l addixh tiingue-in-eheek r‘uelxerx turn in an attempt at Itlllhlnc\\ on then he“ Virgin single I he But/K penned h} tormer Rip R1}; and Partner (iar'eth

~Sager .~\ltltl\lll}1 hand at Ill\l. u ith adehut l I’ that'\ mirth a IlL‘dllllL'. hut rims starting tnxxear thin

I One Style MDV. Blam Hlam \'( '. l .l\.t

1 tie and l’apa /,ehulun \Vilkie l luttxe. ('mxgate, 335 Ill“). lllpm 3am. U. :\H aetrnrrpaekedreggaeewmne though titiite \\ here A} r '\ demented lllam Hlam \ (‘ tit in I'm HUI sure headedh}

l t‘llth‘ll It‘t‘1\ hand ( )ne St} le. \\ hn‘\ e

*5 “creamrmmmii Iain“? f_;1£v£_~_tsm9_€;3



Thetirstthingthatslams home about Birdland islhatthey’rethe mostperlect rock‘n'rollgroupthatanyone could everdream up. They're The Monkees gone punk. they're The Ramones with bleached moptops. Cuban heels and matching black stage clothes. The drummerevenseemsto have studied the stance olthe archetypal Sixties' skin-basher. Bythetimelourbuzzsawthrash numbers have passed. including a tasty speedlreakversionol Te'eV‘Sion'S‘See N0 EV”. Hatermey ' " i, T ' T1" v I, lThe Famous OtherBand'Imn la\ern. demOHSh Pam smlth‘s IROCk “RD” I V i I w . :‘ Hunter Square \lidrtlilht Nigger‘with muchlessaplomb).the ' I '- ~ _ _ stage is slippery with Red Stripe and a - 1~ . ' ' " . I dangerousplaceto approach. Patience ~ '1 Glasgow Isn't a vmue WIN] meh BIFdIand are I Slammer‘l he Venue. J‘NISauehiehall endoweu' The second a mlkesmnd Street. 333 3V2. lllpm. \liir‘e thrash becomes an irritation it is Hung away ' _ _ lTlL'I;ll,tItllIC aeeexxihle wt ttxkind. withgreatviolence—atthelloor.atan ['I‘I'fl‘mfih'I‘LIWd‘I‘LIl‘IWI . amplilier.atlhe haplesssoundman. Simim \liii‘i'ixtm tiigii Edmburgh SUCh iSdhemlOCIIY 0‘3 Birdland \ lThe RiverDetectivest‘atmnSrutlim. pertormancethalila monitorhecomes , . W (alum Rattlfifiirniiii. set-pane]. displaced. ora mikestand gets snarled A ( 11W)” 51 Will“ “ll —-‘ JUNK. lThe Loaiers'tht-ttui Kriixexandl'he 5 up in a tangle olwires. it can be as I le Iii‘iiiiuht haek the i If'ih/“M'h'h mel‘rmm RUNS” much asaminute beforearoadiecan .‘I' ,1 IITICL‘\\CH"I\HU\\Hllkllllk‘\tlllthL'\l\tl spotagapintheblurolbodiestoget acrossthe stage and fix it I LlITITt ill IIIL' \\ ttl‘tIN IZIICIT Birdland wantto be all their heroes at mi with 11m \ g;1[‘\\ hiin In once——The Stooges.The Stones. The ' Ramones. Sex Pistols—andthe

heeri likened iii \II\I_\ In their appmaeh. I Pale Fire l’eheatt. (km gate, :35 5413, ['UUI th attempt tu play in Iadinhur'gh thix tear . all the uthers heme unstieeesxtul l'nr' (‘HC reawn UT .lllUIhL‘l l‘rnnted hy the

talented Beatriee. and ineltiding lur'mer .'\/tee ( Limeia I‘.l\\l\l ( ariiphell ( )u ensin their ranks. l’ale I‘llL‘ plax a set HI \llTTplL‘ hut riierrinrahle. UHL‘H piiiuiiant. mimherx. lThe Dan BlockerExperience \L‘llttt‘lilllh. [tithian Street. I.“ Ml} ‘l “pm l'r'ee. \liire than eapahle etiuntr} urutip. vs hn I might e\ en dii their \Cl'Nlttll HI ‘[.ii\ e Will I lear' l '\ .'\[T;tl t. it )tiu ask lllL'L'I_\ ennueh. I Texas Breakfast R3 r 1e'\. I la\ market IL‘lldt'L‘. 3.1T «55:. 9pm, I'IL'L‘. RC\ldL‘lt(_\. minim] ck I‘IllL'\

I Seven Eleven ltadet‘ \ie‘x. \‘Ietiit ta Street. 335 (Nil), \ Sllpm. l-ree. Hhiexand

