Crawford Art Centre, St Andrews

Think nuclear and it is unlikely that you think at a Barbie-doll salesgirl grinning all over herterminal guidance device (part at a Pershing missile). Equally, the inventor ol the neutron bomb is not the kind at man you picture readily as an avuncular patio person with a poodle. But in an exhibition organised by An Lanntair, Stornoway, these realities must be seen and believed in the revealing work at photographer Robert Del Tredici.

During a six year journey across America, Tredici went in search at the bomb to lind out where it’s made, who makes and who dies by it. Like the explicit, otten laughable captions which accompany them, the photographs show lact. And that is what is unnerving. Tredici has gone out at his way to let the nuclear industry, both peacelul and delensive, speak tor itsell. The inventors, the tactories, the employee spooning out radioactive material like a dinner lady dishing mashed potatoes, are all there with otlicial sanction. A public relations otticer stands wearing regulation sunglasses in tront at an advertising billboard which looks more like Loony Toons than the announcement tor a nucleartest. But at course, it Bugs Bunny can survive the bomb, why can't we?

Though out at The List's usual catchment area tor review, (it whizzed through Edinburgh almost unnoticed on a late booking) this exhibition seemed too important to let by. See it it you can: (Alice Bain)

and surc cnough. ( )nys in succccds in tinding a lilclorcc in dcad plancts (including our ow n at'tcr tItc nuclcar holocaust l. Arctic wastcs and dccp. milky lakcs. An cshibition ol grcat poyscrand impact. Not to bc tttisscd at its(ilasgoys showing ( Iii'st show it at thc I‘ruitmarkct. Iidinburgh l.

Working the Surtace ol the Earth Until 29 Jan. Photographs by Sebastian Salgado ol Brazil gone gold crazy. The scene ol50,000 men covered in mud working in this crater-like open gold mine is one which bears little relation to the contemporary world. An Impressions Gallery, York. exhibition.

I TRANSMISSION GALLERY l3 ( ‘hisholm Strcct. 552 4813. .\Ion Sat noon (\pllt. Transmission moycs to ncyy prcniiscs in 28 King Sti‘cct. itist around thc corncr. in thc New Ycar.

I WASPS It» King Strcct. 552 ll5h4. .\lon~l-'ri Illam 5pm. A ncys shop. cyhibition spacc and rcsourcc cc ntrc with inl'oriiiation on work by all \\'ASI’S artists. Slidc library and inlorination about how tocommission work.

From Shadows Parted t'niil 13 .Ian. .‘s‘cw work bascd on sw immcrs by Anncttc Iidgar. Bright and bold.

Group Exhibition IoJan 4 rich. work by thc King Strcct \\'.-\SI’Ssludlo.s.


I ARTlS 3o ( iay l'icld Squarc. 55h 75-16. Mon l-‘ri lilani 5pm.

New Images by Bob Cargill 3 l-‘ciw -3 Mar. Anopportunity toscc a soloshow ina domcsticsctting .»\rtisaicanarts consultancy which pi'otttotcs and markcts thc work or Scottish artists.

I BLACKHALL LIBRARY 5o I Iillhous'c Road.

Bill Didcock l ‘ntil o l'cb. Photographs.

I BOURNE FINE ART -I Dtindas Sti'ccl . 55-7 4051). Mon - l’ri Illam opin.

Scottish painting 1800-1950 and decorative arts.

I CALTON GALLERY 1“ Royal 'I'crracc. 556 Illlll. Mon- I-‘ri Illam opm;Sat lilam-lpm.

19th and carly leth ccntury British paintings and watcrcoloui's.

I CENTRAL LIBRARY ( icorgc |\’ Bridgc. 225 5584. Mon l'i'i‘lam UprnzSat

‘Iain lpm. 235 5534.

Royal lnlirmary Volunteers 50th Anniversary Displayt'nul .‘stllan. In thc Iidinburgh Room.

Niddrie Castle Display Scottish Library l 'ntil .‘slllan. Displaycd in tlic Scottiin Library. As We Were 50 Years Ago 1" .Ian 3s I-cb. A staii'casc cxhibiliori.

