Street. 557 (No. Jack HammerBand 9- i 1 .30pm. Singer leads sax andguitar band.

WEDNESDAY 17 j Glasgow ISee MaytestOiary.

I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo (iiasgtm Society Of Musicians. Berkeley Street. 2216l12.8.3(lprii. 5(lp.Bar.


I Bill Kyle's Jazz Base L‘Attache. basement oi Rutland Hotel. West End. Princes Street. 9pm. Free. Leaderon drums with a regtrlar line up of

piano keyboards. bass. drtrriis. guitar. brass and reeds. Modern. bop. some mainstream. blues.

I Al Fairweather and Friends Youngs‘ llotel. Learnington Terrace. 22‘) (>481. 8.30pm. Trad trumpet star's vveekly Now. I Charlie McNair's Band Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. Evening. Another Edinburgh band leader and trumpeter.



I See MaylestOiary.

I AboutTime Bon Accord. (‘haringCross 9.30pm. Residency.

I Jeanette Burns/Andy Alston Blackiriars. Bell Street. Merchant (‘ity. 5525924. Evening.

I Jiveass Blues and Boogie Wintersgills. Great Western Road. 8.30-1 1pm. Great. rough R&B band.


I Gordon Fytle Trio Afton Hotel. Grosvenor Crescent. Evening.

I Criterion Jazz Band Fat Sams. Fountainbridge. Evening.

I Templehall Stompers Temple Hotel. Esplanade. Joppa. (36‘) 4264. Evening. . Trad and dixie residents. Good fun. Busy. older crowd.

I Joe Capaldi Ouartet Brandos. Blair Street. Evening.


I Giant Glasgow University L'nion. University Avenue. 9.30pm. £2.50. Back after a lengthy absence from playing live. Giant have always been one of the more entertaining live bands front this area. Worth seeing some time over the next fevv days.

I Zvuki Mu Reril'reyy l-‘erry. 9pm. See Mayl'est

IAvia 'l‘ramvvay Theatre. Albert Drive. 7.30pm. See Mayt’est

I Big George and the Business La Taniere. 15 Fox Street. 22] 4844. 9pm. Free. Regular Friday night blues session.

I Five Guys Named Moe l lalt Bar. loo


Paul Haig linds himsell in an unusual position in 1989. Despite the tact that he has not one hit single to his name in nine years at recording, his music is still treated seriously amongst the record companies, with his latest album, ‘Chain’, appearing on the Circa label, and again arousing the high expectations that its predecessors, ‘Rhythm of Lite’ (on Island) and ‘The Warp of Pure Fun’ (Disques de Crepescule) did. Indeed Haig's record company biog ends with the line ‘Paul Haig, the name and lace ol the 90s?’. Whether he is or not, Haig has a slightly uncomfortable attitude towards the promotion ot ‘product' preterring people to make their own judgements while he gets on with the music. ‘Chain', while not 100 percent consistent, does have two standout moments in the single ‘Something Good’ and a possible tollow up, ‘True Blue' while the others try, with varying

Woodlands Road. 332 Ill”. 9pm. l'ree. Special gig. for a band yy ho are certainly going up in the ysorld over the next levy days. Watch their progress? This yy ill probably be the most luri ot their tour dates. although I suspect it may beslightly cramped.

I Rolling Joe ( )'l lenr'y 's, Kely inbridge. 9pm. l-ree.


IThe La'Sarid The Thieves('altori(‘lub. ('alton Studios. ( 'alton Road. 550 "Hob The jariglrng mher‘rtors ol the Krrigsot Merscybeat croyyn their last lil’vy as

pretty dashed tabby supported by the (ilasgovy pop band yy hose second single “Soul Thiel'. eulogrsing the American Indian. is otrt [toys on tlierroyy n Planetarium label. Another [err/tents lave.’ JUl‘. vs rth possible tlirrd act on the bill being either ’l'raslican Sinatras. Iiddr Reader's brother's band. or may be even thedclrghttuISl: Rogrc.

