t "I /’Yiyl /.i\ty. 1/ I Illikj’ll \."(V( t'. .(‘.,’l;i.ili’\".‘ / l/t” 1/

\/_V l \Asn [:33].



hit‘lll .iitit'le / ix latte tti\til

’l’etiiilt it? ( it..xxliti.ixt x ix

pttiiittn 'l\' yi tit-attituliaf iii'ix ‘it‘Iit ll» x -; t' lt ‘litzl e‘\tillll‘ie «it t i. we x: l‘.‘l\\t!llet' 'lit'\1l ‘t tl'fixlllt'l ttiqx :tIi-t‘:";t Ii. it -tii’i‘tt' ‘ti!l‘.iti:d* .1 * ‘wtixhipuith :txxiiit it ~ i ii iiitx iitt l! ‘l itlit i, I v\\tilti\“l\ t'\i\|t'l x it ti ‘t' lll‘e tti ili. ix \‘.liitt‘.t~i‘.?ii‘ ti' iti.it1t'ii'i'.\til citiex it.» it x. \\itlttitttétxllii :. lit .3 ttitihe it". ll

tti il iAiiflie ttlt‘ 1. pi ti'iit t 17: it) it ti tti ‘t th I s- i "t i it ttilii iii l‘ ( ll tt litt"‘t;. ll Ii l.‘.li it \ll’tlt t tt t‘ tt tiiiiiii ili i; lli x ii the]

lli; .t“llltl! xi til /’i.'t /, l\ mini t 1’. it it

There was .t illltTi titit .llldllilfllilv torrentia tltiwiniititii‘

‘tll',' ltixi month lthis is the <'eaxtin it” ',i;ch ticctirences renienilim the F; t‘i‘ilil‘. even have a sayinti for it. ftpit s tilai il‘ rleltitiei Those of us who itttil: -; meter front the rain in the new Til lEi'ti‘itfli ’t‘uintre were surprised and tlt,liiiiiit:ti i hint that new and very [lltlil‘.. rlnwii ll! earth. ordinaryltiokinti ‘titiiitaiii.-,h;itt apparently been iii-t lliiéti, These tountains consisted of he Itllt‘Jllltl parts. plastic llltlllx tii neon litihtinti. itist ol runninti watei and lit iniiiiiiiri pails. Bearinti iii ttiiiitl that llll‘ tieiitre has been compared it; an ancient Eriyptian temple to the Litiii tititl i’tnttiii Ra. the Diary asked the only allieial it'ioltinti person it could lintl whether the new fountains weie intentletl tti appease the ventieltii Glaiaitiw weather Gods. 'Na] he replied. "the ttinf leaks. son.‘

k'HthtEtrxl‘i AND THE; * st”.~ c ONSEiZUet'; to 5'3 ./

V ,. \v ’/ ) i 4'

(xi ' v ‘i/ _ in J > / If I (AX-Fr (‘1 i‘ xx \_r*' HZ“ )k‘l'latvx t\\ ) A

.tfvt l " LLL“ \:1 . .:" It / _tx“1‘l f“) v, , .V .t . 7-»- / 'l //‘ . "f‘t/ / J /;/,r"\ . ; ,fi* ' / A if. T‘H/ \A’f /’r / |;'/

in the xeiixatitintilaii iiiteritir tiitlike an} thine elxe in the PK. Indeed. in keepiiieuith(ilaxgtm’x iieix etixiittiptilitati image thix ix more like itx lelltm l'tll‘tfl‘efltll ( ‘iti til(‘tilttire. l’arix than aii_\ thinev ititi'i‘e likely tti xee eler here the l'te‘lteh eapital hax tilteii lieeii praixed hit the \‘ixitin til itx llL‘\\ litiildiiiex iii the xaitte via} petiple are iiti\\ taking; iitite til (ilaxgtm. ;\x lat ax \ te\\x tti the tititxide andetiniparixtiiix\xith the Kilililt' l’alaee ai'e etitieei'iied St l'iitiehx ix iitit that xtii‘t til (ilttxxd ltittxe. llx lk‘k‘hlltllttg} tx e\plieit aiid eei'taiiil_\ tlL‘\ er intended ax the etip—titit \\ hieh \xtitild lie iiitplied iii an ‘iiix ixilile‘ xtrtiettire thix ix a tiiiititie L‘ll\ irtititiieitt ltir a tiiiititie iiitei'itii‘. l‘he Kthhle I’alaee. title til the lllte‘xl L‘thtttple‘x til \'it'ttii'i.iii iiieeiitiiti eei‘taiiili eraeex the lititaiiie ( iai'deiix. it ttiti ix a \ ei'_\ liiie litiildiiie. lieytiiid that the etiiiiparixtiii ix ittixleaditie; the Kililile ix a felaxx htitixe'. St lziitiehx ix litiilt til eltixx.

