lThe AccidentalTouristI ISIII .mtt-nt-t- KINLIII. I‘S. I"\\I \\ IIII.IIII IIlllI.(Ic'CIltt I)ll\l\. KIIIIIIu-II I III IICI \IIII \\'II:IIt III llllll\ .\I.IuIII I my» I IIlllIIl\.l \ttcccxxlIII \KllIc‘l III IIIUII\\I‘\I(IIIII_L' lI.I\cI guitch I‘llI Ill\ (ILII'III Ill‘lllv‘ IIlc l\ IIIxtIIIIIuI \\ IlL'Il III\ \I My I I III llcl' I \\.III\\ nut IIII Illlll. I bit II‘Ill\I‘\\ ll \Ik'\ l\ o. IIk' \UUII IllltI\ IIIIIIxc'Il I.IIIIIIu ItII Imnkx tlng tI lllIlL‘l \IIII ICI l I ).I\ l\l. .IIIII II\ II\' In‘c'IIIIIw IllL‘l’C.l\lll};I_\ .III.I\'II\'\I III Ilcl llllk’lllHk'llIlt‘llJI IILIIIIII‘I .lIItI x-t'klx IIItIc \UII. IIk' III-grin in Imlm' tII.Il mun IIlC stt piclmtctl Il.l\\'II\'I lllll\I I‘i' Ic-.Itl\ twine IIIL' urn-\Iwctctl IICIHlll I III] t‘x lllll‘lL‘\\l\ g [k‘l'lUl mum": I\ .It IIIk' gentry III lIl\‘ IIIIIIK (IIIIL'I IIIIIIImtIg\III"II;:III\.IIIII lI\.lI‘\HlI‘IlI_‘._' tIcpII'IIIIII «Il ;\ I I‘.tI.I_\ IIJIIIIIIHIc‘ Inc \. I‘LII .I \II.llllL'\I \cl III inn pt\t'I‘lIngctIIIIIIJI\ (ILIIIIcthx lgIItIs II-IIIMIIII- III. lllII\ lll‘.‘ (IlkIlll.lllli\‘\\ It tltc lIlleK um (ilmutm (Ilmwnuz I The Accused l I\ l I(I|l.lIIl.lll I\.II‘I.III. I‘S. I‘).\.\l Ix'c-III \Ipf IIIIIN IINIIk' I‘lecl. IIL'I'III I '«ItletIII i I I Illlll\ NILIII IIII‘III\ lImIIc I Il\Ic'l I 1x IAI‘CII till .I l‘lllI‘.lII lIlllk‘IllllL‘IW IIllI‘L‘lllI'll.f~\'1\\Il\‘lIIIlg .I\\.III.II‘.t\ .III' l.II.t'II II‘\'I“Ill'I . .l (‘Ix'tl I I\.II}_';IIII \\ IlII \.II.III\ I.|\\\L'I I’\.IIIll‘. II I \IIII’IIIH II\'t~Il\ \I.‘( IIIII\I :ultII g\ lIIcII (Iltll LIgN \\Il\‘l‘l I‘HII1\\I‘II‘.c'll IL'.lII\\' IIII\I\ :I \k'II-l'III. lIIm tit-.III.‘ ltI IIIIIII.1;II.II:'.I*\ .Iu.IIII\l IIlI‘ IIIpII Il‘. lII.~ In: \\ IIIIclltx I.‘tItIII lIIc .IIIJk'I’x .lllII t‘IIk Ict’. L'Ile‘III .ltIL‘IIlk'III llI lIIc ItlI‘I\I\

