WEDNESDILY (m? m 6 1. Charlenets Web (U) 2pm 3. Hairspray (PG) 11.30pm. ntouc a as . m. m. _ Fig," p p AWorldApartt15)4pm.(t.l>pm.8.3tlpm. " ' 3 .6 . , _ THURsoansiwewwcm m Ell-gesnfinlams Terribles” (I) pm pm IALLANPARK Allanpark Road.St1rltng. I __ m I 1 . l- - - . we. ,3. DBSIfB ( 18) 8.30me .nt UB4“ £1 \18. ' ; 1.Au RevoirLesEnlants(PG)8.30pm. (‘ I v )‘ v bl‘ . | . . . l 2- Silenlcomedies(L'lfiPm-S- I5Pm- WWW?“ “’"°“‘“‘"’"“.""““."' " HOME STREET-TOLLCROSS-TEL.O3I 2284141 I Fri—Sun). N0 unaccompanICd ChIIdrcn m I FRENCH CINE-CLUB . j 1.The Killing Fleldsl15)2.15pm.5.30pm. aftcrfipm- , _ g ' l Studio 1 (-inema. Scottish (‘ounctl for Au new" Les [man‘s ( p0 ) 8.30pm. Red Heat ( 1h) Fr1._Sat. Mon—:hurs UnmJan19 1 Educational Technology. 74 \1ctor1aCP 2. Track 29(18mpmfiJspm. Zyfipm (Sm only). 3.40pm. 8. L pm‘ Sun Once Unbelievable‘ (‘ u 1R tad.Dowanhill.Glasgow J .. DAY” . .pm. . . I ‘nglLlLQ‘l withers“ ). Tues - - t q o g 2. Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (PG) Frt. Now thbmkable , l 21.. l. L _ I 1.TheKt|l1ngF1eldstl. ) _ Th Chmm Class“: Returns I Tue 171 The Las‘ WW POW-“Pm Au Revolt Les Enlants 1 mm. 15pm. Sat. Mon—Thursl-4bpm (Sat only). 9 . 9 H 1 5 Tesumony([)(‘,) 7.45pm 5.50pm. 8.20pm; Sun 7.15pm. Frank Sinatra, Laurence arvey, I l 2 Track 29 ( [8) 6pm 8' 1 gpm I CALEDONIAN Almondv‘alc Centre. Janet Leigh In I ' . I WEDNESDAY 18 . I Livingston. 0506 3316312220 THE MANCHURIAN F" 1.Au RevoirLes Enlants(I’(3)2.45pttt. (Child’OAPU'zm' H mm? PC 1 CANDIDATEU5) f I GROSVENOR Ashton Lane (1.15pm.8.3()pm. Iéwho rIaIgegforge; [an ( I) -—Pm 1.15pm (not sun & wed), 3.45pm, j 1. Freebie And The Bean ( 15) 1 1.15pm. i‘ 2. Track 29 ( 18) 3pm. (1pm. 8. 15pm. (2 at ‘anflggtk-lgjfl (pm; 0an) R 10pm 5,15pm, 3,45pm E 2.Beetlejuice(l.<i11.15pm. THURSDAy1g 7.43pm -p . t .. .. . I ODEON chfield Street 1. Au RevoirLes Eniantsti’(})2.45pttt. ' ' ' . W . , . , ) 74 Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (PG) 11.10pm. 6_15pm‘8_3()pm. PrmCLss Street. Falk1rk.( 3.. Bed H881 ( 18) 11-15Pm- 2. Short Films From The Brest Festival Frog 2 ' ' 7 . l High SplrltsHS) ll.15pm. (15)3_3()pm.5pm_ 1.:(hgnf1’r28I11lgl351115)-.30pm(not Sun). . 1 0r heetPGitS; La Belle St La Bete(PG) ~ ~ - - - ' i EDINBURGH CINEMAS 7. {’SPm. 2.wr;ortr12e:)nogege):t;t:t7$.35pm 20_26 Jan. See Llsflngsmflmes. not un pm- - - e --~ - . 21.95 I CAMEOHtmte Street. 