an environment and as an iihieet

I Performance: Scenes l’eter Xegselil.

The ninth National Review ()flis'e Art is

based fur the seeiind sear l'tllllllllt.’ at the Third li_\e ( ‘entre. 35ll8atieliiehall Street. (ilasgms . 332 "531 . \s here must e\ents take plaee. ( )the r \ enues are speeilied helim. .\ das tieket en mi: admissiiin tiiall e\ ents that da_\ is .i\ ailalile at Uiliil leapaeit}. [k‘l‘llllllllllll. thiiueh tiekets liir eertain perliirmanees (tilt lie lititlie‘lll separatels . at priees stated lielms 'l‘he har \\ lll lie npen late eaeh esenine. full details ean he tiiund in the tillieial priigramme.

as ailahle liiim the 'l'hird late (’enti‘e. priee L2,

EVERYDAY Wed 11—Sun 15

I Installation: Corridors olPowerl’liilip l’im er. (itll'l'lkllll‘N .-\ll das 'l'he titles essential pun indieates a eertain lightness to this exhibit. \s hieh eiinsists Ul a seriesiit nai'iatis e textsplaeed ariiundtlie huildine‘s eenti‘al eiiiiidiir. \s hieh are tn he interpreted h_\ liillim HTL‘ the star}.

I Installation: Directory OtPossibilities l-iisei. .»\ll da_\. ( Me Hi the Res less ‘s liiiii eiimmissiiined is iirks. this pieee is presented in the 'l‘hird lye ( 'entre's liner. and tillers an inter pretatiiin til \ ariiius perliirmanee aitisis‘ \wrk. as represented its the euntents (ll Arthur ( 'rasan‘s mum

is ( 'lause Sh and the media‘s treatment til liiiiniiseuialitj.

I Talk by Annie Griffin Studio. 7. l 5pm. The highl} sueeessful \Ult) artist. whose past swirl»; ineludes [Hark/ward 'l'lie l’iriileat the lraVerse and .‘l [must l’i'rsiuiili'd at the Third lite Centre. disetisses appriiaehes tii l experimental work. l I Performance: Animal (idT) Siesens. (ialler) 1.".3llpm. USlltiISll). Inspired h} the persiina (it Stan laurel. Stes ens direets this perl'iirinanee ahiiut the : llllL‘TttLIltiil til seVeral peiiple, lti_\'\;llltl puppets. all in \\ hum has e uneertain. animal-like ideas ahtiut their mm and iithers' iniitis'atiiin.

I Performance by Oscar McLennan Siiiillu. ‘lpm. LINN: I fill). Melennan is perhaps the natural sueeessiir to lsiir ( 'utlei‘. telling dark. meandering narratis es u hieh are hiith unsettling and unpredietahh lunn} lhis pieee. eommissiuned [M the Re\ iexs . is a seleetiiin triim his \\ ritten eiilleetiiin due liir puhlieatiiin next tear and from .Viilm ()II lime. a pieee eiimmissiiined h} the Third l'.}‘e'(‘e‘iiti'e‘ liir presentatiiin next January

IPerformance: Scenest‘iallers l. lllpm. Ulil). l’eter [eigseld 'Siiund theatre" lriim l)uteh perliirmei . is lit» uses a eluttei' til tililCL‘lM triim \\ hieh es'iils‘es a plietie and \ariahle narrati\ e landseape.

I Films by The Brittonioni Brothers ( ialler} l. l 1.3llpm. Util). A eertain irony

I Performance: Acknowledged Kristel

‘etiuis alent ID the great'

IPerformancezsignaIBox llieliaiiiiit-il [m el_\ Studiii. tipin. 1 his Iiist l‘lt't'elltllll tut»ieeenteiadtiatesiilllaitinvtiiii ('iilleee iil :\ll in l)e\iin euneei ns txsii lll‘\elllk‘ Mediterranean lilll\\.i\ v.llllel.ll‘\ and then lantass ielatniiiship Ilnstallation/Performance Video: Angels/anils Sean lsilem lie and l )illllt‘l Rees es. l’erliiinianee \paee I. lipm \ee alime liii'delails.

