\Nith 'l‘imothy‘ Dalton‘s return as Agent ()1)? in Hemee 'lo lx’i/z’. the sixteenth in the einema‘s most profitahle moyie series. 'l‘Rl-i\'( )R J()l lN'STON joins the promotional eireus and easts a iaundieed eye oyerJames‘ Bond‘s enduring appeal. i -

Lets get this straight lrom the start.l do not eare l'or Bond moyies. am unmoyed hy‘ the pery'asiy'e (‘onnery‘ mystique. lind Roger Moore as dehonair as an uncontrolled howel movement. and plaee (ieorge l.azenhy alongside Blake lidwards pretty near the hottom rung ot humanity's ladder. So it's only out ol a highly-deyeloped sense ol journalistie dedieation that l lind mysell‘on the Bond promotional junket. West lind sereening is followed by meaty and thus inedihle fare at The (‘omedy‘ Store. and before very long one is at (‘laridges gathered round a table with a

horril'ying at't'ayolothet' regional haeks to await the entry ol the uek-(orr. .‘ylrl'imethy‘ Dalton.

()ur'lhtdtoisldessetlwith:1 yVLWl-th3Vediuietlsettsettl sell-importanee : ‘.»\ll the world knows what they want l'rom Bond‘ he proelaims. ‘l lallol‘ them preler Sean Connery. and hall ol' them preter Roger Moore. Now I wasn‘t going to eopy anyone. I was going to giy e you my Bond. and so I laeed the possibility ol’ the whole world not llklnt1“ltall dldli$SCCkHC\\ltisdy.llE laughs heartily at this. .A\ leyy minutes later. Rohert l)ayi. w ho plays the yillain ol' the pieee. a rather lmisterousdrug dealer named Sanehez. inl’orms us that he sees his eharaeter as ‘an existential nihilist. who ereates his own negatiy e uniyerse.‘ lime to l‘eel your heed Boah. hut there‘s more ‘‘ Shakespeare were aliye today he’d he writing about men ol ex’eessiy e I7U\VCI'SUtdlLlSIllCSLH‘llC athls ll Shakespeare were aliye today . like me. I rather laney' lied he somewhat numhed hy' the Very eoneept ol Roger Moore holding hall our planet in his smarmy thrall.

Brows are lurrowed at the so—ealled ‘ehange ol' direetion~ in the Dalton Bond. and earnest diseussion ensues around the pros and eons ot the iniquitous eensors deeision to shield the nation's sensitiy'e

under lllle't,‘ll~llitlt‘.llit'r.1;:lirgtie-trl dear But then agatn.youonly haye eonstant death. lint itil‘LTx to lools at the lilin'Si‘Hstei to lind mutilations ".[lli’rllll' se\isinstillrantpantalteialltliese headtliat\‘oits‘i'a'es l‘:~l‘.ll were years leounledliyephalliesyntlms. till“ styletunilyaw 'i'iii lt- \\ell.aetuallyonlylourilyouleaye IfluehHMMeKMdvf'thahdehfltt rmtduaguMLr toughantle‘xei‘ wetlaiiuitn lyintl lhetlireetorolthisisnioiseless inoyiesfl).i|imii:i‘wi‘ tsl 'itle. lairgioundattiaetion..lohn(ilen. mentalyayynt. Hit: it I. 'll hopesthat thisonewillinereiseiM llllllllll.ltlllll‘~'l‘. Illm marletinthel'Sandlapanlnit Yes.lnitl\itl- until. it . \Kllttlllt‘l'L'lllylilt.‘;lll\l\lll;tllllt'ltlltle' lilootllusl lll .i ’1' l l l—gii r sadistieyiolenre should pull ill :i lgw lool.lii~.e hr extragoirnlesspunters. lll'.‘lil"le' llllllfl‘ l in. :. ltelle‘\.iltle ll is the more you till \iiotli.r r w 5. ltelieyeintlielantasy.theieloieili; nnpaetolmar ‘i ‘l I in. moreyouwillenioytheltintasy~ \L'Ile“ lli’t 1' ti ll. rid it \ile'sstfisllitllitil. lllt'stttt‘al‘ly lte‘ lortliel rl l tneanstlielntwhereiliegiilgets \ltle‘lsii'himzllw'. idii‘l Wllll‘ltell.llltlllel li“.t‘i l\li.l|._'l«.i.‘i_lltt .intll‘e It. 1- v.3 it deathwithaehainsayy outside lilel onee: 'Sliz” i‘.’ 'i.‘ l. itiinti saitllielote.toplanuly girlso?tli-p:' lilt"l.i. entertainment. shehastlr i. l p luv/air lulx'x/i’w/nm[lire/reher males lle' v I: 'ili irritmffir iiti'.1/it//Mwi./ir/\ /r1.


Ourpick of the tnr‘niont's highlighlsonth“ commernial and i'ei'ieri‘orv circuits...For more compreheneive li.f‘.‘iliu‘.'5, and venue details see liitl Film Index. while Complete programme detail; my: 53". found in the Film Listinos. PARIS BY HIGi—li'tt

l late " “onmnww‘<‘ lW‘


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