The McGrigor Donald Sculpture Prize Artists are noys inyited toenterthiscompetition. \Vith prize money of nearly £lll.t)()(l(lirst pri/e £5iltliii. it is the largest sculpture competition in Britain. ('Iosing date for applications is 2 May. For turtherdetails and application torms contact Anne Price at the Scottish (iallery.

I SCOTTISH PHOTOGRAPHS WORKS l-la Nelson Street. 556 4017 (phone for appointment).

Scottish Photographers A gallery representing the most exciting contemporary Scottish pltotographers.

I Iiere is a permanent print holding giving f a y aried display , On sale from tlte gallery is I)a\ id \Villiams' book Pictures From .Vn llrm's [urn/arid the Raymond Moore photogray irrecntitled xly'r 197‘).

I SCOTTISH RECORD OFFICE West Register l Ioiise. (’hai Iotte Sqtrare.

Mon l-rr‘lam 4.30pm.

3 Strange Revolutions—Scotland1688—89 [hid the summer.

I STEP GALLERY 3‘) I ony'e Street. 556 lot} Mon I'l'l l lam 5.30pm; Sat

llam 4pm.

lntimatelmages t 'nril trixtayfil‘ym l)umliicsshiie artists ioin lorces in tltis exhibition ol etchings and ceramics. Day id Sinclair has in recent years been iny'oly ed iii cleyeloping printing techniques. sohis contribution here yeers on the sideot graphic images more than painting.

I'loys er studies. ittides. domestic stiII Iiyes and layotir rte landscapes are all interpreted Archie .\Ic(’all'sceramicsare all reduction tired stoneysar‘e \s ith gold lustre additions applied in a third tiring.

I STILLS GALLERY lll5 l liin Street. 557 IN“ 'I iie Sat l lam 5.30pm.

Juchitan. Mexico l mil 0 May. .-\ study ot Iiichitan. an area ot Southern Mexrco. by (ii .icicla IIlll bide \y ho is one ol that country ‘s most prominent photographers. I lie pictures concentrate on the unique llll\ItllL‘ ot Indian and('hristianctrltiires \s itli par tictilar attention to the roleol

The Collective Gallery

't,’>IIl(iI'\,-'I’III i;)it.‘iiiJi1(n1iHl lQS




in The Collective Gallery




82 The List 3] April 4 May 1989


Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh There is a Norwegian artist showing at the Scottish Gallery this month, not well known in this country, but hailed as his homeland‘s leading painter throughout the sixties and seventies.

This exhibition however shows a more intimate and sell-absorbed attitute than you might attribute to such a claim. In these very recent works, Thor Herambe's subjects are tew and select. Trees are caught passively in winter snow or mauve shadow, women bathe in light, a French sky shimmers overland and windows otter little breeze. With impressionistic openess and a Matisse-like understanding ot colour, Herambe collects colours without lines in the making at these most domestic. tranquil paintings.

In the gallery‘s cratt section art tor

I‘ree guided tours oi the exhibition are as ailable.


l'niy'er'sity ot Iidinburgh. South Iiridgc. or»? III] I. Mon Sat lllam 5pm.

Eduardo Paolozzi I'ittil 2i) May . 'l'he gallery re-opens alter redecoration is itlt this major sculpture exhibition. The Iidinburgli-born artist explores the connections betyyeen art and science.

I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 I Iamiltoii Place. 320 5425. Mon Sat Illam 5pm and late during pet‘lorinances.

Birds ot Passage Comes to Boost t ‘niil 3n April. Stephen I-aircloiigli's photographs and Lucy Rodgers illustrations present a retrospectiye View of Theatre Workshops massive community theatre yentur‘e earlier this year \s liicli considered the lorced emigration ol ys onten lrom Scotland.

Faces You Know I ~3ll May . .Iimmy lititler takes a look around Mnirhouse and I’ilton and portrays the locals about their daily lite.

I 359 GALLERY 333(1)“ gate. 235 M l l 3. Mon -Sat 10.30am 5.30pm.

Sissy Grattiti L'ntil 23 April. Paintings by Rose I’rain rising large catty ases toexplorc the lemale sell-image.

Paintings and drawings t ‘niit 22 April. Broodingandconiplex landscapesmainly in ys atereolour by l-iona Robertson. Underthe Skin I'ntil 22 April. I)raysings and photographs by Wendy McMurdoot lruit and vegetables. Il you'ye never tell threatened in your greengrocers this is the place togo.

Contemporary Scottish Landscape t nut 37 May'. The 3N) brings together some ot its most frequently display ed artists in a landscape orientated cyliibition in the First I'Ioor(ia|lery.

lingers brings together rings at gold. silver, perspex and in some cases glorious jewels, tashioned by some at the bestjewellers in the country. Look out particularly for the multi-ring sets (each ring is made up at up to a dozen separate components) by Wendy Bamshaw, the little bird with white gold head by Paul Preston, and stars by Rachael Mackie.

Above this ring cycle, and not to be missed, a young Scottish artist threads her very individual way into the world of embroidery. Di Gomery stands this traditionally lemale medium on its head weaving a strident message with surrealist edge. Breasts become eyes and a video machine replaces the home in the central position of a sampler. The most potent however, is a starry Madonna. stitched with gold and holding her mirrored rellection up to the world. (Alice Bain)

I TORRANCE GALLERY Mb I )undas Street. 55oo3oo. Mon Hi I lam (rpm; Sat lll5tlant «Ipin.

