Cinema Books 8: Posters

De Courcy’s Arcade 5 Cresswell Lane GLASGOW GT 2 041 339 5373


RIVER SIGHTSEEING TRIPS & CANDLELIT DINNERS from BROOMIELAW LANDING at Corner )amaica Street and Railway Bridge Times 8: Fares from Ticket Kiosk 31 Broomielaw 041 221 8702


‘We have a good season ahead consisting of three varied plays,’ says Artistic Director, Giles Havergal oi the Citizens’ autumn series. ‘Two are traditional, strong ‘throb' dramas, whilst the third provides quite a contrast.’

The ‘throb’ dramas are Miller’s The Crucible and Macbeth. The latter will be directed by John Pope who is noted tor the spectacular special etiects oi his last two plays at the Citizens, Richard ill and Frankenstein, as well as his work with The Shadow Syndicate. Macbeth (6—28 Oct) will be a hat-trick ior both Pope and the theatre; this will be theirthird Macbeth in the last ten years.

The Crucible (25 Aug—3 Sept) will be directed by Havergal. ‘Although written in 1953 as an indictment against McCarthyism, it is still poweriul and shocking,’ he comments. ‘With more people becoming aware oi the sinister power ol organisations around the world with their eyes on you, its themes remain relevant.’

The iinal play, Travels With My Aunt (10-18 Nov), 3 stage adaptation oi the novel by Graham Greene, will also be directed by Havergal who claims he has ‘a special aiiectlon tor it. I think it’s absolutely delightiul.’ He smiles earnestly and promises, ‘it will be a light, unusual and very tunny production.’ (Sara Villlers).


Transforming cartoon parables into stage plays is neither easy nor common outside at pantomime. However 7:84 seem contident about their iorthcoming production oi Raymond Briggs' When The Wind Blows.

The juxtaposition oi homely images and awesome menace —the strength at the book- could be diiiicult to emulate on stage, but the apposition can be captured by dramatic techniques ii the characters are fleshed out— and this is exactly what Gerard Kelly (director),

Cycle Logic



Open Six Days



366 Gt. Western Road, Glasgow Tel: 041 339 4933

Anne Marie Timoney and Andrew Barr (playing Jim and Hilda Bloggs) have been working on during their 18 days at rehearsals.

‘The London versions were too twee,’ explains Timoney. ‘We’ve basically rewritten a lot oi the script, to install some humanity into characters who were not human. It would really have been unworkable in the original lorm since the Bloggs were just too dim tor words. We wanted to lose that cuteness

in order to create a poweriul mood because that should be the strength at the piece."

Timoney has already made plain her tormidable talent to 7:84 audiences via her periormances in Road and Long Short Story. On this occasion she is joined by Andrew Barr, a newcomer to 7:84, but well respected ior his work at Edinburgh's Theatre Workshop.

‘Two and a halt weeks oi rehearsals was enough because it’s only a two-hander, and I clicked well with Andy,’ says Timoney. ‘Gerard isn’t a dictatorial director, he’s very encouraging and open-minded. Ii we hadn’t got on so well it would have been claustraphobic. As it is I’m very

' enthusiastic; we’ve got a ilnely-honed

play together with some really good etiects too - but I don’t want to give them away.’ (Stewart Hennessey).


Seen at the Tron Theatre, Glasgow.

Run Ended.

This production bowled me over. I was never an aiicionado of Laurel and Hardy's gentle knock-about humour, but Tom McGrath’s play— a thoughtiul retrospective irom beyond the grave by the iamous duo— illuminates their lives and comic genius and makes you think again.

Forbes Masson and Ronald Simon are superb in their evocation ot the burlesque pair, not only through striking physical resemblance, but also through well-observed attention to detail and mannerlsm Stan’s naive grin and perpetually perplexed expression, Ollie’s twitching tie and bumbling chivalry. Praise must also be heaped on director, Gerald Ramage; the slapstick routines are timed to precision.

