. The Mackintosh House Gallery: ()pcn as

forced to make the long journey to the New World. Based on the book by Kathleen l-‘idler.

I RARBINGERS -l l 7 (ireat Western Road. 339 9999. Mon—Sat Illam—(ipm. Ilarbingers will not time a special exhibition in January btit w ill still be open for the sale of good design.

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY L'niy ersin of Glasgow. 83 llillhcad Street. 3305-13 l. Mon—Fri 9.30am -5pm; Sat 9_.‘stlam~ Ipm. From McTaggart lo Eardley t not 15 April. A winter show ing ol the gallery ‘s collection of Scottish w atercolotirs inclttding work by (ilasgow Boysand ' Scottish (‘oIotirists.

their home during the ('learances and I

aboye but closed for lunch 12.3t I .3llpm. 50p admission on weekday afternoonsand Saturdays. .-\ reconstruction ofthe architect's home fitted with original furniture.

Mackintosh Cabinet Design limit 15 April. From simple stained pieces made in the mid-1890stoelaborately decorated white cabinets. this exhibition ol twenty designs pros ides a representatiy e suryey oi .‘Vlackintosh's work in this lield.

I NUNTERIAN MUSEUM The l‘niyersity of Glasgow . 339 8855. Mon til 9.3llam~5pm; Sat 9..‘sllam lpm. (’losed 3-1 Dec—4 .lan.

My Life in Miniature titan 1 April. .-\n exhibition of wood caryings by a.luslus Akeredolu. a distinguished teacher ol carying.

I lMAGES GALLERY 74 ll} ndlalid Road. 33-1 5311. Mon l‘ri 9..‘silam--5.3llhm. NO i exhibition at present btit general stock

includes 18th and 19th centuryJapanesc woodblock prints and l9th and Ztlth century etchings. w atercolours and oils. I INTERDEC GALLERY .\laryhi|l Burgh Hall. 24 (iairbraid Aye. 9-1059l2.

Batik by Godlrey Banadda and Palestinian Cl'atts()pens It .lan. Work by a well-known African artist as well as craft front the Middle Iiast.

I JOHN GREEN FINE ART 203 Bath Street. 3216035. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm; Sat Illam— Ipm.

l9th ck 30th century continental oilsand w atercolours.

I LlLLtE ART GALLERY Station Road. .\lilngayie. 956 3351. 'l‘ue—l-‘ri 11am—5pm and 7~9pmz Sat and Sun 3— 5pm. (‘losed Mondays.

Scottish Photography Circle—Annual Exhibition Until 38 Jan.

Also. work from the permanent collection.

I MAIN FINE ART The Studio (iallcry. Iii (iibson Street. 33-1 8858. Tue Sat lllam--5pin.

The iicw Main concern is now ollicially

open with paintings by Lesley .\

ofgallery owner Michael Main. Illis cream-colou red gallery . conyerted from an old \‘ictorian chcmist's shop is looking quite beautiful and is a welcome addition to the West land.

I 908 GALLERY II ()tago Street. 3393158. .\lon Sat ltlant—(ipin.

Christmas Exhibition l‘niil 23 Jan. Paintings from inyited ai‘tis'tsand cral'twork from Scottish makers.

I PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM ( ilasgow (it‘cen. 5540233. .\ton»—Sat Illam— 5pm; Stiii l—5pm. (ilasgow ‘s museum of


Springburn Museum, Glasgow It you go down to Springburn this month, you will find a Man With the Sky on his Head. That is the title at the sculpture Rona McNicol is making during a whistle stop residency at the museum next doorto the public library. By 28 January he should be complete, give ortake a cloud or two a mighty man at metal and adobe (an exotic name tor a tast-drying mix oi lireclay andsandt

Rona looks lorward to her public performance. Though she is committed to producing works at an, on this occasion it is not so much the linished product that counts, but what happens on the way. Since college Fiona has been enthusiastically involved in community art, starting oil with making playground sculptures tor a Glasgow building company and moving on to

work with groups which cater tor those with special needs— Lung Ha’s Theatre Company, Slide Workshop, Theatre Workshop, Artlink and Theatrecratt.