228-1141. [D] Bar EDINBURGH SOCIETIES 3. Moonwalkmm)3.15pmmm3un)‘ See both films for £2 50( ) open Mon—Sato—ll.3()pm:Sun6—llpm. 5.25 m. Fri 20:CRIMES OF PASSION {3-9IIIWIGSI PCFI- Filmhouse. Lothian Road. 228 2688.The .REGAL North Bridge Street,Bathgatc. Sm 21 ; THE 3H|N|No (18) &THE The ManChUIIan candldal9(15)1«15Pm annual membership fee of£17.5() allows 0506634152Firstcvcning perf. A” WITCHES 0F EASTWICK (15) (110151111. WCd).3.45pm.6-15PTTI‘8-45Pm free admission to all main season films and tickets“ 20. Main evening perf. £2 22' SUBWAY (15) & 3"" 153 GWIlemen PIBIBI BIOIIdes (PG) discount prices on other Guild events. (Child IOApustudcm £840“ .30). sun - 2.30pm. including studycoursesand educational Rad "881(18) (untilwcdnjopm REPO MAN (15) 560 also Edinburgh LMCS- Sun 15: Full Metal Jacket ( 18) 5.30pm. See also Central Lam. HERE (15) a. 91/, WEEKS (18) ICANNON Lothian Road.229 3030. Bar: Lesniaboliques([>(j)5‘3()pm, Tue 24: O'RTY DANC'NG(15) & llam~2.3()pm. 5—10pm (Mon—Thurs). (Alternative screening) DUSTER (15) 11“”‘*I 1W“ (FYI 53"). 6-30—10Pm (Sun) I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY FILM SOCIETY ' . 2 . DROWNINO BY [1)] cinemas 2 & 3 prior notification Contact; Societies Comm. The pleasancc. I REGAL North Bndge Street. Bathgate. (18) & THE BELLY advisable. £3. £2.80 (cinema 1)£2.80 667 1011 ext-1514. A 24-houranswcring 050663415» 15 ~' ~ ' 2 1 . . .- . ,1... ..- . . Sat14: Rocky HorrorPlcture Show(15) OF AN ABCHITEC'H ) (uncmas-.. ).Ch1ld£1.60(Pullmdn). senicc(5570-136)gncsdctatlsofthe . VIXEN8(18)& L I P (bCfOIC prograrnmc “~Cck “tcck' I discount scheme operates. 5,113. Odeon mm Centre; 1.Tbe Presiuiot1512.211pm.5.2opm. Robocopm) 11.15pm. STRATHCLYDE CINEMAS 8-3”Pm- The Untouchables (15) I-ISam- IAMC c1yttettan1tto Clyde Regional 2' Young Guns(18)2'mpm‘5‘mpm‘ sun15t George Squaw Them”: Centre Clydebank.041 951 1945. 1'29") IR 0 gs x K Babette's FeaSHL‘) 6-4512!“- Matinees: £1.75 (Under 1421.25). Perfs ' oonwa er“) 212“ pm‘ ' "" pm“ The KIICIW" Tom ( Isl8'4spm' commencin 4.30—6.30pm: £1.25. Main 0 5.55pm. 8.25pm. I FRENCH INSTITUTE 13 Randolph evening pcrfi. £125 (Student £1 .75. . Late N Ights IDOMINIDN xcwmmc Tcrracct447 Crescent.225 5366. Screeningsorganised Under 14£1_25)_ 3%” RC“ “lam-3Pm‘ 5‘1 1pm (Mon). every Thursday by the Institut Francais u“ “then Like Son (p6) 1_()5pm (Sat at I 1 -1 spm mum-IIIum (Tue-Fri) mam-"ODE d'Ecosse. Membersil. Non-members only)‘3.15pm‘ 5.45pm‘ 7'55pm‘ 10.05pm F” 13:1-"5 exonc's-r (18) a 2-1 lpm(Sat). Bar noon-3pm.6—1()pm £1.75. smoooeupo)12_35pm(samnly)‘ EXORCIST "_THE (Mon—Fri):o—10pm(Sat);6.3(}-8.30pm Wed 