samc w cck. and going by 'l‘hc 'l‘rtffids show 1 saw in London last ycar. this shottld not bc misscd. ( 'u/t'rtllm' was aclasslc album. and thc rcccntly rclcascd follow up. I‘Itc Black Swan. is cqually imprcsslyc. Kitchcns of Distinction has c rcccntly surfaccd on tltc ( )nc 1.itt|c Indian labcl. and for that alonc should bc worth

my cstigating.

I Robin Williamson chfrcw I"crry. 6pm. SL‘L‘ Maylcst.

IThe Hummingbirds Halt Bar. loo Woodlands Road. 332 1211).9pm.1‘rcc. Sccond gig in thrcc days. so it shottld bc good.

I Big George and the Business l.aTanicrc. 15 Fox Strcct. 221 4844. 9pm. I’rcc. As usual.

I The Henry Brothers ( )‘l Icnry's. Kclyinbridgc. 9pm. I-‘rcc.


I Diesel Park West and The Thanes ( ‘altnn (Tub. ('alton Studios. (‘alton Road. 556 71)66.9pm- 4am. Rising starsol thc labcl that brought tts Zodiac Mindw arpand Voicc of thc Bcchiy c. thcir roots can bc traccd back down through Anicrican gttitar bands from Thc I-‘laming ( lt‘tltn'lt‘s to Bluc ()ystcr ( ‘ult. 'l'hc hint of patchouli will bc grcctcd with turncd-up noscs by Thc Thancs. committcd garagc psychcdclists cstraordinary.

I G-SpotTornado Prcscryation Hall. Victoria Strcct. 226 3816. £1 aftcr9.3()prn. I The Humplt Family Trading Post . Thc Shorc. 553 7164. lllpm. Iircc. Spoof country. Rcsidcncy.

I Driving Sideways [.ord Darnlcy. Wcs‘t Port. 2294341. lllpm. Rockingblucs.

I Doug Rich Paddy's. Rosc Strcct. 9pm.


SATURDAY 13 Glasgow

I Diana Ross SI{('(‘. l-‘innics‘ton ()uay. 248 3001). 7.31)pnt. Sccond gig in (ilasgow for Diana. following thc scll ottt a fcw wccks ago. A rcccnt appcarancc on Wugmt (honcst. it was a complctc accidcnt that I saw it) did littlc to hclp promotc this. portraying Diana as somconc complctcly out of touch with rcality. and happy to jump on any musical bandwagon to furthcr hcr own carccr. liycn so. you cannot takc away frotn thc massch contribution shc has madc to pop soul music. thrc would Whitncy Houston bc without hcr as a rolc moch '.’

I Whiskey Priests Third Iiyc (‘cntrc. 351) Sauchichall Strcct. 8pm. Scc Mayfcst.

I Yalo Camba I-la chfrcw 1"c rry. 6pm. Scc Mayfcst.

I Allan chfrcw licrry. 9pm. Scc Mayfcst. I Philander's Tricycle La Tanicrc. 15 Fox Strcct. 221 4844. 9pm. I-‘rcc. Iind ofthcir jaunt round thc wcst coast ofScotland.

I Uranium Rockers 1 lalt Bar. 161) Woodlands Road. 332 1211).‘)prrt.1"rcc. Fcaturing fortncr Styng-Ritc. (icorgc Millcr.


I SI Heller Rock ('afc. \'cnuc .(‘alton Road. 557 31173. I lard rock.

I M010 Pep Prcscry ation Hall. \‘ictoria Strcct. 226 3816. £1 a1tcr9.3llpm.

I Bluelinger Platform ()nc. Rutland Strcct. Scc Sat 6.

I The Humptt Family Trading Post . Thc Shorc. 553 7164. lllpm. 1"rcc.

I Bulb Cormorant Lord Darnlcy . West Port. 2294341. Aftcrnoon. l-rcc.

I Live band Lord Darnlcy . Wcst Port. 229 4341. lllpm.

I Live band Ncgociants.1.othianStrcct. 225 6313. 9.45pm. I‘lrcc.

SUNDAY 14 Glasgow

I Hearts and Minds and Boxing Clever'l‘hc Mayfair. 491) Sauchichall Strcct. 332 3872. 9pm Ilcarts and Minds rctnain at thc top


of thc lcaguc tablc of ttnsigncd bandsin (ilasgow . and Boxing (‘lcycr hayc bccn working quictly on their wcll craftcd pop songs. haying signcd a pttblishing dcal last ycar.

I The Shadows Pavilion ’l‘hcatrc. 121 chficld Strcct. 332 1846. 7.30pm. Do thcy hayc to kccp coming back'.’ lsupposc somc pcoplc must want to scc thcm.

I Dead Idol Night I lalt Bar. 161) Woodlands Road. 332 1211).9pm.15rcc. The I lalt opcns spccially on a Sunday for this spccial cycnt. which is in cxtrcmcly dubious tastc. with wcll known local pcrformcrs taking timc out from thcir normally dubious activitics to dress up and imitatc thc dcpartcd. Ronnic ('ostlcy will bc appcaring in his usual and inimitablc fashion as Iilyis. whilc Blues Brothers and Jim Morrison arc also up for an appcarancc of sorts.

I King Bees Duo l.a Tanicrc.l5 Fox Strcct. 221 4844. 9pm. I’rcc.