Community art and special needs— because of tunding structures, the two otten go together. Community art and art therapy-again the two join naturally. But Rona is concerned that community art is not so rigidly pigeon-holed and that the whole community should be given a slice ol this opportunity to change or develop attitudes and to get creative exercise. Oxygen torthe imagination. ‘Everybody tinds themselves watching too much TV. We’re very isolated in oursociety and don’t do a lot of things to express ourselves. People need to know that they can change their space it they want to. Art is accessible and gives people that opportunity to change things themselves.’

Wary ot pretension, Bona is not one to stick to a heavy discussion she is much happier practising what she preaches. Mixing her own work with her desire to work with others, this young, effervescent artist has the kind at personality and blend oi talents which make community art work.

With the foundations ot sculpture in Springburn laid on Rona's residency, Mark O'Neill, curator at the museum, continues his adventurous New Year project with the unveiling at a traditional style sculpture by Vincent Butler in Atlas Square in February, an exhibition by Glasgow Sculpture Studios which opens 1 February, and sculpture classes with Rona McNicol in early spring. It's a bright, bold initiative lrom a community museum with lots ot spirit. (Alice Baln)

working life. Now in its 90th year. the museum is currently undergoing essential repairs and refurbishment which will last throughout the year.

Stained Glass Gallery Permanent gallery of

secular and religious stained glass which - acknowledges (ilasgow's impressiye history in the field.

I POLLOK HOUSE 20m l’ollokshaws Road.

0320274. .\lon-~Sat Illam—5pm. Sun l—5pm. Neighbour to the Burrell Collection. this 18th century house containsthe Stirling MaxwellCollection of Spanish paintings and period furnishings.


(adjacent to Springburn Railway Station).

557 I405. Mon-Iiri Ill._‘sllam—5pm: Sat lilam»--lpni; Sun 2 5pm.

A Place to Stay t'ntil 27 .Ian. ()ne oltlie largest exhibitions eycr mounted on the subject of housing in Scotland. The exhibition traces the transformation of

Springburn from a small yillage and industrial suburb where property was priyatcly owned. to today‘s low it dominated by council tower blocks. home for 50’} ol’the residents.

Rona McNicol - Sculptor in Residence l'niil 27 .Ian. For three weeks iii .Ianuary this young ( ilasgow ~trained artist w ill spend her working hours at Springburn. This first residency project looks lorw ard to the museum’s plans for 1990.

I THIRD EYE CENTRE 55llSallcltieliall Street. 333 7531fl‘ue Sat Illain 5.3llpm. Sun 3 5.3llpni.

Glen Onwin t'ntil 29 .Ian. .-\n eshibition of depth. breadth and penetrating \ ision. Teacher at tidinburgh (‘ollege ol .-\it. ()nw in makes monumental woi k ol coal. sulphur. radiation signs and straw . coals it in wax in imitation oi the modern fragility ol the earth‘s surface and allow s it tosettlc in the giant timescale ot the planet’s existence. Alchemy is a central llltel'est

Hunterian Art Gallery University of Glasgow


Watercolours and Drawings from the Scottish Collection 19 November 15 April 1989

Mon—Fri 9.30am-5pm: Tel: 041 330 5431

Admission Free

Sat 9.3llam-lpm

14 January-18 February


OPEN FORUM DISCUSSION ‘Photography in Scotland and Canada’

Sunday 15 January 2—4pm. Admission tree.

105 High Street, Edinburgh. 031 557 1140 Gallery: Tue—Sat12—6pm. Admission free.

DINB 9-“


oniampnrary Photography tram Canada


Subsidised by the Scottish Arts Council


75/79 CUMBERLAND STREET EDINBURGH EH3 6RD TEL 031 557 1020 Mon—Fri 10am—6pm; Sat 10am—4pm ’THE ARTISTS’ CHOICE’

25 of Scotland’s Leading Contemporary Artists choose a painter whose work they particularly admire, including works by; David Donaldson,

Alberto Morrocco, Elizabeth Blackadder, David Evans, Ann Patrick and Ian Fleming also ’A BIRD IN THE HAND’

28 Artists working on a feathered theme including works by: Vincent Butler, Stuart Beaty,

Sarah Honeyman, Neil Ions, Anna Lambert and Mark Stanczyk Exhibition runs until January 26th 12 noon

The List 13 26 January 41