


June. Ixxo(i.i|leiie\aietakenupxxiththis major exhibition.

Catterline I .ltiiie ZZItiIx .»\i‘etiti\peetixe l exhibition HI [‘.tllIIIlItl\tll the North I Izaxtern llSIIlllt: x ill.ige inninlx tenttiiiiig I III Neilsoii l‘llI tIISUL‘ttlllttllIIllt.’ xxoi k lix Annette Stephen and loan I~..iitlley

I TORRANCE GALLERY I‘tli l)l|lltl.t\ Street. 55Mi3txti .\lun Iii l i.illl lipin. S.it Ill..“llttlll Ipiii

Islands ol Strangers. lnnse Gall t nnl .1

.lllllL‘. Reeeiit paintiiigx lxx .-\ll\IlL‘\x .\te.\loiiiiie .iiitl ( '.ii|e.in .\l.'iele;in hoth Ii'oin Skxe

Andrew Binnie i.‘ :1 lune- limiter litlixl\e;tpL'\ iii oil and xx.itei eolmii “Hill the. Kelxuuitisl

I he g..lleix .tIStHiIIL'IS .i pietiiie training

I WASPS STUDIOS l’.rti iiithall. I l.iiiiilton l’lnee. 235 l_‘.\") I 5 .illpiii

I WAVERLEY TAYLOR GALLERY 5-1 ('oiixtitntioii Stieet. 55“ ‘15.?!» I tie Sat llttlll lipin. Sat ll.iin inii.

Stella Auchinleck I 'iitil " .liiiie. .»\iiehiiileelx ISQIII L'\'\III\IL iii ut I tlllIt‘tllLlll ( ~ollegeol Art xx lIt' iioxx ll\L'\ in I III lxex xx lieie \lte paiiitx the lttlltl\e.t[‘e‘ iii .ill IISSIltiltg

NIL'tllletldliedil Lilltttll

ASense otSpace lllliiiie 5.liil_x I’.iiiiel.i RIL‘IIJILIMHI .iiitl .\Ioii.i liei tr.iin .iie txxo itl‘Sttttt'I .ii IISI~. lmth \Itill'd. xx Ittl[\ttttlit}\

lzllItISL‘ttt‘L'S iii xx .iteieoloui .iiitl IISSUL‘

paper x'tlll.l}_!L‘\ .iiitl I’;iiiiel.i xx hmli~pl.i_x\ wine “I hei I‘.tll‘.llllf_1\.tlltISL‘IIII‘IIll'L‘S

titltltew llte llit'ltle Ht ~p.iee

I WILKIE HOUSE ( ill“ gate. 5.5“ ISIS. Spring Drawing and Painting Classes t ‘nnl I‘).Itllle‘. 1 3pm .-\ii eight xx eek \Ioiitlax alter iiooii etlllISL‘ xx iili .i IlltitIL‘l metiiig ti mere tltx Phone 55: ISIS tor tlL‘IttllS Lite Class " 3“ ll .illpiii 'l hixelnxx ixnoxx on I liiirxtlaxx .lllLl emtx IIISI tl 5“

A selection ot exhibitions outside Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Aberdeen I GRAY‘S SCHOOL OF ART ( m llittee

Roadwlllt‘xlfl-IT .‘xlon I'i‘i IllitlII 9pm; Sat Illitllt I: illpiii. Degree Shows 12 31 June


I DUNCAN 0F JDRDANSTDNE COLLEGE OF ART I’ertli Road. 0383 232M. Mon Fri 9.30am S..‘~llpiii. Sat 9am ~1prii

Degree Shows 1’ _‘xtl.ltine

St Andrews

I CRAWFORD ARTS CENTRE VF \t‘IIlI Sheet. SI x\litllexx \. tllv‘xit ) T-itxltl \ltiii Sat Ithtlll 5pin.Siiiil 5pm. Taccas : .ltiiie _‘ .ltll_\ ( ~onteinpoiaix t.ipe\ti IVS litiiii Snithiiin iii.itle tixiiig

.iiieie iit xx e.ix iiig IL‘e'lIIIlLIlIL‘S Pictures by Tom Mabon _‘ June .‘ .lulx.

