IFaerie TaleTheatrett‘tit» “pm Stephen I'iii‘st t I)r .-\\elrod ot SI I'.f\(’lt'/I('I't') ioiiis Billy Crystal. .Iell (ioldblum and Valerie I’ei l me III the latest iii the series reworking classic taer'ie tales for teleyrsiori.

IThe Spirit of Christmasr liiit ii

6.25 "..‘\llprii. l’aisley Abbey is the setting for this ( ‘hristmas I',\ e Sci \ ice

I Hollywood ((31) ".05 Sllfipm. I'lll.tI pait iii the repeated series chronicling the days of the silent riioy re. James .\lason nai rates the story of ‘Sy nc and Swim‘ iii 'I he I- iidol an I'.l'2l.

I The Ragged Child I Brit ‘3 l "in w 55pm.


Edinburgh-based independent filmmaker Robin Crichton is becoming something of a yuletide specialist for Channel 4, for he follows the acclaimed ‘Curious Case Of Santa Claus“ with a Christmas morning screening of his latest effort, ‘The Silent Mouse'. As narrator Lynne Redgrave reminds us. ‘Silent Night' is one of the world‘s favourite carols, and this loco-serious historical investigation goes on to reveal that behind this famous song lies an intriguing story of mice and men.

An enormouse number of dreadlul puns pepperthe script. as Naked Radio . star Gregor Fisher plays Franz Gruber, the Austrian actually credited with i composing the carol, and local I


I'Iie National Youth \lrrsic 'I'heatre iii a hisioi real drama about the plight of children in l‘lth century l.ondonseenat the I‘tIlflI‘tllgIl l~esti\al. .\Iusic by David \leItl.

I Last of the Summer Wine Christmas Special t BB( '1 IS ‘lpm, (‘ompo. (leg and Sey riiour iii some dow ii-bcat seasonal L‘tilltctly.

I American Film Institute Salute toJack Lemmontlilit‘litififi 10.55pm. :\II-slitl' tribute to this la\otit‘lte characteractor.


I Silent MOUSBH‘JI Ill llam. (iregor I~rsliei stars as I'tan/ ( iruber. the composer ot the Austrian('liristriias carol. Silent Night. in this co-production between Izdiriburgh I'lIlll Production and ('/ech I V. See panel.

schoolboy Richard Blane his son, whose furry little pet A. Nonny Mouse has more than a significant paw in the proceedings. A most amousing entertainment for children it is too, with some wonderful rodent photography showcasing the star quality ofa singular Dundonian supermouse.

Crichton’s Edinburgh Film Productions have collaborated with Czech television and the Public Broadcasting System in the US on this one. but the almost universal appeal of the subject will see this little mousterpiece screening in eleven countries come 25 December. Maybe the saleabilityfactorexplainsthe wry smile on Mr Crichton‘s face as he admits ‘I do like Christmas stories.‘ (TrevorJohnston)

IThe Dueen (BBt‘i ) 3—3. Illpm. 1:. Windsor gives her traditional message to the nation,

I Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Concert (BBCZ) 3 ~8.2llpm. Repeat of this summer's spectacular rock c\ ent.

I John Wells and the Three Wise Men r t ‘4) 4.40— 5.20pm. John Wells goes by Intercity.followingyonder star. to pay homage to the infant ('lirist in the company of three Iatterday sagesol different faiths and backgrounds. I‘rom the company. Open Media. that brought you the open ended After Dunk programmes.

I Only Fools And HorseSt BB( ‘I l

5.05 b.35pm. Speeialedition lot' ('hristmas.

I The Queen ((4) 5.20 5.30pm. I ,tttct' than on the other channels. but (’4 adds the subtitles for the deal and hard of hearinrig.

I The Snowman ((4) 5.30 tipm. ‘I'lie by now traditional repeat of Raymond Briggs‘ cartoon.

I Faerie Tale Theatre ((‘4 r “pm. l’aul Reubeiis ( Pee Wee I Ierman ) play s Pinocchio in a production that also features James ( "oburn and .lirn Belushi. I Challenge by Fire ((‘4 ) slu 0pm. Magnus .‘Vlagnussoii narrates this account of the rebuilding of York Minster.

