it Q 2; made lrom a tront page

(‘hristianmaterialsoldl‘x 64} QQ Shem 0' newsprinuchoose

\oluntcers tor chants ‘0

The mamman 6. ,_~. ( m,” ob SON trom The IndipFendent orthe

\Vcstcrtt Roatllfxi‘lsfh‘ll Y‘ . Q pretty-m-pln Ingqc'al

(ilittcrs and elaborate cards. Q Tunes) and coma'nmg a

plus more com entional items. leather DUTSB. £3.99 from

and a ‘( ~httstmastard Next Interiors, 14 Frederick

“We” 5” ""P Street. Edinburgh. 031225

G'aSS'OOls ‘1‘)“ ( “Ci” “'C‘lcm SWALK IJ'l‘eHot l’lace1225

R”“dl~“3‘t '5‘”) l'“"‘””"“ 3027). A \side rattecol

third uorld and alternatne (0101mm.hummduvmd

MC“) l“ l‘“’"‘ “"d “m” Emul‘ uttttsual cards. plus a special

HarbingersuNin-at Western mum-mm m Md“; lhc

Rl‘i'dU-‘(flflwa lillu‘Ui'l- Simpson Memorial Maternity

attraetne and exclusne pm mm,

“Winn” .L’Wd» Underneath The Arches 42

Illuminati l’rinces Square. Lump,” 5mm (5563339)

Bucmmi'" Slrc“ ‘3‘” 33““ St} lish clothes and accessories.

Qual'l.‘ 21””‘l‘ "ml “lluc‘lmt! plus a selection ol attractnc Santa-nista's COUTan i0 curd‘~ cards.

town (top lett). Mixed media card by John Keane depicting tile in Nicaragua, available in packs ol5

Ono Princes Square. Buchanan Street (2263032), 'l'op-oi-the-range designer goods. including ms n

(‘hrtstmascard ditterent designs lrom Orientique loo Bytes Road ( 33* Grassroots. price £2.05. I313). Mystique ot the lzast in Royalties go to the

"W N "J‘d- Nicaraguan Solidarity

Origame Princes Square. "7 Buchanan Street (332 2470). Handmade paper tolding and

Campaign. Stocking killer (top right). Willi Kerr's ruthless re-captioning

airbrush stationery. m g, . EDINBURGH __ otters a cruel yule greeting. The Bay Tree Company 5-: '45:” A wide variety at Return To

Hanover Street (225 5.538). ,. (iood selection of 3-[) . cut-out and unusual cards.

Body and Soul 34 Hamilton Place (226 306(3). llolistic and feminist material. including some attractive cards.

The Divine Mrs M l I I.ochrin Place (2284017). More 'diffcrent‘ than ‘divine‘. Hello: Fountain 7 (irassmarket (229 7884). Alternative and whimsical selection.

Paper Tiger 53 Lothian Road (228 2790). (iood choice of upmarket and inventive greetings cards.

Rotum To Sender 34 (‘ockburn

Sender. priced 35p. Alternative celebrations (above). One ota range of leminist and vegetarian " cartoon postcards by Angela Martin and Brenda Spencer. Available in packs otseven . dillerentat £1.65 or individuallyat25plrom Grassroots.

. _

Bursting tree ola Claus-trophobic situation . . . One oi three ‘Exploding'

Street. Alternative (‘hristmas cards by second "alum- postcards. plus some more 22-94 "am Paper Tiger afld conventional greetings. The Bay TTBB company.

The List 9 22 December 1988 71