I Music is listed as diary: by day. then by city. then by event.




I BBC 530 Henry Wood llall.(’larcmont Street. Tickets: 333 5157. 13. 15pm. £4.51) (£3.75 £3.35 £1 ). Young Artists Series continues. this time featuring Scottish pianist Murray Mcl.achlan in Rachmaninows 1st Piano Concerto. More Rachmaninoy in the second half with his Symphony No 3. bttt there's contrast to begin with llaydn's Symphony No 74. Jerzy Maksmittk conducts.

I Pro Arte Recital Henry Wood 1 lull. ('laremont Street. Tickets: 334 69118 (Ambassador (‘1assics). 7.3(lpm. £3.51) (£3.35). Japanese guitarist Kokichi Akasaka with accompanist Yasuko

Katay ama in a yaried programme including. ratlter unusually btit quite understandably. sortie Japanese mttsic for guitar. as well as the more familiar Scarlatti. Albenil. and Turina.


I Interaction Science Arts Step (iallery . 3‘) llowe Street. 556 1613. Mon-Fri

1 1am- 5.5(1pm1Sat 11am—4pm. lixtra dates: Satttrday S. Monday ll).Tuesday ll.chnesday 13. Free at door. (ilasgow composers .lohn Maxwell (ieddes and Adrian Finnerty contribttte electronic piecesto a collalmratiyc arts exhibition. Stereo pieces w rittcn abottt paintings play at you w ltctt you stand before the paintings.

I 3N0 l’shei‘ 1 lall. l.othian Road. 338 1155. 7.30pm. iixtra date: Satttrday S. (ilasgow . £3.71) £11.51)(stattdby £3511). Rossini's ( )y crime to [lie .Si/kt'n Ladder. the Piano (‘oncerto by Poulenc. Faure‘s Ballade and 'l'chaikoysky”s Symphony No 3. (‘onductor is Yan Pascal 'I‘ortelierand (‘ccilc ()usset is soloist.

I Contemporary Latin American Music (‘ornerstone (‘ale. St John‘s ('hurch. West Iind. Prittces Street. Tickets: at door. 8pm. £3.51l(£3.5(l). (itiil‘df. yiola. y‘oiees and poet.

SATURDAY 8 Glasgow

I 8N0 (‘ity llall. (‘andlcriggs. 337 551 l. 7.31ipm.£3.5() £l l.51)(standby£3.51)). See Friday 7. Tidinburgh. forfull description.

I Milngavie Choir Milngay'ie Town Hall. Further info: ‘)56 4635. 7.3tlpm. Annual concert.


I Interaction Science Arts Step (iallery. 3‘) Howe Street. 550 1613. Mon—Fri

11am 5.5llpm; Sat Ham-«4pm. lixtra dates: Monday 11). Tuesday 1 1. Wednesday 13. Free at door. See Friday 7 for lull desscriptton.

I Edinburgh Concert Band Reid Concert Hall. Bristo Square. Tickets: 667 3844 (Murray Seaton's Drum Clinic) or 334 44S6(.\'. \aismith). 7.30pm. £3.51) (£1.50). Annual concert programme includes works by 1 lolst. Vaughan Williams. Leonard Bernstein. Leroy Anderson and more. with conductor Stephen (‘allaghan and compete Norbert Murphy.

SUNDAY 9 Glasgow

IAllander Ensemble Tron Theatre. 63 Trongatc. 553 4367. 7.3llpm. £4 (£3). Last

Allander Tron concert this season includes the first perforntance of General Wade's Road by the young Dundee composer (Bordon McPherson. Prokofiey's Quintet ()p 3‘). the ()boe Quartet by Mozart and Ra' 'cl's Introduction and.-11/egm.

I Pops at the Philharmonic (‘ity i la”. (‘andleriggs. 337 5511.7.3llpm.£3—£l 1. Vienna. (‘ity of Dreams. with condttctor lain Sutherland and singers Marilyn Hill-Smith and Bonayentura Bottone. both Scottish ()pera favourites this season. Lots of Strauss. bttt ofcourse.


I Friends oi Scottish Opera ()ueen‘s i la“. l.othian Road. 66‘) 3111‘). 3pm. £3(£l.5l)). Art illttstrated talk on Scottish ()pera's new production ol Lu 'I‘rui'iulu.

