arrangcmcnts to a first major labcl rclcasc. Vocal contributions from gucsts Dr John and Dizzy (iillcs‘pic ncstlc amongst a mix oforiginal matcrial and covcrs (Wondcr and Womack). thc playcrs intcrwcaying to crcatc a stylc that's boppy yct wltich somchow lacks thc zcsty imagination and stylistic command which l.cstcr Bowic's outfits ttsually bring to thc samc kind ol‘projcct.

STEVE LACY: The Door (NOVUS) Anothcr month. anothcr Stcyc [.acy rccord. bttt onc that maintains thc high standards that mark thc prolific output ol’ this major yoicc on thc soprano sax. llyou'rc ncw to Lacy‘s rigorous lyricism. thc \‘aricty ol‘ contcxts makcs this a good placc to start. llis picrcing yct lovcly tonc slashcs through a yiyacious scptct mccting with Iillington's old drummcr Sam Woodyard. thcrc's a ballad duo with pianist Bobby I‘cw to rccall his splcndid playing with Mal Waldron. and thc

cxpcctcd 'I‘hclonious Monk composition. This timc it's Ueg Beauty and thc titlc says it all rcally. Rccommcndcd.

PAT METHENY: Letter From Home (Gellen) Thc darling ol‘contcmporary jazz guitar rcturns with anothcr mcllow Latiniscd

outing loplcasc thc public . but irritatc thc critics. Wc i

all know that his collaboration with ()rncttc ('olcman was a scaring mastcrwork. so thcrc's no doubting thc man's ability. What is in qucstion is his tastc. for although this cxtrcmcly palatablc ol‘fcring is lull of i dclicatc mclodics and lilting samba rhythms. longtimc kcyboard collaborator Lylc Mays is allowcd to coat cycrything in horrid synthy noiscs. ; Iinough ot’thcsc yilc clcctronic tcxturcs. Pat -— gct yourscllinto thc studio with somc morc challcnging company. LESTER YOUNG: The Most 6 Important Recordings (Official)I.cstcrYoung's i l l

rclaxcd. bchind thc bcat phrasing and gliding mclodic gilt contrastcd

with Colcman llawkins' brittlc loquacity as onc of thc twin polcs otthc prc-Bird jazz saxophonc. This im'prcssivc doublc-album compilation brings togcthcr a chronological survcy of his bcst work. 'l‘hc joyous latc 'I‘hirtics work with Basic and Holiday rcmains thc highlight. but thc liortics matcrial shows how thc laidback clan rcmaincd intact to influcncc a wholc ncw gcncration of boppcrs. most notably Stan (ictz.

CLEVELAND WATKISS: Green Chimneys (Urban) 'I‘hc dcbut rclcasc from Jazz Warrior (‘lcycland Watkiss illustratcs thc rangc of thc singcr's work. although hc has alrcady moy‘cd on front much of thc matcrial includcd on thc scssion. llis roots in rcggac and soul pccp through only occasionally on a straight-ish jazz outing. augmcntcd by thc likcs of (‘ourtncy I’inc and Stcyc Williamson. A good introduction. with bcttcr to comc. (KM)



GLASGOW BARROWLAND (041 226 4679) Texas. 9 Sept; the The. 26 Sept; Gary Numan. 20 Oct; Loyd Cole. 13 Nov; Marillion. 4Dec. GLASGOW PAVILION (041 226 4679) The Fureys. 18 Oct; CIimie Fisher. 8 Nov. GLASGOW SECC(041248 3000) Simple Minds. 8Aug; Erasure. 18Jan. EDINBURGH MEADOWBANK STADIUM (041226 4679) Simple Minds. 12August. EDINBURGH PLAYHOUSE (031557 2590) Black Sabbath. 5 Sept;Jethro Tull, 21 Sept; The Stranglers. 27 Sept; Gloria Estelan. 2—3 Oct; Shirley Bassey. 7-8 Oct; The Temptations, 15 Oct; Transvision Vamp. 16 Oct; The Fureys. 19 Oct; Anderson. Brqurd. Wakeman a Howe. 21-22 Oct. 10.000 Maniacs. 4 Nov.

EDINBURGH OUEEN‘S HALL (031668 2019)Tom Robinson. 29—30 Aug. EDINBURGH USHER HALL (031 225 5756) Lloyd Cole. 14 Nov.


