Promstake place 3—10 June at the Usherllall. Edinburgh and In June—lSJuly at the (‘ity l lall. Glasgow. I Scottish International Air Show Prestwick' Airport. lUJune. I Art in Scotland in the 20th Century’t‘he Gallery of Modern Art’s lidinburgh Festival exhibition. drawn from its own Collection. opens mid-June. I Rowing Scottish rowing championships at Strathclyde l’ark. l7-- 18 June. I Royal Highland Show lnglis'ton. lidinburgli. 18—21 June. I Edinburgh Old Town Festival Included in this ten-day festival. running from leJune to l .luly . will be a big community proiect over Midsummer‘s Weekend. 23 2-1 June. I Glasgow Show I lorsc Show and ('ountry l’air. Bellahouston Park. 23- 35 .lune. I Glasgow International Jazz Festival 33lunc 2 .luly. I Wimbeldon Fortnightlti Jtiiie--‘)Jiily. I London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT) This biennial festival comes itist before the lidinburgli liestiv al (3b June— letily landolten showcases work that then comes to ladinburgh. This year it will include co-productions with the Avignon Festival and performancesot plays commissioned to mark the Bicentenary ol the French Revoltition. I Rostov-on-Don Marking their association as tw in cities. (ilasgow will host a week-long testiv al of the arts of Rostov -oii-Don. a city which lies about titltl miles south of Moscow. The event runs lroin 2‘) June to 5 July and there w ill be a strong emphasis on music. I A History ot the World in Ten and a Hall Chapters .lulian Barnes's new novel. published this month. I The People's Story Despite many annouiiceriients tor the opening ol this new museum ol social history in the (‘aiiongate in lidinburgh. it still i‘eiiiiaiis lirmly shut. l.atest forecasts suggest an openingithtne but that‘s not delinttc. I Glasgow International Jazz Festival The third of another annual event which seems to be burgeoning. There will be major concerts at the Theatre Royal. modern jazz sessions at the Old Museum of Transport. a (‘omposer-ln- Residence project and an expanded late-night club. but no names can

be confirmed at this stage.


I Glasgow International Folk Festival 34) July.

I National Portrait Gallery The National Portrait (iallcry opened in lidinburghon I5Jtily. 188‘). with money donated by an anonymous patron. revealed at the launch to be the then proprietor of The Scotsman. Marking the event. and coinciding with the lidinburgh Festival. is a major exhibition. I’ur’nrt'rs rim! Patrons: .-t r! III Sent/um]. [050- I77)“. lrom ltvliily to S()ctober. It will trace. with works borrowed from collections all over Britain. the delicate and sometimesdit’lictilt relationship between the artist and his patron.

I Bastille Day l4 .luly. There w ill be dancing in the streetsol l’arisandall over France as its citi/ens take part in the Flux (irunrl It’u/ilrr .llom/t' ( the largest ball in the world) on the eve of Bastille Day. I Assembly Rooms lzdinburgh. Re-open alter relur'bishiiient lS‘liily.

I When we Were Young Tlie(‘ity .-\rt Centre. lzdinburgli. in association with Save the ( ‘hildi‘en l'tlnd mount an exhibition When we ll‘t'rt' You/re: (Tit/(fret! III [trim/i .-I r! Io'o'UIuI/it' I’ri'yt'n! “(1)33” July UAtigiist.

I Paris Summit l'ndistiirbed by a city erupting with revolutionary lervoiii during the bicentenary celebrations. representativesol the

sev en leading industrial nations w ill be meeting lol' the Paris summit in July.


I Football Scottish football season starts. 5 August.

IWilliam McTaggart (1835—1910)Maior l-cstival evhibition organised by National Gallery ol Scotland and held at the Royal Scottish Academy. lidiiiburgli. I“ August 2‘)()ctobcr.

I Edinburgh Military Tattoo ll August I Septeiiibci. IWorld Pipe Band Championships Bellalioustoii l’ark. (ilasgow. ll August.

I Edinburgh International Festival t.‘~ August September The l'cstival is doubling up on its theme thisyeai'. devoting the lirst tvvoweeksto'l'hc (ilot'ioiis :\ge ol Spain. tollow ed by a lull w cck l3!» 3! August I ol l'Iel‘lcll eveiitsto mark the Bicentenary ol the l‘it'ettclt Revolution. Also included landappaieiiily not tilting in with either themelwill

