(“hem/l“) ‘0 Share evenings Tau.rc:n' fii‘ fairly fumlcuw‘ social life Are you up tothe ) in. All letters answered. straig tacting. . . . one y. ' ' g . . g . v (Plitdto appreciated. Box No Needs a lover. . . needs a friend. fiégcngfrz?21:13:11,3- TRA\) _ ' U08”;- i|4 l’f‘zi‘lzl“‘1z:tmdg 99/17. ALA. Box No 100/8. ~ V l_ n— t ‘dgfuhm‘isn‘ Wm PR9! hair . . Semi. I89 83‘.) ~‘ it; ~ IAnfacfiya ma|3(41) .TWO sensitive maIeS(.20s/30$). 'l:dc:‘iz;l to share is. . lilblfsig‘gs Sl-,'R\ IL t g (riiiiiinitiii: _ ‘\\L)IL'I.\‘) . )lumn non-smokcr,cnjoys | general interests.secking ‘n‘oniccxfocial mt: nights I R.()l-i':SSl().\Al. Sl-.R\ It IzS 0ispiay.‘L. ‘erSliig L Lt4 “I cm) conversation, cinema, eating equally sensitive/interesting _n/ ~t h )3;de s or”; lllzrkl. I‘i . g I g Lentinit tretmmimum c . out. secksex-StTrinians. , females. to brighten lonely l (311:1 f [I )‘ anr‘ DA I I.\(i A(tI-..\( ILS Izscl. \ Al ' . "en‘smOking' unattacmd‘ Slim‘ times imo fun d8”? welcome Iettli‘riirr'iiit:neiit(aridEfun" Write ".8 8” Numb? '8 riqwred will: fun-loving woman for romance your suggestions for two shy now. photo and phon'c “puss. Will be an additiona c arge o . (22-35). Glasgow area. Box No 1 SUYSI! Photos (Cla‘wow) Box 100/14 mm 99/18' apprCCiath/mumw' i Ill/oiiian needing winched to lPlavml' souflhlfor ' G'aSSOW/“n-thcw' 3"" N" i We“. Rescuershouldbc A(‘(‘().‘vl.\l()DA'l‘l()N Lineage: £3.5llper3llwords unattached tomcat! Hei526 100/9. i ir‘uclI-i'wm‘ funn‘vand honest ANNOL'NCIiMl-LN'I'S SemiDisplay: £2 per ltittords (h0U50lr3IHCd)~ has a la“ and I Edinbumh' late 208. 7 C ,n “in”. as ir'it .md n ,ht~0f 'l‘lfl'l'ION (minimum 20 words) Slim b0dy With a (Inlet humorous PIOICSSIOML Sllm' .smccrc' {9" ht”: At‘tmc'tfvc 1;“! phi/m] VANS ck DRIVERS Display: £4 per single column nature; enjoying: cinema. loving male with mind'oftheir B‘s, mvérsatio‘n'il skim m’ VOLUNTARY WORK centimetre (minimum 4 music. art. books. theatre. own— friendship/relationship ' Cf n ugrémcéa EMPLOYMENT Excl. VAT history and r0mPS in the (24—30 Years) (“on’sccnc' : 81:32::SLBOEViloo/ls ' BUY & SELL It a Box Number is required there country. Seeks to share boyish good looks). Recent I ‘13-“ am; handsonr‘e' GROUPS & Mpg-[swag will be an addmona' chafge 0' £1. company and mendsmp With an phOto apprcaamd. Fa" ha” a Edinbhr her (74) seeks female intelligent, slender lady feline bonus. Box 100/10. ! to help riurrc‘ct shorting With Similar intercs‘s' so pm umfis I career. Interests include most paws to pen! Edinburgh/Lothian _ . ' ' 26 l' . sports (especially running). . . . ' arca' Reply to cat box no 100/1' ls yo-ur ideal man ‘p'dm‘ cinema theatre and even the mdUdmg BOX Number “"8?”- H pcl 3” mm!“ [any Engnsnmanag). terminally dull. neurotic and ' ‘fiilccilidh’ numomm sew-D'splay. U P” “Words beautiful intense brown eyes, irritating? WC" l‘ml‘ n" furlhcr' O'cc‘mf f. I, I 8““ N0 loo/[16 (minimum 20 words) fine physique, wide interests of I‘m all these things and l “pants”? g h nkv anintellectual sort. Seeks dCSPCYaICIYSlnCFIC“m- A" I. I 1.83%? 85?; ' (rt. gorgeous guy in 203 with similar letters W1“ WCC'VC 3’ FCPIY- ; EMF E; ":8 “3:”: Léi'scm I interests and outlook. for Box No 100/18. GEL“: h'cing‘gifigk; 1. All ads musthe prepaid. 3. Replies to Box Nos will be Steamy affair. ALA- Glasgow- I spank". Hench ("German write ASAP. pA“ letters . Cheques/Postal f)rqcr8‘shtillitl I fonarded once per fortnight. Box IOU/2' native-speaking friend sought ' answered. phomplcasu BOX be made payable to fhc List it . o liability can he accepted THE LIST PEBSDNALADS by thoughtful. imaginative. N01()()/17_ imd CMlOSLd Wllli form. for mistakes or for forwarding are dCSISnCd for inlelduals ‘0 warm. sensitive bisexual male 1 I Glasgow man (29) sincere, ' ' Ft‘ljllt‘x . ' mccmthcrindividualsmr1:1 (40)- 1010113518: languages. trusting and trustworthy. 2. Replies to Box Numbers must 5. I he List reserves the right to relatiOIlShIP-‘i- we ICSCYVC literature. conversation. i Occasionally unsure but be clearly marked with the refuse any advertisement at our the right ‘0 TCIUSC any writing. music. theatre. cinema. 1 comfortably gay, interests- Box Number in the top left hand discretion and without adVCIllscmclelhOUl Allletters ! includcxincma‘ thentrcnnusic corner ofthe envelope. explanation. explanation Clrcmarst answered. BOX N0 100/11- and talking. Seeking similar for Promotional literature and I East Kilbride house owner (29) friendship and possibly more '2 offensive material are not and wa c camcr wants to Box 100/19 . forwarded where discovered. If becomcgfathcr. “oust-husband . Happy. we"in educa'ed Print Name, Address and Messjage In ethDDK CAPITALS, you receive such material with “you cam more than me. Keen nommokmg‘ cute young man one word in each box, and sen your a 0. your 80" replies Please let “5 letter Writer guarantees WP” (25). Interests: music. dinner. CLASSIFIED ADS, The LlSt Ltd, 14 High Street, know. Write. enclosingthe Box No 100/12. conversation. pubs. Wishes to Edinburgh EH1 1TB, or to: ma‘crla‘t “’1 Classified MS I Glasoowlema'o socks i met slim. attractive. CLASSIFIED A08, The List Ltd, Top Floor, 52 St Enoch Square, DcPt at 77191411“- sensitive. sporty and fun-loving intelligent. non—smoking happy Glasgow G1 4M. I eating male (40) with sense 0' female to share wide ranging young lady (20—30'). Any7 humour and mam. interests interests for discreet non-scan nntmnamo Box M, 1m _()_ Name

