Jazz with Sheridan—General Tuesdays 5.307 7pm.

Jazz with Sheridan—General Wednesdays 5.3ll- 7pm.

- . . songs from the earlydeeades ofihis eentury. their last season to take out on theirfirst '

eyer Seottish tour. Intended for adults and

children alike. For more details call ()31

wasdeemedto bethe most suitable Playin froni‘)pm.5mi|cvand Spit” ‘PCC'HI'SC'Y‘ . D I

665 9900. Palace Theatre. Kilmamock I The Funny Fa'm Riwmdc (‘mh‘ General Open with Raymond Kaye

Until Sat 22 April. 0563 23590. ('liarcli (“MEN B'W‘ Wm?" and PM.” 'l'hursdays 5.3n 7pm.

Hill 'l‘healre. Edinburgh Mon Z-l—Tue 25 Pr‘W'dC c”mCd.V “n 3‘ mill" murk'ng the Jazz Advanced—Protessional \Vednesdays April. (Bl 228 1 I55. A dam Smith 'I‘Iiealre. “"h “nanCMD' "l “W WV‘Hum’” l" l lam lpnr.

Kirka/dy 'l hurs 27s.: 29 April. 0592 :ixumfilllg- R f [y (,I Performance Edinburgh Youth Dance Theatre Mon and 260498. May is: 1—7 May. See Mayfest "‘0 low" C” W“ '“Dr “film‘- . , Wed at St Brides(‘entre 6 mt and l‘riopm. Listings. 'l‘ou’r continues. ' (’Pm- ’5 His”)- 399 Mafia“ Dia'y- see Male“ on” for “tans 0' Sheridan is building up a yliuth group

I Them Through The Wall. ('umbernauld M 0 N 1 peflormances and dance prewaw' which will take class and workshoPS at this Theatre (‘ompany touring new comedy by time at St Brides ( ’entre. ()rwell'l‘errace

Liz l.ochead n()\\‘ writerin residence at I .A r . I l (“N “HUUWW RUM”. (.(mmu the phunc mold Brown Rentrew lcrry . (rlasgow. \ g .

The Royal Shakespeare ('ompany . and h m is ([3 S0) See MaylestDiary. DALMUm COMMUNITY CENTRE ' number aboye tor details

Agnes ()wens. For more dump p ' '“ ' ( ommunity dance group for young people

callli23(i732887 2 lals'enby Steps()ut. 5 7pm. 50p Phone 2 ~—~— Steps()ut at the Scottish Ballet !

Academy '8' Hall. Stranraer Thurs 20 f I LABAN CENTRE INTERNATIONAL

April. 7.30pm. U776 215]. Loo/(Whip I Arnold Brown Rentrew Ferry: (ilasgow. headquarterson 331 293] for further I SUMMER SCHOOL I 11mm. Unfit NC“. Academy Fri 3i April. 7.30pm. [)1mfries. (rpm. £5 (fl-ml 3.99 HayleSlD'aW- ds‘liillS- i (-m“. 1 0mm” Sp H ()xll‘m (N2 “)7”, 'I‘heuirc Royal Sat 22 April. 7.30pm. U387 The Alexander‘Sisters with Clea 8r hicbeod I DANCE FACTORY 142( alder Street. 433 (MC m- m. mumnns hN wmmc, course, 542‘” "Int/“Wm,” ( M" “Wm”, Mun 24 In": Ihmtrc' (’Imgn.w‘ ] 1' hpm' UN) l 9:13” . . . . for both professionals and those with at April, 7_3llpm. 0698 67515. Adam Smith I (£2.50). See Maytest Diary. ' The Dance Factory is open tor a yarietyot \pccm mm,“t m dunno This (car thch

Timum Kirkmldv Tue 25 April' 7‘30an 3 I Class.“ during thc “u‘k‘ hum CW”ng and are sex eral courses to chose from: A lull “593 35mg}; _g,Andn.,,.-_s “mum. daytime. For example there isJa/z