be the fourth World Theatre Season. a season of British plays. the ('ity of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra conducted by Simon Rattle will hold a w eek-long residency . and the Sliostakovitch ()uartet w ill be in residence for two weeks. The tenth anniversary of the l‘estiv al of British Youth ()rchestras at the lidinburgh l-‘estival w ill be marked by a specially commissioned work lrom l.yell ('ressw ell. played by the British Youth l‘estival Orchestra. conducted by Sir(‘harles(iroves. President of the Association on 13 August. The ( ilenlivel l-‘ii'ewoi'ks will be held on 2-1 August. The lidiiiburgh Festival l’ringe runs from l3 August to 2 September. I Edinburgh Book Festival I: IS August. Author‘s likely tobe appeariiigare rumoured to be Anthony Burgess. Michael I lolroytl Margaret l)rabb|e. and possibly children‘s atitlior'sl.eon(iarlicld and lii‘ic ( 'ai‘le. I Edinburgh Film Festival 13 2":\ugust. 'l'liel‘ilm liestiv til has no director yet. .lim I lickcy 'scoritract as l’ilm l'estiv al director ccascd on 5l December last year. and no replacement has yet been lotiiid. An announcement is due on I l-ebruary.alter which he or she w ill liav e toniove \ciy swiltly toget a programme together. ln the meantime w c can suggest a couple ol possiblitics: I/lt' ( 'mir/ttt’v! of the .Sultl/t I’U/c. \\ rittcn by Manlred Kat'gc and recently staged at the ladinburgli Ti‘av else. has just gone into production and should be linislicd by .-\tigusl '. the producer is (iaretli \Vai'dcll. (producer ol [from/land ls'ate ( )liv iei . daughter ol Sir law t‘ence. stats. :\nd w hat could be more appropriate than premiering Bill l'oisyth's new Iiliii. [fruit/tine In .it l-diiibiii gh'.’ It stars Burt Rey riolds. and should nist about be ready by August. 1" :3.t\ug; Htli\\'oild (iotlgt ess ol lltc lntcinalioiial .'\ssi‘cl;tllllll loi l’liilosopliy ol l .iw and Social Philosophy. l'iiiversity ol l-diiibtiigh ‘l he theme is ‘ltngligliteiniient. Rights and Revolutions in l cgal and Social 'l lioiight' and it marks the .‘lltltli anniversary ol the (iloi'ioiis Revolution in Biitain. the Bicentenary ol the l'icnch Revolution. and the WWII anniversary til the l illllctl States ('oiistitution I Edinburgh International Jazz Festival In I“ August I Edinburgh TV Festival

35 ISAngust

I Martin Amist illltltlll l’lcltlS. Mai tin ,v\inis's new nov el is published

I Second World War3 September is the 50m anniversary of the beginning of the Second \Vorld \Var.

I British Satellite Broadcasting (‘oriipetition for audiences ofsatellite TV hots up in early September w hen BSB begin transmitting three channels. Round about the same tiriie. in late summer autumn Sky Television launch their tith satellite channel. Sky Arts(workingtitlc).

I Scottish National Party Conterence 3d 23 Sepieiiiber. Duiioon.


I National Review otLive Art'l'he ninth National Rev ic\\ ol l.ivc :\t'l held til the Third liye Centre. (ilasgow takes place this month.

I ScotRail ScotRail‘s new service bctw ccn ( ilasgovv and lidinburgh begins in October.

I Monty Pythononfi ()ctober it w ill be Ill years since Monty Python's l-lying(‘ircus was first broadcast on BB( ‘l.

I The List ( )n 4 ( )ctober. it w ill be Iour years since

‘l he l N tii'st hit the


I Children's Book Week An annual. nationwide event. promoting books for kids. with meet the author sessions and lots of related activities. runs from (i to l5 October.

I Guisers Season After a sell-out success last year. the second (iiiisers Season for children will take place in lidinbiirgh l-l October—5 November

w ith plays. activities and workshops set around the themes ol l lallow e'en and 5 Nov ember.

I Scottish Ski Show The (ilasgow l lerald Scottish Ski Show will be held at the Stiff. (ilasgovv.

Zlk 32 October.

I Booker Prize Margaret Atwood's new nov el. (‘ur's live ( published 3b January) has been suggested as a likely contender for the Booker Prize announced on It» ()ctober. This year istlte leth aiiniv ersar‘y ol the

ev cut and there may be a royal or two in attendance.

I British SummerTime lind ol BST. 2‘)()ctober. (‘locks go back one hour.


I Soviet Season A tlttt|ot season ol art li'om the Soviet l'nion entitled New Itr’eriinuiev and including painting. sculpture and

performance. begins at the Third liye (‘entre. (ilasgow in November.

I Rambert Dance Company From 28 November to 3 December the Rambert Dance Company tottr to the Theatre Royal. (ilasgow.

I World beating British Products lixplaining exactly what these are is the exhibition at at the Scottish Design (‘entre. (ilasgow. l5

November» .‘vl December.


I Nobel Prize Awards Ceremony in December. I Christmas Concert (ilasgovv (’alhcdral. 15 December.

I Oliver and Company This combines Disney with Dickens. lt‘s a cartoon version ot ()lri'er In is! and as a saleable (‘liristmascommodity it could hardly be bettered. I Back to the Future 2 Remember how Michael .1. Fox and his girlfriend were whisked off intothe future itist before the credits rolled at tltc cndol [tire/v to the harm"? Well here. presumably . is w hat happened.

I Ghostbusters 2 Third known contender lot” the (‘hristinas market is another Iollow -up.


Some people seemed to enioy the T988 Festival. . .

In only its second year Glasgow has vaulted straight into the international jazz circuit with ease meouuzoow

Presents the full breadth of today’s jazz scene —GLASGOWHERALO

An artistic triumph -— THE SCOTSMAN One of the most diverse at European jazz events —'THETIMES

The 3rd Glasgow lnternational Jazz Festival runs from 23rd June to 2nd July 1989 why not pay us a visit and find out for yourself.


For Festival information and to

get your name on our free

mailing list ring Odl 226 326? or write to the Jazz Festival Office, 46 Royal Exchange Square,

Glasaaw Gl 3AR.

The list l3 Zolanuary'g