1 l i

HALL(0312255756) Clannad. 19 Nov:Syd Lawrence Orchestra. 27 Nov: Pat Metheny Group. 18 Dec.


IGLASGOW CITY HALLS (0412275511) SNOBamertElgar. 28 Oct: SNO/Cleve Brahms. 2.4 Nov:SNOLThomson Beethoven7. 11 Nov; SNO/HugheslMendelssohn. 18Nov;SNO Thomson Bachmaninov. 25 Nov: SNO Thomson Dvorak. 30 Nov.

IGLASGOW BSAMD (041 332 5057)Songmakers Almanac.9Nov: SEMC.9 Decheon Spierer Jack Kearney. 25Jan: Elly Amelingv’nudolphJansen. 15Feb;SEMC.16Feb: Ralph Kirshbaum Roger Vlgnoles. 15 March.

I GLASGOW SECC(041248 3000) Luciano Pavarotti. 16 May.

I GLASGOW THEATRE ROYAL(041 332 9000) ScottishOpera The Merry Widow. 6. 9 DeczThe Marriage otFigaro. 5. 7 Dechenula. 280ct;Die Fiedermaus. 29. 31 Dec. 3. 4.6Jan. 21. 24 Feb; Bluebeard's Castle Oedipus Rex.24. 27 Jan. 14Feb.1 March; La Forzadel Destino. 13. 17, 20. 22 Feb. 3March: Salome. 25.28 April. 11. 24. 29 Mayzeosi tantutte10.12.17.30May: Madame Butterfly. 23. 26. 31 May. 2.53une. IGLASGOWTRAMWAY (0412275511)Scottish EarlyMusic Consort. 2223 May.

IEDINBURGH PLAYHOUSE (0315572590)Scottish OperaThe Merry Widow.31 Oct.4Nov;The Marriage 01 Figaro. 1. 3 Nov;Jenuta.2 Nov.

IEDINBUBGH OUEEN‘S HALL(0316682019) SCOi’Laredo/Bach. 28 Oct; Fine Arts Quartet. 300ct; SCO/Panulnikt’Mozan29. 11 Nov: Scottish Ensemble. 12 Nov;Al|egriStringOuartet. 23 Nov; Michael Chance& Keith Lewis. 27Nov;

SCO Tuckwell. Mendelssohn 3. 2Dec; Scottish Earinusic Consort. 7 Dec;Scoiiish Ensemble. 10 Dec;Gustav Fenyo/Beethoven Sonatas. 9Jan.6Feb. 6.27 March. 1.22 May. 19June; Scottish Ensemble. 14Jan; Duke Quartet. 5 Feb; Scottish Ensemble.11Feb:SEMC. 15Feb;Scottish Ensemble. 18March;A|tredBrendel. 19 March: SEMC, 31 March: Scottish Ensemble. 8 April: Scottish Ensemble Tommy Smith. 13 May. IEDINBURGH USHER HALL(031 225 5756)

SNO Bamert’Elgar2. 27

Oct; SCO/Segal’Beethoven 6. 2 Nov; SNO/Clevei Brahms1. 3Nov; SNOFThomsonl’Beeihoven 7.10Nov;SCO'Sarastei Beethoven 4.16 Nov; SNO/Hugheerendelssohn. 17 Nov: SNOThomsoni Bachmaninov. 24 Nov.




I Dare llie .‘ylay taii . Alql Satieliiehall Street. 3.“: 3ST: “pm .-\ir1‘iusliedsoti metaltiet llardly distinguished IMidnightBIue SaintsandSmnersl“: St Vmeent Street. :31 52"” llpm. A ehoiee tor roek tans tonight hetween this

andthe .thoy e. IThelndianGiversr ollegeoi lltiilding and l’iinting. oll North 1 laiioy er Street. .111135.‘ ‘lpm lollowingtlieiitotii with

Danny Wilson. the ( il\ eis hegin .t tew headlining dates to promote their iereleased ‘l lateheek ( rir'l' single.

I The Organisation. Green Isaac. Groovy Little Numbers.The Couch TrigPride. BoxingCIeveranti Carol Laulaxioiiieiweii ('oneert ll.t11.ll(i‘lSti“<1_< Tllpm. Li A little hit oi .t hike troin the eentie oi tiltisgow . hitt a wide seleetion oi good

hands Represeritatry es iiom national pressarid reeoideoriipaniesespetlediri their dioy es. so yott know sornetliing's goingdown.


