chuffed? A bit different from the lhtlitl fare at the Moshpit. true. but hard. last and noisy

I MrJones l’resery alion Hall. Vietoria Street. 3303M!» {I alter 9pm.

I Very Very Negoeiants. l.othian Street. 335(i.‘\l.‘~. 0.45pm. l-ree. lightyyeight pop hand. appearing regularly here and around loyytl Competent. they play yy ell together. taking otl into some pleasant enough times.

I The Tex Fillet Five Ii ading Post . The Shore. 553 '7 lfi-l. Spin, I'iee. Spool eotiiilry and \\e‘\lL‘l‘ll. Resideney.

I Bluelingert‘ate Royal. \Vest Register Street. Spin Residency, See Sat 33.

I Warren Peace St .l;llllL‘\ ( )y\le‘l' Bar. (‘allon Road. 55" 3035. 9pm. I'iee RLNltlL'IIC}



I Shotgun Religion Ia latitet'e. IS l-m Street. 33! ~1.\'~l~l.‘)pni. l-ree


I Elephant Noise l’iesei y .ition l lall. \'ie‘ttiii;iStie't~l.33li381li ‘l..‘\llpiii Free. See Sat 3.‘

IJohnny Sunbeam Negoeiants. l.ot|iian Slieet. 335 (131.1. ‘) ~l5pni. l'i'ee. (i.llil\lllCl\-l‘.l\Ctl on ei‘s oI lunk and Rtk B playing a lot .iiouiid toyyn. Reeently they i‘eeotded a In e ll’ ol eoy ers and original material yy hieh may yet see the light ol day

TUESDAY 25 Glasgow

I Boxing Clever \apoleotlx 135 \lL‘l'l'y lee Road. or 5335. ‘lpin. l-‘ree. (iood pop liand lioni l';lll\ll'l\. yy ho signed a publishing deal last year.

I Bobby Wishart l lall Bar. lfill\\‘ood|and\ [{Utlkl. 35: [31“ 9pm l'l'L‘L'.


I Close Venue. ( 'allon Road. 55" ill-'3.

I oyy-ltey pop lroni I diiilyiirgh .\'ot alyyayx iniiiiediale. l‘ttl eoiitinued ll\lL‘Illlll_! reaps I'L‘\\.'Iltl\.

I Elephant Noise l’eliean. ( ~oyy gate. 335 4513, “hillplll l’i‘ee. See Sat 33.

I The Rootsie Tootsie Band l’l'ewt y alion Hall. \ieloiia Street. 33o .‘Klti ‘) .‘llpni. l'iee. Roekin' liliies.

I The Tex Fillet Five \e'gtie‘iriitt\.l olhiaii \tieel. 335 MIR ‘).-15pin l'iee. Spool eouiiliy and yy L'NIL'I ll Resideney.

I Los Supremos St .l.llllt'\ ( )yxtei‘ Bar. (allon Road. 55" 3035. ‘lpni. l'ree Resideney (‘oyeix lioin blues to lalking titan. I Dave Robb ( )ddlelloyys, I-orrest Road. 33“ lhlo \ee Sat 33

I Doug Rich ( ilohe. \\ ext I’m i. 330.1553. ‘lpni liee

WEDNESDAY 26 Glasgow

I Diana Ross Ht (1 ‘. l'itiitteslott. Stanton. 8pm t.l.\ 5“. I lo St )I DUI "I Another girl. has been aiianged on 13 May tor the disappointed. 1' \en it she lost it some time ago. l)l.lll.l Ross ll.t\\llll sung on at least

le l‘ ol the lllllgte.ile\t ieeoldx ey et' made. \\ lietliei llll\ tor giy e\ the iney italile Ioiig

tilt'\\i'\. \L‘\\ltlll lllll\tl\. eoy ei \L‘T\ltlll\.llltl

liit llletllL‘\\ that lilt\ gig l\\llIL' to lill’tl“ up «

ldoii I lxnoyy \ee leatuie

IThe Hummingbirds.mtt God'sUllimale

Noise l'uty \ltii rys. Uri \l;i\\\ell Street.

3 ‘l It‘ll ll' illpm I .txl (illite

Seolland .\'eyyea\lle euhangeslneyet' pluga hieyyeiy unneeexs iiily l. and lill\l\ .l\\llllllllfl that l he I luniniiiighiids hay e lound .l iieyy liass player

I Slice l'i\\..\li \lillei Stieet. 343355". Illpiu I'iee Strongsoiigyyriliiigeyidenl on their lll\l home demos. yyith a nod lti\\.tltl\ Van Morrison \lle.l.'l\ll'l1/ Her/u Mueh l‘l'tllllI\L‘. but the ne\l tlL‘llltl\;llltl


The hopes raised by The Pixies’ ‘Surfer Rosa‘ LP have not been dashed, judging from the unanimous critical thumbs-up forthe new long player ‘ooolittle‘. The reaction has been such that the Boston, Mass. quartet may have an Album of the Year on their hands. twice in a row.

On Friday 28 at Glasgow‘s Queen Margaret Union, and on Sunday 30 at Edinburgh‘s Queen‘s Hall, The Pixies play to Scottish audiences Iorthe first time, and for an underground band, on a British independent label, which only formed around three years ago, expectations are absurdly high.