\l.II‘.tIutIl I‘k'I lit: lli.Il‘.‘."\' IZI‘Ill I mic I III IIll\ \\IIIII.IIIIt~lIt'.tIItI I\'\l‘l‘lI\II‘IL' IIL'IlIlle'lII (It IIIllIaIll \IIIIIc'J III.Illt'!. \\Ilt>\\' II: III gimp III t'II..I .chx‘l .llltI III‘II\‘\I IIIIe'IIIIt‘IhIICII‘.III.l\ (nickIqwimliwnx .II‘U‘III lIIt' \IIIIlc'IIl (II.I\;:II\\_l .tllllI‘I‘I I IIk' I'IIluc \tInIIIt’InIL- \\ \IR I IIIII('t-IIII.' IAlienI I\III{IIII\\ \nlt. I .\. I‘I'WI SIgIIIIIIIm \\ um (I . I.ll‘. I II‘IIII. It‘Illl I IIIIt I III llllll\ .'\}_I.lIIltl ( III l\Ilc‘ III I‘llIe'l \I‘Jk'x’ ;l\ .I IICIL‘IIICI I.IIItI\ «III .I lll_\\Ic‘l Iwuxplnnt'l ,IIItI l\ lllfJL‘llltIll\I\ lll\ .ItIztI III .I I.I\ \‘llttlh IIIlItIIIpI \\III\'II (Hum-uhlIIt‘IIIIIIIp |I\\\.l\ IIlIl‘llfJI‘I IIIL' cunt lel (II\I\}!I‘\\ ( lI' I IAlienSI l\I l.ItlIIIk'\( .IIllt-IIIIL l '\. IIIMII SIgIIIII IIk'\ \\ cm. L'I \III Inn-I I’m IIII IVIIIIIIx Ru I\\'kI Ill‘lll .I “' your \flttU/c' lll tIccp \puu'. \\ .III.IIII f )IIch‘I \\ k'II\k'I l\ IxIIIIIctI lllIH lt‘llllllf; .I III.II IIIc chctlc llll\\lt‘ll In IIIK' I‘LIIIct II‘..lI l\ IIIIIIIg It‘I lIIc tIilglIInI IlIlk’llIK'.l\Il\‘

I‘IIIt'IcIIlIIIgII (mu-II \\ lIIl .I In I lIlc‘.lII\ utlln [wIlm lll.lll\c' lltilll \\ k'.l\ yr . IIll\ llL‘l \c \IIIL'\I\IIII‘.'_ \CKIIIK'I IItIl I‘llI\ III.Ilt'IIc\ lei‘IuIm‘txxm I‘ilI \.llllllI\ \IIIIMxwal .~\II ( )xmz \xIIIIw: II‘I \pp.I.IIcllt'gt\ (II.I\§;II\\ (II' I lAngelHearti1\II.-\’.trk.-t_t \. I‘)\" I \III'IKI'I Rt'lll kc Rnlm-Il Ih- \lll'. (‘ILIIIIIHI' I{.IIII(\IIII;: I I ‘IIIIrtx \(lllIH. IIIleI.I\cII (\Iix .It'.‘ cI; I I.ll I} .\ll_‘.{\'I l\ IIIIuIt In tIIc ll‘._\\I\"I lI‘-.l‘~ I «‘Ill\( \I‘IIIC lulzac’n lIU\\II .I IIII\\III§,r I III [ch \‘IIIIIIIgI \\IIIIII.I\ Ic'III-uctlw‘. .I IlIL' l'l «ItultII \Ik'JI

I Il\ lll\ .‘xlIIIJlIIIIIx Iq.ItII1IIII truism-III \cxx ( It llamx -.iIIIIIIII.IluI III \wnlmwtillx .III\I pun-rm Ix \Ik'JkI IIIIIIIIN III IIll\ llllc‘tllllIi‘lldI‘Iv‘ III.IIIII:I «It \ Ixt'cI .II unu- .IIItli IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII I'tIllII‘tllfJIl (.IIIIcII IBaird Lecture SneakPreview In [‘I.I\L'UI lIIL‘ .IIIIIII.II Ik‘x'IIII p «III III.IIIL‘I\\'UII\\ llllll}: IIlL' IIIuIII .lIItI IlIlll lllIIlI\II I . IIII\_\C.II \ PIC\&‘III.lIlt'Il III. the ,II‘Illl I Help II.IIIII (I‘IIIII- I Hi I{\'\k'.lI\II III lulu l\lt‘ll ,\IIkI I lIlll \\ Ill take IIlc' lnI ZYII'I .1 \llL'JIx pin 1;“ M .I III.IIIII II.~\I III II!\I‘. IlIIll \\lIIl.lll IIIIItHIleIlI‘I‘. III; III Ikt I‘IIII \Itlnlu (Ituk \\lII‘I lII. I'III IIIlIII' Ik'lII.lIlIll‘.‘.1Ika’IIQIxL'h (ilmgtm (iI’I IBaIIhazarIHIIIRIIIu-Il IIII-xxtm, I'Itlllk’k'. I‘IIIIII _\IIIIt- \\ Ll/k'llle} . I'l.ll‘.\'t\|\


