‘l’apa Was a Rolling Stone'. ‘.\1y (iirl' and ‘l’syehedelie Shaek'. Support them to the end.

I Captain Scarlet l’resery ation l lall. Vietoria Street. 2% 3S1ti. 9.3tlpm. Free. I The Rootsies Duo Sessions. 'I‘he (‘owgaieh :21i5ti4l 4pm. l’ree. See Fri 13, I The Rootsies Duo ( )asis. Vietoria Street. ‘lpm. l~ree. See Hi 13.

MONDAY 16 Glasgow

I Faith No More the May lair. 4311 Sauehiehall Street. 332 3832. ‘lpm. llaek in (ilasgow tor the lirst time with the adjusted liiie tip. htit hopelully meeting

w ith the same enthusiasm that their last ()Ml'gigdid.


ITransvision Vamp anttAnd Why Not? Playhouse'l'heatre.(ireenside1’1aee.553 35911 S( )1.1) ( )1 "1'. See .‘Vlusie 1’reyiew. Arriy e in time lor lsland signings And Why Nol'.’. The name is intended to ayoitl I preeoneeptions ahout the styles they play in. htit they eonless to a pop reggae hlend iii the manner ol 'l'he l’oliee and 1 'll4tl. I Musicade ll ()tleelihs l lall. South ( .lL‘l'ls'


. l. . GO PERSONAL l



Cinema Books 8: Posters

De Courcy's Arcade 5 Cresswell Lane

GLASGOW GT2 y 041 339 5373

am. rig;‘iifjazmoa- 1w?


332 12111. ‘me. l‘ree. liolky resideney.

I The Elliots and The Wendys l‘inshury

eurrently most worth seeing in ( ilasgow.

I Fjaere Nilssen Negoeiants.1.othian


Street. (this 2111‘). 7.31L—11pm. £4t£25lli ' reseryed.£3 (£1.75lunreseryed. 'I‘iekets also ay ailahle from Virgin and Ripping. Seottish Aids Researeh Appeal (NF

tltS'tl" ). li‘tind-raising eoneert lor urgent medieal researeh on Aids. organised hy' l‘riends ot SARA (Seottish Aids Researeli Appeal) with Boxingt’leyer. Siakossa. (ireen lsaae.’1’he lileyators.'Iliel-reddie Ring linsenihle.

I Jesus Jones Venue. (altoii Road. 55" 31133. New er mind power pop. thislot

eome sereaming into your 11y ing rootii like the Poppies and The Wonder Stull on large doses ol something y ery nasty. 1 lot on the trails ol "Into l'reiiktf and promoting the new 1.1’ lit/iridiser. lotid. snotty and not willing to he ignored.

I Johnny Sunbeam \egoeiants.1othiaii Street. :35 ti313. ‘l45pm. l-ree. Adtoitly perlormed adult pop.

I The Troubleshooters l’resery atioii l lall. Vietoria Street. 33h 3S1o. ‘).3llpni. l'i‘ee. I lan Foster St .laiiies ( )yster llar. ( 'alton Road. 55“ :wzs. «rpm. l‘ree. l)y1anislilolk.l I Seven Eleven ( )asis. Vietoria Street. S3tlpm. Resideney. Blues and roek


TUESDAY 17 Glasgow I Transvision Vamp and And Why Not?

llarrow land. :44 ( iallow gate. 553 4N1]. 3.3tlpm. St )1.1) ( )1 "1'. l'irst oi two nights. 'l'ieket sales ohyiously speak louder than arty opinion that l hay e oii’l'ransyision Vamp, And Why \ot‘.’ haye heen hyped as “The Blaek llros’. .\1mmm, ..

I Lost and The Supernaturals Saints and Sinners. I": StVineent Street. 221 523‘). “pm.

I Bobby Wishart l lalt llar. ltillWoodlands Road. 332 1211!. 9pm. Free. long—running resideney tor the saxophonist.


I The Tex Fillet Five \egoeiants. 1 .othian Street. 335 (i313, 0.45pm. l'ree, Spool eountry.

I The Rootsie Tootsie Band l’t'esel'y ation

1 lall. Vietoria Street. 23(i3S1o. k).3llpm. l‘ree. Rhythm 6; hlties.

I LOS Supremos St .lames ( )yslel‘ llar. (‘alton Road. 55“ 2935.‘)pm.1~ree, Blues-hased hand play ing a wide range o1

I The JC Flint Band Negoeiants. 1.othian Street. 225 (i313. 0.45pm. l'ree.

I Hoakie Finoakie ( )‘asis. Vietoria Street. S3llpm. Southern l lillhilly.


ITransvision Vamp antlAnd Why Not? llarrowlaritl. 344 ( iallow gate. 553 «will. ",3llpm. Seeond. and reeently added. night.