I Crusaid Concert L'shcr 1 lall. l.othian Road. 33 l 155 or 668 301‘) (Queens 1 lall Box Office). 7.3(lpm. £3—£ l 5. Becthoyen's ‘)th and Mozart's Jupiter in this charity .‘oncert for ('rusaid with the S(‘() and Scottish Philharmonic Singers. condttcted by Richard Armstrong. Soloists are Jane liaglen. Pcttelope Walker. Thomas Rattdle and Philip .1oll.

MONDAY 10 Glasgow

I Friends oi Scottish Opera Lecture Hall. RSAMl). 11K) Reni'rew Street. 333 51157. 7.3llpm. Talk on Verdi and Lu ‘I‘rut'iuiu. I La Tragedie de Carmen Tramway . Albert 1)riye. Tickets: 337 5511 (TicketCentre). Spm. Fxtra dates: Tuesday 11.

Wednesday 13. Friday 14. Saturday 15. Sunday 16. Tuesday 18. Wednesday 1‘). 31 . 33. 33. 35. 36. 38. 3‘). 3(iApril.£6—£13. Peter Brook's adaptation of Bizet ‘s most famous work. See featttre forfttll description.


I Interaction Science Arts Step Gallery. 3‘) llow‘e Street. 556 1613. Mon-Fri

1 lam—5.50pm; Sat 1 1am—4pm. Extra dates: Tuesday 1 1. Wednesday 13. Freeat door. See Friday 7 for full description.

I The Music Man King's Theatre. 1.ey’en Street. 33‘) 131)]. 7.3llpm. [Extra

dates: Tuesday 1 1. Wednesday 13. Thursday 13. Friday 14. Saturday 15

(3. 15pm and 7.3(ipm). £1 .5()—£5.5(). The Bohemians Lyric Opera (‘ompany in their annual production with lots ot tunesto linger in the memory well. at least until you reach Tollcross. (Although. it must be admitted. this is the home of Seventy Six 'l‘rmnbunes.)


I La Tragedie de Carmen 'I‘ramway. Albert l)riye. Tickets: 337 551 1 (Ticket Centre). Spm. lixtra dates: Wednesday 13. Friday 14. Saturday 15. Sunday 16. Tuesday lh‘. Wednesday 1‘). 31.33. 33.35. 36. 38.3‘). 3() April. £6-£l3. Sce Monday liland feature for full description.


I interaction Science Arts Step Gallery. 39 llow'e Street. 556 1613. Mott—Fri 11am«-5.5()pm; Sat 11am—4pm. [ixtra


Fortheir iinal programme this season Paragon otter an intriguing choice oi old and new. Concentrating on the theme oi the symphony, or, more accurately, as there are only 14 musicians, the chamber symphony, the performances (in Edinburgh on Sunday 16 and Glasgow on Monday 17) open with the original version oi Wagner's tender symphonic poem, Sieglried ldyll. Scored ior 13 instruments, the piece was dedicated to Wagner’s wile Cosima and given its premiere on her tirst birthday after their marriage, which had the additional romantic attraction oi ialling on Christmas Day. Equally romantic wasthe venue—the sweeping staircase at their summer house on Lake Luzern, the sound oi the new piece drifting up to Cosima as she awoke. Those who saw the Tony Palmer him at Wagner’s lite may recall

(Ly .4, :' y "f ‘/ f f, I

he had the trumpeter, Hans Richter, practising in the middle oi the lake so that Cosima would not be able to hear, an incident which may or may not be a creation 01 Tony Palmer’s own invention, but which nonetheless adds even more to the romance.

Whether Edinburgh composer Lyell Cresswell might have opted tor a similar premiere ior his new chamber symphony, Passacagli, is unknown, but it is not to be as it iorms the second major work oi Paragon’s programme. This marks the iirst ot a series at important commissions by Paragon trom Scottish composers, Thomas Wilson and James MacMillan (who has just been signed up by music publishers Universal Edition) being next on the list. (Carol Main)

Paragon Sunday 16 at 7.45pm, St Bernard’s Church, Stockbridge, Edinburgh and Monday 17 at 7.45pm, RSAMD, Glasgow. See listings toriull details.

date: Wednesday 13. Free at door. See Friday 7 for fttll description.