Moon 0verParador(15) (Paul Mazursky, US, 1988) Richard Dreyfuss. Sonia Braga, Raul Julia. 104 mins. Like Paul Mazursky's last film released over here, Down and Out in Beverly Hills. Moon Over Parador is a good idea which doesn‘t finally come off. Mazursky has always displayed a liking for left-field comic situations, and this certainly qualities in that respect. but hefailsto dojusticeto the genuine comic possibilities on this occasion. Jack Noah (Richard Dreyfuss). an American actor on location in the fictional Caribbean island of Parador. happensto beara striking resemblance tothe local dictator. Allonso Simms (the surname comes from an early settler, one ofthe ‘fourteen families' who now runthe island behindtheir ligurehead leader). When Simms‘ likinglorthe good life finallyresults in his heart giving out, Noah is coerced by Roberto(RaulJu|ia). thelocal chiefof the secret police to take over the role of the country's leader.

Terrified at first, the actor gets to like his newjob. even ad-libbing the words of ‘The Impossible Dream’ from Man of La Mancha at the end of his first big

speech from the balcony lo a crowded

I .lI.lI}'_C. I’IIIIIppc :\\\c‘Illl ‘IF llllll\ IIIK' cl‘llllliilJIllIl\Ilc'.lIlIl\‘!lIIII .lllllllItIx'QlII IIIIIII\\‘\ .II III: Immixnl \.I: ltl1l\t‘\\II‘\‘I\tIIIkI lI\llllIIIlILllldIt'LIx‘JIIl\IllIIII;{.lflllllggIlllgj t-xtnpntlt'. llllLIIlI III «ItIIcI Il.lIl\I\ chII III\' \ltIttrIltIIIItIIcII'x IIIIIII.II IIIMchIIIItIII IIchxtIIIKIIIIIIIiII Ix't'IIIIIL'su IIIII*.II.IIIII zIIm IIl‘.‘ ( 'II: l\Iltlll I‘.II.I':IIt- I'kIll‘II‘ll! :II IlIlllIlt‘llM‘ lBeachesI within \I.Il\Il.tIII s. I‘l.\.\l IIcllc \IhIIL'I . II.IIII.II.I I IL‘I\IIL‘\. IHIIII IIL'JHI.\[‘.lItIlll;j(Il.l\ 1111mm I\\tl c'Icu‘II \\'.II \IIkI f_’llI\ lliL'L'I I‘ll .I InuicIIIII \l|.IIIlI.( lI_\ tint? I‘x'c'l‘IlIk' IIluIIIIIulIIcIItk tIuIIIlt' I.‘.II«\II\ .II;'IIIII.‘III\ .lIIIIkIl\k‘I\\' IIlI‘\l\Ic\ (‘ (~ IIIIIIIHIIx.IIIILIIIIIIIIIIlIIt‘tI .II'IIL'\\ \lllLEL'I I‘l‘llIItI l:': \l.IItIIIIII l.It.I\IIIu Il‘IL' Il‘I \IIIII\'I I, \\IllIc‘ I It !\IlI‘\ \ I III.II_\ \\ IIIIIIm l\ .l l‘llll‘. IIIIIIIchtI IK'.I'\II_\ IIIIIII; IIJIkIINI\'\I\I\'IIIII(‘IIIIII\ \IIIII‘x'IIIIIII\C\IIU(HI\\1‘II\UIIIIK'

\I.ll \L'Ile'IC \L‘IIIII .IIIII l\ .lI‘I\ \lll‘l‘UlICII I‘k IIL‘HIIC} IIIIl make IIIIIIII\l.II\q IIll\

uch lung lt‘III.IIc IIIIIIIII mm In l\IIlL‘ \‘IIIIIJI/chl to.” IK'I Ixt'I IIIII‘II we III .l \\IllI\' (II.I\~_'II\\ ()tIuIII I-IIIIIIIIII;:II (IIIc‘Ull

lThe BestWayTo Walki Isiit‘luutlc

\IIIIL'I , I IIIIIcc. I‘IVII I’.IlIIgI\ Dunn-Ir.