Prints lor Sale I 'ntil .‘~II.lan. A happy collaboration bctysccn thc l’rintmakcrs Workshopand lItc l‘inc A rt l.ibraiy in thc atticsolthc ccritral. l’rints tor as littlcas {IS to oycr Elli“. 'l'hc small sclcction includcs work by mcnibci's and gucsts likc Kcn (‘urric. 'l‘hcrc arc morc prints Ioi'salc at Dundcc Strcct library.

I CITY ART CENTRE 2 Markct Slr'cct. :35 2-124 cxt (wh5ll. Mon Sat lilam 5pm. Liccnscdcalc. ID].

The Experience at Landscape t 'ntil 21 .lanuary. A South Batik cyliibition yy Iiich brings togcthcr British paintings. drawings and photographs. Sonic ol this country ‘s bcst know it artists arc

rc )rcscntcd l’aul Nash. Day id Bombcrg. I .

Bill Brandt and I..S. Lowry among thcm. Beryl COOItI'ntil l-lIan. Bcryl('ook. paintcr ol Iadics yy itli tur coats and nac drawcrs and othcr pcoplc haying tun. comcs to Iidinburgh. llcr sccncs ot’ lil’con thc strcct. in tlic disco. in thc boxing ring

Sam Cohen, Father ot the Neutron Bomb by Robert Del Tredici

and otlicr down to carth placcs. arc iust right for a w intcrgigglc.

Colour in Scottish Painting l'ntil 21 .lan. ()n thc ground floor ot thc Art (‘cntrc's mtilti-stoi'y gallcry spacc. this isasliow with lcw surpriscs birt a numbcr ot good cxamplcs ot Scottiin painting. 'I‘hc cxItibition bricl‘ly traccs thc (ICVCIUPIITL‘III ot Scottish colourists os ct' thc last hundrcd ycars through thc pcrmancnt collcction. Danish Graphic Art Exhibition t 'niit Swan. I’irst ma ior show ing of Danish graphic art in Britain. 'l‘hc association of Danish artistsincludcsncarly l5llnicmbcrsandit is Irom thcir widc ranging work that this show has bccn .sclcctcd. ('ontcmporary icyycllcry from thc (ialcric Mctal in ("opcnhagcn complcmcnts thiscxhibition. The City's Pictures 4 l‘cb ll Mar. During I’cbrttat'y and March all four floors ot thc ('ily Art ('cnti'c will bc giycn oycrto display work l'rom tlic city 's collcction. A good opportunity to scc what thcy 'y'c got in \IDTL‘. Scottish Ctiltitll‘tst's. contciiiporarics and topographical yicws ol' Iidinburgli all hayc thcir placc in this y'at‘icd collcction.

I COLERIOGE GALLERY ~17b(icorgc Strcct. 220 l3ll5. Mon— Sat Illam 5.30pm. Iltlsls I/It’ placc to scc contcmporary British glass.

I COLLECTIVE GALLERY loo I ligli Strcct. ZZII llotl. 'I'uc— l‘ri l2..‘ilI-5..‘sllpm. Sculpture/Installation l 'nul 28 Jan. Work by Dundcc School of Art gradualc. ('allum Stirling.

I CRAIGMILLAR MUSEUM ('raigmillar Primary School. llarcwood Road.

.lust opcncd. this ncw musctim looks at thc history and currctit actiy'ilicsot (‘raigmillan a district in south Edinburgh known tor its summer fcstiyal but alsoas

onc of Edinburgh's socially ncglcctcd areas,

I FILMHOUSE Intlttatt Road. :3S(i3b‘3. Mon—Sat noon I lpm; Sun (no llpm. I.lL‘CltsL‘tI t‘L‘statll'altl.

Photographs by Eric Robertson l'ntil It .lan. Britiin landscapcs in colour.

I FINE ART SOCIETY 12(iicat King Strcct. 55hll3ll5. .\lon Sat lllam hpm.

l‘Ith and leth ccntury Scottish paintings. I FLYING COLOURS GALLERY 3.5 William Sti‘cct. 325h"'7h. 'l‘uc I‘ri Ilam opin. Sat llIani lpiii.

Contemporary Scottish Art 1 mil cnd .lan. .-\ colourlul sclcction by gallcry artists.

