9-l2pm. Resident Trad band.

TUESDAY 4 Glasgow

I Bobby Wishart llalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 12]“. Evening‘. Leading saxophonisth jazz and fasion band.

I Big Jazz Night Bosvvell llotel. Mansion House Road. Langside. 8pm. (ieorge ()gilvie leads the Trad and Dixie bash. I Jazz Academy Bonhams. By res Road. 357 3424. Evening.

I Monty‘s Bar And Diner 1256 Argyle Street. near Kelvin Hall. 334 8l)li7. Evening. Live jazz night. mainly Trad.


I Louisiana Ragtime Band \av'aar l lotrse Hotel. May field Gardens. 607 2828. Evening.

I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restatrrant. The Shore. Leith. 9pm. Tonight Roben Pettigrew and Kenny Ellis. piano double bass.


I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo ( ilzisgovv Society Of Musicians. Berkeley Street. 221 6112. 8.30pm. 5llp. Bar.


I Bill Kyle‘s Jazz Base L'Annehe. basement of Rutland l lotel. West End. Princes Street. 9pm. Free. Leaderon drums with a regular line tipof

piano keyboards. bass. drums. guitar. brass and reeds. Modern. bop. some mainstream. blues.

I Sophie Bancroft/Spike Wright Three 'i'uns Wine Vaults. Hanover Street. 8.3ll llprn. She's the best of the younger singers.

I Charlie McNair's Band Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. Evening. Long lasting Edinburgh band.



I Jeanette Burns/Andy Alston Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant (‘ity. 552 5924. Evening.

I Jiveass Blues and Boogie \Vintersgills. (ireat Western Road. 8.3lL 1 1pm. (ireat. rough R&B band.


I Gordon Fytle Trio Afton Hotel. (irosvenor ('rescent. Evening.

I Criterion Jan Band Eat Sams. Fountainbridge. Evening.

I Templehall Stompers Temple Hotel. Esplanade. Joppa. 669 4264. Evening. Trad and dixie residents. (iood fun. Btisy. older crowd.

I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restaurant. The Shore. l.eith. 9pm. Tonight Pschyco Blue. laid-back piano female vocalist.

I Joe Capaldi Quartet Brandos. Blair Street. Evening.


Try Turning To

1 f 1 l f



I Rough and Ready l.a Taniere. l5 l’ox Street. 221 4844. 9pm. Free. Regtilarla Taniere band doing what regular l.a Taniere bands do on a Friday night.


I The Gregson and Collister Band ()tieeri's Hall. South (‘lerk Street. 668 2111‘). (‘liv e (it'egson and (‘hr'istine ( 'ollister'. vv ho've been making music together since before amone coined the ‘folk roots‘ term. or at least since before it passed into general parlance. celebrate the release of their nevv Special Delivery l.l’.'l ('lrmrgeurI/n' ll'eur/u'r with their three-piece backing band.

I The Rose otAvalanche and The Snapdragons Venue. ('alton Road. 55" 3ll73. Do the Rose deny being goths‘.’ Probably . but it's hard to tell vy ithout a scorecard. They vvould probably deny being hippies as yvell. Any vv ay . they 'v e got a nevv single otit. ‘.\'ev er Another Sunrise‘. that All About Eve might sound like it played at 33.

I The Humpft Family Trading Post. The Shore. 553 7164. llfpm. l-‘ree. Spool country and vs estcrn.

I The Block Brothers Prescrv atiori 1 Tall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. £1 after").3lfpm. I Charlie and Her Sheepdogs l.ord

l)arnley . West Port. 2294341. llfpm. Free.

I Doug Rich Paddy's. Rose Street. 9pm. liree.



I New Order and I A Guy Called Gerald SE(‘('. liirtnieston ()uay . 248 3lilili. 7.3llpm. l-‘resh from a number one album. and another hit single vv ith Round and Round. it still seems that attempting tofill the large hall at the SE(‘( is anov er ambitious move. Notorious for the erratic live performances. this could be either brilliant or terrible. and hovv a (iuy ('alled (ier‘ald vvill be able to turn his studiobased acidic ramblings into art exciting liv e sltovv remains to be seen.

