I Poll Tax'l‘he mueh-t'exixted l’oll 'l‘ax ix introduced in Seotland on All l‘ool'x Day. 1 April. I Marie-Jo Latontaine Major \tdeo itixtallation b_\ the Belgian ai’tixt Matte-lol.alontaine at l‘ruittiiat ket ( ialler}. lidiiibut'gh.

I London Festival Ballet l-rom .‘ to S Apt il l.otidoii l'exti\al Ballet ptexerit Swati lake at the ’l‘lieati'e Roi al. ( ilaxgow.

I Edinburgh International Festival ot Science and Technology ( )ne ot the liieliext e\etitx ot the xpring xliould be the llt'\t lextb al ol xeienee and teeltnologi . 3 l3 Apt il. 'l'lie e\tenxi\ e progianinie

embi‘aeex all axpeelx ot xeienee truth the moon landing to ‘tliingx that go hang. NASA hai e lent material lot aii exliibitoii about the hunter at the Roi at ( )bxeri atoii . arid tliere w ill alxo be

x} mpoxia oti eoniputeix and eoniinuiiieatioiix. a

xetenee laii . leettit'ex and tilnix. mati_\ e\hibtttonx and a niatltettiatteal ad\eiitut‘e play tot " ll )ear oldx. 'l he l'dtnbtit gli l.eeture. gix eti on a xubieet iudged to be ot

outxtanding inipoi‘tatiee to

xetenee arid the international eomniuntty w ill alxo be iiiauguai ated. I The House otBernarda Alba l'edet'ieo ( iareta l.orea’x intenxel} emotional plax abotit the xut’loeating. neat - iiionaxtie e\ixtenee Bernarda toi'eex on her

8 The l.i.xt 13 3(i.latiuat'_\'

in e dauglitet'x alter the death ot their lather. openx at the Roial l._\L‘L‘tttTt. lzditiburgh on " April. the tiew tranxlation ix b} .lUltlt (‘litl'oi'd

I Cadbury‘s Exhibition at Children'sArt(‘adliuri ‘x 4 lxt National l'.\htbitioii ot ('litldt‘en‘x Art tourx to ilie(‘i'ii Art (‘entre lidinburgli lt'om "7 April to ll Ma}.

I Mike Harding Mike

l latdiiig appearx at the 'lheatt'e Roi al ( ilaxgow . 9 April

I Harmony Row w'ildeai are titiiittg the premier ot their new xliow about the poll tax. lltirnimii' Run. toeoineide with the Seottixli 'l t'adex t 'nioii (‘ongrexx iti Aberdeen (1" 31 April). 'l he plax hax been llt\ ited to doa eoniniuniti totirat Matte“,

I Charlie Chaplin April In

ix the eentetiar} ot the

birth ot the niotixtaehioed.

baggy tt'otixet'etl eotiiedian. Rieliard Altetibotit'ough ix making a tiltii ot ('hapliti‘x lite. but it ixn't due tor releaxe until l‘Nll

I Green Book Fortnight

(it eett politiex at e tloui'ixhing. and bloxxoniing thix xpt‘ing ix (rl'i’i'll “(m/x l'rir'lltle/tl

tl' I‘lAprilLa nationwide promotion ol l‘tH‘l’x\ about the

en\ ltttltttteltt.

I BBC 2 'l he 35th :tttlt|\et'\;tl'_\ ot til“: i and the h3td birtlida} ol the ()ueenlix 31 April.

I La Traviata 'l'he Spaniin dit'eetot' and aetrexx \urta ltxpert . who tiiade het' opera dii‘eeting debut at

Seottixh ( )peta with film/ante Butterfly iii 1%". l teturnx to the'l'lieaire Ro}al todit'eet Vet'di'x /.u l I'I'tll‘ltlltlttlte l'allen I Woman ). lt w ill be a eo-produetion betw eett Seottixh ( )pera and Madrid ( )peta. opening at the ’l'lieatre Ro_\al. (ilaxgow . 35 Apitl, IAmnestylnternational l ()n 3‘ April Amnein International begin a worldwide eanipaigii agtnxt the death penalti that w ill rtin tititil the end ot the _\eat. I Maytest .\la_\ lext lt;t\ ei’ept into April. opetiitig on .‘lltli and running tiiitil .‘ll.\ta_\. .-\ttixtiediieetor Bill Burden (‘ouitxix goitigtorqualiti tather thanquantitx tliix _\L‘;tt . xo there w ill be lexx ptiblteitx putting about the xlieet'

xi/e ot the exent 'l he programme w ill ttteliide a

new opet a. .'t .SmuH ( ireeii S/iut'e. with a libretto bi iio\elixt l‘ax \Veldon. liei

titxt \eltttlle iiitoopeia.

ll‘xa touringpioduetion eonitiiixxioiied hi the

l' nglixh National ( )pet .i'x outreaeh atid eoiiitiiunit\ unit. the liailtx

l’iogianinie. atid tiinxie ix

bx llotia Sekaex. ( )thei e\eiitx inelude .\tan Aet‘x three \lttiwx ttitlate.

(ieot ge \\ ‘\llle\ latext eieation. a lilexi/e papet xetilptute ot 'l he ()ueeti

Mai} tot [lit-(‘litle't\\lie~te‘ elxe'.’ l. a National llieatte ptoduetionot lliel’m/ I’i/ier. and the lit tttitoti

l llL'tlll'L'.\.,IlII§'/t' [funk

I Old G'lflgOUIegiiU l’L'k‘l'xitllkllttllL'l't‘lttlil lT;t\ en‘t beeii xeen in man} tiew tilitix teeentl} . but xonieone liax managed to

pet xuade them baek into the limelight tot ()ltl (irrrigu. Set lti \le\ieo. ltix about a prim old xpitixtet gm ernexx who |x kidnapped by a bandit.