I Hollow Earth list. so .‘stillei Street.24s 385‘). lllpm. l'l'L‘C.

I Nailan 1 lalt Bar. loll \Voodlands Road.


l’ark. Sotith St Andrew St. 55o 111211. Upm. £1 . The lillitits. heitig one til the hands

haye a demo otit whieh has one great wee song l‘ollow ed hy one or sueh erusliing orditiarinessit‘s hard itiist-iiete it‘sthe same hand. lshan't lose taith yet. though l‘rom Izdinhurgh. 'l'he \Vendy s unsigned. htit most delinitely ‘iiidie'.

Street. 225 (i313. 9.45pm, l-ree. Swedish-Amerieaii lolk singer.

I The Rootsies Duo Snareiiei-s. i ligii Street. 335 “191 . 9pm, l'ree. See in 13,

j THURSDAY 19 ' é Glasgow l I Christy Moore and Cindy Lee Berryhill

l’ayilionTheatre. 121 Renlield Street.332 1846. 7.3tlpm. .‘sloore's alhum. while disappointing the lolk purists. has its moments. while Berry hill's ,Vtrkedllot're Star is a more interesting proposition. giyen her plaee at the head or New York's ‘anti-l’olk‘ moyement.

I Blues‘n‘Trouble l-ury \ltirrys. Wt Maxwell Street. 221 o5] 1. 111.3llpm. lidinhurgh‘s tamed Rtkll masters. otit on tour to promote their new alhum. ll'irli I'ri't’ritls lake I'liese. ..

I Field olVision Sliianti's. (’lyde l’laee. .lamaieaBridge.Spm. 1’ree.'I‘helormer Ilad Ass ('luh premieres its lirst progressiye roek grotip eurreritly seeking lemale haeking yoealists. I Tantara Blade The l’StlUlTC l louse. 14s” (it'eiit\Ves1eI‘tt Road. .33494‘)1.‘lpiii. l'ree. Hard-working. and still improy ing loeal hand.


I A Certain Ratio and The Stereo MCs (’alton Sttidios. (‘altori Road. 55(i311oo, See Mtisie l’reyiew'.

I God's Little Monkeys \‘entie. ( Hilton Road. 557 31173. One ol the lay otirite lioriie grown hands ot the very wonderlul (‘ooking Vinyl reeords they like The (lash. Sttiiiip and The l'all as mueh as liwan .‘\1e(‘oll and l)iek ( iatighan. Their new 1.1’. Soil/id ()u! the Symbols . is eomposed roughly equally ol unaeetimpanied liarnionising and tolkahilly-type traeks. with a rough and politieal edge.

I The Liberties l’eliean. ’l'he ('ow‘gate. 225 5413. New projeet oimemhersolhand The Hair llloeker Ixxperienee. and eontinuingthat outlit‘s standards admir‘ahly. though perhaps in an ey en purer eountry direetioii.

I Sharlot and The Rogues Negoeiants. 1.othian Street. 335 (i313. 9.45pm. l'ree. l’syehohillies with a growing reputation around ladinhurgli as heiiig one hell o1 a liye hand. with an appeal tor a mueh hroader range than people with quills.

I The Rootsies Duo Ryrie‘x I lay market 'Ierraee. 337 75S2. ‘lpm. l‘ree. See in 13. I The Brothers l’resery ation l lall. Vietoria Street. lift 38%. L1.3(lpm. l'ree. long-running resideney.

FRIDAY 20 Glasgow

I Gary Numan Barrow'land. 244 (iallowgate. 552 4N1] , 3,311pm. Ridietiling (iary \uman is a pointless exereise these day s e\ ery possihle ay‘enue has heeii well trodden already . htit (iary keeps on doing it lor‘ the kids. What a guy

I Birdland Queen Margaret 1'niori. 1'niyersity (iardens. 33‘) 0784. Spm. Alter managing to plaee.lesus.lonestipagainst The Wonder Stull last week. the (_).\11‘ this week piteh in with llirdland against

the ( ‘arpets. tlitis stretehing the

indie alternatiy e market in ( ilasgow' toa 1111111. 3

I God‘s Little Monkeys Saints arid Sinners. 273 St Vineent Street. 231 533‘). l)pm. See lhtlt‘s 1‘).

I 801) The ( ‘ltth l ltitlse. ( )ltl Sitetltlon Street. l’aisley . SW for». Spm.


I The Young Gods Venue. ( altoii Road. 55731173. The spearhead ot the Belgian ‘New lleat'. marry mg modern dariee teehnology to their own litlrtlpCilll sensihilities tor a hruising. olten thought pompous. assault. Is this the shape the

1 law kw iiids ol the ‘llls will take'.’

