9.30am on Sundays. Kids £1.50; Adults £3. Animal handling classes every hour trom l lam daily and penguin parade,

ZOO Carnival 23 July . l lam 5pm. Kids

{1 Sit. Adultsifs, By popular demand the Zoo yy ill he holding their second birthday carniy al. ’l'here yy ill he iugglers. stiltyyalkers. magicians. unicy elists_ tancy dress competitions. races and much else besides. 'l hose yy lio arriye in taiicy dressoi yyearing masks yyill he let in tor halt price All proceeds yy ill be sent to Attica to help the Black Rhinos yyhicli are iii danger ot extinction.


Arts Workshops 1 lam l2 noon. .‘itip per child. .\'o hooking. Iitist turn tip.

20Ju| ('loyyning Workshop.

27 Jul llaiinermaking \Vorkshop l.

I HERMITAGE 0F BRAID 4-1" 1 ~15.

Hermits Club l‘.\L'II\ Mon until Aug.

lliam llnoon. lloliday nature cluliloi

5 13 year olds. l’aintirig. drama. games competitions all yy itli a nature theme ('oritact Ranger Sery ice tor turthei details.

Guided Walks \Valks giy en liy Ranger

Sery ice relating to the ciiy ironriieiit yy itliiii the Hermitage ot Braid. l‘ree. lust turn up

SummerArt Classes Sats 15. 2: arid Itilul ltl..‘~llaiii lliioon.l .‘sti -1pni .-\lll\l liiiima ( it ahaiiih ooll yy ill lead classes loi ii 1: year olds iii drayy trig. piint—iiiakiiig. niodel-iiiakiiigandcollage .\llniateiials supplied liy gallery Ll St'pei one aiidlialt hour session Please phone in ady aiiee aliout sessions l uither iiito aiidliookiiig eoiitact Sandra lluiieaii lll zllaiii ,‘illpiii IVENUE t altoii Road. 4* ' 1""?

The Ram Jam club l yery Saturday

S ll .‘silpni ‘C l iitlei l\\aleohol tiee diseoplayiiigsotilaridhip hop


I FILM HOUSE l othiaii Road .75 SUSS Saturday iiiatiriees .‘piii \llseatst‘r liookalile

Bach and Broc l \ii eleyeii year old oiphaii arid liei pet skunk tic'Seellki on an unsuspectingliaeheloi iiiiele lelul TommyTrickerandthe StampTraveller

l olloyy Ralph's atly eiitii: es yy heii he is iiiiiiialii: isetl .iizil hides tilidei a

staiiip hiiige ll‘. a \l.llll[‘ allitiiii oi: the iiioye ffliil


l'dirilitiigh l )isti iet ( 'otiiieil ai e l lllllllllLI suiiiiiiei piogiaiiiiiies yaiiouseeiities.

Craiglockhart Sports Centre »1-1 1 tliil t lllll


_ FAMILY [£13331-


IEdinburthoo Carnivalt'. l{l‘.lti.l Killli‘illl'il. 141"‘i ii

9. ltchild ti ‘ilt l lall piiee li‘.tl‘.\«‘l‘.e

‘YSIiin‘llllle liall‘. 1piii alleiithtii'iiitaiieytlzess iile\t\i‘li\i aiiiitial l.tll all thitlitiixl: /o~ yyitt. children'saiiiiiialolyiiipiestittehiiiiitg I.tell‘.L'llllill‘l‘elSI.ei‘ll‘llflllt‘\‘-lll1\l.!:'l\ liolxl’eiiuttinl’.iiatle_tloyyiis tll‘li‘uilSl‘. ':tfi\l;isit \iiy prolitsyyillenviousarils

sideshmys arid the Radio In

( llllSL'l

Monday 24

IRaintorestAction GroupMeeting“

\‘ieloi ta leiiaee. t )tl ( ieoige l\' liridge. l diiiliiiigh liito. Sn" 3-113 131391g 343 ‘efiw the ll\e \tll‘ L'li‘lll‘S ill l lie Rallt l‘tilc‘Sl

llipiii l iee \iiialoi iiieetingot \etioii ( iioup. yy hie h targets councils. aieliiteets. educational iiistitutioiisaiid retailer s as yy ell as the general pulilie. lls aims are to raise ayyaieiiess ol aiidattack the yy aiitoii damage lieiiig done to the

