Chosen by the artist and Douglas I lall. former Keeper of the National (iallery of Modern Art.

I CITY CAFE 1*) Blair Street. Zjuullfi. Mon~Sat noon lam; Sun noon 2.311pm ck (do llprii.

Gavin Evans The ('ity ('afe has recently installed a permanent collection of twenty photographs commissioned frorii professional photographer. (iavin Iiy ans. based on the theme of lidinburgh people. Amongst other projects Iiy ans has prcyioiisly worked for ('1 'l'andSi'oI/rnid on Sunday.

I COLERIOGEGALLERY 4"b(}eorgeStreet. 221113115. Mon- Sat lilamiSRHpm.

Adam Aaronson: New Work l-P2S()ct. New work in glass from this Scottiin based artist.

I COLLECTIVE GALLERY ltiolligh Street. 221112oilfI‘ue—Sat 12.3lL—5.3(1prri. Continual Interference t‘ntil 2s ()ct. Rory Donaldson. who studied in Belfast. exhibitshis photographic-based drawings encompassing themes from the domestic to the universal. including some based on his response to (‘lause 28.

I CRAMOND SCULPTURECENTREMoray llouse College. (‘ramond Road North. 312 61101 ext 222. Sun~Sat lilam—nightfall. Buses to (‘ramond 41 and lb'.

The next exhibition will take place at the begining of November if sufficent funding is found.

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART I.auriston Place. 22‘) 931 l. Mon~Sat lilam- 5pm. iszear Exhibition I'nti131 ()ct. l.astyear's new recruits get a chance to show how they have progressed. in the Andrewtirant (iallery.

I ENGLISH SPEAKING UNION 23 Atholl (‘resccnt.22‘)152H.Mon Sat liiamr-stllpm.

The gallery will be closed until the Christmas watercolourexhibition opensin December.

I FILMHOUSE Lothian Road. 221‘ 2(iSts’. Mon~Sat noon—1 lprn; Sun b.3ll~l lprii. Landforms L'ntil 1H ()ct. Kevin Maclean and Edward Scott. premier their prints in the first of a series ofexhibitionsof photographs called Stills on Tour. Organised by Stills Gallery. the exhibitions will tour smallvenues throughout Scotland. many of which don't normally hold exhibitions.

Abstract Photographs 23 Oct—IS .‘s'ov. Doug Simpson is the featured photographer.

I FINE ART SOCIETY 12 Great King Street. 556113115. Mon—Fri 9.3(1am—5311pm. Sat lliam—lprn

Pictures of Edinburgh tintil 28 ()et. l-‘rom painters and furniture makers based in Edinburgh.

The Nymphenburg Hunt and OtherPorcelain [and 2H()ct. Around l~lllornatepieces from Zelli‘s (iallery in London.


Street. 225 (PM. 'I'ue~I"ri llarn—opm. Sat liiam»1pm.

Scottish Contemporary Artt'iitil i‘tiet. A

selection of work including ink drawings

by Jane lagerton llelrne and pastels by


Charlie Mackesy 17 ()ct 2 NM . 'I‘he widely exhibited artist displayshisIa/zpictures.’ the results of a recent trip to New ()rleans as well as his Beach w atercolours in his

second exhibition at the gallery.

I FRENCH INSTITUTE 13 Randolph (irescent. 22? 53M» Mon I‘Tl

iifiiiam 5.3(ipm.

The next exhibition will be in the latter part of()ctobcr.

Shadow ofa Dream 2li()ct‘111.\'oy.A mixedphotographicexhibitionfeaturing the work of Sy lvain Breth. Christian Boltanski. Annette Messager. Alain

Fleischer. Louis .lammes‘. Philippe Soussan and Philippe Thomas.

I THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY Market Street. 225 2383. Mon—Sat llizirri—5.3(ipm Sun 1—5.31.1pm.

GllllanAyres L'ntil 1‘).\'ov.

A comprehensive selection of her Circular paintingsfrom this highlyregarded

Collective Gallery, Edinburgh. There‘s a lot going on in Rory Donaldson’s pictures. Sometimes too much. Billed as ‘mixed media photographic works' they recall scraperboard technique. His starting

point is colourjumbo prints joined up in

a relreshinglyun-Hockney sort ofway. Drawn images (scratched and bleached ontothe photographs) are superimposed ontothe photograph. Sometimes abstract patterns are cut outoithe pictures.

