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Graeme Murray Gallery, Edinburgh The Graeme Murray Gallery has been travelling. Most recently, an exhibition in New York at the Diane Brown Gallery 3 included the work oi Scottish artists Kate Whiteiord, Linda Taylor, James Cramb and Ian Hamilton Finlay. Photographs by Glasgow-based photographerThomas Joshua Cooper have also been to NYC and Vienna this ; yearon the Graeme Murrayticket. ' At the end oi '88 however, the exchanges worked the otherway, _ bringing Diane Brown's stable oi artists as well as the photography oi Viennese ; artist BirgitJurgenssen to Edinburgh. Jurgenssen's work is currently on show atGraeme Murray‘s Scotland i Street gallery. It is a strange exhibition oi light photography shy behind iine stretched gauzes which give both texture and depth to the iinished image. First shown in Britain in 1987 on a short English tour (which included the Arnoltini), Jurgessen's carelul style, oiten produced without a camera, has the look oi the twenties or thirties. Blue, violet and brown shades i hang over iashion pics, the signs oi astrology and classical sculpture are overlaid, and the sun and moon are divided by a knight in armour. At tirst herwork seemed to give little but a sense oi pattern and sophisticated colourwith images receding rather than projecting. But once stirred. those images achieved a depth worth going backto. (Alice Bain)

Banadda. otte ol .’\ll tca's topartisls.

I JOHN GREEN FINE ART .‘i )3 liath Street. 33) (MES. .\lon l'ri lilam 5pm: Sat lilam lpm

Nth ck leth century continental oilsand i \sater'colours. i I LILLIEABT GALLERY Station Road. é Milngas'ie. 0503351. ’1 ac l-ri I lam 5pm I and 7 9pm; Sat and Sun 3 5pm. (‘losed Mondays. l Scottish Photography Circle—Annual ' Exhibition )4 ZSJatr I Also. \sork trom the permanent l collection.

I MAIN FINE ART] m- Studianllers'. lo ' (iibson Street. 334 SSSS'Xl‘ue Sat . Want 5pm. (‘losed 25. 2h l)ec; l.2.lan. Tlte ness Slain concern is no“ ol’liciallx

open with paintings h} Lesley .\lain . sister (it'g;tller'} oxs ner Michael Slain. This cream-coloured gallc r} . com erted lrom ' an old Victorian chemist's shop is looking I quite beautiful and is a welcome addition

to the west end. i I 908 GALLERY l3 ()tago Street. 330315S. I Mon—Sat lllam opm.

Christmas Exhibition lfnrit 23Jan.

Paintings lrom ins-ited artists and craltuork lrom Scottish makers.

I PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM ( ilasgoxs (it'cett. 554 0233. Mon-Sat lilam 5pm; Sun I ~-5pm. ('losed 25. 3h Dec: l.2.latt. (il;tsgo\\ 's museum of working lite. No“

in its ‘lllth _\cat‘. the museum is currentl}

undergoing essential repairs and relurhishment \\ hich \\ ill last throughout lltL‘ )L‘itt‘.

Stained Glass Gallery Permanent galler} ol secular and religious stained glass \\ hiclt ackno“ ledges ( ilasgoss 's impressne ltislot‘\ iii the ticld.

I POELOK HOUSE 3i lhll l’ollolsshass s Road.

(61(874. .\lon- Sat lilam 5pm. Sun

3 5P1"-(‘lnschSZon-e;

Neighbour to the BurrellCollection. this lSthcentur) housecontainstlteStirling .\la\\\cll ( 'olleclion ol Spanish paintings

and periodltirrtisltirtgs.


iadiacent to Springhurn Railway Station ). 55" HUS. .\lon l-‘ri ll)..‘si)am 5pm. Sun

2 5pm.

A Place to Stay t 'ntil mid-March st), ()tteol the largest c\|tihitions es er mounted on the suliiect ol housing in Scotland. The


Springlttrrn lrom a small \ illage attd irtdustrial suburb \\ he re propcrts “as pri\atcl_\ muted. to toda_\ 'stoxs rt dontirtated l‘} council toss er blocks. home lot 50’) ol the residents.

ITHIRD EYE CENTRE FFllSauchiehall Street. 333 "531. 'l uc Sat lilam 5..‘~llpm; Sun 2 5..‘~llprrt.

Glen Onwin l'ntrl I‘llan. .-\n cxhihitionol depth. breadth and penetrating \ ision.

’l cachet at l'dirtlturglt (‘ollege ol .-\ rt. ()n\\ in malses monumental \sot‘k ol coal. sulphur. radiation signs arid slrau . coats it in wax in trnttatton ol the modern ltagilit} ol the earth's sur lace and alloxss it tosettle in the giant timescale ol the planet's c\istence. .~\|chem_\ is a central interest and sure enough. ( )ms in succeeds irt lmdmg a lilelorce in dead planets lincludingouroxxn alter the nuclear holocaust ). Arctic \\ astes and deep. mills}

,~~""* r sis. ts « -. r \k ‘s \.

Herbert James Gunn. Chloe and Paul Hyde Park


Fine Art Society, Edinburgh

A bakelite wireless set oi mini proportions and an Asprey ad tor a platinum and diamond watch tor £24 and a iew shillings, are two reasons worth taking a look at the Thirties show betore it closes on 10 January. The display which centres on the oil painting ‘Two Schoolgirls’ by Scottish artist James Cowie is another. Put together by Aberdeen Art Gallery, it describes the making oi the painting through a large number oi Cowie‘s own sketches torthe work, which, in their precision and clarity, truly belong to that era oi the sleek, the sophisticated and the sensational. (AB)



new issue out now

Art In Science issue out from beginning of ' March 1989, marking the first Edinburgh Festival of Science and Technology

Art In Science issue out from beginning ofMarch 1989, marking the first Edinburgh Festival of Science and Technology

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The List 23 Dee 1988- 12 .lan 19S") 53