I Ghost Dance and The Hollow Ment \iltoii Studios. ( ‘alton Road. so "Hort

l’ormerl .' l gotlis w ith Sisters ot

.‘ylerey Skeletal l'amily eonneetioiisgoing tor the erossoy er mar ket w liile it y trig to retttin their old iollow trig. Not dotiigtoo hadly so tar. Support. The l lollow .‘ylen may or may not he the same grotrpthat

went under that name sey'eral years haek. htit they 're going straight irom the ( ihost l)anee tour to the I lay anti 3am tour. so there are tour ehanees tltis tortnight totind

IJohnStewartanti HughMoitatSi iii-ides ('ommunity ('erttre. ( )rw e11 lerraee.

I lay market Spin L514. l'liitilttitll.ttllL'I' .‘ytiyears on the road. irom the man who eanntimher1311’s with the Kingston liio among his total oi .1“ so tar aridw rote

‘1)aydream llelieyei'. and more hit songs than most oi tis hay e had liot dinners,

l l.i\ e ;i lie‘.ilt ileeeiit laiew ell I RiverCityPeople.JustAddWatertinti Elephant NOTSE \L‘litie‘.‘ .ilttili Rlltttl. 1““ 311" 1. l.iy erpool's Riy ei ( 'ity l’eople hay e

go along and giy e him a

heen eaiising tiiiite a stir iet'eritly and their l'..\‘ll siiigle arid ttll‘tllll Stu .Sonit'i/iirie' (modwill let you hear esat tly why hot tip. in ease you missed it '1 he highly aeeessihle popot l'dinhtiigli's .litsi Add \Vater' is doing the same. hiii so iai w itliotit the eor responding ieet ird deal :\lso iiom lzdinhtiigh. l'lephani \oise .iie eontiritnng to lliiill't)‘.e‘. .is their last demo show ed,

I Avalon l’reseiyation l lall. \‘ieioria Str‘L‘L't.::ti.1Slli Ll .iltt‘i"lpiii l’optilar ltie't’ilttills' itielse‘lS

I Live music llasm Street. 1 lay market 'l'erraee. 3‘7 lllllh. Spm midnight l'neontirmed. hut likely or theyotithtiil indieyaiiety.

IThe GreatJunction StreetBand Negoeiants. lothian Street. 215(1313

‘1 45pm l‘ree. .-\ppioaelt;ihle it tinoiigiiial sott roek. with moments oi riioodinessand an adept ehantetise

I The Bootsies Duo t tit the. w est in )1 t :39 4353 l'ree. Resideney .liritt ondieon guitar and Rt In [art on \ I‘Lttl\ and

hat moniea I 1111 through hlties. Km 11 and gospel

ITexasBreaktasti oiti i).tinit-y . w est l’ort. 3314341 lllpm Rhythm LK hlues.


IDealHeights Cajun Aces.tntiBoxing Cleverl'ttlkirkt ollege oi leehnology. (irangeniotith Roaddi‘CJZWsri Students

and guests only An odd pairing. the

Edinburgh pop comho (see Music Preview) with eajun kings. but worth seeing in many ways.

SATURDAY 14 Glasgow I The Wonder 81qu and The Sandklngs

Barrow land. :44 (‘rallow gate. 552 Jotll, ".fstipm. S( )1 .1) ()1 "l‘. liirst ottwo itights. With their seeond alhum. Hit/i. now out,

1 he \Vonder Stutt are a hand w hohay e htiilt their reputation on a solid diet oi liy e work. and theirtwo-night stint at

Bar I'ow land shows the demand tor them in (ilasgow.

I Jesus Jones Queen Margaret L 'niori. t’niy ersity (iardens. 33‘) 978-1. tS‘pm. Sure to he at'teeted attendanee wise hy eornpetrtion irorn the Wonder Stutt.

I Cud and Crane 'l'he L'ltih l louse. ()ld Sneddon Street. l’aisley . SSW-17W). Spm. (’nd were one ot the few highlights ot‘last year's Shetland Roek Festival. and have hiiilt sortietliing ot a reputation on the indie seene sinee then.


