The List guide to what's best on the box overthe next lortnight


l Eye to Eye: On the Ropesi ltltt ‘3)

>~ \ Fllpttt I IN’I\ wt'I\ tttL'xt‘ttpL'wtt IIIL' llhtlhlLLL‘lIIL'III \ttIL' wt Intuit: l\ UllL‘ttI IIIL' I‘III.III\L'IILl‘IIIIIL'IL'kI In

L'\'( illlllllwll‘.\L'.lIIIl plt.ttttpiwtt \tgt'I IIL'tttt .ttttI Itlnk L‘llIlL'l‘lL'lIL'lll .'\lllI‘ltt\L‘ \Itttttlx .ts IIIL'\ ttx tw Muck ttttw IIIL' I‘tt\lll_L' L‘\I.II‘II\IIIIIL‘III

I The Law OI Love t ( 11 I \ ‘lpttt. I Ito Il!\[ wt tuwthL'tttttL'tttttttwwtt tItL'uwt'wat ('Itt'txttttti \KI'I Iu't .I.ILI\IC I’ttIItttL'L‘t itllltllIL' lllllI\l\‘\ ttt I thtu IV tttg‘x \\ itIIL‘kI ( ‘tt_\ Lt LIL‘II wl \ igL' \Il ‘llIIII.tIL‘tI It} Il\L‘ 'I ll.ttI

lUnderAlrican Skies: Zimbabwetltltt'ji ‘l. Ill lll ,‘llpttt. I IlL‘ \L'I ILN wit the music

tlIItI \‘llIIlllL' wl tItL‘ .\tt tL‘tttt L‘lllIIIIIL’III \L‘IIIL‘\

wti IIIL‘ LtlIIIIIl\ \xIthc llttl\lL' Imx IIItILIL'IIIL' I‘lL’fJL'\I lllll‘ttL‘I wtt IIlL‘ \le l\\ ttIt tItL‘ [ttl\\lI‘IL'L'\LL‘I‘Ilttllt‘I SwittIt .-\tttL'.tl\\ttIt IxttttIs III\L' I IIL' IIIttttttItt Iiwtx I0mnibus:ArtintheThirdReichtltltt‘li 1w jw t] jwpnt IIIL' Ill\I tutth IIll\()Hlll!/’1l\I‘-‘.H*}‘.tlIL‘l l\.lI\ttIttI‘L‘ IillltttIL.t\I ttt t 1"lll‘..tlt‘. .ttttI I IwII.ttttI tth;t_\ . .IIIkI lL'\L‘.tI\ twt lIlL‘ Ill\I lllllL‘ \tttL‘L' I‘MFIIIL' gwtttL-tttswt lItL-t tl\Iitllt\ \\.tlL‘IIt)II\L'Ill \IIIIIIL'IIAI‘MI tit; \tttt_\ \Ittxctttttxttt IIIL'I‘I\III\II tlIIkI \\.t\Itttt§;twtt


l Stolen Childhood l( 11in SH "pm. .-\\.t Itntt tip tw I In ( 'wtt\ L-ttttwtt wtt IIlL‘ RIL‘Ilh wt IIIL'( IllItI. tw It; IILIIII‘ILWI In my I '\ lll I>cpctttlwz _ .l \l’\ txttt lIlIL‘l IIIIIIUIIAI

gw I‘lllkIllL'Iltlllt‘lI L'IttItItL'tt .tt'thxtItL'

\Nltl \‘. Ilt‘ Il‘\L' [XIII HI IIIL‘II Il\L‘\ [ttttItll\L‘. L‘\.[‘Il‘!IttIIl‘II.IIIIIIItttI/tIIIHII.(II\L‘.I\C.L"‘L‘II

lDanceInternationaltltltt j.

\ It1 ‘I 'I‘ttttt \ IIII‘IL' IttIth \kttlIx\Ilttlll the I lIlIn’tI \IIIIL'\. lllL'IllkIIllfl \tt I tL'tIL‘ttt'n .\~Itlwtt \tItxxtt‘ \lwrzwtwrtr'x l/l I‘ltD). Ill 'wIttLIt \t'v. \ wt‘kx lettp‘. I$.tIIL't tIattuuts lItwtt:'I: ‘ll IIIL' \th tits lthIL' tttttxtpwl I llI\ \tIlL'


‘l l" ‘l \ltt‘m I ll\I«lIL‘1L'ItI ttt.t\L'ttL-\'lltttl


.xxttit ’tttgtIttt tttwttttwt< ttt plow It'm ,\II\II.IIItt t‘IkI IttI‘tlI‘. t Il\_' ltwtn-s \ttttItwtittot

IIIL‘ xxwtlt‘.

