Facilitiex: yyt‘fyyx. ii. (i. R. B. Help; A. AA]. Antigone l'ri 3ll.lune. :x'pm. See Touring and Reyieyy. Nothing Lasts Forever [in " .luly . 5pm. £2 (£1 l. 4“ young people hay e got togetherto participate in a yyeek-long xeriex oldt‘dmél. danee and muxie yyorkxhopx eulminating in the l'irxt ey er Rinks/mp perlormanee. The plot eoneernx an inyentor yy ho ereatexan ey er-laxting xyyeet \\ hieh eauxex a pmwr xtruggle ITL‘t“ een ey L't'ytme \\ tlt) \\ antx to my n the lorrnula. Bonnes Vacances Sat.\'.luly. Spr11.£3 (941.5”). l/u'um' (lt‘ ( UNI/NIH: in a play ahout.appropriately enough. the ha/ardx and liieeupxol a ltr‘itixli tamrly camping in France. I PALACE THEATRE ‘) ( ireen Street. Kilmarnoelx. ll5o3 335W“. [Aeeexx2 l’. l,. l’aeilitiex: \\'( '. \VS. 1:. ( i. R. B. Help: A. AA]. The l’alaee ix haying itx xummer hreak and \y ill he haek in aetron lrom In Auguxt. I PAVILION THEATRE lZl Rentield Street. 33313“). lio\()lliee.\lon Sat lllam Spm. liar. [Aeeexxz S'l‘. l‘aeilitiex; \\'S.(i. Help: AA] Peter Powers Izyet'y \Ved Sat. ".3llpm. \Ved £3. 'l'hurx & l7ri£351lSatitl‘un and gamex yy ith hy pnotixm lor the next eouple 0t \xeekx. See Roek l.ixtingx tor other ey entx. I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND DRAMA lllll Renlreyy Street.ll-ll 332 505". [Aeeexxz l’l’A. r. l-aeilitiex: yy't ‘. \VS. AS. R. 13. 'l‘. ( i. Help: A. AA]. Next theatre perlormaneex in AugUxt. I THEATRE ROYAL l lope Street. 33l 1234. Box ( )lliee Mon Sat lllam opm. (7.3(lpm on pert eygx). liar. Bullet. lAeeexx: l’. l’l’A. R. l-aeilitiex: Wt '. \\ S. ii. (i. R. 1%. Help: AA]. See l)anee l.ixtingx. I THIRD EYE CENTRE 35¢ l Sauehiehall Street. 333 "52] . (‘ale open 1 lam 2.30pm 'I‘ue l'riandduringeyening perlormaneex. |Aeeexxz l’l’A. l.. l-';ieilitiex: \\'(‘. \VS. l1. ( i. R. It. llelp: AA]. See .laH l’extiy al l.1xtingx and Dance t.ixtingx. I TRAMWAY THEATRE Alhert ltriy e. 'l'ieketx lrom 'l ieket ('entre H41 22" 55H [llelpz AA] City’l‘ue ll Sat 15 .luly . "pm (Sat .‘ylat 2pm). {-1.5lltill. ‘l'.-\(i'xmaxxiye eornmunity theatre perlormanee takex oy er the yy hole ol the ~l’ramyy ay xpaee ineluding the \yaxte ground round the hack. See the yyhole ol (ilaxgoyy 'xhixtory paxt . prexent and luture eoinprexxed into tyyo and hall hourx. .‘ylore lolloyyx next year. See l‘eature. '- rnou THEATRE m 'I’rongate. 55: em liox()lliee'l'ue Sat Noon Spszun ll..3ll~-l lpm. (‘loxed Mondayx. [.Aeeexx; R. S'l'. l‘aeilitiex: \\'S. l:. (i. R. B. l lelp: AA]. Triple Time I'ntil Sat 1 July. ".3llpin. £3& £3 ( ( ‘oneexxionx ay ailahle ). Anne\e 'l'heatre ('ompany prexent a triple hill ol neyy Seottixh playx. Rohert l)'( )uxe'x Helen of [rot and .lIury/ury' .itmle'rum ix ahout tyyo ( )Al’x yy ho dixeoyer they are not too old to learn lrom experience. It yy ill he interexting to xee hoyy (iordon l.yon'x l'lie' Small lime ahout the upxand doyyttx ot a toothaller. eornparexyyith Raymond Roxx'x Slay text looty play [he Beautiful (immm'. 'l’he third play .ermy Hun/m1. ix ahout the xoeial ixolation ol a hrain-damaged hoy and ix a \enture into theatre hy xongyy riter and muxieian. l’eter Nardini. Antigone Ittex4 Sun ‘) .luly. 7.3llpm. See Reyieyy and Touring.


I BEDLAM THEATRE l'orrext Road. 031 225 9893. [Aeeexxi St. I‘aeilitiex: “S. (i. B. llelp: AA]

.\'o pertormaneex until the lzdinhugli t‘extiyttt.

I BRUNTON THEATRE Muxxelhurgh. («)5

22-10. |Aeeexxz l’l’A. R. St. liaeilitiex': WC. \VS. li. (i. B. Help: AA]

The Brunton'x next xeaxon will he in the Autumn. hut it ix playing hoxt tothe oeeaxional touring xhoyy in the meantime. I GILDED BALLOON ('oyygate. :35

3013 335 44o3.

.\'o perlorinaneex thixixxue.

