_ FIE/319.132 .UST

The countdown to 1990 has begun, but before we celebrate Glasgow as European Cultural Capital, there is an action packed taster in the way of 1989. Sally Kinnes looks forward to the events and anniversaries for which the year will be remembered and draws on The List's unrivalled contacts to predict the highlights of Scotland’s arts’ year.

But for full details don’t be without The List in ’89.



I Bicentenary oi the French Revolution llll\ \eai the trench take ox ei where the '\ll\llitll.tll\ lelr otl iii \L'.ll4lt‘llLZL‘L‘lL'l‘lJllUllS.

the Magnum 'l‘heati'c.

lrx me. on 34 .lanuar'}. tourxto the King's 'l'heatrc lidinliui'gh 3H 35 l-elii'uar) . and tinishes its run at the I’m iliori

'l heatre. (ilaxgow , In March l.-\pril.

I New YearRevolutions

\Votan tor the lust time. plus l-clicit} l’alnier‘and l’cnclope \Valkcr. Richard Jones. w lime llltto\all\L' production ol (rm tun Illllr' was \taged Ii} Scottish ( )pera last )L‘M . dltL‘L‘lS.

I President Bush ( rem-gt-


I Strathclyde Concerto l’reiiiiei ol Sir Peter .\la\w ell l)a\ie\‘ 2nd Strathclyde concerto h}

w ill be the yetii w hen satellitel \'coinc\intoit\ ow n in Britain: c\i\ting channelx((‘haniiel 4. BBC! k 2 and l'l'\'lwrl| liceonic know n as

‘tei'i‘cxtr ta! '1 \” and act ialx w ill liccontc \qttar ials t the

Top Left: Twiggy appears in thetilm Madame Sasanka. released in March. Left: Things Change with Don Ameche and Joe Mantegna hitsthe film world in March. Above: The London Festival Ballet bring theirSwan Lake

to Glasgow in April. Right: Tony Haygarth appears in theNalionalThealre'sJuno and the Paycock. coming to Glasgow in March.

themxehexoll .t\lllL‘ l~oiii lopxat a Mediterranean resort recently iappeai at lllL' l’l.i\ltott\L'. ludiiiliurgh. l“ l’L'l‘l'lltllh. ISimply Red leleliiuait. l’l.t}lltill\L‘.l diiiliutgh

I Museum Year :\t'l

I t i lllk.S(.().tll lllC(~ll.\ lltlll. I new llatltclol‘litllhll g.tllL'rIL\;imlmiixeiimx lheliiccntenai} ottlic .\ew \eai' Rmoluttonx lluxhisrnauguraredax (“bump I [Chnmfl Smdllu. Blmulmmlm" mllhcdmmlm” umlml l-iench rc\ oliition and the come troni the 'l'i‘a\er‘\L‘. President ol the l ‘iiited ' L .... a . .

.. . . ~ . i . s. . at it . , : I StAndrews Festival l, "“"”‘-"""“’- “Wk” “‘31” W“ iiilvlliw l)L claiation ol the leJlllS ldinliuigh. wit ia .tatcxon _ ..tllll.tl_\. . j . , g . \mnlmh W.“ H“. I. ‘H Wcmho Hm H. H. In. . “h. ot \lan tails in MN). and programme that lllL‘llltlL‘\ I Rugby Union Scotland i 1” ~“ I ‘Flllu‘lll' 1h} [0mm 0” g “In.” In WW h \mwu'm Yr“ the l iench w ill be letting I a work combining dance pla} Wales at .\liii r'a_\ lield 10ml] “l l'llC E—‘fim'mg hcn‘lm hm, m.“ gunm- HUM m. m.” k “H. l I the world know ll. l'iench ! and sculpture. entitled l on 21 January. i litenntal arts lestivals. E (h-lnnch\pck‘ink‘1IhIt” u-mgn in ol tli -\lu\euni\ \llti'\\ .iie lloodcd \\ till l‘lll'lllllll't’ Iii/‘Srllll‘rr'rl/ I Whitbread 800k ollhe run by \Iudcntg but Brim”) J“. “unduly \“UU Hm” 1‘“le “‘1” CW" l 'llt‘lll‘l'llfl- l-““""~1”“l(lilllccll""" Year -'\”l””.‘—"l “WW '” 1h" ol’l'L‘t‘ttli' w ork l’roni I Chinese New Year‘l lll\ llllllll‘L‘l ol rel iterl *\ ‘lll\

. “AW, v t . . LL JIPP‘HTMM'Ur‘d‘Tm‘m 1 tin. [mid [."\:( Lulu]; filmy?”'.”:.§dlnmll. i hrolessional itTIlSl\()l lallsoiitil'c'lii'ttan.atid andactl\itIe\.iteplanned l i ‘i it” ill 1 .iglant .'-w, )\ cs. caxon. 1c u\ it re \. Hit/irr' i'rx '\ . . . _ _

