elulie Murriee and Sally Stewart find out what‘s on the menu for Christmas Dinner


IThe Triangle z-‘(_)ll\ en \treel. .fjl \"5\ llnx lttehlx uttlnttltml restaurant utters.tt.tn}.!e t‘l three('htisttnnxntenux prteetl trtnn t. l _‘ “4 it‘l tltteeettutxestuLittlnt \e\en. tin thetletheatetl gttllllllel l.tll_:1e lttllll Heel

\\ elltnetun tuSnulnxeut


|.ttnlt\\|th\\lltl lttlhllltttmh (‘ttttee .tntl

mmee [‘le\ .n e \el \ etl .t\ .t enmpletnent Ill e.teh

I ll Bongustaio \l \t..m Street. I 'tlthnttstun tlt ttnle\ trum e ll\ .tlnnu \l\ l. l'tlthnextnn slittttttt


(‘httstnmslhnnet in :3:

('lttxetl l tle\tltt\ \

It‘l ll\ e et‘llt‘xe eutlee. ltllttl\ tllltl litttte tits. utters I .m e\eellenl ehtttt e and .t \ul‘xtnnlml lettst \l.nn ettutsewnr} tttnn Venison .t In lnnt to \letl.t}_'llttlt UI Itllet \le.ti\ Suphml men

I Ubiquitous Chip I: .'\\l1lUIl l ;tne.3.‘\-1"llll" ()pen .\Ittn Sat

nth 1,.illtwrtt.‘ llptn lteerhetlunlil l;ttn. lhe lmtunie guttlenxnt the restaurant mu Itl t'IIet\ .t three-euurxe luneh .tt H.595. itllLl dinner at £17.95. lmth \chenttee :tntl trnltlex 'l he seleettun l\ l‘.|\CLl on the pi lltelpdh ul their ltHl tnnl menu. uttha\egeturtunoption. I L'Odeon Sutlehiehull Street . 33.‘ 3 HI (‘hristmax menu ;t\ ;ttl.thle 5 2-1 l)eeernlter

l.'( )tlenn'sluneh \llllliL'l menu at {lll.‘l5trtte't\ three L'Ulll\e\ \Hllt ettllee. .\l.tin enurw \eleetitln lI.t\ 'l rout Muntrme and (’hieken Stretltthe tilting mth the nln roux, l’lL‘ithIll llllttl'mttl ;tlttttI\pltele.

I Baby Grand 3 " l'.lllll‘.tlll\ (iurtlenx. 3-18—1943 ('hrixtmus menu \er\ etl trnm llll)eeemlw1 L13 entitlesytu tttthree et)ttt‘\e\;ttttlettilee. Nurlnlk turke} will) trimmings. tresh Il\lt oi the tlrt} m \eeetgthle

\tmgunntt .t\ entrees I Cate India I "I \ttrlll

streetfih ‘~\I\

( llll\llll.t\tltellllIlt'tll

I New mhe ! . tttten \e\ en tlrr\\ ( .|l\ llttll.t.t\lteltl the em \ in \\el .nnl upmarket Intlmt‘. ie\l.tlllilltl\HIIel\.l

(hr I\tlt.t\ menu mt tnur etturxexal !_II "9 Ht ‘5 lhe menu

lt.l\ .t l.tl ee \eetmn HI

ttn elnltlten

ll.ltl|llt‘ll.ll lllkllJll regional lmnt llltlll\.llltl \l.n\.tl.t tltxho ltt RJII Ul |.nnl\. .t \\ little lee mt l.'nnl\


\lllldl‘le tut tnurpettple. \.tttt.t lll.ll\e'\.lf_'lle\l

.ttiptutmnee tut tunneet tltnetswn( hrtsttnttxl);t\

I Blue Note ( tie


\lteel. “It‘ll.” (llll\llll.l\lliellll\L'l\k'tl l Ilt‘lil III I )eteilllx-I I he

Blue- \Hlettliehllllee t't‘lll\‘e\ .tt tel: unhetttlee “III! the nut nt.tl entrees. it \eeet.nt.tntlt\h.tntl..t\ wmethntun littlespeetul. putt IllL'tlel.t\|I\ll


IBo's Bistro x" (il.l\\lil.tl l\el. _‘_‘l| I-Itt-i i'IUHl l)eeetnl\et ('ltttxtn‘..t\lttnelt tll “5; \lllllIL’l LI‘ 1 melutltne .l tllllll\l

it \\ ule enune llielllkilll‘j

I lnee t'tttll\e\ \\lIll

tutke‘. ll.ltllllt‘l' tie. \ulmnn. enme .ttttl. .tt 3-1 huutx' nitrite. nut tt‘.t\l

I City Cate :‘l lil.ttt Street .‘Qtlllllfi. l‘tt‘ttl I )eeeml‘er It» (‘lntxtnmstnenu £14.05 \ttttnlxe} itll}\\lte‘terHI Illl\t\tle.

