II} Sltltll‘l lIilei's‘tIii l-i'IIIlI Ilie (Irig'iiial l-airytale I 5 l)l‘.I'If.\Il§I{R “ISU— (I lr\.\'l "\RI IIIIIII

Ilie Kiwal I._\t eiiiii Iliealr‘e I .IIIIIPtIII} trtpltiriiig'

Ilie \‘er‘_\ iiiag'it ()l-(‘llri.\t[11(l.‘.{lell.lllllil}

will lrIVI' il. lilI'l3I'IS I‘l'IIlll 1.)..‘3II— I;8.IIII. l [)1'II e ltIi‘ I iliiltli'eii. kii‘eal l‘aiiiil} lit ltel I )llei‘ iiiilil I) \tIVe-iitlier.

\Iroiip tlis‘t ntiiits‘. ‘prit‘e t IIIII essiniis‘.

Haul.- \tm-f 'lL-I: III 3 II III) IIIIIIT


Untll Sunday 15 October 7.30pm WINGED HORSE TOURING PRODUCTIONS presents HECUBA by Stewart Conn : Tuesday 17—Sunday 22 October 7.30pm I AD HOC THEATRE COMPANY presents 1 THESE CHILDISH THINGS by Raymond Cousse Translated by Brian Singleton I Thursday 26—Sunday 29 October 7.30pm 3 THE PRACTICE presents THE ORIGIN OF TABLE MANNERS Stunningly visual theatre from the pioneering Cardiff Arts Lab ALL SEATS £2.50 TUESDAYS 8r SUNDAYS

l'\II‘JIII'IIIITJI'IIV gripping and powerful play whieh t‘atisetl an uproar when first staged.

Mon-Sat 7.45 pm Tickets from £2Q50-£8-.00 . _ ' Saturday- 14 8: 21 October 3.15pm.

. . hflmqwme 27 OCTOBER-18 NOVEMBER

Sweeps the audience along in a crescendo of emotion.

Mon-Sat 7.45 pm Tickets from £2.50-£8.00 Htiii: I’Riii 'IISII' 26 (X "I‘Ob’rilt 7.45 pm (031 I 229 9697 Saturday Matinees 4 8: 11 November 3.15pm

48 Ilte I tsI I; :IIIIeIIIlte‘t‘ IRIS”


CourageIAWomanatWarH-rrtFIIerspm. l .Iulian I lilton has gone haek to the soiiiee IIr'eeht usetl tor .I/oi/rer I oil/tree toeieate this new plat Ioi 'l he \Ietliexal l’la_\eis.

I here is a strong and eontempoiai\ streak

ot hlaelt humour in this stutlt ot people

ll\ mg on the marginsot war ANightattheSarie w e-tt is I )et 3pm, I:

I Ll I; Spm Li I t.‘ I. See Ioiiiing Frankenstein to in Sat :1 I Ier. Spin rt

I LI I, See l'ouimg

An Evening with PYT \Ion 3.? lire-1M )et

Spin. I: I II) l’aislet Youth I heatie toms torees w tilt the I ‘entres ai ts outi eaeh

team to mount their answer to III’rme/tzrt'

/\ li.-IIr\ H In .’ lmpiox isetl inn and tlrama. The Minstrel and The Shirra't htiisjot )et "pm. 2.3 I II I. I )n tour tiom the lIortleis I‘L'slt\ al is :\llan .\Iassie”s stutlt ot Sir

Walter Seott w hieh loolxs at the man as

hoth artist antl puhhe IIL'IIII‘

I PALACETHEATRE‘IIireenStieet. lsrlmainoelx I|5II3 3 VWII. |.-\eeess: l’.l Iueilrties: \VI '. “S. I' . I i. R. II. llelp; .v\. .I\.I\|.

WitchHunt! l'ii _‘III )et I L35“). See I outing and Re\ iew The Man Sat 31 I )et I LS5III. l‘tItlil the photo in the programme the man in question looks more lllxI‘ Rail \I;ri\ ‘liieiitlh persuasion',

Professional Pretenders 't huts jut Ier. "..‘Itlpiii L35Ilt L35III, See Iotiiing.

I PAVILION THEATRE Ill Rentieltl Street. 3.13 ISIIII, lIo\ I )lliee \Ion Sat

IIIam Spm. I’Iai‘. |;\eeess: S I laerlities: \VS. I i. llelp: .v\.-\l.

Ben Elton lhtirs ll Sun I5 I )et. "pm.

I5 I“. l )esprte the iii.rssi\ e e\posure.