including music. theatre. Address community involvement. " environment. rambling. some A v

sports. good times and much more seeks similar younger

female for lasting

relationship/fricndship. Non Tel (day) (five)

d""“°”°”’"'y“gh‘m‘” preferably. All letters

answered. Glasgow area only. ' CIaSSIIIcaIIDn

Box No 100/3. 111's '3 A -

Iflequired201asgow DISPLAY l Advert—note. tel nos count as 1 word professional female (24) seeks | ' ' '

similar for friendship,outings. ADVERTISEMENT ELIneage/sem! Dlsplay

fun and possibly relationship ! (3 consecutive insertions

It has a border all the way round and we can include your company logo.

3 forthe price ofS. ! Please note Lineage and ' Semi Display adverts are

(non-scene. non-smoker). any area. Box No 100/4. I Female (32) interested in

reading. arts. live music.chess. Rates start at £5 persingle (inclusive of VAT.

animals. selective TV viewing column centimetre (excl. VAT)tor I

I. s .. . . . ; isp ay

tke ( hecrs and Top Cat seeks Group 1 and £4 per Single column

nice man. similar age and centimetre (excl. VAT)lor 4consccum-c insertions 5r; intercststobe herpal. Group 2. Minimum size 4cms. sconsccutiyc inscrutnig 1(y',‘ Edinburgh BOX NO 100/5 12 consecutive insertions IS";

I Intelligent. adventurous. paradoxical. attractive. generous woman (32) with sense ofhumour. Int‘rcs ‘- ) 'tics. - i - nth l L I [5, p‘ h The minimum is lewordsand a ro oo .'tr s. ' a. .. ~ - p gy “mm costs from 1.6 for Group land

hillwalking. skiing. Seeks loving £4 {Or Gmup 3. Personal mer ' FDR DISPLAY ADVERTISING

Tms is SEMI DISPLAY 25 consecutive insertions 20‘} It has a line above and below and the lineage is centred.

permanent relationship with inthisstvlc‘ indudmg I please telephone:

figcégfilfitha'gmgocd Box Numbers. cost from rs. Edinburgh (031) 558 1191

appreciated. Box 100/6. . . . Glasgow (041)221 9589

lAnyone wanta drink ordinner IThIS I83 ""8398 adverlA ;

withrcccmlyscpararcd maximum0‘3"“‘o'd‘“"”co*' WE WELCOME CALLERS at No of issues—Payment BHCI- Glaswegian father (33) oftwo'? only £4 for Group l and£250 . . o o . , .

'ran‘ but no warrcn Bump] for Group 2. Personal Adverts ' Egghflsgzggygghggfgnh (:l Trek II Semi Display required: (min 20 words) promise not to talk about my in this style. including Box _ , ' o , . .

cx-wife. Box No 1007. Numbers. are £4 for 3(lwords. durlng DUSINGSS "0078- D Tick if Box No reqmred: (obligatory in Personal) '. “WW”. 9" “‘3'” ‘3” CLASSIFIED DEADLINE tor issue 102 is THURS 17 Aug. sincere. caring. honest. -

92 The List 18— 24 August 1989 Printed by Scottish County Press. Sherwood Industrial Estate. Bonnyrigg. Midlothian. 'l elephone 031-663 2404