Ridge, Rock and Crag t not 2.‘ April. 'I'hc paintiitgsol James I lass kins and the ceramicsot I.l/ I Ioey concentrate on the great otltdoots.

Flowers and Seasons 1 13 May. I’altltlttgs by (ieorge and Margaret Mc( iay in.

'I'he gallery alsootlersa picture training set'\ ice.

I WASPS STUDIOS I’ati iothall. l Iamiltoii Place. 3 5.3Upm.

The Last Glacier l 'iitil 2‘) April. l)ia\yiiigs. paintings and pi'iiitsby I-dinburgliartist Donald \Vhitc.

I WAVERLEY MARKET Princes Street. ()peii during shopping hours.

Women Working Together t ‘iiiil 3s Apt ll. .\ photographic exhibition ol \yoincn yyorking in workers co-operatiyesand community enterprises in I‘dinburgh and lothian.

I WAVERLEY TAYLOR GALLERY 5-1 (‘onstitiitioii Street. 553 4530. Inc Sat llam tipltl.

More Fishy Tales - The Lighthouse Studio L'ntil Ill May. A group slioys oi ysorls by Simon Laurie. .lo Dayle and Brian ( 'airiis yy ho are based tn the ( ilasgoys \VASI’S Studios. 'I'ltey hay e eshihitcd as lar atield as London and I.os Aiigeles. l)ay ie creates liguratiye oil pairitirigsarid etchings ys liich handle serious themes in a colourttrl and humorous ysay . (air iis specialises in charcoal colour dt‘ayy ings and paintings on ceramic tiles ys ith much use ol s) mbolism. And Laurie takes( ‘eltic (‘hristian symbols and reinterpt'cts them in collage. watercolour paintings and wooden constructions.

I WILKIE HOUSE ( ‘oysgate. 553 I838. Spring Drawing and Painting Classes :4

April—ll).lune. 1 3pm. Aneightyseels' Monday afternoon course with a model costing a mere t; lo. Phone 553 1838 for details.

Lite Class 37 April. 7.30 v.3ilprii. This class is mm on Thursdays arid costs just L I .50.


A selection at exhibitions outside Glasgow and Edinburgh.


I CHRISTOPHER BOYD GALLERY ( )ld ( iala I Ioltse, Scott ('rescent, (“75”) let Nb. Mon Sat Illam 4pm; Sun 2 4pm. (’Iosed Wednesday.

Lino-print Landscapes t ‘mil :3 April. 'I'om Davidson exhibits.

The Romans in the Tweed Valley t ‘nril eitd ot June. The Romans and their occupations of the Borders on shoyy in the Mtiseum Room.


I DICK INSTITUTE Izlmbanls Aye. Kilmarnock.H503 2o4lll, Mon. 'l'ues. Thurs. Fri lllarii S’pm; Wed ck Sat

Illam 5pm.

The Blender's Art I not 3‘) Apr il. Paintings [tom the Sir Alexander Walker (‘ollectioir

KLDC Anti-Litter Poster Exhibition :5 2‘) April. Part ol' National Iiny iroment yseek. Kilmarnock Photographic Club Exhibition

3 .‘il May.


ITHEATHOLL GALLERYo Atholl Street. l)unlseld.ll35ll2 SS55. l lam 5pm.

Special Exhibition I'ntil Ill May. Alongside the permanent exhibition are these yyorks by Iain Ross. Donald Shearer and Richard Brockbaiik.

Weekend at talks and lectures ‘I’lie yy eekend ot I5 14 .\Iay is to be giy en oy el‘ to talksby Arida Paterson and James Spence to celebrate the opening ol their neyy exhibition. 'I‘he cost tor the \\ eekend Is [5“ per person and lur'ther‘ details are ayailable lrom Andreyy Burgess onll35tl3



I ROBSON GALLERY l Ialliysell's I louse Mtisciiin. (“T5”) SHOW». Mon Sat

Illam 12.5(Ipiiiriiirll..ill 5pm1Sim

3 4pm. Adirltshtlp. concessions.‘tlp. Early Lite in Ettrick and Lauderdale t mil in April. Icy iderice ot occupation in the Iloi'tlet‘sblltllliiL .-\I).‘\Ilil.

Natural Forms 2‘) April It) May . I'lll'llltlll'e. \sood sculpture and surrealist paintingsby Rob I'.IIltlt and Ian I luntei.


I SMITH ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM I)umbar'lon Road. Stirling. (tl‘Sti) "WIT 'l tie l‘ri l3 5pm; Sat ltl..lllaiit 5pin;Sun 2 5pm.

The Experience at Landscape t nut 33 April. \ our last chance to see this important esliibitioii in Scotland. It brings together the work ol some 5-1 maioi artists and is taken born the collection ot the Arts ('ouricil ot (ireat Britain. Amongst the \sell Irsllt)\\tl names are Paul .\'ash. William Mac'l aggai't.l .S. Lossry and Pay (iodyyin.

AtWork in the Fields otthe Bomb t not It May . (‘anadian photographer Robert deI 'l'redici has tray elled the ysorld lor sis years compiling a y isiial record ot the nuclear industry. A chilling contemplation otthe possibility ol sell-estermination. Working the Surtace ol the Earth 1 ‘nrit It May. Photographers trom around the “mid consider the many y ar'ied ysays both priinitiye and lutui'istic that people “oil; the Izartli.

A Light Touch 3‘) April 4 June. ( ilass. porcelain. paper and textiles by thirteen dil'terent artists are lit by \ ariotisartiticial light sources.