I\)II\\Itt. .\tttt-t it'll .ttttI gwth

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lTheNuttHousetltltt :l‘l "I It1 -1lI}‘llt

\ILI IItww'm l\ t-xgtttttxp t‘twtlttt't't wl IIIl\

ItlIP. \Iit".\\ *ll Iii;


\L'IIL"-.'tluIlIth pipitztgtpLtttwtig.\xtétttwtrttst'thtx I\.1\II \I;\I\_I.II\\IIIILVI IIKLI I'itnf'.

IRed King.Whtte NIghIt\wllt\t1I

7" "'l‘tll If .‘\t:t, Iw:t:\I.L'tttlt..\I.t‘-. \wt: \utika. II\ I. l. \Ittht: .ttitt thtt IIL'II 31.43.13. owl ll‘. If1l\ \ttt' lf1ttIIt: .t'

ll.i : A t: \l: v.t'::\ ,‘lv

ttt.ttt tIIIkI I Ittzxm I’\t‘IIII.tII. \‘.Itw ll‘t IItwwIX/ltg/t

“II I“ ‘IlllL.tI w.II.II~.tI\\‘1\\1[}111“[1$‘ll“


l Hindi Urdu Bol Chaal ltltt 1~

54 IIlL‘I l\l I“ :ttUL’ltlItL‘l I‘JNI

Ill :5 Ill .‘Mtttt \IIL'II ( tttt‘t.t drift SIIIIIIIIIIKWIJIIL‘H\L’llL'\t‘l1IIILItlEL'IIIILILN wt ItttIt.t .ttttI I)ttI\I\IttlI lIlL' Ill\I Illllt'lflq III“ Itttx LILWL'Il‘I‘L‘kI .t tt:.tjw: \g: tt'xwt. L'ttlllllllllIlH IIIIIiIItII'\‘\ lArtoltheWesternWorldit 1,: 2 \l't‘fl‘. .-\ti thtI IllllL' \le lwt IIll\ I \ i‘tl t \t rigs \xlttL'It trams IIIL‘ Ill\lt‘l \ wt \\ q\l\‘l l‘. .tzt lt‘wttt(‘Itt\\tt‘.tI \ttttt;:ttt. lw I’tt\I-,\ItttIL‘llII\III.Li‘lhltIL‘lllILTIIlL' l‘tL'\L‘llIL‘l l\ the tttctltttIttltlmI Ittttt~. it Ittxlwtv\ItL‘ \watI lAnswering Backit ~1| 1 tit


.thtttt.tIt\t .ttttI Ittw.ttIg.1\tpt \I.t: \ tiwIttz ll‘._'

ptt'wttlm'tuItt [Tlilglttlllllt.'\ III \|. Ittt I: \:t \I‘L‘ttI\\ IttMllllL‘ wt lIt; lllt‘\l [w M o t t;tI

pcwplc lll IIllI.tlll IlttId‘v .ttttwttc t‘n-ttt

\tL'L‘II .t\\\ttll. \tt IlpttxxlIt-tztIt-txwt: t1: ('It.tttttt.tttwtI('I.\tt IL‘tt'1tt\\th\. ('Ittttt'tttttttwt I thttx Iltttirt .ttttI. twt:t.i3‘.'.

Rlllk'll \IIIILII‘L'II lEquinox2WheelsolWarit 1 ' “I‘ll \' L'\.tllllll.tlltlll wt IIIL' win lIlt. \Illil\lil INK-nunIIttttttttklut'antintw'ttgmt ttI‘ttIIII‘Itlx'llllllt'II\IItlltI'~\.t1\’. tII\I\.\I‘.. prtttL‘t.ttt\p.ttt't Rt-ptttftct! IItlIItI‘l ttt» IIlL'tIL‘.tI\


" I; ‘l ‘llttttt Ix‘ttltutlil IL.lII.I“VIItlIII.l‘I Lwtttxt'.\t.tttttt;'tttlItL' IIIIIIIIIIIII. tzwrtttIx \ItthtL'tIthutt lrw1tt I'lItwttts'u

lScreen One: the Mountain and the MOIBhIII Wit '1" , ‘ttrtt \Itt'tttpl


lIIIlIIL'IILIIIIIIIIDILK .ttt-rt‘ta \lthttt:

