IThe Dressrtlt l ‘l ‘) .‘tlpm. Il:\l"l :\ ;i\\;tr'd-\\iitttiiig xhnrt \Kllli \liehael l’ahn. \xhn ix xpntted hut lit}: a diexx tni hix girlfriend and ix prexxured tn gixe it tnhix uile inxtead tn tind ltet ttanxtni med t'rnm dimd} linuxeu He in lemme tatale IThe GreatWall oitronttmt‘jt

‘l 10.30pm. I’he xeennd tepnit nn ( ‘hma‘x I’enple'x I .thetattnn Army lindx them tlixpla} in}; le\\ xeiuplex at the l’ekme :\rmx I’au.

I Welcome I0 LA t ( ‘4) l 1 .25pm l 15am. l’rndueed l‘} Rnhert Altman. and dn'eeted h} hix prntege .~\lan Rudnlph. thix l‘Vh lilm xtarx Keith ( 'ari .idine ax a rnek muxtetan \\ hn returnx tn ‘the en) nt

nne-muht xt.indx‘ Int xnnie xnullexxand 'entnttnnalh negatixe' lude-the~x.tlanu.


ITrue GriltSentuxh i _‘ lit 5pm. ()nent lliglnhn \Va} ne‘x mnxt tamnuxtnlex. ax the ntte-e}ed. urn/led \larxhall. hut a tllnt that'xindeetxn e ahnut \\hethet tn pl.i_\ tni laughxnr nnt. ICOmbaltSentttxhitx-15 “.lfipm. lhe tinalnt thixenntrnxetxtal andnulitartxtte enmpetitinn hetueen .tttlt_\ unitxtrnm arnund the ettttttlt} . pexteted ht hlankx. xmnke hnmhx and .-\nneka Riee. ILesEntantsTerriblesu11w llpm lt‘x ltltt _\ eatx xmee the huth nt lean t ~neteatt.

and in enmmemnt ate the neeaxinn ( "-l are xhtm in}; tlux [USU .idaptattnn nt hix timel. telling; tlte xlnt'} Ul lllk‘\L'll'L‘llllldlllL‘tl \xnrld nt an adnlexeent xixtei and lunther. l I)treeted l\_\ .lean-l’terie .\le|\ ille and l adapted It} the rim ehxt himxelt. IEuropean Young Dancerotthe Year (BIK'ZW. 15 lll..‘~tlpm. 'I uenl} daneetx trnm l" enuntriex. all under I“. enmpete tnrthe(iltltltl-traneputxe Britain‘xentn ix Rnin Ballet xtat 'I etxu) a Ix'nmakaxxa.


I Here and Now on 4 t t '4 l 0.25 Want. The Axian ttiaga/ine prngramme. \\ hieh hax been enln} ing a xueeexxtul rttn nn ( 'entral 'I‘V tnr xnme tearx. reaehex ( ~hannel ~l, .-\ ‘eandtd and imeahng’ inter\ ie\\ \\ ith ()mar Sharit . CUIITL‘ItllIIg “ith the I'L‘-I'L‘lC;I\L‘ Ul lun I‘t'llt ('Ul.'ll't1/’li1. lle‘lthlll tlte \et'iex.

IlntoNicaragua(St-ntnxtn tin 3pm The litxt nl tun pingranunex tnlltm mg; a Sentx huxhand and “tie team dexntine l\\n_\e;tl\ nt their li\ ex tn the \tearauuan health

xer\ iee.

IJames Dean—The FirstAmerican Teenagertt‘Jit».-15 tx‘pm lhe mnxtemetie mm Ie phennmennn nt the eentur} txee. Burehill and l ean agree nn nne thing at leaxl l Ix dlxlntet ted and pnked .itnund a hit. ISupersensettim't i“ .15 .x 15pm. liaxexdrnp nn a enn\ erxatinn ltet“ een elephantx. nnrmalh inaudible tn ux became ill tlte In“ ltequenetex the} me.

and nn a lurd hear ing xnund heaennx hundredxnt milex aua). .-\nd \xateh nut tnr the killer xhrimp that uxex xnund \\ a\ ex tn reduee large l‘ttiltltll)_'\ tn t‘uhhle (alman

IThree oia Kind t BM in :n 9.05pm I.nnk \\ hat the} '\ e dnne In in} xnng. nta three npera prndueerx dixeuxx \\ ith .lerem} l [\iliik‘\ the tie“ \\a\ e nl Itttetext Innpera. titttl the lilk‘t‘tiex taken l"\ tltt'L‘L‘Intx. I Scottish BOOkStSenttixhl I midnight 12.30am. ’l’hix tunnth; Kenneth