\.l\lllL‘lilelillltttec'litSlll \lii. a l.tlltlitls'\i\ lWlMtiieis encouragedtouet



at Information(‘entre23Jul llistory ol the Braid lxstate. 2pm. I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD 42 l ligli Street,

325 2424.

l or under llls. 3. hour sessioiisol


y i y ~ l.s ll the loliliy's 'ctiy 'l 'ss s outdooraiidiiidooi izaiiieseaehyyeekday. I” ‘1 U l it“ K M I

w . i [1” i \\ iii WIN” IIIH‘MHI‘HM‘H \Uw‘n HWHHW illlhkyill the iiiiiii ei t tit uHi itcis.

tletailsot liadiiiiiitoii. leiieiiie. teiiiiis loi

Make your own optical toys. IS and 25 Ml. ltl llaiii; 11.30am l:..‘~llpriilty .Syearsl;

. 3pm (9 ll yearsl. Admission liy tree 1 ticket ayailalile troiii the Museum

ll l\\cal l‘i\i\.

Fun with inllatables andplaytoys atthe lollowing baths:

Royal Commonwealth Pool \twn iii

lEdinburghBisexualGroup:SocialNight l esliiait \llti t ia'. ( eiitie Stieel.l iiiiil‘tiieh. ‘V


W‘a l'ili‘ll;'

*N‘t' ‘I‘lll lice



l SAFE Volunteer Meetings o 1 liiougliitm

IPARKSANDOPENSPACESl-reeouitlmn “""“"“" ““'““‘“"“"-‘5”‘~~" Mimi-l inniwun inn» ' “W "inn. entertainriients.someyyilltiaiisteriiidmiis it it rains. (‘lieck tor details at your pai k Chipsthe Handyman Participation play suitalile tor 5 ll yearolds. l asts-15


lilaiii l_‘.lli‘itll.:. 1pm lntirmaryStreetTytoii lii lilaiii l.‘.iiooii. 1 »1piii.Sat-‘. 1 ltlpiii DalrySwimming Centre \ltlll lit: ~1l‘lll. Sal lilaiit 1.: Glenogle Swimming Centre \li‘ll lll

i illxe minced l“l.~. al [was :eIc'al it, l iee tlpeii toaiiyoiie interested iiitiiitliiig out alioiit o: yyoikiiiu tor Scottish .-\ll)S l'iiiitliiiel iiteipiise theliiiidiaisiiig

liiaiiehwl Scottish \lliS \loiiitoi


lilllti lhtiisilay ol tiie ll.i‘l‘,ll.e" ellllI‘.’



3 17Jul 3pm. Pili'igPar‘k “I‘m 1y HWHI I: 1w” \H mm. I EdinburghBisexual Group. Mental Health i TBJUI 1H--Wilm“it'llPillklRl‘lll-A‘lll‘i'k‘ iiooii [OMAN \H‘i ( HM CHU- M.‘ iizl‘iliimflii i .085! (“Massage.:‘i\ietehistoii('ieseeiit, l’arkl.eisure(‘ciitrc. WarrenderSwimming Centre \lori lii \“W‘J ‘hlli‘illl'il m "‘ ‘l‘il‘ it” l-tliiihaiuh illili suit 1\_“l loam 5pm

laaillljmlll‘. l

19Ju| lllfsllam Brighton l’;ir'k:.“l‘iii ()l‘s” ‘i‘\*'”“"‘“ ii“ ‘1” (ii‘aceiiiouiitl eisure ( ‘eritre. ZUJUIlll.31l;itiil’rinces Street ( idnstopp ls‘ountaiiil; 3pm Braidliurii Valley park 21 Jul lli.,‘~llaiii l)ay'idsoii‘s .‘ylaiiis l’ai k. .‘ipiii Saugliton l’ark.