I KING'S THEATRE 3 Level) Street. 22‘) 12”]. Box Office .‘ylon- Sat lllam «Spin. Bar. [Aeeexxz l’l’A. 1,. I’aeilitiex: \\'('. \VS. AS. Ii. (i. B. Help: AA]

Spider‘s Web ['ntil Sat 1 July. Mon l-‘ri 7.30pm; Sat 5pm & 8pm. USU ((‘oneexxionx ay ailahle). 'l‘he (’olin Melntyre Repertory I’layerx are prexentinga xeaxon ollour thrillerx at the King'x. 'I‘hey open in traditional u'lrmlmmrrxty le yy ith Agatha ( 'hrixtie'x 1954 my xtery.

Suddenly at Home Mon 3 Sat .S'July.

Mon l-‘ri 7.30pm; Sat 5pm & Spirit-1.5“ ((‘oneexxionx ay'ailahle). 'l'hix yy eek'x thriller ix hy l‘raneix l)urhridge. MurderOn The Nile Mon lo Sat lSJuly. Mon i-‘ri 7.30pm: Sat 5pm & 8pm. {-1.50 ((‘oneexxionx ay'ailahle ). The third thriller in the xeaxon ix another Agatha (‘hrixtie I NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE 43 l ligh Street. 55h 957‘). Box ( )l'liee.

ltlam 4.3tlpm. 7 9pm perl. eygx. (ale. [Aeeexxz R. l’aeilitiex: \\‘('. WS. 15. (i. R. R. Help: A. AA]

The Tempest Sat 1 July. 3.3llpm. A miniature adaptation ol' Shakexpeare'x play hy the ltdinhurgh Puppet (‘ompany The hard himxell narratex the xhoyy \yhieh ix aimed at ehildren ahoy e the age ol7. Moondance Wed 5 Sat SJuly. 1.15pm. \Veleome return of ( )xygen llotixe yy ho are haek yy ith a xeaxon ol' lunchtime xeienee l‘ietion playx. ’I‘hix one ix hy .\l./.. Rihaloyy and eoneernx the Amerieani/ation ol' the moon. See

I’rey ieyy.

EIectro-chemistry Wed 13 Sat lSJuIy. 1.15pm. Male xexuality ix ealled into quextion in ('hrixtopher Burton‘xxei-l'i play. the xeeond in the ()xygen l lorixe xeaxon. See l’reyieyy.

I PLAYHOUSE THEATRE 18 22 ( ireenxide Place. 557 25‘)”.

International Clown Festival Performances l-‘ri 3ll.lune. l.3llpm ck 7pm. £4 in. (her thirty perl'ormerx lrom all oy er the yyorld gather tor a leaxt oleloyymng. 'I’here'xalxo a dixplay ol Ameriean gooxe eggx painted yy ith the laeial dexignx that lorrn the international eloyyn regixtry.

Doctor Who: The Ultimate Adventure Mon

3 Sat S July 7.30pm (.‘ylatineex Wed ck Sat 2.30pm). infill £85”. Sinee tttix produetion played May text. ( 'olin Baker hax taken oyer l’rom .lon I’ertyy‘ee ax the 'I‘imelord intent on xaying the world lrom the Dalekx.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor

Dreamcoatfytim to Sat 15.11in . 7.3llpm

(.‘ylatineex Wed rk Sat 2.3llpm ). lt'xa

.xurprixe to realixe that the Inn Riee I.loyd Wehher muxieal hax heen around tor a

good tyyo deeadex. \ ou rnuxt knoyy all the

tunex by now. Lloyd Wehhcr'x more reeent hit. (‘qu ix eoming to the l’layhouxe in Noyemher and it ix poxxihle tohook

I ROYAL LYCEUM ( irindlay Street. 32‘) 9697. Boxt)lliee Mon Sat lllam—hpm. lllam Spm on perl'. ey'gx. Bar. Rext (Kile. [.Aeeexx: t). I.. t'iaeilitex: \VC. “8. .-\.S. Li. (i. B. R. I. Help: A. AA]. l'l‘heatreSay er (‘oneexxion (‘ardx eoxt it . laxt all year. giye {l oll the lull priee each time you come lor you and a friend ayailahle to ()At’x. I'll-10x. Studentx. I)i.xah|ed and \"I‘S xeheme ) 'l'ieketx lor l.y eeurn

produetionx are alxo ay ailahle at the

Ticket ('entre. Wayerley Bridge; hranehex of AI May'x ’I‘rayel and the ()ueen'xilall. (‘lerk Street.

Woman In Mind I'ntil Sat SJuly. 7.45pm. Sat 2-1 June Mat 3. 15pm. £25” £5.50. Alan Ayekhourn'x 1988 eomedy in which lantaxy and reality eome laee to laee. Suxan ix ignored hy her larnily and pretty led up. hut a knock on the head hringxan

lllllliftl llllllli'i



A short season of science fiction and fantasy

5 - 29 July 1989 1.15pm Wednesdays - Saturdays All shows under 45 minutes

Wed 5 - Sat 8 July 1.15mi


Help I. ltllllllllt't

.Wed 12 - Sat 15 Jllll 1.15”!


Ctlt‘IStIIIIIIBI' Blll'tlllt

Watt 19 - Sat 22 July LIEIII

El'flllt Mlll‘l'tSlIll

Wed 26 - Sat 29 July 1.15m!


AIIIII'BW Itflltltlttyfll‘

“Savage” Evening News 'Stunning' The Guardian “Sensational” Times Educational Supplement "Loud, vulgar and self-advertisingI Stephen Spender

THE NETHERBOW THEATRE 43, HIGH STREET, EDINBURGH, EH1 UR BOX OFFICE: 031 - 556 9579 £1.50 (£1.00 concessions)

lllliE. SEX Mill llllTHt SPABE: THE HIM fltlllTlEl

Last Oxygen House season this year

T4; “‘ '"1 ""‘m' Scottish Arts CounCIl

l l


'l‘he l.ixt 3(l.lune l3 .luly l‘lS" 25