Reeent tli .rxx ingx iiiniiilx ol \etisetipex

ISMITH ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM I)tllttl‘.tlltttl Rmitl. Stiiling. (“\th "l‘tl". ltie I'll l: 5pzi~ \it lll .illnn. 5pm Sun 2 5pm

Tarn Joseph I ii‘il.‘ ltll\ .-\ lile xlinxxingiii Seritlniitl It‘l IlllS pinhlie .tlllSI xx ltt‘SL' xxni I\ L‘\plttle'\ the xx.ix lxl.iel\ people .iie peiteixetlin Iiiithn

Anght Touch l iiiil I ltiiie (il.i\\ ptiieel.iiii. paper and textilex lix tliiileeii tlIIIL'lL'IiI .iili\t~ .rie Ill txx x.ii liltt\.tlIlIlel;tI light \xitlleL‘S


A selective round-up ot Museums listed tirst by city. then by venue. running in alphabetical order.


IBURRELLCDLLECTIDNl’ollokxhuxxx Ru.nl.lx»1‘l"l5l \Ion Sat lll.iiii 5pni.Stiii

2—-5pm. (life. [1)]

A xx CitlIlI ot' treasure eolleeted hx Izdxx'ardian Renoir William Burrell.

I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM The I'nix'erxit} ol' (ilzixgnxx . 33‘) 3855. Mon I‘ri

tI..‘xtl;ini 5pm; Sat‘t3lltiiii lpm.

I \ed as a \ttitlx eolleetioii as much iixzi Ptll‘lle‘ taeihtx . the IlllltIL‘rIitll is

xx ell-knoxx ii tor its eolleetion ol 3 4 million IUSSII \peeiinenx.

Atrican Vision l 'ntil In August. .-\n exhibition ot traditional \L‘lllptttl‘e‘ xxith till expeeiiillx strong representation l'roiii I‘I'L‘IIL‘II-SPL'dktlItl .-\lrie;i. not UlIL‘lt seen in IIIlSL‘UllltIl'}.

I MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kelx in Hall. I IitllllttHlSL‘ Road. 3531929. .‘xlon- Sat Iltain 5pm.Suii 2 5pm. Disabled .-\eee\\ (RIC.

International Plastic Modellers‘ Society A tlixplax ot around 40 models lxx members til Iltlx \tiele‘l}.

I PEOPLE S PALACE MUSEUM ( il.ixgmx (ireen.554l1233. Mon Sat Illain 5pm; Sun 3 5pm, (Kile. Disabled iieeesslix arrangement.

AStitht in Time limit .itlltine. .-\n exhibition ot xxoinen'x haiiinerx and needlexxork hringx together xx‘orlx‘ lrorn lielltist. ('hile ziiitl Soxxeto QIS xx ell as liziriiiei'x lrom (ilrixgoxx and the tttitS\I\ e Picture at Leith l'rom lidinhnrgli.

I SPRINGBURN MUSEUM .»\_x r Street tadiaeent to Springhtii‘n Rziilxxzix' Station) 55'7 I405. Mon Fri Ill..‘xtl;im 5pm;S;it Illilllt 4pm; Sun 3 5pm.

Sculpture at Springburn 'I Ieritzige and Hope Springhtirn 1989'. ;i hronzegroup M the Iidinhni'gh artist Vincent Butlerix standing proud in Atlas Square. and an exhibition tlL‘SL‘l’ll‘lllfJ its making ixoiixhoxx in the museum.