The Pixies appeal was captured best on the monstersingle ‘Giganlic‘ last year. The most commercial of their songs, it was also a perfect introduction to one of the most innovative guitar bands around. Anyone investigating ‘Surfer Rosa' after that would find a wealth of distinctive and strangely affecting rock, lyrically and musically out on its own. Whether by accident ordesign. the new single ‘Monkey Gone to Heaven‘ stands in the same relation to ‘Doolittle‘ as ‘Gigantic‘ did to ‘Surfer Rosal

The man behind the throat, Black Francis (his real name is Charles; the original Black Francis was apparently a stone-cutting ancestor from Aberdeenshire), is happy with the continuing rise olThe Pixies, but admits, ‘I don't know if I should start feeling guilty yet.‘ The backlash he hall-expected has so far not materialised, but atterthe tumultuous praise for ‘Surfer Rosa‘ surely there was overwhelming pressure to deliver the goods again on the next one?

‘No. not really. We‘re the types who read every review, and we‘re conscious of all that stuff, but fortunately I think we‘re able to shut ourselves off from that when we play together.‘

Like those of most good rock bands Charles‘s lyrics seem to be coming from somewhere just beyond our ken, but if there‘s a thread running through theirnew stuff (in the waythat broken bones and faces remained etched in

these eui rent gigs yy ill he the hig test

I Marino's Men I lait Bar. loll\\'oodlaiids Road. 333 13 Ill. ‘Ipiii. I'iee.

I Wray Gun and the Rockets Seotia liar. I l.‘ StoekyyeIISlieel \piii.


I The Radium Cats \ enue. ( aillotl Rtltttl. 555 3H3}. (’olourtul. l‘L”t|lllllL'll psyeliohillies. yy illi a good teel loi yy hat they'ie playing.

I Woodrow Wilson \egoeianls. lolhiaii Street. 335 till} 0 -l5pni |~iee. I:\eel|ent soul singer aeeonipaiiied liy gtiilai and

oeeastottal \;t\.



IJesus Jonesl lll\ .\luii‘y\_*thXIanyell Street. 33] MI I. Ill..‘~llpiii. l'.llll\ unappealing aet yy ho nearly eiaeked the lop I-oily yy ilh their last single

I ll" La ChUl 'l he “llk'lK. :53 SI Vllle‘t‘lll Street. 331 53“). Spin. Speeial \\ .ii on \Vantgig.

the mind atterthe last album) it seems to come from some hippyish awareness of our four-footed friends. Doolittle, who talked to the animals, a monkey gone to Heaven, a manta ray. . . is this a bona fide Pixies preoccupation?

‘Funny, yeah, maybe it could be considered a preoccupation, but definitely subconscious and not conscious. It‘s just the way it all came out in the end. We don’t have any “animal philosophy", but we like them, and when we watch TV we like to watch animal shows.‘

‘Romantically,’ he says, when asked if The Pixies could be one of those groups with a short but brilliant career, ‘I would like to think that aftertour or five or six albums I could put a stop to it, still as a young man, and say that‘s the end of the Pixies, and that will be fine. But I get the feeling I'm going to be addicted to this whole thing.‘

Much like his hero, Iggy Pop. To test out Charles‘ reported devotion to the lg I try on the old ‘lf you weren't in the band you‘re in who would you like to be playing with‘ line.

‘You know who I would like to be? I would like to write songs, believe it or not, for Morrissey, because I think that

Stephen Street guy sucks! He makes shitty music. I knew Johnny Marr was good, but I always gave Morrissey the credit as the person who held my interest. But when I heard the solo album I knew something was wrong. I don‘t know if I‘m good enough, but I'd like to give ita shot.‘

As interesting as it sounds, here‘s

hoping that he makes those four or five

I or six Pixies albums top priority.


I Boxing Clever \‘eiiue. ( ‘alion Road. 55" fill-73. liiipoi'tant gig for the Iiilkii‘klxised pop band yy hose publishing deal yy itli BNK i has ptit tlierii on a sound lootingtoi going ey en llll'lilcl. ’I‘hougli reeoid companies are expeeted tonight. Iloung ('ley ei' say they 're so ted tip yy ith shoyyeasex that llll\ one l\ for the punters. and tor the eiiioy nienl ol getting otit there and playing.

I Elephant Noise. The Wendys atid Rob Lawson ( )ddlelloyys. Forrest Road. 33” lHIo. See Sat 33 about l’lL‘Pllillll Noise. lite Wendy \ are niee enough. but slunihle llllllL‘tllllp;ll'i\till\ \yith \eyei'al yyeII-knoym indie groups. Ruhlll'ttlll ( ‘ringe l\ eontriliution has not yet been i'eyealed.

I The Dan Blocker Experience Negoeianls. lothian Street. 335 M13. tl.45pin. l-iee. Resideiiey. A eotinti'y hand you don't need to he eniliariassed to enioy.

I Dave Robb St James ( )yster Hat . ( alloii Road. 557 3‘l35. 9pm. Free Resideney. See Sat 33.

I Texas Breakfast Ry l‘te‘s. I lay market

'I‘erraee. .‘.‘ r .533. “pm. I‘ree. Resideney,


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The List 3] April 4 .‘Vlay'198965