from the aborigine with the widgiriegrub on the end of a stiek to the 'l‘exan with a whole side of beefon the

rotisserie. we all end tip doing it some time sooneror

'l‘he British enthusiasm for barbeques is no doubt fuelled by the dream Ulilte great outdoors. sold so sueeessfully to us by our Ameriean and Australian eousms who are portrayed relaxing around the temperature eontrolled butane flamed baeky‘ard grille with the steaks eooking yery nieely' thank you. Canadians are equally as

enthusiastie about the

baekwoodrnan‘s approaeh to eooking and it is them we lime to thank for the ‘elam bake~ witnessed in manya Roek Hudson film. 'I'he teehniealities ofa elam bake are so onerous as to dissuade those amongst you keen on sampling one. The laek of a ready supply of elams in eentral Seotland is a small point in eomparison to the digging of a yery large hole in a suitable I this with the neeessary‘ eombustible materials and eulinary‘ ingredients and the waiting of sortie 24 hours (this figttre ean yary depending on the expert inyolyedf for the end result though yer‘y' niee it is too I‘m

Yet no end of eautionary' tales ean dampen the spirit of those amongst us desperate to attempt the euisine brulee. The main point to remember is that most sueeessf‘ul barbeques are run with the preeision of an army exereise ~ the only way of ensuring the dinner gets eooked and the guests do not fall yietim to one of today‘s tnore fashionable diseases.



I The ultimate eony‘enienee. the disposable barbie. ay'ailable front good hardware stores and supermarkets at around £4 eonsistingoftinfoil tray. fuel and grill.

I llaying bottght or

trrade your barbeeue. all you need to hay e a party is some fuel and something toeook on it. Real ehareoal is preferable to briquettes (w hieh sonte people say giy‘e slight petrol overtones). and any interesting bitsof wood rosemary or yine trimmings. or herbs to seatter oyer the fire all add to the ultimate flayour of the food.

I Platters for presenting food Louis Cuisine. I’rinees Square. sells enormous wooden platters some shaped like birds and fish for salads

‘eaeh. filling


later. Sally” Stewart burns up a few ideas on the barbeeue

\‘y'hatey'er type of barbeque you employ whether a humble llibaehi or a tnore upmarket model. the golden rule is to make sure the fuel has been heated for at least 3ft minutes before you try to eook anything. l‘lames are not a sign of heat they generally mean you haye dropped something into the eoals whieh you didn't mean to. Another

well worn pieee of ady'iee is to use

and breads w hilst a good range of eerarnie platters for meat and pitehersfor puneh and beer are ay'ailable frorn Ware on Earth. (ireat Western Road. ( ilasgow arid 1 low e Street. I5dinburgh. And if you're feeling flash. interesting paper plates and plastte eutlery ean be had from Everyone's Designs at 213 Bruntsfield l’laee or Parrytime at b3 Raeburn l’laee and 25" Morningside Road. all lidinburgh.

I Bodum make a good range ofeolourful plasties from thermos flasks to iee buekets in bright. eheerful eolours. perfeet for the deepest pessimist or the eternal optimist. ayailable from Town House Country HOUSE. (ilasgow and Jenners. Iidinburgh.

I lnseet repellant whether in the form of lotions and potions from Boots and any other good


utensils with yery long handles espeeially' useful if things get out of hand. 'l‘hese ean saye your hair and finger trails being singed. not the way to impress your guests. ()ther points to remember are try not to get too drunk before the food is ready otherwise you either fall into the barbeque or pass ottt forgetting to tell anyone what has been eooking for the longest time.

Iloweyer. as food maketh man it also makes a barbeque. These days people are far more imaginatiye in the dishes they attempt and yegetarians haye no need to feel seeond elass eiti/ens. 'l‘ry' making your own kebabs from mineed lamb. ehieken or fish or for a ehange tofu. whieh ean be bought at good delieatessens and health food shops. interlaeed with different eoloured peppers and onions. Another delieaey brought to us by the wonders of domestie seienee is the tofu burger. nrade from tofu. riee and other Vegetable ingredients. eomes in Various flayours and is the perfeet antidote to the tasteless beef

ehernist. to garden flares and seemed eandlesof dubious effieieney from ironmongers.

I If you‘d rather let someone else do the work. the Waterfront Wine Bar in [.eith has barbeeued food on the menu ey‘ery day it's fine enough (elosed on Sunday s f. arid the Sheep's Heid Inn in I)uddingston (the oldest pub in Seotland ) has a barbeque in the beer garden: noon 2pm and B ‘ipm .‘yfon I’ri. IZJU 2pm and 0pm Sunday. and all day Saturday weather permitting.

I As a last resort whether due to weather or farm heart you retire indoors why not try the Trading Post. (‘arlton l’laee. (ilasgow or The Shore. Iidinburgh where you ean barbeque your own steak front the eomfort of your

I ( iood books to etinstilt


burgerorsoggy fish tmgei

l‘or those who prefer somt :liiiii' a little more eontinental the Italian sattsage is a good standby eoiiiiiig Ilf yarioussi/esandstrengths Iiom normal to extra hot. fresh to smoked. lltese ean be bought at good Italian shops sueh as I'd/XI lfi‘o and Valyoiia tk (‘rolla and make a gourmet ehange from the iiatlitit 'lfol

at least the day before

(w henstartmg to marinade things are 'l'iloyd on fire ( HIM paperbaek LVN f. ‘l’ieiiie‘ by(‘laudia Rodeii ( l lade hardbaek Will). “I he (Vomplete Barbeetie Book' by .Ianies .‘ylarks (Penguin paperbaek £4.05). and any thing t‘ff Middle Izastern eiiokeiy. (Sally Stewart and I uey Bailey)


lVive la France [m as. ' Park In raee my ites you toeelebrate Bastille l)a\. l'iri 14 July w ith a table d‘hote menu at 112.95. speeially eoneoeted for the oeeasion.

I 'l he eorner HI Rettfteld Street and St \‘meent Street is the site for Cafe Drummondopeiiea reeently A eafe bar utilisingthespaeious

banger. It i spiee flte pt‘oeeedings up a little why not try a marinade on your meatswith Sharwoodsand \laiksand Speneerbothpiodueing ranges i if preriitade titariiiade sauees ranging from marsalla ehilli and giiigei . satay . ete, l o pep tip any dish lust leaye prepared meats soaking in marinade for a few hours atid eook. \titliittge‘otiltl besimplei.

oftlti‘old llllSUIIISISISHI fried fish

litisfees Say mi."- liaii}. tr

ind stmdi f. seafoods done test; fllfi'tl

eieat 'a ti lI. iii :riy sptey satiees.


l KM‘S Malaysian Restaurant for id is tizt

Situated iii Raebtirn l’laee on the site of ( lie/lithe,

The Square ltaditti iiial bat

ll‘l‘llll' ‘ll‘ll meals are Ilfeiittle'f til [lie

i( .i III e flay eyeiydayattltts ‘l U'Ii‘l'l" I‘VIII‘II“ ““l lothiaii Roadllosteliy,

stiirit~iii_;l'. lit the main


[he list 14 :Tiuty testis

Illustration by Lucinda Rogers