Rosythe Clown 4t) lllllltlles ot iugglirig. magic. mime and cloyy riing. Suitalile tor kidsage 3 andoy er.

24Jul 3pm l’ilrig l’ark.

25Jul lil..‘~llaiii lnch l’ark; 3pm ( ioigie Memorial Hall. 26JU|lll.3(l;1riiBrightonl’;irk;3prii.lack Kaiie(‘entre.

27 Jul ll).3llam Princes Street ( idiis: .‘ipiii Braidhurn Valley Park.

I THE ROSS Princes Street ( iardeiis. Kettle Carnival '89 liach Mon iri .luly at llam. Kids Slip; Adults L 1. Best toliook‘. tickets ayailahle trom l'shei Hall Box ()ttiee .‘ylon Sat. lilani 5pmor troriitlie Ross on pertormarice days. See panel. 17Jul Shake Rattle and Roll.

24 Jul (ioodies and Baddies.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN liiy ei leith ROW} each day at lpiii arid .‘piii l’hi ‘ll'e‘ it it Earthwalks Nature games and aetiy ities tor 77-1-1y‘earolds. Wed 1‘) and Inlul.

ltlam lZnoon; 1.30 .‘ipni. l’laeesliiiiited. ; hook in ady arice trom l’lant llouse Reception Area. 553 71”] ext 45‘) l’ree


Remember to pop into The Discovery Room 'l‘hings to do include making your oyy n prints.cross—examiningacoriiputeraiid adding to an old-tashioried recipe hook


Workshops for (i to 12 year oldson Victorian pastimes. Admission tree. Parents welcome. lil.3ll;irii l2 noon. 'l'o hook a place. write or phone gallery .

17Ju| Silhouettes. lloyy to make ctitpaper pictures.

24Ju| Jumpinglacks. Design a Ilumpiiig Jack' puppet modelled on your tay ouritc painting.

I 359 GALLERY 333 ('oyy gate. :35 3H1}

tlf ‘lll L’ “ll l iaiii \‘l‘t'tik‘ \atiisleadsa

sessii ‘11 iii yy illx li e‘-.ei eises arid liasic


;. I i create a structure relevanttothe social -' ' "-- aims. andtotrain community entrepreneurs. We're lookinglor people with social motivation and ideas eithertopickup one olourideas orto otteronethemselves.‘

I I and Projects already underwaywith CEL Anti 11-nn i-‘nwn "‘i‘l‘s't WNW“ little“! . v- are a mobile creche. a recycled paper it’s l’|~i\ \s’\‘1“ll‘tl~”l\“lllltll'~ll”'“l " kmlfisl distributorand a machine—knitting '“tlm-H ““Slllll’“"““”“” a i businesslordisabled people. lladriiiiitori.tootiiall.liasketliall.athletics The Labourpanyhas Often been workingamngSimilarlinesIbutwith criticised in recentyearslortargeting

I I I I slightlydillerentaimsisthe its appeal on Thatcherite prmcrples. Cooperative Development AgenCyI Free enterprise certainly seems a more

I whichworks closely with workers' acceptable concept to the Left than it (mops. helping to obtain tunding. write ; once was. though ithasbeen

business plans and plan marketing. re-lnlerpretediOFSOClallSlPUFDUSBS- gearedto businesses in whichthere i There are now 1W0 agencies in are no bosses or outside shareholders. Edinburgh Whose DUFDOSE '3 m but all decisions and prolits are in the establish new companies on a hands otthe workers. ‘The main co-operative or social basis.