If there is a weakness it lies with how the artist has gained his effects rather than whathe istrylng to say. Donaldson's pictures workbestwhen they have a strong, central image as in “Urge Wars' —a boy with a net seen in a kind of clear window against the chaos around him.

Donaldson'sworkdefies neat categorisation— abstract, figurative.


expressionist styles collide, often in the same picture. Photography, drawing and montage combine in similarly unexpected ways.

This can worksuperbly as inthe rococo elaboration and witty iconoclasm oi “Keep The Home Fires Burning‘ with its crucifixion and provocatively placed Virgin Mary. Otherpictures give the impression of angry graffiti scrawled on public buildings and monuments.

Attheir most basic, Rory Donaldson's pictures workontwo levels—firstlythe effect ofthe overall composition as seen as a whole, from a distance, then the detail seen close up. His fragmented pictures within pictures, images layered ontop ofotherimages are poetic statements that help map the artist's psychological terrain. (KennedyWilson)

abstract painter w ho has recently been

giy en a special cornriieridaiiori by ilie committee responsible for ayy aiding the

'1 urner l’r'i/e

I GALERIE MIRAGES Raebur ri l’lace..l l \ 2MB Iue Sat 11’ iilalli ~1 ‘flpriibiiri

2 ~1..‘~l|piii. closed Monday s MasterCarverst mil 1 t \t'\ (iiiiaie yyoodcary ing. furniture and ieyyellery from Afghanistan. India and l’akistaii IGALLERY OF MODERN ARTl’it-liord Road.55b\‘121 Mon Sat Illarri 5prri.Suii 2 5pm II)I('afe.

'I'he gallery 's lustly rerrow ricd eare isoperi Mon Sat IliNiam »1 AIIl‘lll..\lll‘i

2.311 7—1.:Ill‘lii. ('r‘carii teas will be ser'y ed from 3 JIFpm.

After the monster effort of exhibiting Scottish Art Since 1‘11 iii. the perriiaiient exhibition returns with the emphasis. not surprisingly. on non—Scottish artists Also throughout ( )ctober‘ and .\'oy erribe r there will be a small exhibition 1 it Frances Hodgkins the New /.ealandaitist

I GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY 1* Scotland Streets.“ b11211 'I'ue I'll lilarri 5prri.Sat Iliam» 1pm.

TouchingNortht'iiii1;“t).i A. photographic exhibition of Andy

(ioldswor‘thy' sculptures. all built out of snow and ice at the North Pole (ioldswor'thy capturesthe diarii iticeffcctsof northern light.

I HANOVER FINE ART 22A I)iiridas Street. <5b21S1 Mon l-r‘i liiaiii 5.311prii;Sat lliam Jprn.

Libby Anderson I'ntil 1T ( )ct trench and Scottish landscapes and still lifes in oils. Marie WIISOTI 1 ‘IltlI 1“ ( )ct Seascapesarid landscapesin pastelsaridoils RecentPaintings:i ( )ct \oy \‘y‘ater'colours arid pastels by l)ay id I’aton and Roberta Merrilees and oilsfrom RtillthLIClllltl.

I HILLSIDE GALLERY 1 lillside St. Show“. lue Sat 1'1 Strain fipm

Artists Abroad I'iitil l»1()ct .A gr'oupof three illustrators present their sketchesof foreign places and people Alistair I Iall has recently returned from a trip I )ow n [rider and his work in mixed media isa response to the great outdoors Roland \VttIIISI Moroccan series 'I.ookirig for liogait'isbascdon obser'yationsoftourists in North Africa whilst lrigy Smith's work is drawn from her rourid-the-woildtrip Station: Home: Planet 1 ‘tiei -1\oy large scale abstract drawings from I)eryk 'l‘hornas l

exhibit representing a particularly

y ear 'I'hc enormous range includes the poignant last letter of Mary Queen of

I ITALIAN INSTITUTE S2 \icolsori Street? oos 2232. .Mori 2 5pm. 'I‘ue ‘Iani - 5pm. Wed2 "pm. 'l‘hursilam 5pm. I‘Tl iiam 2pm. The lntricacies of Nature t‘ntil 3n Nov. \Vatet‘coltiurs and drawings of the'I'uscan environment by Michael /.y w . axScoitish artist Iiy ing in the region.