Musical accompaniment by pianist Sally Simpson, including Laurel and Hardy’s theme tune trademark, adds to the gaiety. A more sombre note is struck in the second ball as they reminisce overthe demise at their careers, but the pathos is constantly relieved by pithy actions. Stan nudges Ollie, Ollie trips Stan and with a push and a shove they nimny steer the play away irom over-demonstrative sentimentalism.

Masson and Simon slickly slip in and out at a medley oi characters; iledgeling comedians to bewildered older men, with parents, wives, Hal Roach and others. With deceptively simple mimicry, gestures and nuances they create a world oi their own, just like ‘the boys’ themselves did. (Sara Villlers).

acrobatics on a motorbike. Buchanan Street. Central Station. George Square and Sauchiehall Street. noon-2pm. Harvan Fri 25 Aug. French tlyingtrapeze artists. Buchanan Street. Central Station, George Square and Sauchiehall Street. noon—2pm.

Kamposki Thurs 24. Fri 25 Aug. German acrobatic dancers. Buchanan Street. Central Station, George Square and Sauchiehall Street. noon—2pm.

I THEATRE ROYAL llope Street. 331 123-0332 9000.

New York Ballet (>— 10 September. Coming up soon at the Theatre Royal is the revered New York Ballet (‘ompany who make this the only British date in a world tour. They are performing two programmes over the five days.


I DANCE FACTORY 142 (‘alder Street. 423 9430.

The Dance Factory is open for a variety of classes during the week. both evening and daytime. For example. Jazz ( Beginners) at 6.45pm on Mondays. Ballet at b.45pm on Wednesdays and Ballroom and Latin at 7.30pm on Fridays. There are also a variety ofclasses for children from a pre-school age in ballet. tap. modern theatre dance. Highland. baton twirling and RAI) Ballet. Phone for more details. I GLASGOW ACADEMY OF DANCE 2/6. 19 Queen Street. 221 0750.

Classes are held throughout the week in a mirrored and barred studio 1000feet square. The following is a selection of what's on offer. Phone for details ofdaily classes.

Open Elementary Ballet Mondays 7.30—9pm.

Lunchtime Stretch Tuesdays 12.30pm—l.15pm. Good for city centre workers.

Beginners Jazz Wednesdays 6.30—8pm. Beginners Tap Thursdays 5.30—6.30pm. Advanced Ballet Thursdays 6.30-8pm. Contemporary Beginners/Elementary Fridays 6.30—8pm.

I SCOTTISH BALLET STUDIO 261 West Princes Street. 33] 293 l . (‘Iasses are run on a casual bases; adults £2 (£1 .50), juniors£l .50.

Contemporary Tuesdays 6—7pm.

AdultJazz Tuesdays 7.15—8.30pm. Beginners Contemporary Thursdays 6—715pm.

Beginners Ballet Saturdays 10-1 1.15am, l4 yrs—adult.

Beginners Jazz Saturdays 11.30am—lpm. I HILLHEAD SECONDARY SCHOOL Oakfield Avenue. Phone Karen Pasi on )41-339 4777.

Jazz Dance with Karen Pa‘si. Thursdays 5.30—8pm. £2.50.

Dance Acrobatics with Joanne Borthwich. Thursdays H—‘lpm. £2.

I T'AI CHI CLASSES Phone Larry Butleron 334 3507 for details. Beginners and lunchtime classes available plus residential weekends.


I GRACEMOUNT LEISURE CENTRE 22 Gracemount Drive. 658 1940. All classes are £1 .75(9()p) per session and are held on a casual basis for women only.

Aerobics Monday 10—] lam. Free creche. Fitness Weights tor over 40s Mondays. lO—noon. Free creche.

Fitness Weights 14.18 yrs. Wednesdays 6—7pm.

Aerobics Beginners. Wednesdays 7—8pm. Aerobics Intermediate. Wednesdays 8—9pm.

Fitness Weights Wednesdays. 7—9pm. Aerobics Fridays. 10.10—10.50am. Free creche.

Stretch and Tone Gentle Exercise Fridays. 11—11.30am. Free creche.

Fitness Weights Saturdays. 10—noon. Free creche.

66 The List 25 31 August 1989