I’.IlI Ip'k IIIlllclIc‘} .( IIitxltIIc I’.I\t'.II ‘lll lllll‘.\ .\l .I \llllllllt;l (IIIIII‘ IIII I‘m» IIIICHI lIIc IIleIII.‘lIII\tII\t'tI\cI\lIIc'tmIIcIKwII III tII.I_I_'. I‘llI .IIlIII IIIItII IIc IIIIIIIc‘x IIlL' \ IclIIII lllIlllv’lk‘lIIIII\ It's the I;Itch \\ IEIII\ III“ III IIIK‘ gIII \IIIIcI .I Itilillk'l .I\\I\I.llII In


I \IlllI‘ll’fJIl, I lIlllIlUlhk‘

I Belly Blue l I\I l Ic.III-.I.Ictitic\ IICIIICH.

I I.III;;. I‘IVIIchiIt IIIIf;I1C\.'\ll;_!I.ltIL'. IIK'.IIII\\' I ).IIIc IIIIIIIInx I cIIIpwlIItIIix lm c :ttIIIc III.ItI II\ .III t‘ItICI lI.IIItI\ III.III .IIItI.I lIgc-prIIlI'tI\xnIImII.‘IIIIMIIIHIIIJ l‘tl\\lHll.lIL‘. pcr llxtlc'llc lIIIIg tII.It L'I1(I\ III II.t_:_\‘\I} I EIIIlk‘II \\ lIIl .I III/Ant: technique .IIIII .III lIllI.lI|IlL‘ erupting“ In IIlL‘ III.II\cI


I The Big Blue I I‘ I l I IIk IIk'\\l‘II. I'I.I.'Im‘. I‘l\\II\’t‘\.IIIII.I \IqHthflchlll \I.IIp IIIIII, I\‘_II‘. Ix'cIIu .IIIII

p lfztw \xt'tt'pIIIItilt‘II

ILIIIIIII‘A IIJII RL'III‘ II!\'II\I\\III\' .III'IIIM‘Ix.‘tIIIII‘clIII;lt~:.'.:L'IIIIIcIIIu\t [‘It'It‘lIIIkI dcptlh \\IIIlI‘llI IIIt' .lIkIl‘I


square. Sadly for him, though, not everyone on the island loves their President; the guerillas are closing in. and the people ready to take up arms against the despotic rule of the dynasty. Alter a failed assassination attempt, Noah takes things into his own hands, announcrng new democratic reforms on live television, and setting in motion a movement for a new Parador, assisted by his beautiful but low-born

IIlL' IIIIIIuIItIc .lIIL‘IIIIUIl\ III .\I\ Arqucllc‘ .\ C(IIIIIIIL‘I'L‘IJI smash III II\ II;III\ c I'I‘IIIIcL'. BcwIn'slIIIII |\;l\IlIllllllI§1I_\ pIIIItIIgI'upIIcII \ l\llllI cqwricncc In \ .ll'ltlll\ \IIuIIL‘xIII IIIIIc. I'.\cn lI IIIL' plot I\ 1| IUIHIUI ltI\Il. lIIc IIIIIpIIInx .llL‘ nrcc IncIIIIIIIIIgII: I'lIlIlIlUth‘.

lThe Big Easyl 1M (Inn .‘xfclirnlut‘S. IVS") I)L'lllll\ ()UtllLI. I2|Icn IIIII‘kIII. \ul Halli}. llll llllll\. I’Iclts . \lllitl‘I undxcx} cup tIIIIlch \cl III .I \\\} . ilIIIlU\leL'l'IL' \cu ()I'IL'.’lll\ \\ IlL‘l'L‘ Incul IlCllIL‘llltlll ()IIIIIII lI'IcsltIcIcnr upuscrimnlgungluntl murders. IIII the \\ IllIL‘ lIIIIIIIg Ill Im c \\ IlIl Burkm's .IttIII'IIQ . III to“ II III lll\L‘\Il§_'.'llL' pnlicc L‘III‘ItIptIIIII. IikIlllIHll'fJII I‘IIlllIltlth‘. I Birdl 15ll(‘IIIIl I‘.iI\I\\t)0(I. IS. 1088) I’m In! \\'IIII.Ikcr'. I)I;IIIc Venom . SIIIIItIcI I' \VI'IuIII. MIL‘IIIIL‘I /.c|IIIl\cI. I()I lllllh. I’;I\I\\UULI.\ IIIIIIIIII‘ (If lmc llllllltlglL‘\ CIIUIIIL'\\I_\ IIIIIIIN ;I\\;I_\ IIIII‘zrting\IIIg\ .IIIIIIII IIII) I IIII|}\\IIIIII lllL'\\llI}1;llt)lllltI

