{375% i 2:29;; . ii~'it;2;.';:--.* r: 127' ,{jefi} 3;” A a ,.1 A few of 9 thoughtthatto see the huge Scotland 5 stainless steel shutters celebrities tell US rising out olthe groundto ' coverthe plate-glass abOUt the” windows was amazing. favourite More seriouslyihough.l would be heartbroken ii any Museums' oi the paintings bythe Scottish Colourists were to I corrrv MACLEAN Director "9 "‘ "ames- “"'"" olthe sconrsrr MINING "lei '8 abSO'me'V MUSEUM. Newtongrange. “menu'- My iavourite IJANICE KIRKPATRICK museum oi GRAVEN IMAGES: i. ' " exhibit isthe She would i . display or saveatsth l, '1 natural centuryglass history in the Perth gobletin Museum. and the one . POIIOII HOUSE- objectlwouldtryto save ltisatine piece oi . Irom a tire is the steam craiismanship. and she is winding engine atthe Lady particularlviond olthe Victoria Colliery. testicles incorporated into the rather phallic I WWW decorations. Her MACKENZIE-ROBINSON: colleagues are equallyiond "V I happened to oi the Blue Whale inthe be in the National Museum at BUTTE” Scotland in Chambers ' Collection Street in Edinburgh. though 008 Mill“ in the event oi a tire itwould "eaICIOSing time. andl haveto be consigned to the

i '4‘


s 12.5; f .. i. “lbs .1” ; 1' 5 ' "i- f s. ‘3 I “3 I i 4 ...'l’- g, i. _‘3«-:: '- » V. V X ' "we"

ilames due to considerations ol size. I BILL WILLIAMS editor olARTWORK. 72 ;: lwas surprisedto ' ’T “N < iind that I have quite reactionary views-I preter old relics. like the collection in the West Highland Museum in FortWilliam. and some private collections. What I would save irom a tire would be a bit more conventional though - it would have to be the Turners at the National Gallery.


K" '2 Best museum exhibit isthe Great Macs How in

~. -. s Orkney. It has

Viking runes on it which are 1000 years old. butthe thing existed 2000 years beiore the Vikings. so you get a double sense at history. Couple this withthe pertectalignmentwith the


solstice sun and the eiiect is wonderiul.

Most like to see saved: Lady in Furs by El Greco in Pollok House Gallery. ‘Why don‘t you people get proper jobs instead otsitting around dreaming up impossible questions?‘

I QUENTIN COOPER Producer oi Radio

Chambers Street always makes me laugh. It there were a tire though, I thinkl would rescue that painting oithe camels by Joseph Crawhall at the Burrell Coilection- I've always iancied it in mytront room.

I MAGNUS MAGNUSSON: There is so . much that it's e-nw’i diiiicuitto . "’4 single outa reeeefeiig particular

object. but one thing which

is developing some symbolic stgniticance Is a 15th century oak statuette oi St Andrew. Because at a lack oi space it Is in storage. and we might ask ‘WIII St Andrew ever see the light?’ oi both it and the struggle with St Andrews Rouse tor a decent-sized National Museum oi Scotland at the head at Chambers Street.

I JENNY BROWN Director oi Edinburgh Book Festival and presenter at Scottish Television's ‘Scottish Booksfi My iavourite - museum ls Broughton House in Kirk- _ -.; cudbnght The house belonged to the artist E.A. ilomel. and contains a wee memorial gallery. There's a wonderiul oriental garden. and the whole place has a beautliul atmosphere. The one thing I would save Irom a tire is the Sweeney Todd slot machine at Edinburgh's

Museum at Childhood.



The Lighthouse

~- Lantern irom . Inchkelth see... which has lust been erected In the Royal Scottish Museum is absolutely wonderiul. I am Interested in it because I was Commissioner oi Northern Lighthouses. but it also represents the peak oi crattsmanship and engineering precision which Scotland achieved in the last century. I am also land at the Warwick vase in

the Burrell collection.



: ' Myiavourite

I __ ,- exhibitis


7' WomanWith " HerThroat

Cut in the Gallery olModem Art. It is. quite simply, one oi the best pieces at sculpture in a permanent exhibition in Scotland.

Ruthcrgleir yyrth displaysoii yyeayirig. printing. pottery and glass-irrirking. The police station ne\t door ey en Ieiit some boots lor display.