'l'hink 'l he llesl l);inee ls l he \\ .i\ l‘eiiple

(i.illei\ I ll' .illl‘tn ti qllilQe‘Flll See

.tl‘l‘\\'. l ll I lill tlt‘lilll\

SUNDAY 15. 'v

I Platform Debate and Brunch withAnnie Griffint .iie


ll.i:ii f., *l'aneludine

\ ehaiiee lililll \i‘lll \ ieusiin

per li‘l lllilllee ill i. and lit lieai thiise \shiidii llilll llieiis IPerformancetBoil In The Bagsiaik lheatiet iiiiipaiix (Lilli-Ml lpm .-\tie\\ eiimpam til inimittiiisinilissuinusieians lltllll \tllllllt'lliiill ll‘ .i llllllll iiwuspieee aliiiiit the \ll‘. l‘lt‘l‘. it time fietueeii \\(iil\ illltllx’lVille

I installation Performance: Sometimes You Can‘tHearThe Screaming \lll\t‘l‘.llll\l‘k'll. \luiliw

it 'l‘ll’. \\ il\lil‘."t’ til human

i'ite: tire-ti it lilillllL'li \."\[ll‘ idine

pressuie in V-et'l's. 'llelllll;‘ lee. llt‘.’e‘ll nails and eiilti ‘ll thiani. .ill ‘.‘-lllllll llieeiinliiies Hi .1 tiltlt'

I Talk by DereltJarman i Lille: .‘ 3pm. lhe i'eli'l‘riilt ll llllll iii; tin \weeiiiid

lt't'llllt"‘.‘.lll line: insulteme llllltlll lilniie illl.lllll.lllle’ll.l1 pinitiii:.iiidiiisliillaliiin. liisl i liiiiive lit et l‘i- «Vikiiiiist illaliwti liidiit

I installation Performance: Here Is All LODBllTTESS \e‘l‘ildlilll' l’ 'Il~iiii.iiiee

ill-seriln-ilas' .t‘li .3 v. ‘illlii‘ ~.l

st'llll‘lllli. til ‘I‘ it fixes

\ ‘iit’e .\l‘lli“l is \sllllll.‘i‘l i mihcSiiiiihsiileiil(ilasgme stirriiundsthisfamih aet.\shiiset\s'ii IPerformanceipanlSl>.i\idRitliiniind [kilmmiw in .1” 3;, HM“) [mm 1 l Ilnstallation byDerekJarmantiallt-rs3. member'stimm} and(‘hrissyelaim (iallei_\'\pm. .\litiniiiiiiiispiecewilh pimp”, liriptlv'i‘ll“ inguinal-a1 :\llda_\. Antithereiimmissiiined\mrk. Y liiternatiiinalliilm l'estisalstai‘diim as theseriiiusintentiiiniil lll‘eldllll‘,’llle\e“.\ __-iHi.iii_iiiii;.~13ii_\ } _;.;i,_iii, William-it layman's eiinti'iliiitiim \silleiimprise a partiillheirliVeCommentarytintlieir Age\laii'siii;isetllttiit\ “Hi, i sei'iesiil turret] and feathered lfeds. l slltirl lllms. the l;llL‘\I til \shieh l\L‘llIillL‘d ITalk by Man ACl Sltltllii, I‘lllll l lie ! Perforn13nce:;—lgwll t i N ix (“HM \ i. 1 eiinslrueted in eiillaliiiratiiin with the ll'liii Slit)! Hie ( 'imzi'rimiimf’. splendid Pe‘l'ltll‘lnnlik'e' in” 1]]k*{\ll|!\ iii ; glin {ML \Ii m j_ p :-\(_,.l|m\,r'(-1Hh ('iti/ens"l'heatre‘sStuartl.aing.and Simiin l'hiiineandl’hilip\liielxenxie kUH“,Whipple MN, ., in».adapt.“le l slime\ideiimu'ls. l'hethemeiilthepieee ilkltllk‘\\k‘\lllsl‘lll‘lls-U'ltls‘l llls lls'~'\li'l‘»“l iii ilii‘-..iniltliv:ii:ii l"llll‘ : «.t» l

I Video Area l’erliirmanee Spaee I.

(‘iillisiin Performance Spaee l. Noun lpni 'l'rying tn aeeiiunt l'nr the

l)ie ln \liu ies'.

I Performance: The Encyclooaedia 0f0wl

. .

\iiiin 0 mi. .’\llllll\l halt thetutalnumher .. P s m l ‘l :‘ill ~ i t ' l t R , } expei'ienee tit lzs'a l‘lL‘CN. a paralxsedhut P8” ‘ls " ' l “l "‘ ‘l‘ l. H“ ii M‘l' iil‘lllall ‘esllll lL‘ L‘\'le\\ are H ' w .i e u :l'i, it! w 1; l. l§.l , _ “I _ }_ i H _- l I sentientandai‘tieulatepersiineiinlinedtii l l‘ ‘l 1 “m ‘l‘ ' l I M. l V "iiartists. lsa ill-ant —missa air. ‘u Li .2 K}, it. v-«i ii; viii.- H L a hiispital bed. I m“ l \l‘ H' I“ '1‘ k

eataliieiies are as ailahle. and \ iewersean request eei tain seieenines. last year's sidempiiieiamme \sas hiehh s'ariahle in