\_I1tt'\ :u‘.x.tI _\ :\l 311‘,

ll‘;\.\ll;' IttxtthsuwttI IIItlI \ \‘t‘\I\“\‘~t'l«.I‘- I’m \qliwt: tl‘ .tt l'.l tI ll‘tLItIL‘lII

lThe LastGulag ltllt kw is

Ill 1llttrtt Il \{JI‘ lw: li:t\I :\.-t:t'It ltIttt gtL-‘A tw :‘L‘l l‘L‘lll‘thl 'l lw IlIIl‘. tttxtttp IIIL‘ I.t\I wl IIIL I \\I{\Iit~mt: _ ttttt

Iml Itth that \IltI

IKI :t‘..ttt.t::_ «I lw\.x.ttt~.'I;

wtl.l‘I\lp.thv-l _'~.y.‘.ltt1tt;litm.‘.\.tt:l;tI lw it twttf l't. tt.'. t 1"‘.‘I.lll'.fl't\'\ttit‘lIlI\I Izhx'th

llheHearlollhelVlatter;ltltt Il

“' Int: IIWILI.iII\I‘..l‘»lLI\I

'u'fllU LC. Ill\I .w'ttzlz’. ttt tItL‘ \\.thtIlw ‘-,.t.tI:tt ttttttvt'x _Iw.ttt


I'$.t}.t‘.‘. .‘II t; ttt-Is 134 it

wttl t;xl‘.I)it‘t».:l ittletut:IKttl'mlItp (31:0. tt‘l a:w;.t tII‘».wt2«wllItt'lttsl

i. It zit 1': I\*.:1\I.tltwtt_.wui'. lfll lI.‘ Hit“. ':: ttti.t;'g.tttti

L: The South Bank

t. t I.‘_lI\.'Il SIIOI’V“\W‘IIl\Ill

in. . utzttwt Itttlpltttttwttp " t'\wllI\\-tt I‘: I~:t:_':.' ll.\ ‘lI- III\IL'I\".I‘~'tl.tI .txtlw'tt~n't.tttjz'.. lI. fit lI ~ tllI\IIIIl‘.‘.IIII\L‘I‘.I\ \ /~l I'1:ttt».::tttt~~tt it '~‘-IIIl‘l‘IttI|\L‘

.MUSBIC‘III’II "I. II “pit: \tth‘.



figxm v ,.

Comedy writers Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran. who have had big hits with ‘The New Statesman' and 'Shine On Harvey Moon'. have double reason to uncork the champagne in the first week ol this fortnight—two series they have written make their debuts on consecutive nights.

Firstly. at 8.30pm on Monday 16 on BBC1 . starts “Birds ol a Feather'. starring Pauline Ouirke (whom viewers will also remember lrom ‘Shine On Harvey Moon') and Linda Robson. They play Sharon and Tracy, sisters whose

rootsliein London's Ponder'sEnd. but who nowleadveryditterentlilestyles. Sharon with herlayabouthusbandina run—downtowerblockandTracyina luxuryhomewithindoorswimming pool.

The sisters are broughtback together. though. whenboththeir husbands are lockeduptoraseries of armed robberies.

"Snakes and Ladders. starting at 9pmthelollowing nightonCd. hasa similarlycontrasting pairintheleading roles. ltissetin1999. whentrade unions and clean waterareathing ol the past. and there are no barriers lelt inEurope—exceptthatis. in Britain. whereaborderseparatestheallluent southlromtheimpoverished north.

Noprizeslorguessingwhichsides AdrianEdmondson andJohn Gordon Sinclairhaillrom. Butwhenthe all—powerlulcomputerconlusestheir identities 'Brazil'—sty|e. both are placed in situations and environments they havea hardtimegettingtogrips with.

WhetherSinclairwillseethe broadcastis uncertain*atthe moment he'slilmingasix-part series called ‘YourCheatin' Heart alongside Tilda Swinton. and as a new show lrom the creator of ‘Tutti Frutti'. John Byrne. it's almostcertainto beahit. (Alastair Mabhott)

\‘Il\\ lw: I‘Iut'ln [‘twt‘It ti: I‘Iill tII. l“. ~.l\ lI\IHt‘l\ ttit lt‘Ill\ II ': stilz'. ’III“II‘.l\ twtttzlzt. lw: \.l\I ittttttfl :xwl tx‘wt‘It ll It I, I‘tt\\\'II‘.'\'l\I‘L'Ili,‘leiIIIIiL' Iglttxt lI gitttx lintt‘. ttItttt-wtttw lTheWorldtiamesrt ili‘ w ‘\_.:t. IIIL’I"\"\\~‘1Itf(t.tIY1_"\l\Ii\'I‘Ill1

I\ III\IllI‘.L' III the Ix’Ittt t" \ .tIlt \. .tt.tit p-ttttt‘ttwttwl\t‘wzlthttItItttxytft‘ugit tigtt-t‘lptIttttwlitt'l >I\:ttt‘tqut vtt‘rt l*'ttttItIttt:'.ttt«I' ‘-'t~'t~ I.lII“I"‘tlII I‘IU'Wl'wlltxtti i.‘ IIItIIIp.

