There's a great deal at wit in the new exhibition at Cramond Sculpture Centre. Students oi the tour Scottish art schools demonstrate the kind oi playlul imagination only hinted at in the sculpture at the recent RSA student show. Perhaps this is due to the unique challenge that Cramond sets. Unlike the uniiormity oi indoor galleries, the geography and landscape oi an open air location put specilic demands on the sculptor. And it is undoubtedly true that at the 27 contributors, it is those who have responded with greatest sensitivity to these demands whose work is the most satisfying.

Nicholas Sanderson (Glasgow School oi Art) has constructed a simple wooden viewing tower overlooking the Firth oi Forth and called it King Canute. It is no earth-shattering idea, it could even have been better executed, but his combination oi viewer- participation (it only makes sense when you climb it), use oi the landscape and lively, unpretentious wit is good straight lorward iun.

Elsewhere in the park exhibitors play on the boundary lines between art and nature. Shelter by Christine Howitt (Glasgow School oi Art) is a large nest-like piece perched in the branches oi a tree. Alice Angus and Rhona Gemmell (Glasgow School oi Art) sculpt reeds, some still growing, into two arched walls disturbingly decorated on the inside with small plaster laces (Jolly Roger). And Ping, the better ol two inventive pieces by Mary Kershaw and Jane Schneider (Duncan oi Jordanstone College oi Art), cuts a path through the undergrowth, carpets it with smooth blue stones and delineates it with woven vines. These artists are using nature's raw materials in ways that startle and please.

The importance ol viewer participation is also recognised in Security oi the First World by Paul


I ARTIS 26 ( iris lield Squure. 556 "546 Mon l‘i’l Ilium 5pm. Picture Sale I ’ntil 3| .\lur. A speciul mud \Iurch sule ot purritings irom the Ar its collection 5' I tilt itll prices illitl It's the gullels thui loses otit not the urtists See ()ueen‘s l lull below tor the Altis April exhibition

I BOURNE FINE ART 4 l)undus Street. 557 4ll5“ \Ion I'l‘i Ilium 6pm Sui

Ilium Ium

Scottish painting 1800—1950 and decorative arts.

I BYZANTIUM Victor lit Street. 225 l‘iiS. \Ion Sut Ilium 5 .‘llpm

John Johnstone Paintings and Prints 1 ‘ntil l5 April. Landscupes illILI street-scenes lrom this I~orlur puinter whose humour urld ullection is notuble Ill his ligurutrs e intcipletutionsol Scottish lile.

I CALTON GALLERY III Rtisiil OI er ruce. 5561M“. \Ion I‘ri Ilium 6pm; Sut Ilium Ipm

I‘lth undeulI} 2||th centuls British pulntingsund wutercolouis.

I CENTRAL LIBRARY (ieorge l\' Bridge. 2255584. .\ton I-ri‘Ium S..‘~llprri;S;it ‘lum Ipm. ltuster closing: l-i‘idu} 2-1und .\Iondu_\ 2" \Iurch I'suul openinghours on Suturdu} 25 \Iurch.

Working on Wheels l‘niil .‘~l .\Iur. .»\ displus in the Scottish I.ibrur_\ b} the .\Iobile l’roject Associution.

3': “h: S\“§¥“s.-fi .sibv‘i". 3‘3

: :-... .~. “g . _ .. Russel Bamber's Wet Sunday

' Murray (Glasgow School at Art) whose

large wooden circle iramed by logs with lrayed ends invites us to step through and explore irom every angle. Russel camber (Duncan oi Jordanstone College at Art) calls ior slapstick games in his Wet Sunday, a turreted out-house with a cistern that ilushes out water only inches in lront oi your lace.

The non-competitive aspect oi the exhibition has apparently given iuli reign to creativity and the judges giving an external award irom Miller Graphics and Daler-Rowney were spoilt lor choice. In the end it was agreed that the site specilic sculptures were most exciting and prizes were picked up by Paul Murray (iirst prize; see above), and Alice Angus and Rhona Gemmell (second prize; see above). James Richie (Edinburgh College ol Art) was highly commended ior his textured granite slab that appears to iloat upon the grass. But this isn’t to belittle the achievement oi the other exhibitors who variously demand aesthetic, political and emotional responses irom the park's visitors and more than justin the trip out to Cramond. (Mark Fisher)

Scottish Women‘s Science Forum Display

1 l2 April Second und third seurseience

students displus posterwork in the

Scottish 1 .ibrur's to tie in with the Science


Festival oi Science and Technology Displays

l'ntil IS April. A stuircuse exhibition to

coincide with the lirst unnuul chinbuigh

Science l'esll\ ill

Display I hid 2 Mus Sell help torcuneei' und other purrilul illnesses in the Itdriibuigh Room ( iullers.

PrintSale l ’ntil end oi \lurch I’rintslrom the Pl mtmukers Workshop on sule in the line All libiui}.

