nu, llllEli SiliEEi, cusoow. The people who serve the Stela at this basement barsay“theflxx”isthe_centrefor Scottishrockmusic.iheglg,lnfact, where many a mega famous band out ltsteetlIJItwheeverheardoertVet Vet, ilue and cry and Deacon flue? And who are taxes when they’re athomePSiweiy,then,theycan’tbe trusted when they say this used to be aiewelery warehouse, and the scene of a famous robbery. BeIeve what you like, there’s

a real buzz here and a life size rhinoceros’ head sticking through the wall. lio, really!



SAFE GONIIIENML, illll PLACE, "8le. III Kirkcaldy’s latin quarter, not a Mon kilo- metres fromthe nouvelle lio-op, you’ldiscover a veritable continental haven. Step inside and they’l pour you (pour vous?) the best cafe au lalt this side of Paris and one of the coolest pintsofStelathissideofh-ussels. Served acrossoneofthelongestbars-onaclearday ycucaniustaboutseetheendofit.Visit the intimate restaurant through the back where you can sip wine and mange, too. Definitely the best thing to come out of Kirk- caldy since

Balth liovers.


rmvco. can: most, strange name comes from " Glaswegian word for parrot, ' parently. (Footballers, in those .; . were probably sickasapapingo.)kndi they certainly have a penchant for our feathered friends at this bust- 1.: ling cafe, restaurant and sandwich} deli. A giant metal on menu

greets you as you enter, and parrot paintings line .the tasteful semi-

caged restaurant area. Grab a andyou’llbeservedaStelakino

timebythehappieststaffklaiasgow. ihey’re openfrombreakfastateight 'tillateJndit’snotfarfromthe theatres. lrikiant if you’re feeling peckish before a shew.

COIJIITVAIID, BAOlIAlK, SillillllO.’ Derek (name W) is the last remaining member of the Smart- _ yard’s famous gnome family. the others escaped but he won’t. Because he’sbeengluedtothetopofanindeor fountain. Beneath him, young fools attempt to toss coins into a sub- merged wine glass to earn a free drink. Outside the fountain there’s a great come-one-come-all atmosphere. there are two bars to prop up that serve Stole, plus liosie O’Srady’s Food Emporium, home of the famous Orange Blossom Special. Well, who wanted to spend the afternoon up at the castle anyway?

o'sncv's, remoes SQUARE; MOI. At last, a bar that knows its Bonchester bridge from itsnobrocklplacewhereyoucanorderhalf a pound of Yarg with iletties without being ridiculed. li’lrcy’s, you see, isn’t just a modern wine and food bar that spills out into the basement at Prklces Square. lior is It simply a beautifully designed restaurant wherecontinental stylefoodistheorderof’salsoadeliwhichselsarather adventurous selection of cheeses. Such class isn‘t altogether unexpected, though. D’Arcy’s is just downstairs from iiamnett and Sassoon. And they do serve Stella.

"behgeaeef-may.'butawerdofadvlce.lf a, youhavetogettpearlytemomwdea’t m m m A van to We In bevel-s. m the mind. on - alegether.