I Salvation l'ndcr‘ground ( ‘lub. \‘entrc. ('alton Road. 5‘" 30"} Sisterriianra? Salyatrori‘s lirst single came otrl on Mercrlul Release. they 'ye been produced by both Aridreyy lildrrteh and Way He

degrees at success, to cross the bridge between acoustic and machine based instrumentation. The re-emergence oi Paul Haig is indeed testimony to his beliel in the quality at the product he is pedalling:

‘Atterl lett Crepescule, I borrowed some money and went into Palladium Studios in Edinburgh and recorded the album,’ he explained. ‘It was done very quickly- in eighteen days- and when it was tinished, and we were all quite happy, I went down to see a lew record companies.

‘I already knew the people at Circa, as they had worked at Island in the past, so that was quite lucky. Their initial reaction was that it was a great LP, but they didn't know what to do with it. Fortunately, they are quite sensible as a company, and that was what attracted me to them in the lirst place. The lact that they are quite small and don't sign too many acts means that

llussey in their time. supported at least

one of their mentors‘ bands. and the atrdierice yy ill be full of Patricia Morrrsson lookalikes. Arii l tempting yotr'.’

I The Block Brothers Preservation l lall.

Victoria Street. 22b 381611alter‘).3ilpm.

I The Humptt Family Trading Post. The Shore. 553 '71o4. lllpm. Free. Spoof country. Residency.

I The Rootsie Tootsie Band Lord l)arriley. West Port. 2294341. lllpm. Rocking blues

I Doug Rich Paddy 's. Rose Street. 9pm.

I: l'ircc Rcsldclicy.

you can always get straight through to the people making important decisions.’

As the signing to Circa took place just under a year ago, the subsequent period has been spent recording another track to complete the album, some B-sides, and a video tor the lirst single, ‘Something Good’, which sadly disappeared without trace, sutlering from a lack at Radio One support.

‘Regional radio seemed to pick up on the single,’ he observed, ‘but Radio One didn’t, although I suppose I didn't expect that. In the context ol Radio One and the charts, I really just don't see where it tits. Having said that, I have never telt under any pressure to be commercial, and I would not write anything that was out-and-out throw-away.’

It is perhaps the inability ol either Haig or the record companies to lind a market lor him that explains the continued lack ot success. Too classy by lar torthe Erasure and Depeche Mode tans ol the world, and unlikely to appeal to your Tracy Chapman CO-buying person. Maybe New Order's more consistent output has lound a lollowing, which Haig has never been able to establish. What are his own thoughts on the album and his audience?

‘The tracks I am particularly happy with on the album are "Something Good”, where I think everything just tell into place, “True Blue", “Times Can Change” and “Chained”. lwould be the lirst to admit that the album is llawed, but I think it has turned out as well as it could have done in the circumstances. ldon’t think perlection exists in a recording sense - there will always be something you leel you could improve on - and in any case, I like the idea at human lrailty juxtaposed with the technology used to make the record. As lor an audience, I have really no idea who will buy the record -I suppose it is impossible to say when you are so closely involved.‘

Next on the agenda tor Paul Haig is a small tour, tor which he has recently been putting together a band, which is likely to include tormerJosel K guitarist, Malcolm Ross. Not having appeared live since a couple ol outings with Billy Mackenzie (who wrote ‘Chained'), the gigs at Rico's in Greenock (Tuesday 16) and The Oueens Hall (Wednesday 17) will be a mixture ol both old and new songs, and will provide the lirst major public test ol how well the songs on the new album stand up with lormer glories. An event not to be missed. (John Williamson).

j SATURDAY 6 Glasgow

I Deacon Blue SE('('. l’mrireston ()uay.

248 3000 7.30pm. S()[.l)()l "l1 Not much

necdstobe saidabout tliisone l-astest

selling gig rn Scotland tor years. Number One album. Blah. Blah. Blah I The La's Queen Margaret l'nrori. l‘riryersrty Gardens 9pm l-xcellent

songyy rrters. althouin therroby rous

derivativeness perhaps detracts trom their appeal A band tor the ttrttrre

The List 5 18 May NW 59