I I I dillerencelthink.'sastoyce Buchan CommunityEnterprise Lothian Ltd was OfCDAI yismatacwop belongsmme i establishedabouttwo years agoto help

I I workers. whereasacommunity peoplewnhIdeaslollowiheminrough businessisownedbythecommunity. l by providing research and means of

I I whichmeansthe peopleinthe Implementing them-I business don't have total control.‘ She ‘Usually.' says proiect worker George

encourages anyone with ‘a vague Shand. ‘it is the people with the ideas business idea' to contact [my who set up businesses. but we actually Whichieaves business-minded List work with the ideas to develop them. readers spoilt for choice (A Burnet) we‘re 'OOKing at What happens if SOCiaI (mnmmrl/y /.I1Ir'l‘/ll'l\('/.r)/./Ili1/l/.It/. aims connect with the product. ~c" ( mm, gym ,‘ /_l/,,,/,,U-,\./,‘ 33/; Co-operatives can be strong onthe 33W social side. butweak on the business [‘Iy/Hl/l{(ll\'/I( .i ripe/gun iv side. and homeworkers can be isolated pH .-/.,,w,.-m ten/t /\‘ ‘Hm-e/«m/z and earning peanuts. The idea is to s‘m-(‘r /_H/,,;/wglr (in; lfi H.


lliel N l»! flirty I‘lS‘i49

lilaiii lil‘iill.,\ *piii.Sat.‘. 1 ll'piii PortobelloSwimming Centre \loi: i'll 1piii.Sat lilazii if,

ell‘tt‘lli‘llai prov}. iiis \ll My. it "lie

lilaiii 1.7 itooii. .‘

Gracemountms tutu (.iils' \ .. loolliall. .‘l ltil LI .'\llelllititlll‘iaXSellL‘llleS‘~\|ll§l‘iltllle\


\tlpe! teaiii

castlearidgaiiiesiiliiiiiitglliiotielioiitthe holidays 1llppeisessioii

Jack Kane Centre Roller lliseo loi tiiidei 1*xalieiiiatesii» " oyyiiskates. l‘p Meadowbankrml \‘ssl tor under \. daily until ll \ue. lti llaiii I: 4

“pm liiiiieyoiii

\t‘ll i)i.l\ \e‘sslri[1\

aridteiiiiistoi lll l‘yeai oltlsf lpiiieaeli

yyeekday Ll l‘et session yyeekly ticket {-1

lickets toi all alioye can lie putt hased tioiii \‘leatloyyl‘aiik

Royal Commonwealth Pool 1 )l\ ltiiielasses eaeh \yeek day at ‘i l*aiii, illiii eae h yyeek

day. liiaiii l.‘ Ill ii iii arid cii uardel eiieiii: tielallS

SaughlonliiiI-ljj athletiesaiid teiiiiiseoaehiiig


I LAURISTON CASTLEt iaiiioiid Road South l-l lri lttl. :ltlll. »1piii Kids Ll. Adults 1.3

Excalibur l he pioiiieiiade play per lot iiied llt lite castle illiltllliis i“. lheatte -\llia tell\ the tale ol the lx'iiiuhtsel the Rilllllyi lal‘le and the stolen e\ealiliiii

l’hoiie loi detailsiii

Siiitalile toi oyei 5s, licketsoii sale at l aiiiistori llioiii lietoie the stall ot each per lot iiiariee I 15 :3 ( ileellsltle. ‘VVJ‘W' Joseph andthe Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat t not l< lul. Impursai matinee: .‘iiprii l’opulai eiid—ot teiiii

production iii primary schools llll\ year.

see hoyy the pros do it liiii Rice and

.-\iidieyy l loyd \\ L‘l‘l‘el lllllSIeai iioyy lll ll\

teiithyeai KltiSL“ <ll.L»1 {llt‘ W.

Adultsb W. Lu sit. L" *H