I KINGFISHER GALLERY .\'orthumberland Street lane. 55“ 5-154. Mon Sat

Iliam sifsllpm.

Two Plus Two l'ntil 14 ( )ct. l‘he riiimbersin the title refer to a parrot sculptors: \‘incent Butler and William l.andles. and a couple of painters: 'l'oni I lutcheson and Andrew l.eppard.

Wildlife Paintings :o :s ( )ct. Darroch I)onald. Derek Robertson. .luliari \oy'orol. lidyyard llassel Mc(‘osh. .lohn Busby and Keith Br‘ockie are amongst the artists showing. All the gallery‘s proceeds are to be donated to the Scottish Society for Prevention of (‘ruelty to Animals.

I MALCOLM INNES GALLERY b" (ieorge Street. 22o4151. Mon~lVrii).3(iam-—hpm; Sat lilam~ 1pm,

lilth and 2f lth (‘entur‘y Scottish landscapes and sporting prints until An Autumn Miscellany 1S~2is ( )ct. Iimma (farter‘. Mo l’ar‘quharson. Andrew Miller Mundy and Maggie Scott have all produced recent works with the emphasis on Miscellany rather than Autumn. as a theme. The exhibition includes sculptures. water'colours and work in terracotta.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND ’I‘he Mound. ifioisil2l Mori- Sat liiarnA-Fpm; Sun 25pm.

El Greco: Mystery and Illumination l mu 15 ( )ct. I‘iiellslllg on the series of l'irbrt/rr paintings. this small exhibition gives usa concentratedcomparative analysrsoflil (ir'eco's masterful use of cliiaroscuro and the effects of candlelight. Also agreat r‘l‘portiiriitl' to see the wonderful l'rew of [()[t'tdfl borrowed from New York's .‘ertropolitari Museum. The next exhibition will be How Prints are Made 2o ()ct— 12 Dec. The exhibition traces the development ofthe priritirigofartistic images from the 15th century to riiorc modern times. Major works are on loan from the liitzwilliam. Ilunterian and the Iiritish Museum and amongst the artists whose techniques will be scrutinised are Rembrandt. (ioya. l’icasso. Manet and Matisse

I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND (ieor'ge1\'13r'idge.22(i4531.Monwliri “Roam 5pm; Sat ‘1._‘~li;irii~1piii: Sun

2pm 5pm.

300 Years 300 Books I'ritil l l .\'oy ember. An exhibition celebratirigthe tci‘centenary of the founding of the National library . w hose origins go back to the establishrrient of the Adyocates‘ library in low l-or‘ each year'of the library‘s existence there w ill be a specific

interesting or' curious acquisition of that

Scots. the ( ititenberg Bible. the War 1)iariesof fail I laig and a IVSS editioriof ()Id King ( 'ole printed in Paisley . officially the smallest book in the world

I NETHERBOW ~13 High Street. 55w“) Mon Sat Iliarri 4._‘~iiprriandeyenings when performances ('afe

Here and There I‘ritil 2S ( )ct. Irigebiorg Smith‘s colourful pictorial diary records her' travels in ( irecce. I’or‘tiigal. Kerry a. India. 'l'harlarid. Malaysia. Australia and Scotland,

I OPEN EYE GALLERY 25 (timberland Street. 552 111211 Mon Ir'i lilam opm. Sat lilam 4pm

French Suite t'iiiil I2()et. l.;ir-ge.holtf. mainly figiiratiy e work in oils by Robert


Campbell Gordon and Fiona Shelton 1 "mil 1: ()ct Work in glass

Bettina Starke l‘ntil 2 Noy, liboriy inlaid withsin er" is ariiorigst the bold geometric

piecesori display Rob Fairley: Recent Works 14 t )ct lfs'oy D 1)etarled figure studies and landscapes

iii; BEE—13375 5 {SEE i use 57