I Once In A Lifetime t BB( ‘2)

8.3” III. l5pm. I’iece ol whimsy aborrt the crisis in I Iollywood persuaiit upon the advetit of talking pictures.

I London's Burning t Scottish l

8.45- 10.15pm. Special('liristmasedition of the drama set in a [.ondon lrr'estatiori. I Jean-Michel Jarre: Destination Docklands (C4)1D.40—11.45pm. Jarre's music and light spectacular staged in London's docklands.


I The Shape Of The Nation t BB( '3 i 4 ripm 'I‘our around the coastline of Britain,

I Faerie Tale Theatre ((‘4 l 7pm. .lell Bridges. ( iena Row lands and Shelley I)uval| in the story of Rapunzel.

I CIVVV SITEBI ( BB(‘I ) 7.2“ SQllpm. Part of a worrying trend at the BB( ' talso’l'hc Archer‘s) stages special episodes of its most popular soaps in either of the two world wars.

I MindeHScottish ) 8 0.30pm. Id and Arthur in another adventure in [.oiidon's shady underworld.

I News From Pleasantville: The Story Of Reader'sDigesttislit‘zwfifi iiiaspm. The history of the hugely popular . arehly conservative and unintellectual American magazine.

I The Lenny Henry Special

(BBL'I )IIHIS Ill-15pm. More comedy and impressions from the extra-talented I.en.


I With Hilarious Consequences t Scottish i (y 7.30pm. Ifyou're one of those people who enjoy I)enis Norden's guided tours through miles ofarchive footage. then you'll enjoy thispotted history olsitcoms. IOIhel|0((‘4)‘)pm 12.4llarii..lanet Sir/man‘s Johannesburg production casts black actor John Kani iii the title role. a move which caused a sensation at the time.

I Bergerac ( BB('l ) 8 -‘).35pm. .Ioliri Nettles as the Jersey detective in a (‘hristnias special in w hich he goes to Spain.

I Long Day's Journey Into Nightt BB( ‘2 I ‘).35pm-— 12.30am. Jack Lemmon stars as James'l‘yrone in lingerie ()‘Niell‘s rather bleak drama.

I Tina Turner—Break Every Rule r Scottish) l2.lfk~l.15am. 'I‘urner raunches. pouts and wiggles her way through a selection of her hits.


I Jobson's Choice t BBQ) 2. iii—3pm. A selection of the best pop music of Wts'h’

i l l l



made by one-time per for mer Richard .Itihsttll.

IThe Guinness Book ofRecords Hallof Fame t BBC] lSll.‘ ‘Ipiii I).l\ id I-iost takes the place of Roy ('aslle iii \\ lial is. to all intents and purposes. aii adult \ eisioii ol Record Breakers

IEugene Dnegintt'tw ll itipnii .min film version ol the lchaikoy sky opera,

I Kazuko‘s Karaoke Clubit‘ti

ll.lll 11.55pm. Iloki Ka/uko. one half ol the I'l.lllI\ ( ’hiekeiis. hosts this chat show

based upon the Japanese institution of the karaoke bat

ISchalcken The Paintert Hist '_‘i

1 1.45pm l3 55am. Repeal of this superbly made. \ery atiiiospheiicghost story set iii Renaissance I lollaiid.

IJoan Armatrading—The Concerttsmrristii ll lam. l rye peitormarice from leading

singer songwriter


IThe British And The Dscarsrseoiiishi

Spin. I’eter l’nistov on the Birtswlio hay e won Academy .-\waids.

IYou Rang My Lord? I lilit'l l.\ ‘lpiit .\e\\ comedy lioiiiliiiiniy I’eiiy airdl)a\ id (toll. the team which brought you I )ad's .'\tiny and .-\re You BemgSened IAVery British Couprtztw ll Stipm

A’ AA \

7‘." - it] it. MINI? I. THEATRE COMPANY)



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