Springburn Mothers I-‘oiir xx omen from the lihnxale I’rimiirx Seliool l’zirent 'Ieaehei x\\\(iL‘lttItUtt got together to create this exhibition xx hieli uses Limilx photographs to look haek in time ox er their Iix L‘SétlILI their relationships with their mothers.

gi undrnothers. ehildi en and grandehiltli'en. 'I'he pietures prox ides a rare insight into the lixex andexpei'ieiiee\ ol \ex'ernl generations ol Springhtirn


I EDINBURGH CANAL CENTRE Bridge Inn. :TBHIFLIROULI.Ritll‘lt).333132tl l25l. Seotland'x lirst (anal ( ‘entre IlitS i eeentlx opened on the I'nion ( ‘iinal xx here you L'ttll both hire roxx iiig hunts and look round the Visitor Centre xx hieh tlixplaxx tii'tel'aetx troni the historx ot the eanal.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘huinherx Street. 315 ".534. Mon Sat lllzini 5pm; Sun 2 5pm.

Wealth ota Nation Ill.luiie .‘xl I)eeenitiei' :\ major exhibition ol the xx enlth. lllttllhle‘ and othei'xx ixe that Seotlund haxeontaiiietl in our museums. Man} ol the iteiiixtire etiri'eiitlx poorly ltriusetl and part (‘I the renwn loi the \Iioxx is to drum llpSIIPPUlI IUI' the L‘OltSIl uetioii ol lte“\ buildings loi the littlSL'llm on ( "lianiheis Street.

Robes olthe Realm I 'iitil 35 June. IZLIL' and Rax enxerolt hnx e heen Rolxemakerx and Tailors tor .‘xlltl years and to eelelirate the laiet the Royal \liixeiiiii lllOllllIS LttllSPItt} ol eeieiiionial dress.

Revolutionsin Science t‘nnt lll()L‘IUl‘L'l A look zit the major \L'IL'IIIIIIL‘ dixeoxei lL‘StiI the last lell x ears xxith the ehuiiee to H} out the odd experiment xtitii'xelt.

I SCOTTISH AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM Inglistoii. Mon li‘i Illnin 5pm. :\_L’l‘lt’tllllll'e still pl.ixs an important role ll‘i Seotluiid'x eulture itIILl this museum Itlt‘l'x'S git the old tiiitlex and skillx til the L‘Ulllitl'}\ltIL‘.

The Sword and the Plough A \peeizil L‘\llIl‘lIlUlI xx hieh explores the ehangex l‘i‘otight I‘x txxu World \\';ii'\ and their died on the eornminiitiex and the Itiiitlxenpe.

a “' “i



Edinburgh 12 Great King Street

Glasgow 13-1 Blythsxx'ood Street

12 May —17June 10 Years of the Fine Art Society in Glasgow A Celebratory Exhibition

6th May— ISJune STATE OF THE ART Painting and Sculpture in Scotland today

Mon-Fri 9.30am-5.30pm; Sat 10am-1pm



is Entry torms available trom



Mon-I ri Illam—(ipiii Sat 10am- [pm

94 George Street Edinburgh 03] 225 5955

St'll'I'TlS‘lI t". \I.I.I.I(\

DAVID MCCLURE. RSA. RSW Figure, Flowers and Landscape SCOTTISH WA'I‘ERCOLOURS Mixed Exhibition DOROTHY BLACK Works on Paper JANIC ZTCHALENKO New Ceramics

3—28 June

Exhibitions 2 June—2 July

TACCAS New Sardinian Carpets An exhibition arranged by the Italian Institute. Edinburgh PICTURES BY TOM MABON An lnverness Printmakers Workshop exhibition Papier Mache by ARLENE ABERCROMBY ALL AT SEA by MARY BOURNE in the Sculpture Court

ADMISSION FREE 10-5 daily. Sunday 2 f) C'GW‘OYU A’ISC(?"I.'(? 93 New- St A"d'e‘.~.s .0313-1 film

\4i . ,' .. ,. ' ,\I.. ) .(/.,'

The I.|SI 2 l5 ltiiie “#057