13; Tanufle (pg) 6pm, 8,311pm, (Note 245 m. 4.55pm. 7.25pm‘9'45pm HERETIC (18) { (Sun). Partial wheelchair access. Tickets Change Mdmc) the Pmsmo (15) 12 45pm (Sammy) £1 .70 for late matinee performances 3.05pm‘ 5.35pm‘ 7"45pm‘ 955m“: Sat14: PLANES, TRAINS & commencing 5—6pm; allothertimes £2.60 nod Hea'(18)2.45pm (Sat‘sun only). AND AUTOMOBILESU5) (Child, Student ’L'B4()£l .70; OAP£1 .50 E0 H .8. “t 5.05pm. 7.25pm. 9.35pm. ' DEAD MEN DON’T WEAR a”agreements“esters???3* :82” PLAID(1°5)SE°FGAMES(18) o fame 098' a “" pm‘ ' t . (Sat 0an). 2.35 m. 4.45 m. 7.05pm. Fri 20: H U ' The Exorcist ( 18) éc’ Exorcist 2. The Heretic . P P . .20 .820 . E A a?“ Calleran$anda (15) 7 1s m (18)]1.15pm. 9-25Pm' 7 a & BEST SELLER (18) s' 1 «pm 8 1st “' “p Sat 14: rggnwalgeégml;1351mm: only). Sat 21 : suxeour (18) e ' .m..-m...m...m. 3. 36,009“ (p6) 2pm. 5pm‘8pm‘ Planes. Trains'And Automobiles ( 15)& “ml; alumna) 7 55 :(Sat 52mm”) 1'" MEN (15) e . . ~ . I DeadMenDontWearPlaid(PG)11.15pm. -~~P . . . Bar 6—9pm. Partial wheelchair access. . 0050‘ C lfr A Fish called wan“ (15)7.45pm‘ Tickets£250 (Child«'Student/OAP/UBM) Student» - ~ l- 10mm. £1 '75) I” per“ up ‘06pmiiz‘80 ' Cartoonarama (U) 10 30am (Sat onlv) w s 1 ,vv . 1.Redileat(18)ll.45pm. - . e n I . Fri .Sat) for perfs commencing after 6pm. 2' ______ p p m-p . 1. Red Heat(l8) Mon—Thu: 1.30pm. '7’ " “' '"'"“ N . 3.45pm. 6.05pm. 8.30pm. Fri—Sun: v sun15 at 2309'“ ° ER 1.45pm. 4pm. 6.20pm. 8.45pm. (5 . GENTLEMEN Peer 2. Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (PG) BLONDES (PG) 1.40pm.3.55pm.6.10pm.8.30pm. % wed1aat1pm: 3. High Spirits ( 15) 2. 10pm.4. 15pm. THE LAST EMPEROR (15) “25"” “Up” T Sun 22 at 1.45pm: See also Edinburgh Lates. THE FRENCH EDmBURGH FILMHOUSE H. h I. - [mo 0 LIEUTENANT’SWOMAN (15) '9 qua "y me :4 Wed 25 at 1pm: Lothian Road. 228 2688. Bar (Mon—Sat. Japanese'sty'e Com” O an'esses- FULL METAL JACKET (13) noon—1 1pm. Sun 6.30—11pm) Rest Forexample. . (MW-Sal. noon-9pm). [E] Matinees Six-ply Double £79; Carriage £6 5 From Friday 27 Jan . £1 ‘30 (COWS 75P)1EBTI.VCV°"lnSS £2 Free brochure on reouest. STORMY MONDAY (cones £1.50); Main evenings and Double I Bills £2.50 bookable in advance. No ' ~ concessionson Sats. ~. ' “2'31".32 .1 «t «w t " e . or pa (15)2.-0pm.6.15pm. -. -- . ' 8.30pm. . J - \ . w 2. Les Entants Terribles (PG) 3pm, 6pm. 13 Hyde Park Corner. Leeds L36 15F. Telephone (0532)]437531 8.15pm. Open 9.30—5.30 Monday-Saturday and until 7.00 on Thursdays SATURDAY“ A

The List 13 26 January 19