~ L l . a ( ( national SlllllLllllLl. llllS 1%" “'“l‘k 1'“ 3“” "l i lll't‘llflllt‘l” “WWIHNH- rhth \\lll lie ext-nix, \e;|\()|] hegtnxon -4 (banned in lndiaiand , , . ~ mg \- _l. j _m ,H . h I, . i . . .- . . . . . . \ W - .. \‘L‘ttl'SlllLlelltlllIS ‘“ I“ - I . “Hunt” .illmliuliii liappcningxanddancingin .lanuan with aonL-nian .-\.. . ll\tlll sliiographx : ~ - .Don Giovanmekflmm 8 “Hum m ‘HI hm H llte~lrcel\all o\ei' l'iancc. show about the poll t;i\li} ol lUl\lH_\. Announced 3-1 f 'nLlUd‘ l-Um'u“ 6* “PM.” wumd m.“ .H m R H I] \m um . i L‘ t \e o lliedax to lie tlicie will lie .lttlTlL‘\ l’oultet‘. l’u/l.-l ieil.’ .ltlllllill’}. 50” S UL“ Slit)“ “Hanan,” m .m \- Ullm 1'! 1mm” h Bastille l)a\. l-1.liil\ . Ilie l’r'uxuiirx Rei'ull. I W.B.Yeals 3\lanuari IS l l’tll'lllllfit'. the (iztlirlL‘ll lmPlc“,w hmkma “ow,” I peter pan “1 m' l I, ‘H I when all hell willlireak I SIX Dutch Artists .\eon the .‘llth annnerxar} ol the i 51mm: Quarter _\' 1‘ “UN.” “ml Pmdu .h m )1 I, I I}, n k loose in l);lll\. but it ion sculpture will appearon death ol the poet. \\ .lil. : “cckcnd “truncate (gm-Wm], It opens on 5 pmwmm I“ Swlmh Wm“ “Hm-mm?" mu“ m“ m”! “l mc \ w!" I‘ll“! J Hm“! “I l and the .Vr’it' Directions l’elii uai'} at the 'l'heatr'c Ballet. lunded lw w hat I\

less euphoric. l'i’cnch rL'lalL'dc\ctil\wtlll‘L‘ spillingmer lollllSSILlL‘Ul the channel throughout lllL‘ tear SL‘L‘ l‘k”lt\\\. IThe Sash ":st'xiirxi

pr oduetion under the .tlllSIIL‘LlllL'L‘It‘l'SlllpUl l)a\ id 1 la_\ iiiaii IS I lectoi'

.\lae.\lillan\coritimersial play. l/ieSax/i. lt‘xasatrre

on ( ~atholic-Protestant lL'llSIUII. and w hen it \\;I\ lust per lot med in the earl\ "Us. the audience made their Io} illllL‘S clear li_\ ranging lllL‘lTlSL'l\L‘\tlll dIllL‘t'L‘til \tdL‘\ ol the auditorium, lt opensat

G‘l‘he list 13— Zolanuar)‘

l‘riiitniai‘ket (ialler‘) in Izdinliui'gh as part ol this new show. It runs li'oml" .lanuar} IZMareh.

I Das Rheingold Scottish ()pci'a's lirst production ot part ot Wagner‘s-ring cycle opens on 27‘ January with a new stagitigol'lhrx Rlirnego/rl at the Theatre Royal. ( ilasgow. .-\ production ol Siegfried is planned lor thl, soil seems lair to assume the compan_\ are planning a w hole new Ring. The line up lor‘ [his Rlierngolrl looks \ L'r} strong with \Villiai‘d \Vliitc singing

ptililicationxas lll\\\tlll\ comes out ot cop} right. I Big Country l-ir'xt appearance ol lire (rill/THY iii Scotland since their tour to Russia lidinliur'gh l’la} house. 3” January

IGorilIas inthe Mist lixtraordinai} tilni account ol l)ian l'ti\\L‘_\ \ oliscxxhe \lud} ol mountain gorillas in central Attica Sigour'nc} \VL'QHL'I' in the lead i\a likel} ()xcar' nominee. Scottish general release

troni l-rida} 2".lan,

exhibition by L‘otite‘tttpof;rt_\' Scottish painters including the promising Keith (irant.

I New Moves lhc I llll'Ll l'.}L‘ ( ‘L'llllL‘.\ \ecorid season ol new dance worksrunx hour 2 l-eliruar} until early March and w ill include a new new piece by [.aur're Booth.

I Rugby Union litigland pla} Scotland at

'l w lL‘le‘llllttlll. 4 l'clii‘uat'}. I Satellite Television Inst)

Royal. ( ilaxgow , lc'\\ than a lor'lnighl alter [his R/iriieeu/rl. Jonathan Suninierx. one ot Britain's liest liai'itoncx makes his deliut as Don ( iltl\ aniii. and HM id \Valdl. head ol production at Scottish ()pL'ta. thlL'L'l\

IThe Changing Face of Edinburgh‘t'he ( it} Arr ('enlr‘e in l-dinliui gh lta\ L‘olllllllSSlollL‘Ll. throuin the lean \thlxtlll l’und. eight artists todepiet I/Ir' ('lirurcrng [an e of lat/mlmrg/i. 'l'he work goexoii \Iiow

thought to he the largest c\ er \[TtillvllSlllp package met Litiriiiriri in\ol\ing the pulilieand pt‘nale\L‘L‘tiir‘\.iritl .i liallet coinpam (‘lioicogi'aphed lw (irahanil ll\llt.'. ol Sadlei ‘\ \Vells Rotal Halter. it opcnxal the 'l lieati'e Roi al. ( ila\gow with a charity gala oriZ-l l‘L‘l‘llltlU and tours tothc l’la} house. l-diriliui'gh. 3 13 Ma}. I Funhouse 'l'he riew childreii'xseiiLw l'llll/IUHH'. tll\llllf_'tll\llL'Ll h} hm ing the biggest set