I FRENCH INSTITUTE 13 Randolph (‘rcsccnt . 225 53hr». .\lon I'l i ‘I..‘~llam lpiii and 2pm 5.30pm. I-.\liibitioiicloscd until I(\.lan.

Photographs lrom the Gillman Collection 'l'hc Amcrican ( iillman company starch collccting I'.lit'opcati photographs in tlic scyciitics. 'l'hc lirst part ol'tliiscyhibition conccntratcson I‘Ith ccntury work includingphotographsby l-o\'l'albot. Rogcr l’cntoti arid I.cys is ( ~at roll. 'I'hc sccond part oI this csliibition w ill bc licld Il‘ottt ItiIan 5 I‘cti.

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY 2‘) \tgii'kct Strcct. 325 3383. I uc Sat Illam 5.30pm: Sun l..‘sllpni 5..‘~IIpiii. licciiscdcatc Iranchiscd by \cgocrants yy lIIl tyso spccialitics spicy Iiaslct'n .iiidsliclsy cakcs.

Bernhard Prinz t ‘nul I5.lan. I-iisi British slioyy tor this young photographcr lrom l-urth in Baycrnc. l.argc cilmchi‘omc prints w ith thc gloss ol blur and iiiaga/inc photography posc his architcctui'al iiiodcls w ith human modcls. both pcrsonilications oi idcals rathcr than straight portraits. Sonic of tlic architcctui al iiiodcls will also bc on display in thcgallci‘y.

Aenne Beirmann1925—1933 t ‘niil tiltin. 'l‘raincd as a musician. Bicriiiann startcd taking pliotographsol lainin and lricnds. an actiyity which lcd toprotcssional comriiissions. 'l'ragically shc dtcd ycry young. lcay ing hcr archiy c with licrIcwish hitsband. llc cscapcd lroni (icrmany in 103‘) and yycnt to I’alcslinc. but unt’ortunatcly his w ilc‘s photographs wci'c conl'iscatcd by tlic Nazison routc. 'I'his cxhibition has painstakingly gathcrcd all rcniaining matcrial by hcr lainily. Photography Workshop Sun I 5 .Ian. A wholc day looking at thc possibiliticsol combining photography with sculpturc and painting. by Scottish photographcr Nikki IooIL‘. thc workshop has bccn organiscd by tlic l‘ruitmarkct in con iunction w ith thc Photography \Voi'kslioplllll I‘ll l l. l’lionc lordctails. SIX Dutch Artists ZS .Ian I: Mar. Introducing Rob Scholtc. Marlcnc Dumas. l’ccr \'cncman. Ilcnk \‘isch. l lan Scliuil and Alcxandcr Schabraq. All arc young and ncw to Scotland.

I GALLERY LA BELLE ANGELE l l I lastics (‘losc. ('owgatc ( bchind 3m) ( iallcry) Mon—Fri Illam 5.3Hpni; Sat 1 1am 4pm. Flowers lintil l-l .lan. \‘l'atcrcoloursby (’arolinc 'I‘homson. colour ctchings by Alison (icorgc. filtcrcd photography by .lohn Thomson and at‘raitgcmcnl in silk and dricd llowcrs by Barbara .Iamcs. I GALERIE MIRAGES Racburn l’lacc. 3 3603. Inc -Sat ()illiir 5pm. Sun 2 5pm. closcd Mondays.

(’olourl'ul sclcctioti ot' goodics Irom tlic gallcryK trcasurc storc. Dccoratiy c and lunctional obiccts lroin Alghanistan. 'I'hailatid. India and Africa.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Bcllord Road. 556 8‘): 1. Mon Sat lllam 5pm: Sun 3~5pm. ID] (‘alc 'I‘hc gallcry 's justly rcnoyy ncd calc isopcn Mon—Sat lll.3llam- 4.30pm; Sun 2.30—4.2(lpm. (‘rcam tcas will bc .scrycd from 3—4. 15pm. Main Gallery 'I'hc .supcr-rcalists rcturn to thc main gallery with Duanc I lanson‘s imagc of Amcrican 'I‘ourists. .lohii Day‘ics‘ tour mcn For the Last Time and John dc Andrca's stunningly lilclikc modcl in rcposc.

Lunchtime Concerts Start January. l’rcscntcd by thc Iidinburgh ( ‘ompctition


42 The List 13 26 January