ICrossing Delancey ()petitng iti \lai ix tlttx enioiable eotiied\ about .lew txli ioiiiatiee in New

\ ork \\ iili .\iii_\ In mg and l’etet Retgett. It wax tlie xutpi ixe \\ litt ot laxt

I StEnoch Centreluxt when you tliotiglit the retailing boom wax over. a new 72-.xhop development. btiilt at a eoxt ol'ovet' {lllll million. ix due to open in Glasgow during the .x‘eeond week ol Ma}; Built on the .xlte ol the old St linoeh .xtation. the new eentre ix almoxt eonipletely in gla.x'.x(the publieityeallx it a ‘unilied building envelope' ) and will house the lop Shop ehainx and a new entranee to the re-i'amped l.ewi.x‘.x. w‘hleh will also be aeeexxible from A rgi'le Street by elevator. the re will alxo be a lood eotii't . ear park and leixure laeilitiex. btit not. ax originally pi'opoxed. aii iee rink. IDisney Ski lL'le\t\lttlt atedue tolatinelitlieii l)ixiiei xatellite ehatinel at the beginning ot Mai.

a - A

I Margaret Thatcher In the tear that xhe beeotiiex a gt'atidriiolher. .\lt'\ ‘l'ltateltet’L‘L‘lel‘t'atex lll tearx at the top. She beeame l’rinie .\linixtei' oi: ~1.\l;i§. l‘la‘). antl liax gone on and on net xinee. Axit ll'}tll;1ttt\ll(i\\ the oppoxition w hat it ean do about it. Ma) ix alxotlie tiioiitli \‘ lien Ken l,i\tngxtot‘.e'x tiew book. Labour 5‘ Programme to; I/lt’ l‘l‘lllx ix ptiblixlied. IJohn Updike \tHCllSl .loliii l ’pdtke‘x .\tenioirx are ptiblixlied iii Stat. ITragedie de Carmen lt'x hard to pttipoitit the tiioiitli e\aetl\ bttt l’etet' Brotin pt'oduetion til the l'i‘agedie ot ('at'meti xliotild be ptexeiited in (ilaxgow in the late xpi'ing or ear|_\ \lllttttlel. It‘ll be one ot a number ot proteetx planned to mark the bieentenari til the l‘leltelt t'eioltitioti. l’aiixtx tlitxieai'enioiiiig the('it_\ ol ( 'tilttit'e nomination (ilaxgow will eelebiate tti I‘Nll. xootherpt'odiieltonx and exentx will piobabli underline lliixeonneelioti. I Citizens' Theatre ‘l be (‘it/ liax been w rapped in \eatloltllttganil xltow L‘tL'tl w itli btiildet 'x duxt iii the laxt tew ntoiithx. bill at the beginniiigot .\la_\ it will “the” itx tiewb ieturbixlied building with a tiew ptoduettoii tot \taxtext diteeted bi l’htlip l’tow xe. 'I he tatiiiliai red and gold ot the auditorium w ill. alax. be gone. bttt xonietliiiigeqtialli iieli. dexigtied bi l’tow xe. ix ptomtxed tnxtead

I Scottish Cup Final Arthur .\lotittotd. wlioix retiring. ntalxex liix laxt

l I 8N0 Proms 'l he .x‘.\'()

! appearanee ax prexe nte r

Far Iett: An exhibition showing howtechnotogy has intluence Paolozzi's work is at the International Festival at Science in April. Above Lett: Neil Bartlett‘s acclaimed A Vision of Love Revealed in Sleep comes to the Tron. Glasgow in March. Above Right: Owen Logan‘s photographs trom Morocco are exhibited at Maytest. Below Lett: September sees the tittieth anniversary at the Second World War:

ol Seoltixli 'l’elex ixion'x Seotxport. reporting on the Seottixli ( ‘up Final at llampdeti Park. Ill Ma), lhe l“:\ eup tinal at \Vemblex takex plaee on the xanie da_\.

I Stevie Wonder Ste\ ie \Vonde r ttiakex liix tirxt appearanee iti Seotland tot nearli Illiearx with eoneei'tx at the lzdinburgli l’lai liotixe on It and Mai. l.axt tttiie he wax here he appat'entl} ltaLl perxotial pi'opet'ti xtolen. I I Street Scene .\ huge eaxt liax been axxenibled tor a new eo-pi'oduetion ot Kurt

\VetllKSlrt‘t'!.St’t'ltt'b} Seottixli ( )peta and litiglixh National ( )pera. I the work liax been dexeribed ax ‘an urban l’org} atid Bexx' and

though xotiie eotixidet' it to

be the tiext e\anip|e ot \Veill‘x lii'oadwa} work. it liax only been pet loi‘med

tw iee belore in Britain.

atid tte\el' by an opeia eoiiipaiii

I Spring Fling l’tm ixional datex tor the t~ditibutgli I)ixtt'iel (‘outieil'x Spring l'ling are 3" Ma} ll.lune.

_ JUNE ;

I Wealth ot a Nation llte Royal .\ltixeum ot Seotlaiid'x ltdinburgh l'extixal e\htbittoii. ruiixl June 31 l)eeenibei'. lt'x (le\l}.1lletlpitl'll}tt)\ltti\\ liow xhot't ot xpaee the tiiiixeiiiii ix arid to eaiiipaigii tor a new building oti the green xite adlaeent to the ( ’liatnberx Street muxetim.