. time course which includes the choice of ( 'IyrIe/iank Wed 36 April. 7.30pm. (MI 94] I my savage and Pauline Daniels Rum-u.“ (Bcgmncrshit (3.45pm on Mondays. U,lm.lnpn,.un . mu“ ' L.hnrummph).. 3795. Palace Theatre. Kilniarrim'k Fri 33 Fem . “thump. (,pm' ’5 U435”), $39 Band at ("45pm (in “I’Cdnc‘dH-VVDISJ singing and music tor dancers with the ApriL 7,3(lpm. (L563 3359(l (‘1(~,(~']‘/,mm._ Mayfes' 'istihgs Ballroom and l.illlll at 7.30pm on iridays. “mug churc‘mmphu Jim”, Marley m A” Si" 2‘) Aer‘ film“ 0292 264639 I Simon Fanshawe Renfrew Ferry. Ph‘mc tor mmc dam“ residence. This full time course runs from titty/cs! See Mayfest Diary. 'I‘our (Hu‘mm . own {5 (125(1). See M'ayfesy I GLASGOW ACADEMY OF DANCE 2 (i. 1‘) l7 s continues Diary“

331 “7-” -3.llll\ andeostsillllnotincluding QmurStrut.-- . . “mummmm Imu.lwlmawung

- .. r. "SS‘S; )’) 1 . lSmiley and Spatz lrayerse lheatre. ( I," L ‘1“ ELI” "m1ut‘hlmll‘lh)?LA m ' people scourse. a dance movement (irassmarket. l‘.Lllilhlll'illl. Horn 9pm in “I” “SHmf “mg ‘3“ u I , “‘1, therapy course. and a dance yideoeourse. . s u'ire. ie o owin r l\&t\‘ -ctio o - ' . .- .r - the bar. l~ree. A chance to be serenadedin q , . ) 3‘ L L . n. . ( ontact the college (one ol Britain stop what son otter. l hone tor detailsoldaily

the bar by two men. a banjo and a I contemporary dance colleges) tor more

catalogue of songs from the les. 30s and . details. SATURDAY 22 4“, Openf'ememaw 33"8'Mmdim ISTEPS our SUMMER DANCE scnoor

. . (r3ll—ts’ im. - ~ r - . Al xander Sisters with Clea SMcLeod l , _ _ Dance School ot semiarid. lsni 'htswood lAlmost May Day Cabaret( umbernauld anal]:an (imam H “pm U i“ Lunchtime Stretch luesdayslioon-l.l5pm.”, m stm than“, 'I'heatre.(‘iimbernauld0236732887. "~ ' - '

. - - (iood lor city centre workers . . . . . - . . . . ‘t s) . , - Scottish Ball 't s educational unit. Ste )s 7.45pm. £2 (Ll ). Bit ol a tenuous link with (L”“( ) see "awes'mafy Spanish'l‘uesdayso 7.30pm. k I

. ()ut takes a summer school aimed h'l;t'.b . ) ‘. '22 ’- - r- .‘ . . t ‘c L i c ut l sup; osc Saturday . 4 BeginnersJazz \kcdricsdayso 7.30pm. pnmnnh at children and vuungpcuplc. (aharc'rdoesn tliaye the same ring to it. ' '

mama" and contempofaw ‘0' me male but for the first time this year. also

“m '5 a \hmwmg mr mm! talent ant-j I The Funny. Farm ( handlu Smdm‘ d?".c°'.ll‘l”““'r‘f x ()"mpm' incorporating a performance course which promises to be a lively. intormal affair. RSAMD. (ilzisgriw.‘)pnl. “(12). See T at Chi i~ridays 5.30 (r3llpm. ,“mhwm jug” Tm. “Cm M“ hc held Maylest Diary Contemporary Beginners/Elementary ' .- .. . . _ ... . . .. H from} H.luly with wukortwo week I Bruce mono" mm Clea & MCLeOd In)” Fridays 6‘30 8p!” long obtions As well as the Performance I Smiley and Spatz 'I‘rayerse Theatre. Theatre. (ilasgow. 11.15pm. {3.5” I HILLHEAD SECONDARY SCHOOL wu‘nc mch i\ a junior munc(()_13 (irassmarket. Edinburgh. Free in the bar (5.3.50). 388 M3Yl83l Diary. ()akfield Avenue. Into lrom(ilasgow