I The Everly Brothers. Playhouse Theatre. Greenside Place. 557 2590. 7.30pm. £12. £10. £8. All the laves: ‘Bird Dog'. ‘Bye Bye Love’. 'Wake Up Little Suzie'. Enjoy.

I Texas ()uccn's I Iall. Sottth ('lcrk Strcct. 668 21119. Bound to bc packcd tothc raftcrs. dcspitc lukcwarm rcccption for thc Soul/Mid? LP.

I Rock Against Ritkind (ialton Studios. (‘alton Road. 556 71166. £2.5(1.£1.51Iwith Poll Tax book or rcgistration form. Rocking against the man with thc plan is the raging hardcorc of 1 IDQ. Pullcrmann (from W. (icrmany). ADA and ('haotic Subycrsion. All procccds to Edinburgh ‘Bust Fund‘.

I Naked Haygun Moshpit. V'cnuc. (‘alton Road. 557 3073. Amcrican hardcorc band playing their only Scottish datc. and plying hcayy licks somcwhcrc in thc region of Prong and Killdozcr.

I Woodrow Wilson Prcscryation Hall. \‘ictoria Strcct. 226 3816. [ixccllcnt locally-bascd soul singer.

I Bluetinger(‘alc Royal. Wcst chistcr Strcct. 8pm. I’rcc. Scc Sat 6.

I The Tex Fillet Five Trading Post . Thc Shorc. 553 7164. 10pm. I‘rcc. Spoof country.

I Warren Peace St Jamcs Oyster Bar. (‘alton Road. 557 2925. 9pm. I-‘rcc.

I Live band Ncgociants. l.othian Strcct. 225 6313. 9.45pm. I-‘rcc.

MONDAY 15 Glasgow

I The Go-Betweens (ioyan Town Hall. (iovan.7.311pm.Scc Mayfcst.

I The McCluskey Brothers and A Parcel ol Rogues 'I'hc Mayfair. 4911Sauchicha|| Strcct. 332 3872. 9pm. Scc Maylcst.

I Crooked Rose llalt Bar. lotlwtmdlands Road. 332 1211). 9pm. I‘rcc. First gig fora ncw linc up of (‘rookcd Rosc. whosc rcccnt dcmos' look sct to gain thcm sonic scrious intcrcst.

I Blue Smoke La Tanicrc. 15 Fox Strcct. 221 4844. 9pm. Frcc.


I Big George and The Business andJohn Blues and Tim Trouble Rhythm'n‘lmwc. \'cnuc. (‘alton Road. 557 3073. Big (icorgc's gucsts this wcck. harmonica and guitar playcrs from Blucs'nTroublc. probably sitting in with thc Busincss latcr on in thc cycning.

I Woodrow Wilson Prcscryation Hall. VictoriaStrcct.2263816.SccSun14.

I Johnny Sunbeam Ncgoctants. I.othian SlrL‘L‘l. 22.5 (1313. 9.45pm. I‘TL‘L‘. SL‘L‘ Mon 9.


I Then Jerico and Skin Games Barrow land 244 (iallow gatc. 552 46111. 7.311pm. lhayc tocontcss to quitc liking'l'hcn Jcrico asan

inoffcnsiyc pop rock band. whilc Skin (iarncs arc old layouritcs. and arc soon to rclcasc thcir dcbut album on Itpic Rccords.

I Texas and Gun Payilion Thcatrc. 121 chficld Strcct. 332 1846. 7.311pm. Scc Mayfcst.

I Capone and the Bullets Napolcons. 128 Mcrrylcc Road. 637 5238. I-‘rcc First of two gigs this wcck for fayottritc local ska band.

I Taxi Pata Pata Third liyc (’cntrc. 35o Sauchichall Strcct. 8pm. Scc .‘ylayfcst.

I Yes Yes Juliette and The Rhythm Kittens Thc Bttck. 272 St Vinccnl Strcct. 221 5279. 9pm. Anothcr dcccnt doublc bill of ‘ncw bands' to go along with thc dcmo disco ‘Skin Problcm‘ by \"cs \‘chulicttc (on thcir ncw dcmo) is worth scckingout. I Bobby Wishart and Bobby Thompson l lalt Bar. 161) Woodlands Road. 332 1211). 9pm. lircc. A ncw gucst this wcck.


I Bananarama Playhouse Thcatrc. (irccnsidc Place. 557 2591).7.31)pm. £9.51). £8.51). What hcightsarc thcrc lcft to. scalc for thc trio'.’ An ouncc ofsinccrity and crcdibility. pcrhaps'.’

I Medusa Touch Prcscryation 1 lall. \‘ictoria Strcct. 226 3816. 9.3llpm. I-"rcc. Hcayy rock.

I L08 Supremos St Jarncs ()ystcr Bar. (‘alton Road. 557 2925. 9pm. I-‘rcc. Scc Tucs9.

I The Tex Fillet Five Ncgociants. Lothtan Strcct. 2256313. 9.45pm. I-‘rcc. Spoof country.

I Doug Rich (ilobc. Wcs‘t Port. 2294553. 9pm. I-‘rcc.

WEDNESDAY 17 Glasgow

I Goodbye Mr Mackenzie (ioyan Town Hall. (ioyan. 7.311pm. Scc Mayfcst. I The Fairer Sax Pavilion Thcatrc. 121



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