".FIIpm t} 5H

"HIIlpny I} \II

he is in taet a lit pnotist w liopi etei's

l‘lton still manages to protluee sharp. liein mater ial ;\ll per tor maneesemept Striitl.i_\s are Soltl I hit.

Postman Pat‘s Happy Days Int- r" Sat :1

I )et. lue Ipm tk IFIlpnr, \\ etl l'll Warn 6; 3pm. Sat lilam. 3pm tk “pm. t5IL1 eliiltlr'en I. I‘ult I;t\tttllllL' oi \ietimot

h_\ pe .’ I an l’ostman l’at (Hit/IIH Nat A and H/I/It't'tl/I'lll II on stage with thesame ehaimantl lll.tL'llI'lI\tll tliat‘swooetla

million I\ \iewers. IROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY OFMUSIC AND DRAMA IIIII Rentiew Street. 3‘35II5". latte-w- i’r’.\.r ,l'aeilitiesi \\'I ‘. w .s'. .>\.s'. R. II. I .Ii. llelp: ;\, .v\.s\l.

Vodka and Daisies tire 1" Sat _‘1 I Ier. 5‘..‘~Ilpiii. L35Itt‘e3) .\nne\e lheatie present this new plat It} I aia-lane lItintingalIout tnewomengrowirtilupIlia small .-\Iisliiie' town. See l’ieI IL'\\.

No End oIBlame—Scenes oiOvercoming

I lie 3-1 I'll QR I let, 15pm I: I Ll I. I he Ro_\aII Ieeums I high I IIIIlL'itll tlireets tinal tear l)l).-\ stutlentsin I llt\\,tltl Barker"seomieantlhoriilresttith ot e\piessionantleensoishrp Rutlewoitls a~plent_\ ha\ e awaitletl the piotluetron a Srrrt r/I rtIrxrum/I/t' to; I lit/then tag suiel\ atoimoteensorshipitsell. I I THEATRE ROYAL I lope Street. .1 ‘1 IIFI. léox I )ttiee \Ion Sat lIIam III‘III.I5 ,iltpm on pert I‘\gsl. liar lItlIlI‘I [.-\eeess. l’. l’l’.-\. R I'aeilitres, \VI .\\ S. l‘ . I i, R, II llelp: .'\.-\|

Jenula \Vetl Is I Iei. 15pm SeeI‘lassieal \Itistelrstings.

ITHIRD EYECENTRE i‘IlSauehrehall Street. ‘33 R531 (ateopen I lam I. iItpm lire l ii antl tltiiinge\ L'lllilL’ [tetlItllttttltL'I's Ix\t’et'ss; I’I).'\.I I'aeilities: \VI 5, \\ S.l .Ii. R. II llelp: .»\;\]

National Reveiw OI Live Artt ntil Stiii 15 (tel Seeseparatelistine ITRAMWAYTHEATREKIheitl>ir\e.1-74 “53' Ilel‘xI’IS riom Ilelrx’e'l I lentieltll If," “I I {Help .\;\I

Triangel \Ionf1 w ml is I let " it. II l’iippet show aiinetl at atlults tiotii l-I

‘Itpm L5


Feike Boschma ttmrsjr» sat 3st )et

' zIlpn‘. DILII \lItte'IIIIIeIII‘tll‘l‘I'lHII‘l erown ups See-piexiew ITRONTHEATREIV‘ ItI‘lttiaII'. 5‘.‘ 1%" How. I )IIIeI' ltie Sat \oon spmSun

If. III lll‘lll I losetl\Iontla\s I.'\\.I'\\

j R. S'l laeilrties: \\'S. I' . Ir. R. II Help 1 .-\.-\l. Beyond The Rainbow Illtlts 1: Sat in It

ll 15pm. t‘IILII See II‘tItIll‘.‘

WIICh Hunt Iues III Sun I5 I )et " Itit‘lll

L5 I Lil LI I Ll I. l‘.tI‘le’\ Istttlt ttse IllttlItt'tle moxement antl ll\ e musie totlepiet the

slots oi (III istran Shaw . w ho \\.t\ supposeth possessetl It\ the lot eesol e\ rl Set in IN)". this new pla_\ e'\.ttttlttesllie

train oi e\ents w hieh leatl to the hangincoi si\eiti/ensot Renliewshrre See Rent-w. The House With The Green Shutters lire