I SPRINGBURN MUSEUM :\y r Street. Spiriigbtrr'n. 55" HUS. Mon l‘I'I

III..‘~IIam 5pm. Sat Illam- 4pm. Sun and holidays: 5pm

(ilasgoys 's lirst corrirriunity museum is going Irom strength to strength. .-\s ysellas shoysrrrgeshrbitions relating tothe eomirrunity past and present (once a great international railyyay building centre I the curator . .\larls ( )‘Neill. has introduced the contcirrpoiary art yyorld to his museum. 'l‘here. ( ieor‘ge \\'y llre's Strayy l.ocoirioiiye yy as launched in I‘ih‘iiand most recently he has organised a rnontlroi sculpture proiects. Next eshibitioneoyers all aspects oi \\'or k; The Spr'irrgburn Itsperierice ISJII 1988. A yyell-illtrstrated booklet 'l he Sprirrgburn Heritage Trail. is ay ailable irom the rrruseum and other museum shops Ior only Slip.

I SUMMERLEE HERITAGE TRUST West (‘alial Street. (‘oatbr'rdge (adjacent oi (‘oatbr'idge Sunnyside Station I. “33b .‘slltrl . Seyen days lilam- 5pm. 'I'earoom. ()ne oi the latest Scottish industrial museums i see also Scottish Mining Museum I \y lrieh records. presery es and interprets I to tise museum iargori ) the local history oi the iron. steel and engrrreerrrrg industries.

I THE TENEMENT HOUSE I45 Buccleuch Street. 3“} HIS}. 24 Mar RI Oct Daily

3 5pm. :\tliiil.ssltill {I . ltlehild Illp.

Built in [303 yyhen(iarnethillysasa superior residential district Iii (ilasgoys ‘s yy est end. the tenement house is kittedout yyith all the luxuries oi the day amard‘s roorrr takes the place oi space Ior technology in this ladyyardian home. .-\ tic“ photographic exhibition has been mounted in the Hat doyy nstairs.

I CAMERA OBSCURA ( ‘astlehill. 226 370‘). Daily .\'oy Mar Morr-l-‘ri9.3(Iarir—5pm: Sat Sun Itlam 5pm. Apr Oct Mon- Fri 9.30am (rpm; Sat Sun IiIam—(ipm. Adult L l .9“. child ck ().-\i’ Uilp. concession rates on application.

The best thing about the (‘amera ()bscura

is the camera obscura itsell. lt hasbecn appropriating liye y iesys oi the city and delighting the public since 185“. Against today 'stechnology there is stillgr'eat charm in seeing a rriiniaturised moy mg image oi the city bustling about its business, Other attractions on oiier Iiere are side shoyy s. There is a hologram exhibition. an explanation oi pin-hole photography and a cursory look at the planets.

I CITY ART CENTRE 1—4 Market Street. 225 2424. Mon~Sat 10am—5pm. Sundays during certain exhibitions.

Opened in 1980. this gallery shows temporary exhibitions of a wide-ranging nature. from Gold of the Pharoahs to Muppcts to contemporary artists. The gallery also regularly shows work from Edinburgh District Council‘s collection of Scottish art. It is likely that the whole building (four floors) will close during 1990 when radical renovations and expansions will take place in this already sizeable venue. This month the muppets and their relations are in town in an exhibition related to the Science Festival. I BRASS RUBBING CENTRE ( ‘halmers (lose. oil l liglr Street. 55(i43o4. Mon Sat lilam-Spm.

There are I‘estiy als tor ey ery thing these days. Here we haye the lust Brass Rubbing l‘estiyal. on until 3 .lurre. Rub knights in shining armour. animals and celtic designs to medieval music. .Iugglers will entertain on Saturdays. Special lzaster childrens ysorkshops until 31 March. See Kids page.


lidinburgh's most Ialttous landmark and one oi Scotland‘s top tourist attractions. iidirrburgh (‘astle is built into solid basalt rock. The esplarrade complete yy itli the iamous 15th century Mons Meg gun. leads to a number oi military and memorial museums. including the neyy Museum oi the Scottish Soldier run by the National Museumsoi Scotland. ()ne oi the main attractions here are of cotrrse the uniforms. all done up on splendid models. The castle esplanadc hosts the lidinburgh Military Tattoo every summer and during the Festival acts as a most magnificent backdrop to the lidinburgh l’estiy al Fireworks Display. Watch tor the waterfall!

ITHE GEORGIAN HOUSE-'(‘harlotte Square. 325 :llill :4 Mat .‘l ()L‘l.