'l hree ettllt\e\ .tnd .t ehtnee Ul \ll lt‘lll HI heel. Imnttt I;nnh.\.tlmttn. tluek. HI gun's eheexe and \pmneh \\ rapped tn lllt) pttxtrt \\tIll ehumpngne

I Viva Mexico IH.-\nelmt (lose. ( 'ttekhut‘n Street. :ZOSIJS. l)eeemlter 5 :3. (‘hrtxtmus menu L Ill ‘5. ('hrntmits \leUenn-flfle itt\tt|\e\\pttt;telt ttntl shrimps in ehtlli \ttnee. salt CULl untl nlnes. :tntl Mule l’nltlztntt lurke} etmketl in 25 tlittetent spiees.

I Negociants-li .1“

u «r3511 '- “52!. .' ‘éfsh‘rc' V ‘1) .&'~V" k _ . .‘.:__'{-l In} g. uyfi‘fi‘ ',. . 4 A :1 -.‘ - 3,); _ N‘b‘t‘fimv': w. ~ . W t

luthmn ~Street. 23* Hi I .i ltttmentlx l)eeentltet (‘lntxtmnx luneh U ‘I‘; thnnet LII”; .v\ tn e eutlt\ee\tttt\Jenn/it

\\ Ineh tttt\e\ the lltltlliltllldl I [lit kex. \elll\tln. [‘lllttl pntlthnet \\ tth unusual lntlnnewnn .tntl \lnltttsmn. .let\.lllC\L' li.tlttl\ .tntl ( )xett}; ( )xene .ne \eeetntmn LllNlIL‘\.llItl SI‘eklxttelt I\ .l enemnut pudding.

IThe Maybury\l.t\httt\ kiwi. 33w tun. rem lttneh LIll."< l)eeetttl‘el

5 .il Intelttthnfl'hrtxtmns Ha} I lt.tthtrun.tl ('ltrtxttnuxtutke).tn

lltete\ \le;tl\. \e.tltmtl.

.tntl \ eeetnt tun ltteill\ nu

request (‘httxtntnsl’nttt \tehts. Deeernltet 5 11 L IV"? .\ ( ltr ll‘l‘edll

el'lll\e theme tin the

ltttet '\li‘|Pk-tl \I.tt hurt (‘ttektnllx tl.tnem;:. 4t steel l‘illltl. .t three enut \e tlllillel .tlltl .t huntltetl stall tltexsetl in liet IlIlItlJ \llttt‘lx

I The Shore 3 'l he Shot-e. 553 Sllkll. i'll‘lil about Deeemher I“. 'l he ('htrxtmns menu ulterxu ehnnumu ehtnee HI the

Slit neK \eitltttttl \I‘L‘elitlllle\. like \eullttpx ;tntl l)lll‘lltl lint pixmnxur l';tlltl\tt\\ tt‘uttt.;ttttl (‘hrtstmttsxt ItHKl. pheasant \\ tth ( ‘;tI\ ittlt)\. hone} -h;tketl ham. \CIII\UII.UI nut entlets

\\ ith three \rtueex. 'I hree etttlt'\e\ \\ Ill emt bet“ een t" and LIZ. Book now

Ilte \\ eelx heltn'e (‘hrtxttnus l\itll'e;ttl) \er} busy

I Ferri‘s Restaurant l Antigua Street. l.etth \Vulk. SWISS”: ‘l‘hrnughnut Deeemher. ('hristmnx menu L l 2 plus “V I \et'\ iee ehttree (‘luxsie ltgiliun \t;tt‘tet‘\ like I’urmu hunt and melnn pl‘eeetle turke} . \ eztl ()t' trout. and ( 'hrixtmux pudding. lriile or euwnrt iee-erenm. Bookingxztre mounting up. and the l‘ritlu) hetttre ( ‘hristmux is itll‘eilkl} tulle

Lew Sugar Chrtsi'wigs CAKES. wholesome

“M51135 é, mince Pres} cues,me Puree. smfft tmtxes. vgehlrtam mmceiméat'. name €S§€MC€1 Colours , namrat Coloured marzt' an , almonds . bmzils. haZels. pecans, walnut -. Salted eanu‘ls .r‘oasredcashewg, ptsraamos.mor} en nu’rSfif/tcorsflares .

6,3. wtmevsptce,N0r (K anchfitcolaol’

wine . Ov'etr 50 varieties of Oganic utmt

A lots more

1112M. Beeps

8 BROUQHAM ST. CTOLLCROSS) ost 223 let 3} BROUQHTON STREET ogt $51461”

Ubiquitou: Chip wine Shop

5007 Glnrgow’l Independent Wine and Spirit merchant

Let our highly trained staff help you choose from over 100 malt whiskies and over 200 fine wines and Spirits to satisfy every palate and pocket.

8 nthton lnne,GlnrgowGl2

New menu now available and bookings are now being

.taken for Christmas Menu. Haven’twe been busy!

431 SAUCHIEHALL ST. 041 3323141

RESTAURANT Tue—Sat (evenings only) Table d’Héte and a la Carte menus BRASSERIE Seven days: lunchtimes and evenings. Wide range of meals available.

A totally different eating experience

fondue with hot oil or stock

30 Sandport Street Leith, Edinburgh

Phone 031 554 292] for reservation


'l‘he l.i\t ‘I 22 l)eeemher 1988 81