l he titititatitiiix \\ hieh tipeii _\'titir tll tit'le lie: the \x ixdtiiii til thrtixx in}; xttiiiex. l’ei'hapx a patixe ltir telleetitiii. hit the ltill tieetipatitiii til the St l-iitieh ( ~eiiti'e and l'tii‘ the new

Thewaterlrontin Sunderland. one of the Diary'storeign correspondents reports. wasthe scene otone otthe strangestand mostunsuccesstul rescue attempts otrecentyearslast week. The story otwhatwillbeknown to posterityas The GreatSunderland Non-Floating LandroverDisaster concernsa party olwetsuited jet-skiers. These people had driven to the water‘s edgeltorthetide was out) in a Landrover. and had been gatnbolling about. gaily. it noisily. on the water. whenthey noticedthatthe tide was coming inrapidly. They decided. wisely. to removethe vehicle tronithe vicinity. butwere unableto do so asits wheelshadsunkintothe wet sand. Altera piece otquickthinking. one otthegroupwentbacktothe promenadetoletchanotherolthe party's Landrovers. brought it back.

and tried to tow the first out of the sand.

Unfortunately. the second Landrover also became stuck. so the b now tairl

'— e d


litiildinex \i'hieh will ereate it.x re\'italixed etiittext \\ ill xhtiw ititir \\ riter'x learx tti he ertitittdlexx and alltm thixeraiidexprexstiiitil (ilttxgtiu ix new etittlttlettee tti he xee‘ni iii itx tt‘tie etiltitti‘x ax xpeetaetilat'. Stuart Baxter lt’t'tttt'h tuit/ l/t1//.-lrt‘/iitt't‘tx [)tll'lltllt‘tfl' .‘I/‘t’t’l


l’\ e had itixt alititit li\( )l '( it I til l'rei'tii'.ltihnxttiiil

\tit tiitl_\ dtiex he eiVe a“ a_\' tittixt til the ertieial ptiiiitx til the pltit every time he l'C\'lL‘\V\ a lilm. he‘x taken tti \\ filing in xtiitie lit/at‘t'e .xtirt til hyht'id til Suedixh. lixperantti arid ttiee;i.xitiiiall_\') Iaiglixli.

'l‘he laxt xtraw appeared in the tipeniiie paragraph til hix 'Where‘x the Heel. ttt'tte‘le (l txt ti?) where he xttttex that ‘SteVett Spielberg: tx htillti li.ti. iiiear‘iiate.~

\Vhat tiii earth ean he meaii‘.’ Dtiex liflfl'x direettir hax'e tremeiidtitisly xiiiell} armpitx‘.’

()i' ix there ax _\'t)tll' diarixt ix “'0”! tti put it a darker and altogether mtii'e xiiiixterexplaiiatitin'.’ l;_l_{_tixxefl (PW/led l‘illl11(ittcr)

[ll/1W Rudd ()ltlflg’tflt'

desperatejetskiersdecidedtorepeat theprocesswiththeirthird.andtinal. Landrover.Theresultsotthisrescue attemptwereremarkablysimilarto those olthetirst.andthegroupcould onlystand byandwatch helplesslyas tirstone.thenallthree olthe Landroverswassubmerged.The situationwasresolvedthe nextdayby l thejudicioususeotaJCBdigger borrowedfromanearbybuildingsite.

llit.':'t'iitle.iiiti:‘etit'ititixltilktil \iixtititli.'i .iie. tiii \.ittiitl.t\ til iit'\t \‘wt‘t'k. xltit'ttit' .il tlel‘ti.it ( i.il.i l ).i\ i‘i‘tll\tlle]\ \t‘tltl\i\l\lll\'\'\tlllht't'l‘ ititiixtll\xellaliieaxttilt-it'iitxiii lllt.',lll i.\.tx lll\l tiltllt‘vtllltt'tl that

thexe \eix pt-tiple had it teiitl'. t.iixetl. t'llt‘llt‘il iiitiiiei. itipai. ltii .t tit-\t

lileiitiat ’\ t'i't litit'. l‘ll‘. 'lit'\

tlixtti\eietl. liti\.\t‘\ei . \\ lieii tlie\ ‘.'_t‘l ll litiiiie. that the iie\\ lilelitiat \\.ix lt‘t‘l‘l‘,‘ tti lit iiittiitxxlit'tl

ttiiaixt' lllltltt'\ itii .i liii'eei tiiie

llle( ltll.l l\ I n | V

- - tti x/«t‘ tti;



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