\\ IlII III/z. IIII' lIll\ Is II III'IIw tlllLI mm mg ilIIClIIPI to him}; In lIIL‘ \crccn \IIIIIL‘ nl lIlL‘ cunlpluitrcx III (‘IIIII'IIc ‘YIII‘IIIIII‘II' I’III'kcI. \\I1U\C IIIIpImIsutInIIIIl «ch CIUPllIL‘llh (In lIlL' IIIttI saxophone mark IIIIII dim II munc- nl IIIL‘ ccnttII') '\ IIImt significant musical pl'C\L‘IlL'L‘\.

I'IIc \IKIIIL'tI putcltunr‘k IIIII'I‘IIlIw

k‘tllllI‘lllL‘x \\III1illlk‘\L‘L‘IICllICthlJllIlHllfi \\ IIUIII I'UI'I'L‘\I Whitaker 's I'illlfJL‘ UI

mistress, Madonna (no, notthat one— this Madonna is Sonia Braga), whom he inherited with the job. A major problem ortwo remains, however; how to stop Roberto from killing him. and how to get out of this role which he has grown fired off, and back to the actor‘s life in New York. ln-jokes and guest cameos abound. butthe film is lacklustre and over-indulgent, without Mazursky‘s usual crisp direction. (Kenny Mathieson)

L‘IIIUIIHIIJI own-“tun III lIlL‘ IlIIL‘ rule must gm \IU“ II .l\ ;I IIIIIIIII .lL‘IllLWL‘lllCllI. .IIILI .III mommy \IIIIIIII\\I \ l\lUll III the I.I// IIIItIcr'mII ItI II’IIIII \'.IIIICI .IIII;III .luck \ (Itccn I0 picnic .I wIIIIII‘c cnuIIIxxIrIu account lII.It mtrltl \wll um tltm II ;I\ uncut IIlL' urmt \cIchI I‘lllgl‘ill‘IllL‘N I'IIIIIIIIIIuII: I'IIIIIIIIIIIw. lThe BIObl ISIH‘IIIII'I‘ I{ll\\L‘III \fl I‘l\‘ll Ix'cx Ill I)lIIUll. SIM“ [ICC SIIIIlII. “5 llllll\ I IlL' psycho \pnnuc IlHIlI nuth may: I\ luck \\ uh .I IIIIIIgcl .-\ \\ cIcIIIIIc ;IIItI IIII.IuIII;III\c I'm .IIIIp IUI the IIlulIlImrII (‘IIIIck Russell \\ IIII I‘l mus IIIK‘ (“II II”! IIII mm IL' III the Fllx IMIIL' up In \IJIL‘ \\ IlII \I.Ilc III the .IIl \pccml cllu‘h I )lIIUIl Ink-mun tIIc I'IIIc lII.Il madc- Stu u \Ickhrccn .I \I.Il IIIIII ltIgclIIcI \\IIIl Ill\ p.” inc-I III \IllllL‘. Shqu llL'L‘ SIIIIIII. tho I‘.lIlIk' the ycItlllllIIllx gIIIII \\ IllCIl l\ \ ngttnuxl} \ .lcllllllllllgl le \\ .II IIllHllgIltl \le Icwrl

Rtlxwll IItItlx Ill\tI\\llUllII.lll\Il\Il III‘II.I\I\II'III\C\ III the tIItIIhlL‘I' Ull IIIL' IlI(I\L' Itllllltll \\ IIIIL' lll.lll.l}_‘lll_L' III kccp .I lIItgzL‘I (III lIlL‘ ptilxc ml the III'IgIIIIII (IIIIxutm. (‘IIIIIIIIII I IIL‘ I-nrgc. ( LIIIIIIIII SIItIcIIIcIIuII Slice! I'IIIIIIIIII'gII: (LIIIIIIIII (L‘IIlmI: (lIIIIInII Strutliclstlc: .‘\.\I(.(I\kIL'I‘.lIII\ lll. (XIIIIIIIII. I II Sula. I Burning Secret l l’( i l l «nth m Bu km. 18. I‘).\.\I KI;II!\ \Illlld IIIJIIIIJIIL'I I .III‘ I)IIII;I\\;I_\ . I).I\ ItI I'IK'I I\ III! llllll\