I CITY ART CENTRE 2 .‘sIurket Street. 225 2-124 est 6650. .\lon Sut Ilium 6pm. I-.ustel Sundu} open 12 5pm. licensed cule. ll)‘.

Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot l mu 2‘) Mill. I-rght urtrsts were commissioned I‘} the ( ‘Il_\ Art Centre to tuke u lresh look ut Izdinburgh und gise their \erdict on its luce todu}. Alr‘cuds holding historicul. mostly topogruphicul \ iews oi the cits. the centre continues the trudition ol

ui bun 'portruiture' rising _\ oung urtists with L‘Uitteiiiportlr) \‘IL‘\\s. 'Iis'erydus' lite likel} to disuppeur in the next lewxeurs' wus the turget lot this purticulurproject. 1 his exhibition hus now mos ed on toone floor to muke w u_\ lor the rntrppets. Muppets. Monsters and Magic 1 ’ntil 24 \Iu). Admission Ll t5llp). An extension ol opening hours und u speciul Iiuster

Sundu) opening point to the expected populurits of this Science I-‘estis ul displu}. An excellent opportunit} tosee the workingsol Jim Ilenson'scelebruted puppets. It iollows the course oI his eureer Irom loeul 'I'\' work in the I‘l5llsto the Muppets in the I‘l’lis und tomuior lilm work (The I)ur‘k (‘rsstul und

l ubs rinth ) in more recent scurs. Videos. puppets und u Inui'lr II’uIl uII go to expluin the technologs thui lies behind unimulronics.

I CHESSEL GALLERY Dept oI Aesthetic Studies. Morus House ( ‘ollege. I Iigh Street. Mon Fri Ilium 5pm.

David Bomberg Works On Paper t 'nril 3n .\lurch. 'I'he (‘hessel (iullei‘s continuesits polies ol directing us uiluble lurids into )ust three muior exhibitions euch seur thel eh} uttl‘uetitig work oi the culihr'e ol l)u\ id Bomberg. This is presented in ussociutioii w ith 'l'he MUM” ( I‘IHU" loiitloii


Street.22ll13tl5..\lon Sui Ilium 5.30pm. This is the pluce to see contemporur} British gluss.

I COLLECTIVE GALLERY I66 I ligh Street. 22ill26llfl‘uc-Sut12.30 5.30pm. Marketing Strategies III: A Spring Collection I 22 April. The lusltiorr textile IilLItlSIl'} in \‘IC\\‘I3}'.I1IIICBQIIIICII.

Ideas, Thoughts and Artworks 1 22 April. A presentution of work by Louise ('ruwlord with help Irom \Villium ( 'lurk (sound) und Mulcolm Dickson (Video). I CRAIGMILLAR MUSEUM ( ‘ruigmillur I’rimurs' School. llurewood Roud.

.Iirst opened. this new museum looksut the history und current uctis itiesol' ('ruigmillur. u district in souili Iidinburgh known l'or its summer testis ul btlt ulsous one ol Iidinburgh‘s sociulls' neglected

I CRAMOND SCULPTURE CENTRE Mom) Ilouse (‘ollege. ('rumond Roud North. 3126titll ext 272.

Viewpointst'niil 17 May. trims the tits! es‘er outdoor exhibition ol (iruduute und l'ndergruduute sculpture lrom the tour Scottish Art Schools. I'nlike the student show eurreritl} running ut the RSA. the exhibitionentr} isnon-competitise becuuse ol' the (wires strong commitment to educution. Sculpture \uries irom work using nuturul muteriuls lound on site to pieces dealing with

em ironinentul issties. A trip out to the (‘entre is well rewurded by splendid \ iews out over the Iiirth ol' I‘orth.

I FINE ART SOCIETY 12(ireut King Street. 556tl3ll5. .‘slon- I‘ri 9.3(lum -5 .illpm. Sut Illum— lpm.

(ienerul exhibition tuken irom the line Art Society's stock ol Scottish puititings from the IS3IIs to Wis'iis.

I FLYING COLOURS GALLERY 35 \Villium Street. 225 6776 'I‘ue-r-I‘ri I turn 6pm. Sut Ilium lpm. Iiusler closing: I-‘riduy 2-1und Suturdu) 25.

A Cornish Air I 'ntil 2] April. Wutercolours bx I’eiizunce urtist (‘hurles I Iowurd w ho has been living in South West Iinglund since W73 and whose bold but simple ersh strokes cupttire the spirit of ( 'oriiish life.

I FRENCH INSTITUTE l3 Rundolph ('rescent. 225 5366. Mon I-‘ri

9.3(lum— Ipm und 2 5.30pm. ('losed Ioi' Iiuster until 3 April.

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY 2‘) Murket Street. 225 2383.1'ue S'at Illum— 5.3llpiii; Strn I.3IF5.3()pm. (‘uie ('losed until I April.