I Blues'n‘Trouble(‘alton sitttltos.(‘alton Rtliltl. 551i "Witt. See ihtli’s 1‘).

I Live music llasin Street. 1 lay market

'1 erraee. 33“ With. \pm midnight. See Hi


I Barrelhouse Sheilts l’resery ation 1 lall. Vietoria Street. 23h 3S1ti. £1 alter‘lpm.

I The Rootsies Duo ( ilohe. west l’ort . 32‘) 4553. l)pm. See in 13.

L'\ L‘l'ytille.



Glasgow 1

IFMand Romeo's Daughlerllarrowland. 244 ( iallow gate. 552 4tttll 3.31 1pm. Despite always heing one ol the more palatahle metal hatitls. l'.\l may he struggling to 1111 llairow land htit support hand Romeo‘s Daughter are tine sott roek exponents too. with singer [eigh Matty sounding riot unlike ( ‘hiissie l 1y ride on

IACertain Ratio and StereoM.C.s Stiathelyde 1 ins ersity1'nion.‘ltl.1ohn Street. 552 1W5. “pm. See \ltisie l’rey iew. IThe Young GDdS(ilasgow (‘ollege Student 1‘iiion. Tllt‘oweaddens Road. 332 Hoolupm. Seel'iiltl. I The Rose Thieves Saints and Sinners. I“: St Vineent Street. 331 53"” ‘lpm New partiiersliipol .llllt \leNulty andey-Simple .\linds drummer Kenny llyslop. last seen together on stage aeting \ery oddly and


exploring the eoneept ol eliemistiy sets. IBIues‘n‘Trouble.The CrowSaiitlThe Thieves lsiikintilloeh l'own llall.

lsirkintilloeli. 3.3llpm. lli/aiie tliiee»way hill that should liay e something lot 7

Edinburgh 1 IAnderson. Brulord. Wakeman. Howe l’lay house '1 lieatre. ( iieenside 1’laee. 553 3.3tlpm L135“. 1111.511. \es. hy any

other name. though eertain partiesaie presenting their use oi the name. 'An

l'.\L‘11111g't11h'L’\ .\1tisie Plus is the hannei

ol the show . and lor those who ean take it

there's more tomorrow. llill lli titoid's reeent ja/x eseursions may he ol a little more interest to the uneonyerted.

I Christy Moore 1'sliei l lall. lotliiaii Road. IS 1 155. See .\1tisie l’reyiew

I Del Amilri ( 'iilltiii Sititlitis. ( tiltt in Road. 55!» 71W». liiihtied with eonlidenee liom tlieirshiny and w ell—reeer ed new 1 1’. the I)elspay :.11t1111L‘l'\1\11.Slltitlltllielltlw

I Shy lledroek ('luh. Venue. ( alton Road. 55“ SW}. llrummie lieayy ioek hand. now on their seeond alhum and touring to promote the lirst single lioni it. ‘(iiy e it All You ( iot', liim. yeah?

I JUSlAdd Water l’elieaii. 'l lie ( 'owgate. 125 5413. k).3tlpm. l‘ree. .'\eeessihly poppy ladinhurgli hand. on the tip and tip

I After Midnight l’resery ation 1 [all Vietoria Street. 22o3S1'i. 2.1 attei Llpm ISilverTrain \egoeiants. l otliianStieet.

325(i313.‘).~15piii. l'iee.



ITissum andJustAdd waleertle'titlltillle‘. 33 3‘) York Street. 321 11441 L1pm. lslantl signirigsol last year. who supported lom IThe IndianGiverSaiitlTheThievesPaisley (‘ollege ol leelinology l’aisley Spin. Another unlikely douhle hill. tliisheing the lirst gig at l’aisley ('ollege sineeone notorious all-day punk hash sey en years



I Anderson. Brutord. Wakeman. Howe Playhouse '1 lieatre. ( ireenside l’laee. ‘5" 25911.“..‘xtipin. 113.511.1111 5t), SeeSatll. I Bomb Disneyland \loslipit. Venue

(altori Road. 55“ 31133, llaideoie tlziash.

I The Wolle Tones 1'slier l lall. l otliian Road. 33S l 155. Silyei .ltihileeeone;rt.

I Black Market l’iesery ation 11 111. Vietoi ia Street. 225 3S1!» “.31 1pm. l‘I'ee IThe Rootsies Duo Sessionst in- (‘ow'gateu 33o5ti~11 4pm l't'ee See 1'11 13. I The Rootsies DU0()11\1\.\‘leltll'lilSll'k‘L'l. ‘lpm, l'ree. See lit 1 3.

Glasgow ] I Dogs D'Amourantl UnderNeath What I llarrow land. :44 ( iallow gate. 551 MAN I ".3llpm. Monday night. and l ean tliiiikol quite a tew plaees l'd rather he