I Les Negresses Vertes Queen’s 1 tall. Sotitli L‘lerk Street. oois’ 3111‘). See .‘ytttsie l’iey‘iew

I Mega City 4. Les Thugs and The Gateran (alton Sttidios. ('alton Road. 556 "lino. A noisy eyening. espeeially eonsideringthat the latter two hands' names translate as ‘the hooligans'. 'l'htigs hail from l’i‘anee. and more power to them. The (fateran's last alhum. xte/te. was asuperh exereise in melodie hardeore. not a thousand miles irom’l‘heNetherlands' loyeslug. and Mega (‘ity 4's hardeore l‘rmizop/iohru hasheen selling steadily'in the indies.

I Faith No More Bedroek (‘1uh.\'eriue. (‘alton Road. 55511171. 'I‘heAmeriean roek hand‘s single ‘We (‘are a Lot' was a hoot shame they hay en't heen ahle to tollow it tip with a similar splash. Still. they got their mugs on TV. so you know

w hat you're lettingyourseli in for.

I Blueiinger l’latt'orrii ()ne. Rutland Street. Roek‘n‘roll-inilueneed pop group. with original material. and an impressiy'e (V oi hand and session work.

I Boot Love \egoeiants. l.othian Street.

325 (1.113. 11.45pm. l*r’ee. l’alatahle pop hand whieh seems to haye grown out oi the old 1)( deSoti/a.

I The Paul Lamb Blues Band l’resery'ation llall. Vietoi ta Street. 22o ‘TtS‘lo.

I The Bootsies Duo linsign liw'ari. l ligh Street. 325 74411. 9pm. free. See liri 1.1.


Glasgow I The Wonder Stuft and The Sandkings

llai rowlarid. 244 ( iallowgate. 553 46111.

" .illpm. Seeond night. and at time ot'going to press not yet sold out He tittiek though. See Sat 1-1.

I Ghost Dance arid The Hollow Men’i‘he .‘ytay taii . fllSatiehiehall Street. .133 .1873. ‘lpm. (ihost l)anee haye iriiproy'ed markedly sinee they dropped their iixation with all things gothie. and have shown that they ean knoek out a good few popttines on their eurrent alhum. The Hollow Men are husy too- this heing the tirst ot‘two support totiis they are eriiharkingon within ( )etoher‘.

I Big SUTtllltl The Trashcan Sinatras \ilLlL‘tILlltllTlC. 3.“ 3‘) York Street. :21 “44 l. ‘lpni Rather strange douhle hill. hut

ney ertlieless one worth seeing :‘stter a eotiple oi years' work. Big Sur haye tinally signed a ptthlishing deal with ('hry‘salis. ' while 1 he '1 rashean Sinatras are (iol l)ises' latest hopettils. with their dehtit single out in the near tuttire.


I The Temptations l’lay house '1 heatre. (ireenside l’laee. 55" 35911. 7.311pm. t.” 511. LS5”. 3.7511. ()nly Seottish date

hour the Motow it stars that hrought us






FAT SAMS sun 15 oct RIVER CITY PEOPLE sun 22 oct KLASS

BAR CHEVROLET wed 18 oct '_ . ~ 8 B MCBRIDE. BAND; wed 25.0ct3" , _" . " mu: mven APPLES : ' ,

UNIVERSITY '_ ' _ sat 28 oct .‘- . swan DETECTIVES‘ _


QUEEN'S ‘HA'LLW ~ mori 23 oct. FISH

PLAYHOUSE; .1. gr: :

~ tu‘es 24Iwed 25 Oct ' ' 'R‘WR'Q. 1. orAsoow;u. VIDEODF‘IOMEL'. 7. '

. sun 'r'sxpcr .--.'~. "

mason/Mains f SLAVE-final; '- y thur‘s_.26 dot g}; "Ff,- Tlssul.‘ . 5‘. ' 3 L.

S'iJn’Z‘QAOOT,“ r' g i ' 3‘15.

HEARTS AflDfiiNbSfi":

ESQUIRE HOUSE- <‘ ' thurs 19 oct" v_ "managing;rig... j ,_. thur's 26 691'; ".5 ~36" ,. SLAVE‘TBADE,‘_ yim


in 13‘oct ' FIST-I '


Iri 27 oct. THE HUGKSTEBS ~


ALBERT HALL tues 24 oct * FISH


lhe list ll jot )k’liil‘g'f )IIRII3

1 -J