I Music is listed as diary: by day, then by city, then by event.


[)anish Sandwich Lunch. included in tickcl pricc.

I St Giles' at Six St (iilcs' (‘alhcdraL l ligh Slrcct. hpm. l-‘rcc. l’iipilsolecnl‘oord ('asllc School prcscnl music and poetry for a siiiiimcrcscning.

I Harpsichord Recital Si (‘ccilia‘s l lall. (‘ossgatcflic‘kclszN17lllllcxt4577.8plit. £3.5(lti'35lll. l’ctcr Williams makcsa rclurn \ isit to his old haunts to play lhc

s' liighlUrcalSuilcsot'173tlhyllandclon

FRIDAY 2 1 Glasgow

I Concerl(iiiinncss Room. RSAMI). ltltl chfrcw Strccl. 333 5ll53. 7.30pm. £35“ (Ll ). Milngax ic Young Singcrs conducch

by John Edwards.


I Carmen King's'l'licalrc. Lcs cit Slrccl. 33‘) l3ill. 7'.3llpiii. l:\lra dalc: Saturday 3 at 3.30pm aiii 7.3llpm. L35“ L" lidinhiirgh Music 'l’hcali‘c ( 'ompaii) in aiiliual production dircclcd by Rita llcndcrson and John Moorc.

I The Castalian Band Si ( ‘ccilia's l lall. ('owgalc.'l‘ickcls;(m7 Hi] I c\145_m,.\'plli. £3.5(llL3.5lll. lzdinhiiigli l'niscisily's Summcr (‘oncci‘ts scrics opcns \\ ilh milsic h} llandcl and lh’lh ccntiir} Scottish composcrs pcrlormcd h} lriool Lorna Andcrsoii. soprano. Lucy ('arolan. harpsichord and Richard ( its ill . liaroqiic violin.

SATURDAY 3 Glasgow

I Piccolo Pack l lL‘lll'} Wood l lall. (‘larcmonl Slrcct. 'l'ickcls: 33" 551] (’l‘ickcl ( 'cnli'c ). l lam. (’hildrcn Ll (Adults £3 i. An hour ot action-packcd musical tun lor childrcn in Long Inc .-lnii'ri('a. is ilh ( ‘oplaiid. Sousa and Broadway. Mums and Dads \scIcomc loo. I La Traviata 'I'licalrc Ros al. llopc Strch 331 I334 or 333 Utltltl. 3. 15pm. li\lra datcs: ’l'ucsday 3ll.liinc and Saturday 34 .lunc. lidinhurgli. L3 L33 (coiics as'ailahlc l. 'l'oda} 's matincc is lhc liiial (ilasgim pcrlormancc ol Scottish ( )pcra‘s ncss production. with Nancy (iiislalsoii a highly acclaimcd \‘iolclla.


I Carmen King's 'l‘hcatrc. l.c\ cri Sli‘cct. 33‘) l3lll. 3.30pm and '.‘,3llpm. L35“ L" (Ll on lot maliiiccl. Scc l-‘riday 3 tor lull description.

I 3N0 Proms l 'shcr Hall. I.othian Road. 33S 1155. 7.30pm. £3.30 Llll.‘llltscrics discount asailahlc l. l€iliiiliiii'gli l’roms kick o” \s ilh \Vagnci”s l’rcliidc to IM- .lli’iili’rsnigi'r. (iricg's l’runu ( ’mii'i’rlo aiid lhc .S'i'mp/imii No 3 h} Rachiiianinos. Brs dcn 'I'homson conducts and Malcolm Blilllslssilltllsl.

I Edinburgh Light Orchestra ()tlccn’s I lall. (‘Icrk Slrccl. (m8 3(ll‘). 7.3llpm.

{-1.75 {3.75. Lolsot popularlasoiirilcs ll’tllll musicals. opcra. opcrclla including music by Richard Rodgcrs. (‘olc l’orlcr. lilgar. Sullisaii. liric ( ~oatcs and moic.



IWeslbourne Music llclhas'cn-\\'cslhournc ( ‘hurch. \Vcslhouriic (iardcns. 'l’ickcls: 333 5H5" (RSAMI) Hm ( )tlicc l. 3pm. £45“ (£3.50). Siimnicr Sunday altcriioon music from lhc ladinhurgh ()iiartcl iii Mil/art's K431 . Kodal} 's ( )p Ill and. \\ ilh 'ccllisl Rohcrl Baillic. Scliiihcrl's String ()uiiilcl in (I


I Piano Recital l)anish(‘iiltiiia| liislilulc. .