\Vhite'x pnetr} . hnnkx tnr eltildren and teenagerx; ( ienree Maekai lIt'nutt; (‘annngate'x ne“ anthnlng} nlSenttixh xhnrt xtnriex; and Maren Mael)nnald

t‘L‘\ N“ x ( inrdnn Hit)“ It'\ hnnk tilt Margaret Thatcher

I The Sacred Music oi Duke Ellington t ( ‘4) l 1.45pm 1 Ztlam. l)id inn kntm that l’llingtnn \\ rnte three xaered enneert xtntex'.‘ Me neither. hut thixenneert “ax t’eL‘Ut'ded ttt I‘M: at St l’;tttl.\ and L'nlleet\ tngether .laequex l .nuxxier. Rnd Steiger. \Va} He Sleep. Inn} Bennett and a eaxt nl xe\eral mnre.


I Castles ot Scotland ( Mitt ‘3) in tn. .‘stlam. l‘trxt nt m e|\ e prngrammex. prexented h) [an ( it imhle. thix nne Innkmg at ( ‘ul/ean (‘axtle l’nur prngrammex a \xeek. at ltlam nn Mnndatx and l uexda}x and ‘lfitlam nn 'l’hurxdatxand l’lltl;t_\\.

IBylinettmt‘t man I“. ltlpmflhix xetiexnt authnrixed dneumentariexdehutx \\ ith linneh I’tm ell \ ixiting the enuntr} he hax al“ a_\x ltelie\ ed tn he liritaitt'x natural all} the l 'SSR thirxt lnr ehange ix in danger nt dextrn} ing itx natinnal identin lneludex the tirxt \Vexter n inter\ IL‘“ \\ 1th the ( ‘nmmander nl the SM let land l‘nt'L‘ex.

I Sounds at Eden l mu '3) t 1.15 11.55pm. line and ( ~r_\ kiek xnme xerinux axx at the l'.tlL'II ( ~nurt l heatie. ln\ ernexx. I lnnkm' and xqua“ kin" nn the xa\. ax uxual. Inmm} Smith.

IThe Tokyo Trial ((-1) 1 1.50pm 2.30am, I)ireetnr .\Iaxak1 Knhataxht xpent li\ e _\eatx unlit}.v Ilttttlttllt the tnntaue nt the .lapanexe equix alent nt the \uremherg

'I rialx tn axxemhle thix tnur-hnur dneumentar) . xx hieh ix xplit irttn inn partx.

and axkx ll theland’x

l’art t\\n ix xereened nn 'l'hurx hat 11.55pm.


IThe State of Democracyt BBQ)

8. l 5 9pm. ()\ er tnttr nightx thix \\ eek. .lnnathan I)imhleh_\ lnnkx at the value nl Britain'xurm ritten ennxtitutinn. and in a xpeeial dehate nn Sunda} in\ itexpuhlie ligurex tn put tnmard radieal prnpnxalx tnrennxtitutinnal retnrm.

IAirplane II: The SequeltSemtixh)

5.30 lllpm. I’lnughing mueh the xame turrn“ ax itx predeeexxni . but “till the added attraetinn nt a unndertull} lunatie William Shatner eanien

I The Bandung File ((4 l ‘) lllpm. A IlL‘\\ xeriex nt ( ‘J'x eurrent attairx and artx maga/me prnuramme tnr the .‘\xian and .-\irn-(‘artlihean enmmumtiex

I Halfway to Paradise t( In

11.30pm 12.30am. The mainh -e\eellent (ilaxgtm -haxed pnpulai eulture xeriex ix repeated. hetnre a ne\\ xeriex heginx later in the )L‘ut'.

IThe Late Shift ((4) 12.35 3.40am. l,i\e enneertxh} l-reneh I.atin t'lamenengrnup 'I‘he ( iipx) ngx. and xnul duanniaek and \Vnntaek.


I Cool Hand Luke ( Sentthlt i it ltlpm. 10.35 11.50pm. (‘laxxie 1%“ mm ie with Paul Ne“ mart in the title rnle. Sn tirml} tlne\ tlte egg—eating xeqttettee lndge itxell tn the memnr} that it‘xntten tnrgntten lltl“ Inng and neeaxinnalh tedinux it ix

I Screenplay: Testimony oi a Child ( BM ‘3) 9.35 ltl.3tlpttt. llard—hittingdramann the xuhjeet nt ehild ahuxe. the tirxt 'I'\' \xnt‘k

t‘nr playwright Lucy (iannnn. Fnllnwed at 11.15pm h} a Rantzen-ehaired dixeusxinn. I The Sound oi Music: Danny Wilson (Senttixh)2.45- 3.10am. I)undee'sfine.xt play lixe and explain why they wrnte their not] epitaph.