I The Music Man King‘s Theatre. Leyen Street. 33‘) 13111 . 7.30pm. Extra

dates: Wednesday 13. Thursday 13. Friday 14. Saturday 15 (3. 15pm attd 7.3tipm). £1 .51)—£5.5l). See Monday illt'or full description.

WEDNESDAY 12 Glasgow

I Performance Workshop Pearce lnstittttc. (‘royan. Further info: ‘)43 7118 (Performance Exchange). 7pm—‘)pm. £3. 4-part workshop using dance. singing. mime and text.

I La Tragedie de Carmen 'l'ramw'ay. Albert Driy'e. Tickets: 337 5511 ('I‘icket('entre). 8pm. lixtra dates: Friday 14. Saturday 15. Sunday 16. Tuesday 18. Wednesday 1‘). 21 . 2:]23. 25. 36. 3s. 3‘). 31) April. L6 £12. See Monday 11) and l'caturc for full description.


I Interaction Science Arts Step ( iallery'. 3‘) llowe Street. 556 1613. Mon -Fri llam—5.51)pm: Sat llant~-4pm. Free at door. See Friday 7 (or fttll description.

I The Music Man King‘s 'l‘lieatre. eti Street. 33‘) 13111 . 7.3llptti. lixtra

dates: Thursday 13. Friday 14. Saturday 15 (3. 15pm and 7.31lpnt ). £ 1 .51) £5.51). See Monday lill'or l’ttlldescrtption.

I Dutch Swing College Band 1'sher llall. l.othian Road. 338 1155.7..‘slipm. £6-£S.5(). Also with the ( ~entral Band oi the RAF.

THURSDAY 13 Glasgow

I Das Rheingold '1 heatrc Royal. llopc Street. 331 1234 or 332 ‘)()()(i. 7. 15pm. £3—£33. Scottish ()pera a in rtew production. which could well see the start of a new Ring cycle for the company. Some mary‘ellous singing. bttt the low budget production may not be to eyery'one's taste.


I The Music Man King's Theatre. en Street. 33‘) 13111 7.311pm. 12xtra

dates: Friday 14. Saturday 15(3. 15pm and 7.3llpni), £1.51) £5.51). See Monday llilor fttll description.

FRIDAY 14 Glasgow

I 3C0 ('in llall. (‘andlertggx 337 5511. 7.30pm, 1'..\tt‘adale: Saturday 15. iidinburgh. £3.31) £8.81). Somehow the S('( ) manages to be botli at ('in Hall and. in the form ol their new ()pera lznsemble. at tltc ’l't‘amway tor ( 'urmt'n tonight. ('leyci stuff from this yei'y ‘bt/et‘ (busy geddit’.’)orchestra. lt‘sllaydn

sandw iching two Mozart pianoconcertos with Maria Joao Pires as soloist and Vladimir Spiyakoy cottducting.

I La Tragedie de Carmen 'l'ratttw ay . Albert 1)riyc.'1'ickets:337 5511 (il'tckethntre). Spin. iixtra dates: Saturday 15. Sunday 16. Tuesday 18. Wednesday 1‘). 31.33. 33.35. 36. 3S. 3‘). 31) April. £6 £13 Sec Monday llland leatttre tor itill description

I Nicky Hind—ChamberWorks'i‘itird liye Centre. 3511Sauchicha|l Street. S'pm. £3.51)(£3.5()). lidinburgh composer Nicky llind with premieres of hurt new compositionstor string qttai‘tet.sioliit. bassoon and piano performed by the Morley lillSL‘iiith.

I Milngavie Music Club Mtlngay ic Town Hall. Further into; ‘)56 3643. 7. 15pm. ('lub‘s A(iM follow ed by coticcrt.slarttttg at Spm. by Milngay ie Young Singers w ttlt Judith Peacock. harp


I UlsterOrchestra t‘siier llall.1.olltian Road. 338 l 1.55 or N18 3111‘) ( ()tieen‘s 1 la” Box Office). 7.3llpm. itxtra date:

The List 7 31) April 198‘) 29