I FINE ART SOCIETY I 34 Bly'tlisyyood Street. 332 4027. Mon—Fri 9.3(lani—5.3llprri; Sat lilam- lpnr.

Ten Years at the Fine Art Society in Glasgow L'ritil l(i.lune. ('elebrating a decade in (ilasgoys . the Society mounts an exhibition of their best paintings including neyy yyorks from all the artists that haye slioyyn iridiy idiially at the ( iallery.

I GATEHOUSE GALLERY Rouken (ilen Road (gallery at entrance to Butterfly Kingdom). blllll235 l)aily ll.3ll 5.30pm; (‘losed The.

Charity Exhibition lll ck ll .lurie.:\rtists frorii the Royal (ilass institute are featured and the (iallery 'seonimision frorii their sale yyill go to Muscular l)istropliy research.

'I‘hrougliout June the (iallcry liasa mixture of contemporary paintingson display.



Strec‘t.331453(i..\lori l-‘ri lilam SpiriSal

Want 3pm. Jock Maclnnes: Recent Paintings 3 :4.Itlne. 'I‘sy igs. driftyyood and plastic collected by the artist on his tray els find their \y ay into aridorito liispaintrngsas he triesto encapttire the atmosphere of the West (‘oast ol Scotland. I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 32 King Street. 552ll’7ll4. Mon Sal Illaiii 5.3llprii. Neil MacPherson—Paintings and Prints t ‘nril .3 .ltirie. In the decade since graduating from (ilasgoyy School of .-\r't. .\I;icl’liersori has spent much time in ('aithness painting rural images in a highly charged sty le. Prints and Paintings by Marie Barbourand EliseAllan lllJune 5.luly. I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART lo" Reiilreyy Street. 333979". Mon l‘ri lllarii 5meSat Illairi 12pm. 'l‘he decks are currently cleared for the Degree Shows l7—-22June. I HARBINGERS 4 l T ( ireat \\ estern Road. 339 9999. Mon Sat lilani 5.3llpni. Majolica Works 5 3ll.lune. l.iarri(‘ur‘tin and Wendy .lones coriibirie their knoyx ledge of line art and eer‘ariiics to produce a range of earthenysare itigsand boys Is in bright abstract designs. I HILLHEAD LIBRARY 34.\‘ By i'es Road. 339 7323. Mon l-‘ri 9.30am Spin; Sat 9.30am 1pm.: 5pm. ('losed Wednesday. Contemporary French Painting t 'ntil 3o .lurie. An exhibition mounted by Open ('ircle yy ho lll\ ited the trench group'l'crre Bleue to celebrate tlle Bicentennial (it the French Reyolution ys itli a display of their member'syyork I F W HOLROYD L ‘orner (it (ieorgc Street and High Street. 55: JUN. .\lon Sat 9am» 5.30pm; Sun 13.3” 4.30pm. Scottish Landsapes A general exhibition in a (iallery tlial specialises in tapestry framing. I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY I 'riiy ersin of (ilasgoyy . S3 llilllicad Street. 3305431. Mon l'ri9.3llani 5pm; Sat 9.3tlaiii lprii. Hill and Adamson t ‘niil 34 June. l’liotographsol the lS4tls by the pioneer Scottish artists Day id ()ctay ius l lill and Robert .-\daiiison. The Mackintosh House Gallery: ( )pen tls abose but closed for lunch 12.3” 1.30pm. 5(lp admission on yy eekday afternoons and Saturdays. Recording Mackintosh t 'ritil further notice. Photographs by 'l'. ck R. :\lltl;tll ck Sons yy lio recorded the architecture and interiors of (‘harles Rennie Mackintosh. I IMAGES GALLERY ".34 lly tidlarid Road. 334 53] 1. Mon Fri 9.30am 5 3llpm. Sat 9.3llarii 5pm. A range of Japanese yyoodblock prints as ysell as coriteriiporary Scottish paintings from the(iallery‘s stock. I INTERDEC GALLERY Mary hill Burgh Hall. 34 (iairbraid .-\\e. 94b5913. Regular(iallery artists. mainly Scottiin eonterriporary painters. are on slioxy until the next scheduled exhibition is hrch xx ill be the (‘hiriese artist l.r Bai ti and yyood engrasings by (ilasyy egian (‘arol'l'aylor later in the month.

I JOHN GREEN FINE ART 303 Bath Street.