Audiovisual Sculptures by Marie-Jo La Fontaine limit 14 May. Mujor multi-screen and multi mediu show. See Science liestis'ul listings.

I GALERIE LA BELLE ANGELE I I I lusties (Jose. (‘owgute (behind 36‘) ( iullery) Mon—I‘ri Ilium-5.3ilpni13ut llum- me. liruming for urtists done on the premises. I GALERIE MIRAGES Rueburn I’luce. 3 I 5 2603. Tue Sut III.:ItlziiTT-wlfillpni. Still 2—4.3llpm. closed Monduys.

('olourful selection ol' goodies from the gullers ‘s treusure store. Decorative und functionul objects from A Igliitiiistitii. Thuilund. Indiu und Alricu.

Eastern Accents I'ntil 15 April. Pickup some ideus for interior deeoruting from this Llisplzt} of soil furnishings und furniture from the eust ull ol‘ w hich islor sule.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Bell‘oi'd Roud. 556 892i Mon Sui illum--5pm: Sun 2 5pm. [1)] Cute

'l‘he guller_s"s justl} renowned cute isopen .\lon-~ Sui lil.3llum«4.30pm; Sun

2.3(L 4.2l lpm. ('reum teus will be served irom .‘s 4. I 5pm.

John Bellany: A Renaissance A new exhibition which churts Bellun} 's recovers irom mujor trurisplunt surgery. Soon ul‘ter the unuesthetic wore oil. the Port Seton born puinter begun u seriesol some torts sell-portruitsulongside

druw ings ol hospitul stull und tumils . 'I‘he otten disturbing results ure displuyed here. the slot") is the subject (it BBC Is The Hear! Uri/iv .Ilurri'r ut Ill. 15pm on Ituster Sunduy

I GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY l5 Seotlund Street. 556 (ill2ll. 'I‘ue- I’ri Illum 5pm. Sut Ilium lpm.

Group Show'l'hrough April. I.indu'l‘uylor exhibits her exquisite pine druw ings. Is'ute \Vhitelord her bold ubstructs. Iiddu Renoul letters und Suruh Brut druwings. I HANOVER FINE ART 22A I)undus Street. 5562ISI. Mon» Fri Illum -5.3llpm; Sut Ilium 4pm. ('losed 1 7April.

Richard Aired [Tritil 2‘) .‘slurch. Recent puiiitings b} Richurd Alred ulongside the usuul runge ol gullel'y urtists with

w oodeurs'ings. sculpture und eerumics. I HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITY Riceurton (.‘umpus. ('ui'rie. 44‘) 51 l I .

ASCENT: Association oi Sculpture and Engineering 3 5 April. See Science I‘estisul listings.

I KINGFISHER GALLERY Northumberlund Street Lune. 557 545-1..\Ion- Sut

lllum 4.30pm. Sut Illum- lpm. A Dozen Full oiTalent l mu 8 April. work of u new generutioii oi Scottish urtists.

I MCDONALD ROAD LIBRARY .\lcl)onuld Roud. 556 5630. .\Ion- l‘ri Uum» S.3(lpm; Sut ‘lum lprn. Iiuster closing: I‘ridu} 24 und Mondu) 27 Murch. l'suulopening hours on Suturdu} 25 Mureh. Niddrie Castle Display tfnrii it) April. Restorution on \iddrie ( 'uslle. neur “inchburgh. begun in 1085 und this exhibition detuils the urcheologieul und colisers'ution work thut hus tuken pluce there us well us giving un insight into the custle's histor) . 'I'Iie custle. which wus home to Marry ()ueen ol Scots ul'ter she left Loch I.e\ en ( ‘ustle. will be open to the public every Sundu} between .\Iu_\' und September und is suid to be well worth u visit.

I MALCOLM INNES GALLERY 67 ( ieorge Street. 226415]. Mon -I"ri‘).3iium 6pm; Sut Ilium-1pm. Iiustei‘ closing: l"riduy2-1. Suturduy 25 und Mondus 27 Murch. Scottish Iundscupc. sporting und nuturul histor} puintings.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Mound. 556 S921 Mon -Sut Ilium-5pm; Sun 2~5pm.

Drawings by the Runcimans Until 26 April. Alexunder und John Runcimun were probably the most originul druughtsmen in Scotlund in the 18th century . This isu selection oi their work from the nutionul collection.

Dutch and Flemish Landscape Drawings l’ntil26 April. 17thcenturyworksinthe northern lundscupe trudition which wus des'eloped in Iluurlem uround thut time. Artists like sun (‘royeiL s'un Ruisdule and I Iobbemu ure represented.

A Major Acquisition 4 April— I6July. ()n 4 April the purchuse ol u musterpiece oi Iinglish wutercolour puinting will be unnounced. This comes ubout thunksin no small purt to grunts from various churituble trirsts. und other Iinglish wutercolours will be displuyed to

58 The List 24 March—6 April 1989