3 l)oiinc ’l'crracc. 335 713‘), 13 noon. £4.50. Danish pianist l’aul Roscnhaiim plays I .is/t. Chopin. Scal‘lalti and sonic I’ugurmii l'iiriulions li_\ ('arl Agc Rasmusscii. (’onccrl is lollimcd h)

an original instrumcnl l'rom lhc Russcll (‘ollcclioii

MONDAY 5 Glasgow

I Student Competition ( iiiinncss Room. RSAMI). lllll chll'c“ Strccl. 333 5057. lilam. l’l‘cc at door. l)iiiihar-( icrhcr l’ri/c tor Violin and Piano.


I Lothian Region Schools' Orchestra ()tlc‘c‘n's l lull. (llc'l‘k Sll‘c‘c‘l. (ibh’ 3U“). ".3llpm. L3 ( Ll l. ’I‘alciilcd )oiiiigpilpils trom Lolliiaii schools in a pcrtormancc lo lllc‘llltlc‘ lllL' I’I'i’llu/i’ fur ()I'i‘lli’ilril ll}

\Vallon aiid Borodln's .gtnl/l/HHH’ No.3

\s ilh almost as young conductor (‘lirislophcr Bcll.

I Edinburgh Compelilion Festival Prizewinners Concert ( ‘onlcrcncc Room. l2diiihiirgh ( ~cntral Lihrar} . (icorgc l\' Bridge. l-rcc at door. 7.30pm. (’hamhcr music. rccordcrs. Burns class. licctlioscn Piano Sonatas. \Vadch Trophy and \‘ocal [)ucls all pcrtormcd h} \\ iiincrs in this _\cal”s l‘cslisal licld in May.

TUESDAY 6 Edinburgh

I 3N0 Proms l 'sth Hall. I.othian Road. 338 1 I55. '33“an L33” £lll.‘)lllscrics discount as ailahlc l. ('ondiictor Roderick Brydoii is tonight's gucsl ol lhc SN( ). along \\ itli 'ccllisl Slcs-cn Isscrlis in lhc

'( t’l/(l ( 'oni‘i'rlu h} l)\ orak. ‘l'ostart. ihcrc's Smclana's Burlcri'd “I'll/U

()s crlurc and. to finish. Mcndclssohn‘s .S'i‘umi/i S} mphon}.

I Edinburgh Competition Festival Prizewinners Concert ('onlcrcncc Room. l:dinhurgh ('cnlral Lilirar) . (icorgc l\' liridgc. l-rcc at door. 7.30pm. Morc pri/css inncrs. 'l‘onighl's sclcction includcs Vocal Solos lrom hoys iindcr l3. Scots scrsc trom ‘) 13 _\car olds. rccordcrsand strings.


I Glasgow Festival Strings \lc‘rclillllls

l lit”. 7 \Vc‘sl (icorgc SlrL‘L‘l. 'l'lckc‘ls: at door. lpm. L3.5ll(£3.5lllincluding salidss iclics cakcs \sinc. lhc .»\ccordioli ('oiiccrlo h} Liindqiiisl (soloist l 'na BUSH”)ISLlL‘llllllL‘l} Itlpclll'lilsll} itcm

today .\lolc lamiliar arc Barhcr'sAdagio.

.\lo/ait Uri-crumcnm K138 and lhc llu/lii'ru .gllllt' lit (iricg.


I SNO Proms l 'shcr llall. I.othian Road. 338 l I55. 7.30pm. {3.3” Llll.‘)ll(scrics discount as ailalilc ). l-ilm and popular music night. introduccd aiid condiiclcd by Ron ( ioodss in. holds no siirpriscsxs ilh lllL‘lllC\ ll'illll Slur “TITS. [film/11.x . fl.” Squirt/rim. Kola/x. III/l .SIN'U! Blues. Dummy Dill/us . .

I Edinburgh Competition Festival PTlZBWlI‘lDBTS CODCBI'l ( ~olllcl'clic‘c Room.

lzdinhiirgh ( 'ciilral Lihrar} . (icorgc I\' Bridgc. l'rcc at door.

m31lpm. Part ot 5 das scrics ol conccrls. Morc rccordcrs. guitar solos. \soodu ind. Scots Songs and Bach piano loi undcr 15s.

THURSDAY 8 Edinburgh

I SNO Proms l 'shcr l lall. I.othian Road.

France, Spain or a taste of New York, for as little as £3.00 this summer.

La Traviata

Giuseppe Verdi Sung in Italian Tuesday 20 & Saturday 24 June

Don Giovanni Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sung in Italian

Wednesday 21 & Friday 23 June “simple, funny and spine-chilling” Till-1 INI)EPENI)[£NT Street Scene Kurt Weill

Sung in English Thursday 22 June

“An urban Porgy & Bess" ()Pl-LRA MAGAZINE-i




Summer Seadon 20—24 June I989

THE PLAYHOUSE EDINBURGH 031-557 2590 All performances at 7.15pm Booking Now. Tickets from £3.00


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