I Film on FourTake Two: No Surrendert ( ‘4) t) Itl.55pm. Marxellnusly murky hlaek enmed). {mm the pen nt' Alan Bleaxedale. \\ ith Miehael Angelis ax the new manager nt a eluh the night it haxheen dnuhIe-hnnked hy enaeh partiex nt‘ penxinn-enlleeting ( )rangemen and Irixh ('atltnliex.

I Underthe Sun ( BBt '2)‘).3ti~ ltl.2(lpm. lt'x nn tttn being a eantel-drnxer upthe \ile. ()uite apart trnm the dangerx there‘x .ll\(l the annn} my intlux nt the yuppiex

\\ hat. \\ ith t’rrnrc'l/t/rmn's'.’

I Piper‘s Legacy ( Senttixh)

l 1.35pm 12.05am. Piper Alphaexplnded t\\e|\'e mnnthx aun. 'I‘hix prngramme lnnkx at htm tun nt the xurx turn have enped

\\ ith the laxt tear,

IADSOIUIionlSenttixh) 12.20 2am. Riehard Burtnn xtarx ax a ananfathnlie priext puxhed ttmardx murder by the tauntx nl a pupil in this film \\ hieh triextn he hnth thriller and xerinux eharaeter xtud}. Bill} (‘nnnnlh alsnappearx.


I The Vision ot Edwin Muir ((‘4 l a 3.30pm. I nld thrnugh hix no it autnhingraph} and pnett'} . and the \Vt‘ittttgx nt hix \\ ite.the ptngramme lUll()\\\ the inner andnuter lnut'ne} nt Izdu'in Muir thrnughnut hix liurnpean traxelx.

I Cheerstwi ltl ltl,3tlpm. l.axt in prexent xe‘t'ie‘x. A leehernux tlnetnt'

perxuadex the (’heerx gang (\x ithnut mueh dtltieult} . I'll he hntmdl that Reheeea ix xe\uaIl\ ti‘tixtrated.

I Le Sang d‘un Poett 1mm)

12.1“ 1.05am. (‘neteau'x tirxt t'ilm. xltnxut tn enmmemnrate the eentenar} nthix birth. and intrndueing the nnagexthat

\\ ere tn dnminate hix later \xnrk.


I Supergirl (Seuttixhihdn .x'fittpm. \Indetatel} engaging; mnx ie. ll rather pun} enmpared tn the Man nt Steel'x ltlnekltuxterx.

I Dial-a-hymn ( Senttixlt l (i,~l(l 7.15pm. \Vhether h_\ thteatx nl draxtie trimming in the i'eligintix prngrammex unit nr nnt. iadieal enxt-elleeti\ e pingramming tinalh httx the ( ind Slnt. intrndueinu the ideant quiek-teturn ehniee-nt‘ientated \ IC\\ttt}1. and eatehing upnn the “at 'l'npl-nrtt radin hax heen run tnrdeeadex. lt ennueh \ ie\\ etx phnne in and hum the h} mn nt their ehniee the} 'll get it pla} ed

\\ cll.Pltt3_'tL'\\l\ e.

I Moving Pictures ( ( ‘4) time In he

entttu med. .lnnathan Miller dehexmtn the brain. llixe\euxe 1le time. xeeing him ll Itttetpietx \ ixual data

I Chelworth t tittt't mm In 15pm t’t-m } .le'llte‘} and ( ietttttta .lnnexxtar in .ttte\\

drama xeriex almut a huxtnexxman \\ hn tetutnx trnm llnttg: lx'nne \\ hen he heaix that he‘x inherited the tannlx extate lnxtead nt xphttmg II tip he deeidex tn tehmld II and put hix xeattered tamih haek tneether again

IRevotution!!ttm(‘2i tn t5 ttnipm. Ker/nus l‘t'eneh tlaxnut nn Ill“ ‘2 thix “eek. ‘[ lllx nne'x a quirk) re-enaetntent hi the \atinnal l heatie nt Brent . \\ hn lunnght ux .llrg/tlt .I/nnti'rrh m ll'm/tl erlnn Nut iteeexxtittlt e\et'\nttei\tde.l nt a l tp-inat in}; laugh-m. but a unique. gentle xt} le nt enmeth that’xqutte lieennuni:


I Dreams oi Freedom t Btit ‘3 l a, In ‘lpm.



- “‘7


LUNCH Monday-Saturday Noon-2. 30pm

DINNER Monday-Thursday 5.30-l l pm

Friday-Saturday 5.30-Midnight

Sunday 630- l 0.00pm


APPETISERS l2 noon-8pm Daily





'l‘hel ixt.‘~ll.lttne liltilx l‘IWZSI