GLASGOW RSAMD(041332 5057) Festival 01 British Youth Orchestras. 13 Aug—2 Sept; Scottish Oper’a/Pagliacci a CavaIIeria Rusticana. 26. 29 Aug; Paragon Ensemble. 17 Sept; Vladimir Ovchinikov. 12 Oct; Songmakers Almanac. 9 Nov; Leon Spierer/Jack Kearney. 25 Jan; Elly Ameling/Rudolph Jansen. 15 Feb; Ralph

Kirshbaum/RogerVignoIes. l 15 March. ' EDINBURGH CHURCHILL l THEATRE (031 225 5756) i L'An Un. 25-26 Aug. ' EDINBURGH KINGS THEATRE (031 2255756) ? Opera North/The Love For ' Three Oranges. 24—26 Aug. EDINBURGH LEITH THEATRE (031 2255756) Festival Folkopera/Salome. 13—19Aug; Jutland Opera/The Divine Circus. 28—29 Aug.

EDINBURGH PLAYHOUSE (031225 5756) Spanish National Ballet/Bolero. 12-14 Aug; National Opera olSpain/La Chulapona. 17—19Aug; Houston Ballet/Guatama Buddha. 22. 24. 25 Aug; Swan Lake. 23. 26 Aug.

EDINBURGH OUEEN'S HALL (031668 2019) Festival morning concert season 14 Aug—2 Sept; Paul Galbraith. 22/23 Aug: Scottish Ensemble. 24 Aug;Sarah Walker& RogerVignoles. 28 Aug.

EDINBURGH ROSS BANDSTAND(031225 5756) Glenlivet Fireworks Concert. 24 Aug. EDINBURGH USHER HALL (031225 5756) Nat Orch 01 Spain. 13/14Aug; Gothenburgh SO.15Aug; Montserrat Caballe. 16Aug; Cristina Hoyos Ballet. 17-19 Aug; Oslo Phil Orch. 20/21Aug:CBSO.


Orchestre Philharmonique. 28/29 Aug; Ravi Shankar. 31 Aug; London Sinlonia.1 Sept; Grand Messe Des Morts. 2-3 Sept.



5057) Strathclyde Youth 9

Jazz Orchestra.17Aug. GLASGOW TRON THEATRE (041552 4267) Rachaka. 8 Sept; Sangshaw. 15 Sept. EDINBURGH ASSEMBLY ROOMS (031 226 2428)The FairerSax. 15Aug—2 Sept. EDINBURGH JAZZ PAVILION (MEADOWBANK) International Opening Ball. 20 Aug; Jazz En France. 21 Aug; Tommy Smith Experience. 22 Aug; New Orleans Mardi Gras. 23 Aug; Really The Blues. 24 Aug; Farewell Ball. 25 Aug. 031 557 1642 lor details. EDINBURGH ACOUSTIC MUSIC CENTRE (031 220 2462) Folk music centre 01 the Festival lrom 11 Aug—2 Sept.

EDINBURGH QUEEN'S HALL (031668 2019) Cubana Be/Cubana Bop.11/14Aug; Marta Sebestyen 8 Vujicsics. 15Aug; Grand Union Orchestra. 16Aug; Dick Gaughan. 17 Aug; John Martyn. 18—19Aug; Real Sounds olAlrica.18Aug: Courtney Pine. 19Aug; George Russell Orchestra. 20 Aug; Clive Gregson/Christine Collier. 20/21 Aug; Carol Kidd. 21 Aug; Sonny Rollins. 22 Aug; Big Band Concert. 23 Aug: Boys olthe Lough. 25—27 Aug; Will GaineS/Stan Tracey. 26 Aug; Sweet Honey in the Rock. 31 Aug; Capercaillie.1 Sept; Bruce Cockburn. 2 Sept. EDINBURGH USHER HALL (031225 5756) Duke Ellington Celebration Concert. 24 Aug; Stephane Grappelli. 27 Aug. EDINBURGH HOPETOUN HOUSE (031 668 2019) Festival Fireworks with Humphrey Lyttelton. 26 Aug.


I Music is listed as diary: by day. then by city. then by event.


FRIDAY 28 Glasgow

I Craig Armstrong - String Ouartet'i‘hird liyc (‘cntrc. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 7521. lIam—Abpm. Iixtra datcs: Satttrday 2‘). Sunday 30. Admission lrcc. I)cscribcd as a ‘multi-mcdia installation for string quartct. pcrlormcd by 'l‘\". this spccially commissioncd work has lhc pcrt'ormcrs‘ moycmcnts and gcsturcschorcographcd to thc music. rcsulting in what could bc dcscribcd as a thrcc dimcnsional scorc. It's ncw . dillcrcnt and Armstrong is a talcntcd composcr.

SATURDAY 29 Glasgow

I Craig Armstrong String Ouartet'i‘hird Iiyc (‘cntrc. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 7521. 11am-6pm. Iixtra datc; Sunday 30. Admission lrcc. Scc Friday 28 lor lull dcscription.