I Performance: Humabin Rubin Blaekledee. l‘he lane. \iiiin 5pm. ‘Seen from ahme f says the priigramme Ul this

\slll‘i‘fiillil: 'Lw-fiiii‘slall

\lelllllll' iii izti1: 'ihiehused

tiiiil‘lii'ti l'l‘. lziww \.a'::i~ llli ytlkiiiiis

Emmi” with quail” MMgCHIiL-‘imlwnw i lenutln perliirmanee. ‘the liarth isadirts MW Ml“ ' ‘l [i ll“ l" “911"” . lHCW“WI-C(“mph-1C1}“\mmmm’ liliieeiiliiur‘, l.i\‘e Art liirand\s'ithiuthe' k‘l'"ll‘~ l ‘tl l“ ‘-“ ’l " " I" “ll ““llll i l L‘llVlI'tllllllL‘lll. will“? IPerformance: Deadplay Bodies lnl'llultl. I Pemlmance W3“ ' ill ""l‘l” IPerformanctBIOulOTTheSerHQCame (iallerx l,.\{iiiin.l’anie.dealltdlltisiiiil. libel“: -71l3"'l“‘ i *1 "it" c l Form sweemess \lill'l‘s l lllllbllll‘ ‘hlind faith and ‘hssteriealPiisturinu' “lli'l'V‘l l‘“ ‘yVl ‘-"“"ll‘t ' l“ l ‘l~ \‘ ‘lll i PEI-“‘Hll‘mhc Sim“. 1‘ NM)” “Pm-ll" i eiimetiiuetherintliiseneruetie.ahsti‘aet lily“ " "I'll Hm!“ (‘ Vii“ I i histiii}ulsueai.\iitiinthelaeeiilitaii 1 elm“. i i etllies’ll‘w‘llli,‘[WWsl.iillnili~l ‘l,'.llllt"

immediate .irtistie inspiratiiin. l‘ut

l ludsiin's pieee \\ ill L'\[‘llllL‘ its piilitieal and eultural aspeets, assiieiatine strength with the piiiletariat and \\\L‘L‘IllL‘\\\\llll wealth and pimel'.

I Talk by Stephen TaylorWoodrow

I Performance: Fiction From New York David l/iid, Studio. 13.3llpm. Beingan imaginar} and humiiriius eiirrespiindenee hem een l/Utl and the legendary Spalding (iray til .S‘ii'inmii/ie (U ('iilii/mi/iii lame. ls

I Performance: Animal t illl\ smells,

ililleieni twain? s .li‘i.

I Installation Performance by Richard Downes anrl Thomas Robert :2 l' l‘l. l'itl'e'i'iie ll '1 lilie‘:i~

'lllllii il‘lii fl 2. :l



the siiliiperliirmaneeiil atrue stiirys'iahle ll” 1"“i‘llli'ii‘” “‘ll “11"” 1'! '1‘” \lilk'l‘llll‘l‘lll WWW “Nil”? (llil‘llim theatre',’ lsthe stilt) Perl'iirmanee iii a (iallL'U lihl‘m. i..‘x<lll Liflli. Ne; .ilmxe ll” I“! I“ I! lli‘l‘xlll‘w‘l‘ '1‘ H "H ‘i Selimil ( )l All. lit“ Rentren Street. 333 (heals-em“ Ui‘tmeqilcemm \immcmcuncy P tm.dL.mll\_ le‘fl\lilll. tilllll s. ingrii .llvlll‘ 1.1:.- . 9W“.lpmflheperliirmaneeart .workshopWimManActRSAMI)1m) .peflormance by.” Low-Mum“ IPerformancefiralce :‘i iii iiu.‘ l Cllll'L‘l‘lC'lClll“ll” mild“ ll” ll‘llllll‘ul‘ Renlress Streeth1234,3pm. ‘lmlllplll, l_:.5ll( l.l,‘lll t'alilivimaii {met “I ( “A ll“ “Tl “my i ii ll “1 lil‘lF54”illltll‘l“l1lllllIll“l‘llil'l‘U‘l‘lL‘l” Q (\mtinuin‘ey leading pert'tirmanee team raised lit a pimi Jim”; 1 m .\]]Lii']L'\\‘. iii lei- l)” “I”! ll, )li‘ I l , (llilfllm.“llfl‘l‘céllllk‘l llll‘ .‘Cilllk‘llll'll‘ i Man :‘set'squest l‘iiraeiimlfam ()l twent.‘ ham liltik'lllllllHlll‘. \\illlsil.i\‘s\illll1el iw‘: ,m‘f: [l l“ I, 'Ii” i' "i i I“!