\i‘!ll\'lI'. “ttt Mattthw tt'l :' 'l 'lil'at’tIlil‘ \Illlll III\I\~I'

‘.til‘.( ttIu

.ttttIIIt.t:tluw‘ 1"» l‘, wutltIt

l'. tin t‘le

Iillt‘IlIlttIlllllt t. ’«r'

lOpenAirl ltltt iwt ll‘

t} ‘yl‘th

HI I“ ttwwtt \ ttt-w Ilg‘ wl ltu'tl.i*.ltt IttsgAt‘twgutztmtt“mitt-i;t'tt t‘ttwt Ll ltvltttxt lttpt: \l'» .t“w;tl '.‘.I‘. ilk wt: INC‘w‘x \t'v. l‘l.' «t'tilt't- l tI Will I1ttttitlwztI.:tttI

I.t‘.li\'II'\IlI1"\‘lliIIT\'I\ :Il‘.

IKIITOYIIIIIa’l Il" Ill L'l.t:tt \tzqv. :ttwrsstutttw‘twtt\Itw'tlti'tt.w..-Itlt


twt \tttwwltttp.ttztltwtttutit IxtItw ttttt\.t\t-\wtttttiwt \wt: Ill‘\\|1ltIltt,'llL'\I‘~ lDaytime Livetltltt ;: m if, (HIIII‘ILIIIIL’ lz't .t_tt.t:t:t' IwwI. vitxqt-mit III“ .lII Ilill~.‘- [tailttttttz'l ttII.I.:t:\i\‘.. let ti;\tittwt'.

\\ t'\Ii‘ll. \Itt't‘. n-I I’mII ttII\II ll ‘I.l

\I\( .tzlttc‘.\'.t':x l.I.lI.t IJapan:Live Perlormanceit 1~


Ilttztt 'ttztftitt'ftt thttyt illtlih Iw'l».\w\It .ttItttjt «ztttzitmtttt .tIIXUTII“ Iét't‘tqt‘ IILKI lw: Mil!” t‘zrttxwtt lfit xvtII

ITheOuietDuellt «m: ., win \At: lI\III “~.l"-‘-,l \ :\ \wI‘ lI" 'tlLtI

tintttitthIx .tzrttm' \ “I. ‘. is attzitiivxiztlt ., I. it .t'ttt TL'.lII\\'\I‘.\'\\tI'I.t ._' iTIIttIf‘.I‘7\II.' I‘t\l',,tt.‘.tt: it Iw t \th l"

IGOIdtl 1 f 5 ,‘ 1‘111. I" IIIVIA‘INI'K

.tltt.;. lII\

\wt: txwt‘Ip .‘.}::t‘:.t\.t at» If 'plf :\ lift :t.t l.I .l\ ttzwttll

\wzttttiitttytht‘ttltltlxitch. thli‘. I\.l\

\\I.\ x '.‘-.".t tun. \ .t\.l I‘;\'III.IIKI\\II.'III'-‘\II‘ tIlM \ it 2‘. Illl‘tlllIttlllll‘.\\.lI.‘~ Ir'tt

I Inside the Brotherhood

.zlt ‘l‘fll Iztt.~.tti ~::.tIt TillIIl t: II“:t:.t\wt:\:'w;ttttia: l.:_ :ttt. lTheSearchlortheMarcosMillions iIIIIl Vt \ Wt 't‘. I: :it;.': I" It'ttitttutmt‘\I.t:.w\ ttt}: l‘~;‘t~ :tttt It It lI 'IIfil mm H IIII.«I txl.i‘.ttl?IlI\lI If wt:\Itt:tw~ wtlttttIstItz'. ' l-\ :; l4Whatlt‘sWorth t 1w w ’l“:'. I3, Il‘I\\II\‘~I‘III.\'\\‘I‘\.IYII :t‘: ‘_':.t::::t:. i‘ttl wl ‘llI‘. Iu'.l' twt}: tzt.:r;t ~- Tull :. w lTheBandungFile t '. My»: ,‘ltuttxlx \ llww: twt :r‘ Iwyttttttttg lI\ Ill‘t tI u‘flw Witt at x ii‘,‘ i‘iIIIII\I\IL ‘.\|II'. limitt'ztt w"): I lit: It*I’IIIIIL \Ililhlp" .. .t: I‘LII‘ It It‘s } \IW '\ t' t'ttli‘ "it II II