years). a teenage course ( 13 and oyer)and a creative dance course for primary teachers. Dance experience is not essential for any section. Write or phone Steps ( )ut at 2m West Princes Street. (N

. . Ulili tor lui'ther inlormation and As well as its regular classes. these studios applicmmn “mm. will be used for special Maylest classes by visiting performers. Masaki lwani I May. lllam- noon; Pauline Daniels (i May. 1 3pm; phiiippc Decuunc 3 Ma), Scottish Ballet‘s Peter Pan returns from its ll)am--noon; The ('holmondleys ‘) May. “’1” "l lintllilnd 1”“1 l‘ Plilimtli” mam. “mm; Bring plug“ 1'“ May. ' Aberdeen 3 13 May and lidinburgh. lllam noon; (‘hristine Deyaney 12 May. 33 37 Mili- l'”‘””“‘“”“ “n “41 33' 393'-

lndependent Dance on 334 4830 Stretch and Get Loose with Jane Simpson (‘lass every Monday. 7- 8.30pm. £2.


Fed-up being thin? Bored being the least tashionable on your block? Well, here’s the chance you’ve been waiting tor! Due to unprecedented demand lrom Central Scotland’s weediest people, the ever-so- desirable List T-shirt is now available not only in seductively baggy Extra Large and wickedly suggestive Large, but also in devilishly compromising Medium! Dare you be seen without one? Don’t waste another minute, write out a cheque tor just £6 (plus 50p PSP) made out to The List Ltd, and send ittogether with the completed order torm below. Please allow 21 days tor delivery.

Otter subject to availability.

ltlaiii~iioori;Ste hen l’etronio('o 13 P

May.l 3pm;Lindsaylohn I‘) May.

Junior ContemporaryTuesdays. (r 7pm.

(U .50). a Adult Contemporary Wednesdays

noon 3pm; Siobhan l)a\ies ( 'o 30 Ma).

lllarn noon. Seedetailsofthese £1.50.

(>-7.3lipm. £2 (U50). 3 c BeginnersBalletSaturdays 14 yearsto

performers in the Maylest section.

. NEXT - ' AdullJaZZ'l‘uesdays 7.15 8.30pm. £2 . adult. Ill» 1 l. 15am £2 (£1 .50). Beginners Jazz Saturdays. 14 years to

- - adult. I 1.3llam- lpm. £2 (£1 .50). To obtain yourvery own List T-shirt, send a cheque orpostal ordertor .1.“ cm CLASSES PM“. In”), But'cmn £6.50 (inc PSP) to the address below, together with this coupon. 334 3507 for dew”... Bcgmnm and lunchtime classes available pltis Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. residential weekends.

Add .............................................................................. .. fess EDINBURGH NEXT ISSUE:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0F. I KING'STNEATRE l.eyen Street. 22948-10 '

Da ime Tel ......................................................................... .. ext 133 " Darwinism...irco.a........, LIanGSPws Evening TBl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. hamburg)“ dunccmwruidcm—c_ - - sr-u. .s'» l). -‘v.* st‘;‘li' with SizezExtra Large/Large/Medium(delete where applicable). ““ ”‘ '“’ " “" “m” “L REVIEWS AND

bags ot energy and fun. ('ontact her at the

above number tor more details of the

. classes listed below. All classes £2(£l ). ' Send to The List, stfeel, Contempofafywflh Marilyn Williams .

Edinburgh EH1 1TE. Mondays 5.3(l—7pm.

54'l'hel is: ..‘l April —-1 May 1989