I Eye Scream llalt Bar. llilfWoodlands Road. 332 12 ll). 9pm. l-‘ree. Promising band featuring the excellent vocals of Linda Jackson.

I Philander's Tricycle l.a Taniere. i5 ism Street. 221 4844. 9pm. l’ree. If anyone has half an hour to explain vvhat the name signifies means. let me knovv.


I Garrison Rock ('afe. Venue. (‘alton Road. 557 3ll73. lleav y rockers from life. recently featured in Kerrrmg.’ and sharing the same management as Big ('ountry and The ('tilt. Big things ahead. vve presume. I Woodrow Wilson and the White House Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. if after 9.30pm. The exceptional soul singer gets together with his full band. See him. More tomorrow.

I Bfuetinger Platform ()ne. ('aledonian llotcl. Rutland Street. A busy three nights ahead in different venues for this rock‘roll combo. Residency.

I Charlie and Her Sheepdogs I .ord Darnley. West Port. 2294341 . Afternoon. Free.

I The Humle Family Trading Post . The Shore. 553 7164. lllpm. Free. Spoof country and western.

I Warren Peace St James Oyster Bar. 557

2925. 9pm. Free. Full band tonight. but \Varren's regular Sunday appearances are solo.

IThe Charge l.or'd l)artiley . West Port. 2294341. llipm. l‘ree.

I Live band Negociants. l.othian Street. 2256313. 0.45pm. Free.

53 NDAY 26

G asgow

I The Believers and Just Add Water'l‘he Videodroitie. 33 3‘) York Street. 22111441 8.3llpm. The Believers‘ last live outings found them fitting comfortably mtoa pop sotil sotirid yvitliotrt adding any thiiigof note to the sound that made them distinctive. llovvev er. that is some time ago and things may buy e improv ed since then given the band's ov erall competence. I Drunken State Rooftops. 92 Satichiehall Street. 332 5883. lllpm. local thrash band if you can handle that sort of thing. I King Bees Duo l.a 'l'aniere. l5 l-ox Street. 221 4844. 0pm. l-iee. Regular acotisticgig. I Shoot To Kill Titilitc‘t's. ( )svsftltl Street 9pm. Free. .\'evv band. .\'omformation. Rotten name. loads of gigs in the next levy vveeks Maybe vvortli seeing.


I Napalm Death .\1oshpit. Venue. ( 'alton Road. 55" 3lf73. “.3lfpm l lprn. Bone-crunching leaders of the Br itish hardcore scene. dtie to tour Rtrssia and .lapan later in the year. So were l'ii/lbox speaking the truth vv hen they called them the laughing stock of Birmingham" Decide for yourself.

I Very Very Negociants. l.othian Street. 225 6313. 0.45pm. l'rce. On their last sliovving. a capable ldmburgh funky pop band. \Vorth vvatcliirig. so the l .istenl contingent vvill be along at this.

I Woodrow Wilson and the White House Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 22b 3816.£1after‘lpm.Secondoftvvonights. See Sat 25

I Bluelingert‘aie Royal. \\ est Register Street. 8pm. Rock'n‘roll.

I The Tex Fillet Five ltadiiig l’osl . 'l he Shore. 553 7lli4. 8pm. T'I‘L'L'. Tongue in cheek country.

IWarren Peace Sr .latties ( )ystei Bar. (‘alton Road. 557 2925. 9pm. l'tee. l’op. Residency.

MONDAY 27 Glasgow

I Napalm Death Rooftops. ti: Saticltieliall Street. . 32 5883. flfpm .\'ot the ftttisl pleasurable vvay' I can imagine of spending a Monday night. Anyone is ho callsan album ‘Scum‘ has to be treated vv itli extreme caution.

I The Wendys 1.;l T article. 1.5 l'ti\ Str‘eeel. 22] 4844. 9pm. Free


I Europe Play house Theatre. ( ir'eensrde Place. 557 25W). 7.3llpm. £85”. £75”. Sanitised vaedisli rock. You remember the hit.

I God‘s Little Monkeys ( 'alton Studios. (‘alton Road. 556 7ll66. 8pm. £3. l'nder their former name of Malcolm‘s lntervievv . the Monkey's v’erged on the unclassifiable vv ith an album of f'olkabillyisli material. dravv mg on songs by .\lc(‘oll. Bragg and ( iauglian.