{ “l‘lNUM'l”"l" “humhint-MI” mt”“’“lllim‘wulcl”Illumi‘i‘” eieatatelaiminlhel'SX.ieadiiii'liiiiii lildi‘ iii“ :1 i l ‘1'“ ‘1 I‘Hlllg‘ '. ' V I .S‘m'aI/uiiei'priijeet lth(ilil\}_!t)\\ 19‘)“. hgrpiie-m "l hg _\‘[;i\;m‘ iihH-h‘lmw‘ne m “will” we" l‘ 'i‘ll “13“ " :“li‘ii'l‘wl .TalkaT'm Elcne'l5(’l*“¥”“l '“Wl‘lll~ l Visitors\seleiime. lieidehutt‘ulilishedetilleeiiiin.lii'iwisiiiixs Hlm‘l . . ['mH-I-em AwningBussfifijpni Ipedormance/Videm33AndAThird (m HIV/mi“! «MU/(MUM, installation Performance ‘Jldetli Representing the experimental laireed I Revolutions PerMinute i~ast l‘iiiid Kim. Angels, AHVIIS M .ii: lxifi : .l‘.lel l'lllk’llilllllllclll “’ml‘lmN lils‘llcllsssill (iallerV l.2pm. A \ltllL‘lll and eelehratiirs RN“ 9‘ lit 7“ ‘1 Willis ~' i‘l" - a 'i'“ \W Lll‘k‘u“ 'I‘W‘ll"? [NW \llllk“ *“l‘l‘ltlk‘fi l reanaetment til TC\t)lllllUll\. eentrinuiin ' ill‘ll‘w' 1‘ ‘7 ism“

Umls'l' Ills“ llsslsllllfi ’l’TWCW ll “WU illltl the l'TL‘llL‘ll Resolution (fl 17w aniline- I Performance: Ralman lll The Rain \lai; l)”l”r’lli‘llwi- 1 Red Indian resultunder(‘hiel'l‘eeumseh \lel L'illl lht-l mg l‘“ \ ‘l‘i W“ Ilnstallation/Performance/Video: m 1311. gm,,mi_,1_1.a:W. _ :i.-_v;,..i.iiiiii

Angels/MnViISSeanKileiisneandDaniel IInstallation/Pedormance;Drownlnout tingle-this lliL' «ural _'_-i:: iiiil

Reeses. l’ei'liirmanee Spaee 2. Spin. list» i Mchdi Mughudueei 5mm“. 3p,” A inspii line i it \iwiiiiiiiJl :. ili' s Illt'\l

iii .-\meriea's leading; pertiirmanee artists met alter seeing; eaeh utheik sunk in San l’raneiseii last _\ear. lmth has inel‘een aetis e in e\perimental aits sinee the l‘flls. 'l'heii similar e\perienees in(‘athiilie edueatiiin and the Vietnam \\ ar \\ ere the startingpinntstiii' thisthiee-part examination (ll theii ll\ es up in the agent tiirt} . in \shieh the} hiipe tiiempliis ‘spiintaneiius and tree-asstieiatiiin exehange and wild leapsul surreal

diseussiiin iil'ssmhiiisis. .»\re huundaries on freedom a paradiix'ieal neeessit} 1’ ( ‘an lish hreathe in air. or man in \sater‘.’

I lnstallation/Performance/ Video: Naming The Black And Tans/Gents & Phototropic Fever Brian lland. l’erliirmanee Spaee l. 4 ppm. .-\n tiff-heat re-examinatiiin til eertain elementsul lrish histiirythriiugh slides. \ lLlL'U\. liiund iihjeets and text.

I Performance: Sex. Drink And Fast Cars .‘sliehael \l;i_\he\s and Beek} Iidmunds.

lilselllillllll' lll‘l llilL'l; «e.l\k'- I Performance be—Legged Sallyi lllL‘l‘. ‘1 lay. l :31? lx’iit’lx

'lilfii" iiu: ll Ipit

l \ shin“ I: liiirr‘ \l“ liiiiii l‘it'iL'l‘dlll sille' ueiiielettlixl’etti‘sviiizeqw ‘1iitii

lliievr'» <l~ \l i'. ‘see .ll“l

imaginatinn'. l

.Tli( )etiil‘et' “)5”

(iaherLl , 15pm. (‘iineerninicy the ear as

lllt'l l\l li