I National Youth String Orchestra 01 Scotland Stcycnsonllall.RSAMI).100 chlrcw Strccl. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £3

(l; l .50). A programmc ot music I‘or string orchcstra opcntng with Mozart's Iz'l'm' klcim' .\'m'/umu.vrk. thc Barbcr.-irlugio. thcn thc ('larinct (‘onccrto by Him and Dvorak 's .St'rt’nmlt’.


I Edinburgh Concert Band Ross’l‘hcatrc. l’rinccs Strcct (iardcns. I“rcc at door. lpm. lnlormal conccrt lrom I'LL'B.

SUNDAY 30 Glasgow

I Craig Armstrong - String Ouat‘tet'l‘hird Iiyc ('cntrc. 350 Sauchichall Stt'cct. 332 7521. l lam (rpm. Admission lrcc. Scc Friday 28 tor lull dcscription.

WEDNESDAY 2 Edinburgh

I Organ Recital St Mary's lipiscopal ('athcdral. l’almcrston l’lacc. Admission programmcs at door. Spin. £2. Morlcy Whitchcad. Assistant ()rganist at St (iilcs‘. \ isits St Mary 's for an cycning rccital as part of this rcgular summcr scrics. Scc also‘l‘hursday 3.

THURSDAY 3 Edinburgh

I Lunch and Listen ( ‘hurch of St Andrcw and St ( icorgc. (icorgc Stt'cct.

l2.30pm 1pm. l‘rcc at tloorchtiring collcction I. Morc organ music lrom Morlcy Whitchcad ol St (iilcs' ('atltcdral.


Scc also chncsday 2. Lunch available in Undcrcrolt aftcrwards.

FRIDAY 4 Glasgow

I National Youth Brass Band at Scotland Stcycnson llall. RSAMI). 100 chfrcw Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £3 (£1.50). \"aricd programmc of works for brass band conductcd by (icol'frcy Brand.



I National Youth Orchestra at Scotlandt‘iiy Ilall. (‘andlcriggs. 227 55l 1.7.30pm. £3.50—i750 (pricc conccssion). Following thc National Youth String ()rchcstra and National Youth Brass Band. who l‘caturc in conccrts carlicr this issuc. it's now thc turn of NYOS. llty'oly'tttg cycn morcol Scotland's top young musicians. Sian Iidwards conducts an ambitions prograrntnc ol‘ Straflnsky's Rite ofSprirtg. Brittcn's I‘our Sm Ilm’rludcs from I’ctcr Grimes. Bcrlioz‘s ()ycrturc Benwnuto ('c/Ir'm' and thc ()boc (‘onccrto by Strauss with Douglas Boyd as soloist.

WEDNESDAY 9 Edinburgh

I Organ Recital St Mary‘s Iipiscopal (‘athcdraL I’almcrston l’lacc. Admission programmcs at door. Spm. £2. Morc organ music at St Mary‘s. tonight I'rom Ian Ball ol()xlord.

THURSDAY 10 Edinburgh

I Lunch and Listen (‘hurch of St Andrcw and St (icorgc. (icorgc Strcct.

12.30pm - lpnt. lircc at door(Rctiring collcction ). 'l‘hc church's own organist. Lindsay Sinclair. is today‘s rccitalist. Lunch availablc in L'ndcrcrolt al‘tcrwards.

FRIDAY 28 Glasgow

I Rowantree Folk Club Rim antrcc Inn. By l'ddingston Cross. Liddingston. 8.30pm. £1.50.


I Cajun Blue Royal Archcr. 1 High Strcct. 556 (i338. 8.30pm.

I West End Hotel l’almcrston I’lacc. 9pm. Wcst Highland haunt. Accordion ctc.


E m m u: o E

I The Session Band Blacklriars. Bcll Strcct. Mcrchant L'in . 552 5924. Altcrnoon. Mainly lrish.

I Scotia Folk Night Scotia Bar. Stockwcll Strcct. 552 868] . S.30pm. I.i\‘cgroup.


I West End Hotel l’almcrston l’lacc. 9pm. Accordion guitar in thc bar.

SUNDAY 30 Glasgow

I Scotia FOIIt Scotia Bar. Stoc'kwcll Strcct. 552 ms] 8.30pm. l.i\'c acoustic music.


I Alan Johnson Band I.':\llacltc. bascmcnt ol Rutland l Iotcl. Wcst lznd ol l’rinccs Strcct. 9pm. l-'rcc. lzdinburgh songwritcr. latcst album North ( )l lhc Borch . strong lolk bascd sound.

'l‘hc List 2S.Iuly l0 August 198941