.\Ion Sat liiam 5pm;Sunl 5pm. Adults Ll ."IlehildS‘p

\\ alls back ri‘to the \eyy I on it as it yy as originally i..;: oil diirbri: t

by the trppe r middle classes tritleiils hay e been chosen


Director, National Museums oi Scotland:

Being director is a total pre- occupation. So much is changing so last. I‘m constantly worrying about balancing the needs at the very broad spectrum oi people who use us irom the highest level oi scholarship to the most enjoyable iorm oi entertainment. It’s not a matter oi deciding between one or the other. More than anything else I need a new Museum at Scotland in the gap site next door. As a historian oi science I have a secret love tor an 11th century asirolabe. It's the oldest scientitlc instrument in the world and was iound in an Edinburgh junk shop in 1959. From day-to-day my pet hate is leaks—we've had a continuing battle with them since the mid-1960’s.l absolutely love the last iew days beiore an exhibition opens, the last iew days at preparation. it’s one oi my greatest joys. I also love ilnding out something new about an object-when it all clicks Into place. I wouldn’t do anything else!

by the National litrst tocorriple'rrciil the

eighteenth century architecture to giyc .r

truly elegant ( ieoigian .itrriospheie

I GLADSTONE'S LAND -1-1"l\l .iyy irirrar ket. 33(I555li. 34 Mar .il ()ct. \lon Sat

Ill-am 5pm;Sim3 <iilii .\tltlll\?.i till. elilltlSle

.\ I"th century lilL‘it'lldIiLS house \\ rrir a shopai street leyel. this \atrorril litisI property shoyys the Roy a! Mile .is it might hay e been in its bustling irrercarrtile heyday Best oi all is a ceiling painted Ill llilllin the irrastei'sboridori

I HUNTLY HOUSE MUSEUM I~i_‘ (arroiigate. 2252-12-1 \Iori Sat

lilam 5pm..luric Sept lilarn l‘i‘li‘.

local history in a restored Ioth .‘s'llltli y toys ir mansion T his building is .rl so headquarters lor lidrrrbrrrgli l )rslr rct ('ourierl's museum ser y ice bead; rl by Herbert (ititllls

IJOHN KNOX HOUSE 4* I lrgb Street . 4*“ (Ntil. .-\pr ()ct .\lon Sal Illarrt ‘-|"II Adult L] . clrrld x ().i\ l’iillp

.lohn Krio\ hasa lot to .rrrsyy er tor ill Scotland. A church relor iiiei oi it .i'sorrie reptile in the I5th centui y he use d this house during the latter pail oi hrs lite

I LADY STAIR'S HOUSEI .idy Stai' st lose. l.;rysrirrr.rr‘ket.3_‘5Z-IJI \iori Sat lilam-Spnr..lulre Sept I‘Iarii liprri Stepdoyy n a close to see the [m e 'Iitl literary letters among the l‘eltrrrttll‘u‘ I ‘l three Iamous Scottish yy I rters Srr \\ .rlter Scott. Robert Burns and Robert I r‘rrrs Sleyerrsolt. lady Stair 's is .i lqth \ c llltli \ llottse doyyn a close at the top oi the Royal Mile.

I LAURISTDN CASTLE( larrrorrtl Rt rail Stitlili. .‘M‘tblllhll. l'nlil I _\prtl\.i| Sun

3 me hour I .'\|‘ill Srrrr lhrirs

llam Ipmaiidl 5pm ( losedl ll l‘.lill';lllL‘L‘ by guided tour only " *"1‘

l)rr\e otrt to the castle orr tire l with tor the yieyysand yyalksaloire I his liilh eiiliiiy toyyer house yyas lclt to the train ill lI‘ l".‘ii on corrdrtrorr that the tilt I‘l\lIIII_L'\ as eic Ictl intact. It is ther’eloie an or igiri rl e\ rrriple oi a yyay oi lite mm long gone

I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD ‘\ l ligh Street. 335 242-1. .‘ylon Sat lilairi ‘prri. lIII‘e Sept lllltiil (iPIii. Disabled .tt't‘e\s

Re-opened in “)er this colleetru irr yyas begtrn by one man and ilti\\ belol‘us r: rtlte thousands oi children \y Iio y mi it each

year, ()rree yotr’ye pielscd out iilL‘IIIHI iesol

The List 24 March—6 .'\pri| I089 65