MUSIC INDUSTRY ASSISTANT This Glasgow based position is a unique opportunity for someone looking for a career in the music


The successful applicant will be responsible for liaising with people at all levels, and from many different fields of the UK music industry including record companies, press, management and locally and nationally known bands.

Whilst some experience is preferred, it is not essential. This is a full time position which requires dedication, enthusiasm and initiative. Salary negotiable.

Apply in writing to Box No 1OSIE/1.



ACTORS WANTED Age 20 - 60 for the Mandela Theatre Co production ot THE BRONX JEW at the Netherbow Arts Centre Ring Paul on 031 229 7455 for turther details




. to” ‘f':.v






28 hours per Week. Salary £10,000 pro rata.

For job description, send see to: Julie Austin, Chair- man, SNAYT, Old Athenawm Theatre, 179 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, 01 2.11.

Closing date lor applica- tions 6th October, 1989.

I Guitarist seeks others to form interesting, energetic band influences: from Beefheart, Minutemen, Gordons, Sonic Youth, to anything. Some experience preferred. Phone Will on 031 553 5377.

I A mad. frantic, passionate, thoughtful, manic optimist needed now for tight. raw, melodic indie band with distinctive sharp sound. Too much to ask? Surely not! Phone Ken evenings on 041889 8642. I Video expertise in video filming and production required for long-term project in construction industry field. Gap in market so good sales potential. For more information phone Gregor Holstcad (work) on 031343 3114.


Audio-Visual SerVicés‘J

Owing to internal re-organ.sation a vacancy has arisen in this new position, which wrll play a . ke role in providing imaginative leadership wuthin


a edpartment s ecially set up to provide a ran e of pro uction an technicalservices, both in-Cel ege and externally.

The successful candidate WIII be required to plan and mana e the provrsion of Audio Visual services, and wi I be responsible for the cost-- efficient procurement and contm! of the financial and physical resources necessary to ensure the effective operation of the department.

Applicants should be able to demonstrate proven managerial skills to ether with substantial experience in a related fiel .

SALARY SCALE PO 15/18 £22.083/E23,661

Application forms, which should be returned by Wednesday 4th October

i 1989 and further particulars are , available from:

The Personnel Officer,

iii-Fa Jordanhill College of Education, :. Southbrae Drive, Glasgow Gi31PP. Tel: 041-950 3263 Z (24-hour answering service available)

reordanhill College

THE QUEEN'S COLLEGE, GLASGOW 1 Park Drive, Glasgow G3 6LP Tel 041—334 8141



The Governors are seeking to appoint an outstanding candidate to this new post. This expanding College is entering an exciting and challenging period. The work of the faculty will include

.-onsumer Studies, Hotel and Catering!

Management, Business Services and Social Work. Courses are offered at diploma, degree and post-graduate levels. The appointee will assume "College wide" rCSpOitsibilities as part of the Senior Management Team. He/she will have a high order of inter-personal skills, good management experience at a senior level, and ideally industrial as well as educational experience.

Application forms and further details from the Personnel Officer, 1 Park Drive, Glasgow, G3 6LP, or telephone (041) 334 8141. Closing date Monday



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8091 after 5.30pm weekdays and

23rd October, 1989. (Previous applicaan need not apply) I Performers wanted for new LOOKING FOR A "ME

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a job, somewhere to stay, an audience, a market place. a soap-box? Get in touch with thousands of people in Glasgow and Edinburgh by taking out a

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l lack of confidence. smoking and weight reduction. Phone for brochure. J. MullanM.l.A.ll.. Dip.li. Phone ()41 848 l 100.


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The List 29 September 12 October 1989 73