[tit'h \‘I.l\\IL‘\

'lhis time ai‘iitiiid \\ e asked

aliiii}; in see Birdland at


e'llt'llll‘ I he I ll.lIL‘l\ heme held in

partietilarh high regard tiit'their

perxiiiiatitindrenehedli\e\et\ ISharlotand The Rogues Negoetatttx. ._ . S ".235 37“)»15 ‘5 IL‘LIIUIL‘IIIL‘\\UII\HI an 1mm” m“ "1 pm I“

l'tin riielxahillt ~I‘.l\CtI hand \\ htt\L‘ |l\ e \L'tx

slrugglebetweenalteregosisgiven llITfillltI't‘tllTllll}; Setittixh UHHLWHIII\Umctet‘ttttintettdaltun. eanhly realityinmeirdervish_like phfllflglxlphtlgi ‘INWPITPly;g'l\.lll‘t)ll1‘l)l.lll. Vining:Street.l newTheaumenceareemamured- * magi: . an‘dflrornthesi‘de olthe Slllagehlhetl/iew Oicourse.theundercurrentol his equipmentashe canlromthe ‘1‘}.1],I(Ipm 'I my 0“ r0” lsap Gnomena V0 30 '0 violencethat'sbeenimplicitallalong band'ssta e-trashin dis la ,is crush.levenseealewgobsolspittle hasmerupt.manuglymcidemmm almostiufipedqo Sgeageg’meror I “V.IhOUQhWhBIherDFOIBCIedIromlhe seems almostinevilable.Whether Birdlandgettingintoascullle onstage G|asgow

crowd ortowardsitl'm notquick throughambitionslorMaryChain-style is like watching himlullil some kind ol _ _ I enoughto catchThe young onlookers notoriety.theadrenalinrusholtheir contractualobligauon. Hhasme :SlerefiTeahlarriellr-tirlsl\lttrgf‘xfiri WiShthemSEIVeS baCkintheWhIte heat ferociousset‘Ortheconective stench wantblood? '1{Isakkscétggz'tI1“I - '~ I Otanunremembered1g77 SO Strongly theaumencem Seememgoalltheway PmbablylessmanBirdlandwamme IThe-Catetan'Ihe(’hihhiiuse.Sneddnn thaI‘lUdglng bvtheremarks Emmet/“'9 (probablyamixture olallthree). 3 bucks. Same asiteverwas. Street.l’aixit-tswiainspm...\qudzmd5 OUIaIIerwaldsv I'mSUFEIheVQUHhelei soundman.tryinglo save as much of \peed}hand\thtiha\eduelupedinerthc1

i Edinburgh

I The Prahalad Natak Rim lheatt'e.


\\ ( )\1.-\I ) hr inux alurig a riitisieal drama HI

Gla w .. .7 . . + . arianeieritIndianmtth.perturmedhyan

I Nana” I h“ ’2’ng Emmyhmillmkh Rm“. lThe RiverDe‘ecnves} “H \IHIHNIHV .t\\.tldr\\tlillllt}j [tiitlpe- tl\ltt_L’lTT;l\h'\. F t H 3" “I‘lil liee lullu resideiim \I.l\\\ ell \tieet. .‘fl rwl I III lilI‘Hi (“\mmw‘md“L’h‘m‘”Immc‘

O lrwiim'iatixiiiiitiiziiexIiiwui:a\\l.iilttw\ {1 \ll \ee‘i‘allel .makossa NCIJUUHHIXIttlhtanSttcct. Business Conference \1‘~""”“I lli‘l3‘k'l\\iill|”‘= IJanetandJohnllali 1m, lilii\\i~ud|.md\ 33~"‘»“" " “*l‘m “CU I‘HIUWI‘ICR‘WIK" ' Riiad. ‘1: lflll "I‘lll I’l'e‘e (nmdiiarrie. I‘M“! Ii11[\\hli‘H\-IIK‘\' ‘I‘Elvglb‘and:NC‘KUQLJHI\.I Uthltin SITCCI. ' i v i IDrunken Slate Ihel'Itilihntise.Sriedduri ~~~\"-‘ »‘ W 5W“ I“?

Farm ttlrtI l\\\k (tart HalitIlIlt W I , h .1 I I . d

V I)‘\'\I"\'Itttitu'\\(HINDI tlIIi‘Il [{llAlkI ‘\/V stlk't'l.[).ll\lk'\.\\w1 H" \I‘Ill lIll.l\IT .80 weEVIl[)rk\Lr\‘l“Un[{‘il]~\lkt()nd

\ H .. n g .‘t a. \ HR.I)UWMKIHU‘HV\Hlllmw Hum] Streeturifilh Ll tIILl )Allpm‘Rhtthm

EUREKA eliiilirmet‘. mi lhel .rzm. IDave Robbsm l wild lttlxhlaxgnu I «k lilucj Ii\eII‘will 'fxixeti :‘Xllhlf Iuilid .izei'ii liii \‘NIK‘I‘ “1 \III‘lsl-lll‘~ H’x'li’xk'l’fl “MTV—‘3' .BluehngerPl‘mmmonc‘ Rutl‘md

«1:; hi 1: [l‘lh irtthieritedwrieer siiriuxxriten SUV“ Rw‘dcng- SC" 5‘” 15- 11a Forth Street quodmwwuson\ewmr I SUNDAY 23 ' \IfggI _‘f\ «Mil w film; I I\-\- I \W-Hk-m int aprextieiwiisl niiduiidateat [he-Mean ' \w‘tllsiriytz '-‘-lIf‘_'‘. Ilddlt‘ttt:'\lttii'ttlh . 031 558 1610 (24hrs) "“““l“’““"""“ I J IQuestionThePeasantVideudmmc. I lThe Booze Brothers Il«‘li Itl‘~\IIZ Ilziiiter I >1:3t)\'()rkslrccl‘::l(IJJIIQIjnlril’S‘). . Migrate \;‘:1: l I I Head \ eiii1e.( alli‘tt h’ihld. ‘V 1"": Antitherl’aisley hand “httttslIWllh

lfiflhel $114 j—‘Itllt Ilixkl