Glasgow Print Studio

Contrary to what one might expect, the Second City‘s meteoric rise to Culture Capital has actually made it more ditticult for new and lesser-known artists to flourish; space has become more expensive and over-subscribed. This is a great pity, given the Merchant City‘s wealth of unacknowledged talent, as exemplified by Marie Barbour and Elise Allen’s exhibition in WASPS.

Barbour's woodcuts, reminiscent of Schmidt-Rottlul, Kathe Kollwitz and Otto Dix at their most penetrating, record aspects of Glasgow‘s transformation in the 803, or more specifically, as she explains, how people react to it. “The changes left a legacy of urban deprivation on the city‘s fringes engendering a crisis of identity. Recently I have become increasingly interested in women‘s reactions to this, especially to the consumerism, bland entertainment and dressing ‘numbing the senses’. Although positive representations are important too, such as when things are used to give conlidence.‘

This subject matter is most akin to Kollwitz, whose ‘draughtswomanship‘ she greatly admires, ‘the way she was able to represent woman so sensitively as well as sympathetically.‘

Barbour is well-accomplished in other medium; her pen and ink

331bll25..\lori l-ri ll'am 5piu;Sat

lllaru lprri.

19th ck lelli century continental oilsarid yyatei'colouis.

I KELLY GALLERY 1 1S Douglas Street. 248 (680. Mon Sat ltl..‘s(l;iiii 3pm.

2.30pm 5.3llprii; also ‘l'hui‘s 5 ex I‘l‘l ti

(y 9pm.

Paintings by Robert Kelsey .‘s l" .lurie. An exhibition by an artist \y ho specialises in landscapes and still life yyoi‘ks in the broad (ilasgoyy (‘olour'ist tradition.

I LANGSIDE GALLERY 3r» 3S Battlefield Road. 049 SSS‘S. .‘ylon Sat 9am 5.3llpni. SirWilliam Russell Flint l 3ll.luiie. .»\ selection lr'oni the ( iallery ‘s

stock of Prints.

I LlLLlE ART GALLERY Station Road. Milngay ie. 95b 3351. Tue In I lam 5pm and " 9pm; Sat and Sun 2 5pm. ( ‘losed Mondays.

Milngavie Art Club Annual Exhibition 3 34 June. local professional and amateur artists display their work.

I MAIN FINE ART Michael \larn ( iallery and the Studio ( iallery. lo and 34 ( irbson Street. Both galleries on 334 SS5Sand open .‘sfon Sat lilani opm.

Scottish Contemporary Paintings t 'nril 3n

drawings which also feature in this exhibition reveal a line tonality and dehcacy.

Elise Allen‘s canvases, paper batiks (using tempora ink and pastel as opposed to the traditional Javonese wax and dye), lithographs and screenprints are an excellent mystical complement to Barbour‘s trenchant work. Howeverthe impetus behind her surreal figurative compositions, of brilliantly lyrical colours, also shares something otthe spirit of Weimar; ‘I

wanted art that would speak simply and

directly, from the unconscious; uncorrupted and uncensored by the intellect.‘

The most apparent inlluences are not

German but Chagall and, to a lesser extent Picasso‘s symbolist Blue and Rose periods, but contemporary Englishman Ken Kitf is, she explains, the closest; ‘I could hardly call him an influence since I was already working along these lines when I saw his work, but he is also dealing with the unconscious and inner life in the same way, oftrying to work with it, rather than just record it; it‘s very warm and accepting.‘

A minor obsession with severed heads not withstanding, these are appropriate words for herown paintings, whose highly subjective nature has in common with Barbour‘s poignant and sympathetic works a quite remarkable intimacy. (Stewart Hennessey)

.lune. Paintings from the ( iallery 's stock riiairily ol landscapes and floyycr studicsby

Leslie Main.


Street.9453995. .\lon 'I'hursl 9pm. Workinl.2,3and40imensionst‘nuls .Iurie. (iraharii .lohnstone presents

drayy irigs and picture stories in sculptural lrairics. \s liile Saiii .\Ic\'crgh haspr'oduccd a specially createdenyir'onmcnt.

I 90s GALLERY 13()tagoStrccl.

Is'elyiribridge. 339 315S. .\lori Sat

Illam tiplll.

Jazzin Tune I‘ritil .luly 'l'o coincideysrtlr the Jazz l'estiy al the ( iallcry has a slioyy of local artists interpretationsof Ian.