1“ Sun 3:. .Illpm See lotiiine


IASSEMBLY ROOMSIreoiueStree-t_.‘.‘s ll55 lieltetsaxatlahle Iioml sher llall IIIH ( )lllee‘.l Itllllait RIMIII III IIIII' III'ttI I‘L'IIIIL‘IIIL'SIJIIIII thepeitoimanee Who's Been Sleeping In My Porridge Sal It I )et. 1 lam At 3pm L: II I lIortlerlrne llieatie I 'ompant 's uptlate ot the lltiee heaisston toi 5‘ If. \e'.riaIItIsttriris (ittltllltlel'xSIIIIIIJl‘tllll‘x IIII'lsel eompleie with era/yeoloirr hair antl a eolleetrortot (lash ieeoitls. .\n entertaining Ioolsat se\ti.rlsteleIIhi‘e‘s

ChestoIDrawers‘t llI‘ t“I Ier llain a firm Ll.5|lt”5pl. See I'ouimg

I BEDLAM THEATRE I'ItllI'sl Roatl. 3.5 “\(II |.-\eeess: SI. I‘.tI'IlIIII‘s; \\ S, I i. II Help: .\;\|

V lliiiis 1: Sun I5 I )et 5‘ .‘Itpm. l'tel e\el lheatieI ompain

I_,Itl__‘ ‘II If.

peitoi'matliamatisationol Ioni.

I laiiison's poeiii tiist seen in lllls‘. e it ‘s I'tlinliiiieh I‘l'lllfle‘. x\ntl\ I reetl's

per loi manee is teeliriiealh supeih. l‘tII the tliieetioniswealx

The Wickedest Man In The World int- _‘.1 Sat

.‘III let. I. 1 \lain‘splat Ioi Raptus lheatieI I‘lltl‘.tll\

\‘II III. ".FIlpm l)onaltl makes an attempt at paiotlt misses the lll;tll\ antlvomesupwithsomethrne altogether more etlllIItls l or all the plays lo\ ealIle eeeentiieit}. tou‘xe no more itlea ol what it‘s ahoiit at the entl than our tloat the heginning, hut it \oii missetl its premiere in the l'tlinliuigh l‘llllt'I' it is worth eheelxine. out. .-\lso the lIetlIam has Iteeii lxllle‘tl out with new eomtx seats' IBRUNTONTHEATRE\Iusselltuighwo5 Slit). I.'\eeess: l’l’.v\. R. St laeilities. \\ I '. \VS. I' , I i. II. llelp. ,\.v\l Whisky Galore t 'ntil Sat .‘1 I let

I;1:,\5II__II l‘\entstal\e .rIIiaiiiatn ttirnon

V \sll‘int

the islantlsot I neat .llIIl I ll”; lI‘IlIl.I\ oi the I )iitei llelIiitles when the hoat SS

I .tl‘llle‘l \Iinistei is stlllls latlen with tlioiisantlsot easesol w Ill\l\\ See Re\ rew 800d :5 I )el ll\o\ ‘Ilpttt, L1 .I5I L“)

I he IllllIl in a seriesot plats at the lIruntonthat haxeeonsitleietllitein\a/r (iL‘iitiaitI (I'I‘I‘t/ Is I ilasgow -lttIi HI I) latloi's tine-stigation oi how sonieoneean heeomea I.t‘-eISI. ICHURCHHILLTHEATRE\Ioinrngsitle Roatl. IS I55

The Tempestt'nnlsai l»1I)et :l‘lil L3 II_I.‘III See lIttllIlIL'.

Deadly Nightcap well is Sat it I )elIII‘ei

5' .II'pm, 2.3 5“ I lielsets IioinIhieeir's llall.l shei llall.I'iirrl\shanlss Newsagents antl l ielset I entie. \\ a\ er Ie_\ lIllIlL‘L‘ I. I lelehiating “I per eeni autlienee tigures in the l-tlinhurgh l-ringe.

I‘tlinltuigh I’eople‘s I lieatie return tor

their autumn protluetion. the elassie thrillein l‘ltlllelSlhlll‘lltltlk‘ lIill RolIeitsonistheguesttliieetoi otthrs inriitlei riitste'it


IIII.‘ li5I-1o‘s

Norman Lovett. Stu Who?. Phil Kay and Lisa Gornickl-rr in Sat 11 I )et I_-15IIIL.I5III

‘I 2Ilprii SeeI aliaietantll’iexiew IGREYFRIARS KIRKIiieHriais I’laee..‘..‘5 ]IItIII_ The Greytriars Storyin Words and Music

I IitilSat lslt)et loprn IIIth l'IIllll‘IllL’Il(il.tIlll.llI‘ lheatieI'oiiipant

Ioins toiees with I ilI'\Ill.tls I 'hoii totell the tale ot I ilI’\Ilt.lls Kills tiom the tlatsol