I Bluetinger Venue. ('alton Road. .557 3073. Rock'n‘roll.

I Doug Rich Negociants. l.othian Street. 22.5 (i313. 4.3lipm. Free.

I Johnny Sunbeam Negociants. l.ot hian Street. 225 6313. 9.45pm. free.

I Bulb Cormorant Preservation l lall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. f).3llpm. l-ree.

TUESDAY 28 Glasgow

I Rich Napoleons. 128 Merrylee Road.

637 5238. 9pm. Free. ('ontinuing a rtinof good bands at Napoleons on a Tuesday. I The Rhythm Kittens l .a "lianiere. 15 Fox Street. 221 4844. 9pm. Free. Rated itt some quarters. yet demoev iderice stiggestsanother band trapped in 1977 vvith no signs of arty individualism. Stillat very early stages. so this may come in time.

I Bobby Wishart l lalt Bar. l6li\Voodlands Road. 332 1211!. 0pm. l‘ree. ()ne of the longest running residencies in the history of the vvorld. surely.


I Birdland anti Baby‘s Got a Gun Venue. (’altoii Road. 557 3(173. The bleached mops the London papers are all talking about If their" music is as predictable and restricted as reports suggest. they could find themselves upstaged by the vastly improved Babes. vvho are still living in "7'7. but doing so vv ith a lot more com ictiort and classthan many living in '8‘).

I The Tex Fillet Five \egociants. l .othian Street. 225 0313. 0.45pm Tree. '1 ongtie in cheek L‘tilitill'y. Residency.

I Los Supremos St James ( )y ster Bar. (‘altoti Road. 557 202.5 ‘lpm. l-i'ee. (‘ountry blues. Residency.

I Man Sunday Preservation 1 fall. Victoria Street. 22ft 3810 ‘l. .‘vlfpm Free.

I Doug Rich ( ilobe. West Port. 2294553, 9pm. Free.



I Rock on Down to the River Hall ( iillespies. 2b ( ‘lieapside Street. Shovv batid.

I The CTDWS Bruce llotel. liast Kilttl ide. “3552 29-771 llar'd i'ockersliom Edinburgh.

I Runaway Trains and Beautiful Suit and Thislslt l‘tiry .\1tirr'ys.96 .\laxvvellStreet. 2216511. llf.3llpm. l'he('irkus(‘lub presents another selection of decent bands. so hopefully . in spite of the lackol publicity that has reduced ttirriotitsat previous gigs. there vv ill be a decent audience. The Beautiful Stiit are iangly. accessible pop. and This ls II are back after a spell vvithout any (ilasgovv gigs.

I Jewel Scheme rim. .s'n Miller Street. 24s 285‘). llle. l-‘ree. Another bandvv ho have been avvay for ages. and l amsut'e there vv ill be some interest in him they have developed.

I Capone and the Bullets and I Dawson The Buck. 272 St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). ‘lpm. liree. Rated ska band. although hovs serioust the ska revival sliotild be taken remains to be seen.

l)avv son. by vvay of contrast. are from Bear'sden and most certainly are not a ska band. liovv to describe them is beyond me thotrgli. (io along and make tip your my n prgeonhole for them.

I Field of Vision La ‘1 aniere. l5 l’ox Street. 221 4844 9pm. l‘ree lheonly description 1 have is ‘liard rock'.

I Marino's Men 1 lalt Bar. 16lf\Voodlands Road. 332 I21“. 9pm. l'ree. Regularfolk night.


I The Bivvy Bag Band Negociantsl othian Street. 225 6313. 9.45pm. l-‘ree. Diverse. and frequently humorous. young local acoustic band vv ith folkish and bluegrass tendencies.

I Doug Rich Negociants. l.othian Street. 2256313. 4.3lfpm. l’ree.

THURSDAY 30 Glasgow

I Head of David. Godflesh and God Buck. 272 St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). Hardcore package. In this pantheistic vvorld vve should point otit that this is the ( iod from Brixtori. Accept no imitations.

I Field of Vision and Halcyon Days Buck.

42 The List 24 March—6 April 1989