I OLD TRANSPORT MUSEUM Albert I)riyc. 4239527. .‘yfon- Sat ltl.3tlam~b.3llpni Glasgow Group 32nd Annual Art Exhibition IZJune— 1 July . The largest annual professional art exhibition in (ilasgoyy over the summer. All lbriiernbersare resident in (ilasgow and alongside their work will be that of lo youngartists.

selected by the group. some of whom will

be exhibiting for the first time. Alsoon show are photographs by I lermari Leonard. the great photographer ofjau musicians.

I ONE Princes Square. 226 3032. Mon-Sat loam—7pm; Sun I l .3tlam—5pm. Madeline Rand I'ritil 9 .lune. Hand isa freelance artist and illustrator who has exhibited her graphic. ink drawings all oy'er Scotland. After graduating from (ilasgoys School of A rt she received a ’l‘rayelling Scholarsliipto Portugal.

I PROVAND'S LORDSHIP (’astle Street. 5528819. Mon-Sat lllamr5prri. Sun

2am» 5pm. Louise Annand t'ntil l5 .lurie. An exhibition oforigirial sketches that make tip .»\nnand’s .-l (ifmgow Sketchbook published by Richard Dreyx. I SCOTTISH AMICABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY l5ll St Vincent Street. 3483333. .\Iori - l-'ri 9am-5pm. Paintings and Pastels t 'ntil 9 June. New ysoi'ks by lilias (‘halmers and Pat Spinner. botli local artists. Birds Beasts and Bathers l3-33 .lurie. Wildlife studies are amongst the recent \yor‘ksol this ( ilasgoxs artist who hasbeen spending a lot of time in the natural history department of the Glasgow Art ( iallery'. I THIRD EYE CENTRE 35“ Sauchiehall Street. 333 "5Zlfl'ue Sat lllarn--5.3tlpm. Sun 2 5.30pm. Rudolph Fila (iallery ()ne. I'ritil Hune. This is the first exhibition in the West fora (‘xech artist who takes existing images. from calendars to Old Masters. and alters tlicrii as he sees fit. Vandalism as art perhaps. Al Maghrib (iallery 'l‘yyo, t'ntil 4Juue.

Ayy ard \y inning photographs of Morocco bctyyecn l9S3 and 1988 by ()yyen Logan. Jacqui Poncelet l-'oyer. t'ntil 4 June. Small. highly coloured paintings lrom London based artist.

David Newman ('afe area. l'ntil 4Itlne. Specially des ised photographic yxorks. Skulpturen Republiltfiallery One. In

June r9.luly. 3“ international artists exhibit small sculptures.

Earthen Shades ( iallery 'I’yso. lll.lurie~ 9 .luly. Paintings in strong natural coloursby Shanti I’anchal iiixtaposirig childhood eyents from liidia \yith contemporary life in Britain.

Prop Play(‘ate. llllune 9 .liily . (‘hrldreri eating and drinking captured on lilm by l)ayid ( il'ltlltll.

I TRANSMISSION GALLERY l3 ( ‘hisholm Street. 553 4Sl3. .\Ion Sat noon bprii.

'l rarismission has moy ed to rieyy premises in IS King Street. lust around the corner. the first exhibition in the neyy gallery \in| open toys aids the end of June.

I TRON THEATRE (i3 'l'rongate. 553 3'74S. Social Security l 'ntil 4 June. As part ofthe 'I‘ron's Scottisli-()uebccois season the ("ariadran photographer Suri:l ( iupta exhibits lIllS/l/IUIU-It't! His/rillulimr yx hrcli explores the anxieties and insecuritiesthat lead us cy er loryy ard in the hope of a ‘bellei' lile'

I WASPS 3ft King Street. 5.520564.

.\lon I'l'l 9am 5pm; Sat Ill.3llani 5pm.

.-\ shop. exhibition space and resource centre \y itli information on \york by all \\’.-\Sl’S artists. Slide library and information about liosx toconiniission \sitl'ls.

Recent Work by Heather Brennan trail 9 June. 1 He si/e paprer rnache sculptures mainly of elderly figures in ey'ery day

Don‘tLose Control I: 3ll.lurrc. Iliese recent paintings by Peter Russell address the theme of control social. political and. mental.


I THE ARCHITECTURE GALLERY l 'rin ersin of l-dinburgh. Dept of Architecture. Ill (illttnll‘er's Street. lib" IIII I e\t 4544.

Mon I'r'r9ani Spiri;Sat Sun Illarii 3pm. .-\syel no special exhibition until a display of student “or k is arranged at the eridol .luric

I ARTIS 3b ( iay Ileld Square. 55(i "54!» _\lori In I bpni,

I ll lie ( iallery has a large selection of “or k

Til-“lira 2 T5 mn. 19—89 53