the EYO‘s forthcoming tourto San Diego. 8 SUNDAY 5 Glasgow

I Don Giovanni Theatre Royal. Hope

I Oman necnal James's Church. SUCCI. 0T Underwood Road_ Paisley. Admission at Extra dates: 11. 16and l8 (mat) Feb. 4.6. door. 7.30pm. Dr Peter Christie gives the 24 and 30 M?" " Glasgow 28 FSb' 21 and. first ofa series of three concerts being 23 Junc‘ Ed'f‘burgh' w'" Scott's}? Opera 5 given on St James's Willis/Walker organ. "cw prOdUFt'on 9f00’10'0‘fa’m’bc 35, ammng through the Glasgow Societyof controverSial as its last? Unlikely. In this

- staging by the company's Head of orgimlsm Productions. David Walsh.Jonathan Edll‘lblll‘gll Summerstakesthetitle role withJan N F I Meadows Chamber Orchestra Queen‘s 355:: 35:52:11:aligngpf‘ann? 'SJ‘mc R E N C H Hall‘ Clerk Strccl‘ 668 2019' 7'45pm' Kathryn Bouleyn sings Donna Elvira. H T H E F R E N C H £3.50 (£2.50). This excellent amateur I Glasgow University orchestm Concert Chamber OrChcsua’ conducmd by Peter Hall. Glasgow University. Admission at

Evans. gives an imaginative and attractive door. 7.30pm. £1 (50p). A Parisian pmgrammc OfTippcn‘s sellmger s programme including the Poeme by

Round. Schubert‘s Symphony No 3and H . . ' . '

‘h39'1'l‘msfioub'cC°"C°"l"Ffi”'L°“" Elnad"::§’."u‘i§'."¢l';iiii‘éfiii‘flfih... LANGUAGE CLASSES AT ALL LEVELS an cc 0 Wit two young so ms 8. e0 . ' ' . _ H . . Phillips and Judith Herbert. An exhibition "SUd'W ‘0‘"?‘1 '" "W: Comm” “mm” START MONDAY 13th FEBRUARY 1989 about the Meadows Chamber Orchestra ofthe Scottish Early MUSIC Consort.

runs at the Music Library on George IV U R S 9

Bridge until 6 Feb.

I Edinburgh University Singers Reid Glasgow

Concert Hall. Bristo Square. Tickets: at . Lunchtime Concert Concert “a”. E N L N G N !

door. 7.45 m. Mozart‘s Coronation Mass . , p Glasgow University. 1.15pm. Free at

and J .S. Bach‘s Singer dem Herrn ein neues . . ' o ' Lied'dircctcd by John Kitchen. door. Trios by Beethoven (Op 1 No 3)and /0 redUCtlon for StUdents, and

Haydn (C major) played by Daphne ' M 0 N 6 Godson (violin). Marjorie Rycroft (’cello) reg|stered unemployed

. and Kenneth Elliott (fortepiano). Edlflblflgll I La Boheme Theatre Royal. Hope Street. for further details please contact I New You" Come" Queen.s “an. Clerk 331 1234 or 332 9000. 7.15pm. Extra Street. 668 2019. 7.45pm. £3.30—£6.60. dams: ‘5 FCb G'asgow- land 3 Ma"

The Same Quartct from Prague play Edinburgh. See Sat 28 for full description.

- . . IRSAMD Orchestra St‘ t .' 11 II. Str'"gq"‘mc“by HaydMOp 74 N03)‘ RSAMD. 100 Renfrevat?;:?.3;2 5057. ALLIANCE F RANCAISE DE GLASGOW

Martinu (No 6) and Schubert‘s Death and 7 30pm £3 (£2) Interesting programme the Mmdm' with Webern's arrangement ofthe 7 TU 7 . Ricercare from Bach's Musical Offering. G G1 2

Berg’s Violin Concerto (soloist David Glasgow

Clark) and Bartok‘s Concerto for e I Lunchtime Recital Hutcheson‘s Hall. O’Ches'm- Norman (M Mi" Conducts- Tel ' 041 339 4281

Ingram Street. Tickets: at door. 1.15pm. '1 £1. Students ofthe Junior Departmentof g

the RSAMD make a welcome return to I 860 Quccn‘s Hall. Clerk Street. 668 Strathclydc University's concert series. 2019- 7-45Pm- 53-20—512. some rarely well established now in its new venue in heard mUSiC tonight in thc form 0f partnership with the NationalTrust. JanaCCk'S [dyllfor Slfings 30d the One of the grooviest whose members prepare the light Serenade for strings by Josef Suk . whose fashion accessories ." refreshments, namesake directs from the violin. More around the gyms and \ \ - familiar are the Beethoven Romances for bedsits of Central . we \ Edllllllll‘gll violin and l-Iaydn‘s Symphony N083.

. Scotland ri ht now is "‘ I Edinburgh University Chamber cnoir Reid "'Cknamcd The H“ the hipperfihanmip

Concert Hall. Bristo Square. 1.10pm. . . Free at door. More student voices (sec LL“ T s!““' . Possession of said

also Sun 5) from Edinburgh University. , Michael Turnbull conducts Tallis‘s garment WI" Propel Lamentations of Jeremiah and . jumping you into the heady just a few hundred years. Five Negro world of designer chic, ,, Spirituals from A Child OfOur Time by yet the cost to you is a :IlJiPl". H II C fl N l H ll mere £6 (plus 50p 0 80" a once e son a . McDonald Road Library. Leith Walk. 1,85% gm; cargo" 8pm. Free at door. Jamie McDougall. r6515 ' en a c eque tenor. with accompanist Malcolm made out to "P U“ Martineau give a recital as part of this Ltd together With the informal and popular Tuesday evening filled out order form series. All welcome. below please state _ .\ ' " “" " ""n “’m' E L‘ size:LargeorExtra ‘\ ' Saturday 1 1 February 1989 ga’gc' Plea.“ 3"” 21 \ a/' 5 b . ays for delivery. 6 [/7 [1229 7.30pm in the Usher Hall Offer subject to 0

j ya HAYDN availability. \ C) 0 Symphony No 104 (’London’) A/

Q [710” BRAHMS / - ein Deutsches Requiem to obtain your very own Llst T-shlrt send a cheque or postal order lot £6.50 (A German Requiem) (Inc post and packing) to the address below, together with this coupon.

Chorus Master . Christopher Ben Scottish Chamber Orchestra Name ................................................................................ ..

Conductor Nicholas Cleobury

Address .............................................................................. .. Soprano Kathleen Livingstone Baritone Anthony MichaelsJMoore ........................................................................................ . .

Tickets £3.50—£7 from Usher Hall Box Office Schookhildren £2. Vouchers from UHBO. Size: Large/Extra Large (please delete where applicable).

Send to THE LIST T-SHIRT OFFER, 14 ngh Street, Edlnburgh EH1 1TE. The List 27 January - 9 February 37